Inheriting the Virgin

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Inheriting the Virgin Page 3

by Joanna Blake

  “You got this, Mike?”

  He gave me a thumbs-up and went back to unloading the shipment of hay we’d just received. Most of it went in the barn, where we brought the cattle during serious weather. Some went to the stables for the horses. Mike knew how to sort it out, so I wasn’t too worried.

  I had my mind on a hot shower, a glass of whiskey and some grub.

  Hell, yes, being the boss definitely had some perks.

  Not that I wouldn’t trade it all to have Hank back. The old man was family to me, or the nearest I’d ever had. I knew the men liked and respected me, but it wasn’t the same. I wouldn’t call them friends, per se.

  For some reason, the image of that pretty filly niece of Hank’s popped into my head. For a split second I had a crazy thought. That I’d give it all up to have someone like her by my side. I’d give up every bit of land. Hell, I might even give up my horse.

  But it didn’t matter a lick. She didn’t like me. And besides, there was no one like her.

  Bossy, a little bit bitchy, and so gorgeous a man didn’t mind. Hell, I wouldn’t mind if she got all shrill and pinch-lipped on me again. I wouldn’t mind her yammering about this or that. As long as she smiled once in a while. I thought of a lot of ways I would like to make her smile.

  I shook my head, wondering for the hundredth time if I’d ever see her again. She’d been on my mind more than I was ready to admit, even to myself. I’d decided that if she didn’t fulfill her part of the will, I was going to make sure she got her share of the money and any family heirlooms lying around. I’d save up and buy out her half if she didn’t want the bother. Hank would want that. And there was some good handmade oak furniture that Hank’s grandfather had made. Rustic, but beautifully made. Sturdy too. Plus the old photographs and a few quilts that had been in the family forever.

  It was the right thing to do.

  Plus, I wouldn’t mind if a hot piece like that thought of me kindly now and then.

  Hopefully, she’d think of me when she was alone. Maybe when she was in the shower. With the shower nozzle pressed up against her body as she cried out in ecstasy... Yeah, that sounded just fine to me. I’d seen the hot flare of lust in her baby blues that she tried to cover up with her sharp tongue. She’d tried to hide the chemistry between us.

  Tried and failed.

  I wasn’t fooled for a hot minute.

  She wanted me. I flexed my muscles and rubbed my hand down to my cock to give it a squeeze. It had been a long time since I’d had a woman, but I had never had any complaints. So yeah, I knew when a woman wanted me and Kate did.

  Hell, how could she not?

  I was grinning as I came round the corner of the house.

  What in God’s good name was I seeing?

  Kate’s beat up old truck was out front. That wasn’t what pissed me off though. Bull was smiling at her like a fool.

  And she was smiling back. A friendly, open, sexy smile. Damn if I didn’t see her flutter those pretty eyelashes of hers!

  They were… flirting.

  No. No, no, no, no.

  Hell, no.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Her eyes widened when she saw me. She lifted that stubborn chin of hers and glared at me.

  “Moving in, what else?”

  I smiled, looking her up and down. The rain had made her blue plaid button down shirt cling to her curves. It wasn’t see through, unfortunately, but it was so thin I could see her hard little nipples. Her wet hair clung to her cheeks and shoulders.

  Oooyeee, the girl looked good wet.

  Yep, I was definitely going to be imagining her in the shower later tonight. I realized I was in for it, living under one roof with temptation was going to keep me rock hard and aching.

  “Bull was just helping me move in.”

  Without taking my eyes off Kate, I took the boxes from Bull’s arms.

  “Well, he’s off duty.”

  “I don’t mind,” Bull muttered under his breath. I heard the insistent tone in his voice. He was staking a claim.

  Hell, no, he wasn’t.

  I finally looked at him, warning him off with the steely look in my eyes. His smile faded and he looked nervously at Kate, then back at me. I didn’t look away, determined to make it crystal clear that he should move on.

  “I said, you are off duty.” I turned and smiled at her, being real friendly like. “But I am here to serve.”


  “Goodnight, Bull.”

  Bull cleared his throat.

  “‘Night, boss. Night, Miss Katie. It was real nice meetin’...”

  I gave him a little nudge out of the way with my shoulder and nodded toward the house. “Get the door for me?” She dragged her heels, trying to look over my shoulder, but I put a stop to that. I knew what was best, and I would make sure she knew it as well.

  Once we were both inside, I said, “You go sit by the fire now.”


  “Go dry off.” I grinned. “Or better yet, take a hot shower. Bathroom is upstairs and to the left. I’ll get your stuff.”

  “I know where the bathroom is.”

  “I’m sure you do.” I tipped my hat to her. “Oh and Kate?”


  “Don’t flirt with the staff, it confuses them.”

  “I was not flirting!”

  “Whatever you say, ma’am.”

  I turned my back and went back to her truck, pretending to ignore the huffy sounds of outrage she made behind me. The truth was, I was enjoying myself more than I had since… well, ever.

  Ten minutes later and all her stuff was inside. She didn’t exactly travel light but her supermarket boxes and beat up old luggage didn’t scream high maintenance either. I wondered where she planned on bedding down. I’d had my eye on Hank’s room but it had seemed disrespectful to move on in, especially so soon.

  Anyway, my room was fine. The master just had a little more space and a view of the crabapple tree in the back. There were two other, unoccupied bedrooms upstairs, so, hopefully, she’d grab one of those.

  Maybe even the one right next to mine. That could be fun. I could listen to her getting dressed. Even better, I could listen to her getting undressed. I’d bet fifty dollars I could tell the difference between lace and cotton, even through the wall.

  “Think I’ll make some grub! You want me to bring some of this up first?”

  No answer. I shook my head and grabbed two suitcases, carrying them up the stairs.

  I heard the shower turn off and froze. I was in the middle of the hallway when she appeared. Wet, naked skin peeked out above and below her towel. She stared at me, and I stared at her.

  “What are you looking at?”

  I grinned at her aggravated tone.

  “I just brought some of your things up. But seeing how good you look without clothes, I’m thinking that was a bad idea.”

  “Ugh, don’t be gross.”

  “Nothin’ gross about what I’m thinking.”


  She sounded unimpressed. I dropped her bags and stepped closer. She stepped back. So I stepped in again, until I was inches away.

  Her cute little behind bumped into the wall behind her. I watched, fascinated as a droplet of water rolled down her throat and disappeared into the delicious looking cleavage above the edge of her towel.

  “Yes, really.” I placed my hands on the wall behind her. “What I am imagining is perfectly natural.”

  I leaned over her, so close I could kiss her with minimal effort. But I didn’t. I wanted her dreaming about me tonight. The kind of dream that made you wake up with damp sheets and a raging libido.

  “You really can’t help yourself, can you?”

  My smile widened. I had her right where I wanted her. She might think she was mad, but she wasn’t.

  She was hot for me. I could tell by the breathy sound of her voice. The way her lips parted. The way her pupils dilated so wide that they looked nearly bl

  “Birds do it. Bees do it.” I winked. “And I know the squirrels do it. Those suckers are loud.”


  She wanted me to kiss her.

  I pushed away and smirked.

  “I’m making dinner. Just wanted to see if you were hungry.”

  She blinked at me, clearly stunned by the change in conversation.


  “Food will be ready in about twenty. Nothing fancy.”

  I winked.

  “I hope you like mac and cheese.”



  This filthy cowboy had some nerve, talking to me that way. And that stare. He practically bore a hole right through my towel with those eyes. They studied me, inspected me, assessed and sized me up while undressing me with those hazel pools of lust. Inch by heat-searing inch, he ate me up with his stare, as though I was a piece of meat, just there for his enjoyment.

  I hated it.

  But somehow or another, my body didn’t.

  It was lit up, on fire from his attention.

  I just wished that my body would get on board with what I’d been thinking. But no, every pore on my skin reacted to his gaze, to the heat radiating off of his body as he’d gotten so very close to me. My lips had parted, they themselves wanting to taste whether his mouth on mine would have a similar effect. My nipples, had raised and hardened to pebbles under the towel.

  And deep in my belly, a sensation I’d never felt before had been called to life. It was hot, intense, and so unexpected, that when James moved closer and seemed to want to kiss me, I’d clamped my thighs shut to make the ache stop. It didn’t subside when he’d walked away. No, the electrifying rush of sensation ramped way up, and my hands were so tempted to grip his shirt and keep him close.

  Close enough to kiss.

  Close enough to touch.

  Close enough to beg for more.

  Which was why the smartest thing I could ever have done was retreat to the bedroom I’d picked out, throw on some clothes, lock my door, and sleep away whatever drug was coursing through me.

  The clothes part was a cinch. I found a pair of yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt in one of the suitcases James had brought upstairs. I didn’t find any panties, though, so I searched the second suitcase. When I came up empty, I knew I’d end up going back downstairs for at least one or two of the plastic containers waiting where I’d left them.

  Panty-free sleeping in a strange bed, with James in a nearby bedroom? No. That was tempting fate. For tonight, I needed that extra layer of a barrier between me and the rest of this place.

  I glanced over at my cat, Peyton. He had been curled up on the armchair near the window. As soon as I stepped into my yoga pants, he jumped down. Tail high in the air, he came over to me and rubbed his torso along one pants leg.

  “You’re settling into that chair real nice,” I told him. “Do you like it here, Pey?” His muffled purr sounded happy to me. And he hadn’t clawed a thing while I was in the shower. Those were good signs. “I’d better take care of setting up your water and food bowls. Oh, and your litter bin. I’ll get right on soon as I cover up my own little kitty with some panties.”

  Pulling the t-shirt over my head, I straightened it out on my torso and took the stairs down to the foyer. James was cooking. The place smelled amazing. Gosh, I was so hungry too, from all the packing and the trip up here. And why did this moment feel so much like it had happened before? Thinking back to the last visit to my uncle years ago, I remembered why. Uncle Hank used to say that country air did magic for a person’s appetite. I could almost hear his voice as I got to my belongings. Almost smelled his favorite dish, grilled T-bone steak with a cheesy macaroni and mushroom casserole and steamed garden vegetables on the side.

  “You should eat something,” James said from the kitchen doorway down the hall as I reached the boxes we’d brought in.

  “I’m not so sure I should be in the same room with you,” I said honestly, though my stomach was saying something different. “From the stuff you just said upstairs, and how you acted, I’m not even sure we should be under the same roof.”

  A smile played at his lips. “Relax. I don’t bite...unless you ask real nice.” He turned and headed back into the kitchen, adding, “I hope you’re hungry. I made lots.”

  He had to be way more than just a decent cook, to make simple mac and cheese smell so good. Maybe he knew my uncle’s recipe. I found myself following the irresistible aroma into the kitchen and to his side, forgetting all about sought after panties, and supplies for Peyton as James scooped up a large spoonful of his cuisine and dropped it into one of the two bowls on the counter.

  “Now that you mentioned it, maybe a little.” My stomach roared from hunger just then. I couldn’t even try to mask it, either. He was less than a foot to my right. He had to have heard the sound. “Maybe a lot...I’ve only had coffee this morning, if you can call that food.”

  “Let me fix that right now. Have a seat at the table over there. Sit anywhere you’d like,” he told me, adding another heaping spoonful to the first dish.

  “All right. Thanks.”

  “Would you like anything to drink besides water? There’s beer, orange juice, and soda in the fridge.”

  “Water’s fine, thanks.”

  Setting down the serving spoon, he quickly went to the fridge door. From this spot on the chair I caught a long glimpse of his backside. Those cheeks were toned, tight, and filled out his jeans like nothing I’d seen before.


  There was also the question of that navy blue apron he was wearing. I’d noticed it when he got to the table with a can of beer and a bottle of spring water. The thing must’ve been handmade. Fringe hung from the top of the panel over his chest. Cowboy style fringe.

  On his return to the stove, he moved so smoothly. Like he’d done it a thousand times. Which got me to thinking.

  “You spent a lot of time with my uncle, didn’t you?”

  “Sure I did. He was my boss, and he treated all his long-time workers like more than just people on his payroll.”

  “You didn’t just move in over the last couple of days, did you?” I asked.

  He brought over the two bowls, lowering one onto the place setting in front of me, and the other at the head of the table for eight.

  “What makes you think that?”

  I shrugged. “Just a hunch.”

  He popped the tab of his beer can and took a seat. “I’m no stranger to this kitchen, if that’s what you’re really asking.”

  He didn’t sound ready to give me a straight answer, and honestly, I was too tired, and too famished to care. I was also downright grateful not to be on my feet and to have a meal in front of me, made without any effort on my part. So I dropped the probing questions.

  “Thank you for this food...and the drink,” I said to him, and dug in.

  “It’s no trouble at all.”

  I felt his stare as I ate. No, I wasn’t eating, I was inhaling one scrumptious forkful after another, cheeks resembling those of the squirrels as they gathered nuts to save for later. But I didn’t stop and didn’t eat more ladylike.


  Not even when James left the table and returned with another bowl with more food.

  “Eat up.” He placed the bowl beside the one I was almost finished eating.

  I devoured that bowl too, and thankfully, when it was empty, I was stuffed.

  “Whoa, that was so good,” I hummed. “Thanks for the meal.”

  “Anytime at all.”

  “I should do the dishes and neaten up the kitchen.”

  “No need,” he answered, clearing the table before I could insist more strongly.

  “It’s no trouble at at all,” I tried again.

  He shook his head. “You look way too beat to stand for much longer. Go on up. Get some rest.”

  “All right.” Peyton came to mind as I got to my feet. I loved my little tabby, but ex
haustion was setting in. I groaned. “Can I have another few bottles of water for my room?”

  “Sure,” he answered.

  “Thanks. Well, good night.”

  “Sleep tight, little lady.”

  Taking the water with me, I found the pet supply bin among my stuff in the foyer. I stood there for a few minutes, looking around at the open concept living and dining room on one side of the main floor, then to the study and family room on the other side. Everywhere I looked bought back memories of Mom and me visiting my uncle.

  Like the fireplace. Whenever we came to see him around Thanksgiving or Christmas, Uncle Hank would lean an elbow on a spot on the mantle, warming up his cold bones as he and Mom caught up on life or joked about their childhood. And the study. My uncle would wedge open the windows in there whenever he settled into a well-worn leather chair for a smoke of his pipe.

  Even the spot beside the front entrance reminded me of the times he’d walk in the door, kick off his tan colored Anderson Bean boots, slide his Stetson onto the hat rack, and slap his thighs to summon me into his arms for a big old bear hug.

  Standing here brought it all home. There’d be no more hugs waiting for me at the front door. No more chances to see him puff out a ring of smoke above his head, or tap the tobacco ashes of his pipe into the ashtray. He was with my mother now.

  I let out a sigh, blinking back the emotion as I took the box of Peyton’s things up to my room. I could hardly keep my eyes opened as I filled Peyton’s water dish, dumped a cupful of dry cat food in the other bowl, and got his litterbox ready.

  Then I crashed on the bed.

  Everything else could wait until tomorrow.

  The house felt quieter, emptier when I stood outside my bedroom door the next morning. And boy did my back ache. All that rushed packing and loading up my truck with help only from Riley-Ann, well I was sure feeling the soreness.

  A note from James at the top of the stairs confirmed he wasn’t around.


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