Inheriting the Virgin

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Inheriting the Virgin Page 5

by Joanna Blake

  Taking a brief shower, I wrapped myself in my bathrobe without thoroughly drying off and hurried back to my room for my phone charging on one night stand. A droplet of water fell from my hair as I tapped out a short text message to Riley-Ann.

  Me: Hey, you up?

  While I waited for an answer, I put on another nightgown and couldn’t help but smile. My other nightgown. What he’d done to it was beyond sexy. It was lying in shreds, strewn around on the floor of the rugged, rough sleeping beast’s room down the hall. I crawled in between the sheets on my bed, closing my eyes. But exhaustion caught up with me while I waited for Riley-Ann’s reply.

  Exhaustion and arousal, and reliving every salacious second of my time in James’s bed followed me as I drifted off to carnal, sinful dreams.

  I didn’t hear back from my best friend for three days. By then, James and I had gone from sleeping together that one night, to completely avoiding each other, to butting heads over what type of contribution I’d make on the ranch, then back to dead silence. The only upside was that we’d settled on my helping out with the books, ordering supplies, and the administrative side of the business. I’d always been a quick study with numbers. It also didn’t take rocket science to see that James hated any type of work that trapped him behind a desk. He was happier in the great outdoors than being a desk jockey, and while I did like me some fresh country air and wasn’t about to shy away from the physical demands of owning a cattle ranch, I was no natural cowgirl. I could barely ride a horse straight, let alone steer cattle while on one.

  I just wished he hadn’t become so cold toward me, literally overnight.

  He’d become like ice after the hottest night of my entire life.

  I couldn’t understand what had changed.

  Well, actually I could.

  I’d seen a look in his eyes the first time he saw me after I’d slept with him. It felt like regret, but I didn’t have enough time to read into the expression on his face because he’d turned away so fast. The look was more like a glance and that was the problem. For whatever reason, he wouldn’t maintain eye contact with me under any circumstances. I didn’t know if I’d said something or done anything at all, other than the fact that we’d slept together without protection. I reckoned it could also be that I was the woman he’d taken a V-card from. Maybe he was a virgin in that respect too. I was his first virgin or something.

  It could also be this God-awful working and living arrangement with a complete stranger was too much to handle for more than a couple of days. We were both adjusting to that. Or maybe, all three facts together in concert: taking my virginity, doing so without a condom and having to cohabitate, made the whole situation unbearable for him.

  By the time Riley-Ann sent me a text, I was flummoxed, frustrated, lonely from not having anyone to talk to, and wound up sexually. I was also in no mood to share all these feeling by text message. Leaning back in my chair in the main floor office, I switched to my phone app and called her instead.

  “Hi, Kate,” she drawled. “Before you get your panties in a bunch, I’m really, really sorry for not texting back, but I have a good reason.”

  “Oh my God, girl. I was worried sick about you,” I admitted. “Is everything all right?”

  “I’m fine now. Long story.” Her tone was clipped and her voice seemed weighted down by something.

  “Well, I’ve got time, so spill, lady.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it, Kitty,” she said in what sounded like a muffled whisper.

  “Not ready? Girl, we’ve known each other too long to keep secrets. You sound really stressed. Just tell me.”

  “How about you tell me why my phone lit up at three in the morning with your text the other night?”

  I huffed out a breath. “I know you’re trying to change the subject, woman.”

  “Is it working?”

  I shook my head. “Not one bit, but since I’ve been dying to talk to someone, and since you’re being all hush hush about whatever could’ve kept you from talking to your bestest friend in the whole wide world for three whole days...”

  “Will I help my case if I were to tell you how much I missed that whiny tone of voice of yours?”

  “No,” I said, letting out a laugh. “So… you ready for my update?”

  “That I am, Kitty.”

  “I did it,” I confessed.

  “Did what?”


  A few moments passed as I waited for Riley-Ann to respond. The line was eerily silent.

  I opened my mouth to spell it out and announce that I was a virgin no more, but before I could, a male voice on Riley-Ann’s end of the line barked out some orders about some report he needed from her, stat.

  “Yes, sir,” she told the person meekly, then whispered to me, “Sorry, Kate. That’s my new boss since the company restructured. Long story. Gotta go, but will either text you in a bit or phone you tonight. Can’t wait to hear all the details! And welcome to womanhood!”

  She hung up without waiting for my reply too. Stuffing my phone into the back pocket of my jeans, I got back to my spreadsheets. I didn’t hear back from her until she texted me a couple of hours later.

  Riley-Ann: Hi! Sorry about earlier. On-the-job hell is in progress.

  Me: It’s okay. Your new boss isn’t nice?

  Riley-Ann: He’s not bad, if you like arrogant, domineering pricks.

  Me: That bad, huh?

  Riley-Ann: Worse. Anyway, I’m so excited about your news!

  Me: Thanks!

  Riley-Ann: What was it like? Who’s the guy? Do I know him? Does he have a big dick? Tell me everything.

  Me: Lol, stop with the twenty questions. I’ll fill you in tonight.

  Riley-Ann: Okay. Can’t wait!

  Me: Me too. I can use some advice.

  Riley-Ann: What kind of advice? Actually, ask me later. This guy’s been giving me the stink eye since I pulled out my phone and started texting.

  Me: No problem. Ttys!

  Smiling, I connected my phone to the desktop charger and got back to what I’d been working on. At least I had something to do to keep my mind busy. Something that didn’t involve being on my feet for eight to ten hours straight, serving food to demanding patrons back at the diner, and for shitty tips. Compared to my waitressing job, this office work was a walk in the park.

  If I could just get James to talk to me.



  I shifted in the saddle, still uncomfortably hard from brushing past Kate in the kitchen earlier that morning. All I’d wanted was coffee, and instead I ended up sexually frustrated. The way she smelled, and the way she filled out her jeans was enough, but brushing past her tipped me over the edge. The woman was a walking boner factory, and that was a fact.

  She was a Godsend, truth be told.

  I’d been staring at the mounting pile of paperwork and worrying about payroll ever since the guys had asked me if they still had jobs. Truth be told, I’d been worried ever since I’d had an inkling that I might be the one who had to sort such things out.

  She’d only been at the ranch for three months, but she’d taken on the task like a duck to water. It was reassuring to see her in the old man’s office, fiddling with papers and calculators and phone calls.

  She’d even ordered more hay without being asked.

  She was a damn natural, that’s what she was.

  I let my mind wander, inevitably leading me back to the night she’d seen me without my towel. I had woken up to an empty bed. For the first time in my life, it irked me.

  Ever since, I’d wondered how the hell a man asked a lady to go for round two. Or three. Or round five hundred.

  I’d considered dropping a towel again, but hadn’t worked up the nerve, Plus, I’d need to make sure she was there when I came out of the shower. It seemed hard to coordinate, practically speaking.

  I supposed I could just get a piece of paper and tape it to my shirt. I could make an arrow poi
nting down and say ‘open for business’.

  That seemed like a real good idea for a couple of minutes, and then I shook my head. Nope. The woman was so ornery she might decide to deprive me if she knew how badly I wanted her again. Just to be a pain about it.

  I cursed under my breath. I was in trouble, that much was certain.

  Whatever was happening between us, I was starting to crave it. Just seeing her hair through a window gave me a deep seated sense of satisfaction. And that scared the hell out of me.

  I wasn’t the settling down type. I’d had to let every woman I’d been with down easy. I was a one and done sort of guy.

  The land and the sky and the cattle were what mattered to me.

  Well, until now.

  If she knew how I felt, she might start to tease me. Lord knows it wouldn’t be hard. And for the first time in my life, I was jealous.

  Not that she was talking or flirting with anyone else.

  Just the fact that other men existed near her, or looked at her, well, it was chewing me up inside.

  I wanted her all for myself dammit, but I sure as hell wasn’t happy about it!

  A low rumble caught me off guard. Storms could come up pretty fast around here, and I didn’t want the horses to get spooked by lightning.

  I signaled to the guys to check the river and head in. We’d gotten real good at communicating with our hands over long distances. And for some mysterious reason, I wanted to be close to Kate.

  Just in case she got scared.

  My mount trotted back to the stable while I contemplated that scenario. She’d be afraid of the thunderstorm. Maybe wet. Eager and ready for me. She’d throw herself into my arms leaving me no choice but to give into her lust for my manly body.

  She’d beg me prettily for my cock and I’d gladly serve it up to her. I wouldn’t even make her beg the second or third time I took her. But I would put my foot down on the whole ‘sneaking out at dawn thing’.

  I’d tell her morning sex was a must. And that I wouldn’t mind a blow job now and then.

  Though really, I liked to give pleasure even more than I liked to get it…

  Yes, I’d lay down the law and tell her my rules. All the cowboy cock she could ride, as long as she stayed true to me and didn’t talk too much.

  That should be easy, right?


  My horse startled, yanking the reins out of my hand. Thankfully, we were already inside so he couldn’t run off. That didn’t mean he couldn’t hurt himself if he reared up in his stall.

  “Hush… that’s all right. Calm yourself, boy.”

  “Peyton! Oh my God, it’s you. Have you seen my cat?”

  She was here. Needing me, just like my fantasy. But that’s where the similarities ended. She was riled up and ornery again.

  “What are you going on about?”

  “My cat! Aren’t you listening? If he’s in here he could get trampled! How he got out of the house I will never know.”

  I scratched my head, not willing to admit there was a chance I hadn’t closed the door firmly behind me. Yeah… this was nothing like my fantasy. She did look real pretty though.

  I smiled and nodded, trying to appear helpful. The kind of man whose cock a lady might like to ride.

  “We’ll find the fleabag.”

  “Excuse me!”

  “The cat. We’ll find him.”

  She melted a little bit then, a hopeful look in her eyes. They were a bit watery I realized. She really did love that scraggly, wild looking thing.

  “Sorry, buddy, we have to go out again.”

  She chewed her lip.

  “Should I come?”

  I stared at her, feeling hopeful.

  “It might not be safe.”

  She lifted her chin brazenly.

  “I don’t care.”

  I shook my head, wondering if I was insane. Then I tossed her one of the communal slickers, grabbing one for myself.

  “Put that on.”

  I held out my hands and she settled her foot in it. A mini skirt and casual sneakers. Not the best thing for the mud but we didn’t have much of a choice.

  “Up you go.”

  I hoisted her into the saddle, getting a nice close look at her sexy bare legs and the ridiculous way she filled out her short skirt. Hmmm hmm, the woman was put together well.

  That ass should be illegal, and that was a fact.

  I climbed on behind her and pulled her flush against me. She stiffened up a bit. I brushed her hair away from her ear.

  “Nothing personal, ma’am.”

  I smiled at her gasp of outrage.

  “Better put your hood up.”

  She did and I clicked my tongue, guiding Tucker out into the rain. I patted his flank.

  “There’s an extra apple in this for you, my friend.”

  She glanced back at me over her shoulder, her blue eyes guarded. I grinned at her cheekily.

  “You can have an apple too, if you like.”

  She huffed and turned away, bringing her rump in direct contact with my semi. My semi, which was quickly growing in girth and length.

  Oh well, at least I wouldn’t be bored.

  “Excuse me!”

  I laughed.

  “Can’t stop nature. Keep your eyes peeled for your cat now.”

  She must have decided that was sound advice because she turned to face forward again. She tried to scoot away from me, but the angle of the saddle had that firm bottom sliding back again and again. My cock was not complaining about the way she was moving, though I doubted she had any idea that she was simulating sex.

  If she kept it up, I was pretty sure I was going to explode in my jeans like an underage boy at a strip club.

  Now that would be embarrassing.

  “Keep still.”

  I wrapped my arm around her, holding the reins with my other hand. I held her against me, momentarily losing myself in the smell of her hair where it escaped the hood. She tensed and then relaxed.

  It was hard to believe the sweet kitten she’d been in my arms. But I knew what a softie she was below that tough as nails surface. I wondered what had happened to hurt her and make her so defensive.

  A sudden feeling of anger rose up in me. Whoever had hurt her would have to pay. I’d beat them up. I’d hurt them. I’d kill them!

  Well, no that was a bit nuts. But the urge to do anything to protect her was there. Mysterious and frightening, but there.

  The damn woman was under my skin!


  I straightened up as a rider became visible through the rain.

  “Some of the cattle got turned around. We already lost one of the calves in the stream.”

  “It’s gone?”

  “We don’t know, but it got swept away.”

  “Okay, you got enough men to get the rest?”

  Mike nodded and I exhaled.

  “Good. I’ll go after the calf. Oh and Mike?”

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Keep your eyes open for a cat.”

  “A gray cat with white tuxedo markings!” Katie added.

  Mike stared at us, not saying anything. Then he nodded slowly and tore off for the barn to get the rope and harnesses. Pulling a spooked animal out of the river was a dangerous thing, but we had to try.

  We didn’t slaughter our animals. They were raised for milk and breeding. So we thought of them as part of the team.

  We cared about the foolish things!

  I turned downstream to see if I could save the calf. A mother cow would mourn for months or even years if she lost her baby. I’d heard of calves being sold off, only to find that the mother had followed them fifty miles or more.

  I wasn’t immune to their big brown eyes and gentle nature. And I certainly didn’t want a depressed cow from a business stand point. The milk was not as good or as plentiful. Hank himself had taught me that, and I’d seen it in action.

  “Yah! Let’s go, Tucker!”

did you say?”

  I leaned forward, curving my body around her curvy frame. She was small, but juicy. That’s how I thought of her, though I was smart enough to keep it to myself.

  The woman would probably object to being compared to a steak.

  “Do you see anything?” I murmured, bringing my cheek close to her ear. I had to tug the hood back slightly. She shook her head.

  I slowed Tucker to a walk. I didn’t want him turning a leg and the land was rockier as we approached the bank of the stream, which was now a raging river.

  And then I saw it. Well, I heard it and then I saw it. Kate’s arm shot up and pointed.


  The desperate mewling sound came from the baby calf being tossed in the rough current. I turned Tucker toward the sound and was off the horse and running before he even came to a stop.

  I chucked off the slicker and my hat and dove into the water. I came up gasping and looking for the calf. It was lighter so it had moved a bit further downstream. I swam for it and, thank goodness, it stopped panicking when it saw me. It was alive and awake as I swam back to shore with one arm.

  I didn’t set it down though. I carried it right to the horse and handed it up to Katie.

  Well, wasn’t that a sight. A girl holding a soaking wet calf on horseback. I grinned, put my slicker back on and swung up behind her.

  “We’ll keep looking for your cat, but we need to get this little lady back to the barn.”

  She nodded and I clucked my tongue, sending us racing for the warmth and safety of the ranch.

  When we got close I jumped off and led Tucker inside. I took the calf from Kate and wrapped it in a blanket. Some of the other cows had wandered inside looking for warmth. One of them pushed its way toward us and started nosing the blanket, and my hand. I could see the gratitude in those big brown eyes.

  “Well, look at that. Mama found her baby.”

  Kate was looking around.

  “This seems like the sort of place Peyton would hide. He wouldn’t be out in the open.”

  I nodded. She had a good point. And she seemed real relieved at the thought.

  “Let me dry Tucker down and I will help you look.”


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