Turn of the Pipes (A Redpoint One Romance)

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Turn of the Pipes (A Redpoint One Romance) Page 12

by Marlow, J. A.

  "We'll be with Rachel in no time." Eddie kept moving forward as if she knew exactly where she was going. Ignacio could only hope she did, because after a few turns he knew it would be hopeless for him to ever find his way back.

  Ignacio always knew the infrastructure of the station must be immense on an instinctive level. There were so many people living in it, plus the habitable rings, the industries, but he'd no idea how far it extended. How many walls were false fronts leading into a maze of corridors?

  A small part of him found it fascinating. He was lucky he hadn't grown up on Redpoint One, or he might have gotten himself into a lot of trouble trying to get into the hidden underground world. Wow, what a great place for a kid, if they didn't hurt themselves.

  He hurried forward when he realized Eddie had disappeared. Turning the corner, he found not only Eddie, but one of her friends from the other day, the one with the silvery-gray hair.

  Along with a small round table covered with an embroidered linen tablecloth in the middle of the larger corridor with two lit candles in the middle of it. Two place settings, on on each side, along with two chairs. The smell of lasagna filled the air.

  Ignacio froze to the spot, his brain refusing to work. When it did, all he could ask was, "Does anyone know you are down here?"

  Eddie grinned, coming forward to guide him towards the table. "Redpoint One does, dear. That's all that matters. Now, sit down."

  Ignacio found himself pushed down into one of the two chairs. His dazed mind tried to figure out which of the older women would be taking the chair opposite of him. Would it be the bleach-blond one who wasn't with the group?

  "Daisy, is it chilled?" Eddie asked.

  The silver-gray woman lifted a bottle out of an ornate bucket filled with ice, testing the side. She nodded with satisfaction. "All ready."

  "Great. Now we wait." Both women turned to watch the other end of the corridor, obviously waiting for someone else to arrive.

  Ignacio knew he was doomed. No matter how hard he thought back, he couldn't remember meeting any of the women before this. Had he somehow forgotten and the other woman misconstrued friendliness as a come-on? He swallowed hard at the thought. No women in his life, and now he had complications with more than one?

  He heard footsteps coming from the direction all of them were facing. As they grew louder the more nervous he became. To the point of growing clammy under the shirt collar. His befuddled and confused mind then picked up more than one set of footsteps. Either that or the person coming towards them had more than one set of feet.

  The bleach-blond woman appeared, dressed in a purple dress with a form-fitting bodice and flaring sleeves, looking far too pleased with herself. Ignacio stood up, making ready an apology for leading her on in any way in a meeting he for the life of him couldn't remember.

  Then behind him appeared the one person he'd been thinking of all day. Rachel wore the same confused expression he knew must be on his face. Dressed in heavy dark gray pants with heavy-duty black boots and a short-sleeved dark blue shirt, she looked too lovely for words.

  "Now we can begin," the blond woman announced when they arrived at the table, giving both of them a broad grin.

  From the expression on Rachel's face, he wondered if she were about to bolt. Because of him, or because of the women around them?

  "Really, I appreciate the thought, but you shouldn't be down here," Rachel said to the women. "Plus, I have a lot of work to do."

  "It's only for a few minutes," Eddie said, guiding her to the other chair. "They have to give you time for lunch. It's the law."

  "Just long enough for the date that should have happened today really happens," Daisy added.

  Ignacio had his answer. Apparently, they were both the victims of interfering friends.

  He relaxed. This he could handle. Besides, the lasagna smelled delicious.


  Ignacio. The last person Rachel expected to see in the maintenance corridors in the middle of a shift. She blinked, sure the illusion would disappear.

  Only, Ignacio remained, sitting in the chair on the other side of the table

  When she'd first arrived Ignacio appeared as dazed and confused as she felt. Now he only stared at her with a soft smile, his gaze intense in a way that warmed her clear to the core. The type of smile she'd wanted to see on his face all along.

  He didn't look like he wanted to run now!

  The air smelled great, reminding her of how hungry she'd become. The table setting looked wonderful, right down to Velda's good silverware. Fancy enough to be in an expensive restaurant. The question rising in her mind: why was it all in the middle of the maintenance corridors?

  "How did you get all this down here?" Rachel asked

  "Don't worry your pretty little head about it." Velda whipped out purple ribbons from a box against the wall. Before Rachel could ask what she intended to do with them, Velda tied them in her hair.

  Daisy slipped something over her head and tucked it down to her lap. Eddie started pouring red wine into two fluted glasses. Ignacio only smiled in amusement. Rachel looked down to find herself in a fancy apron covering most of her shirt with a draping front that mimicked an evening dress.

  "Where did you get this?" Rachel asked, plucking at it, finding it feeling like a smooth light polished cotton.

  "Isn't it the cutest?" Daisy said. "One never knows what they'll find at the right yard sales."

  Two plates appeared with a complete lasagna dinner arranged artistically on Velda's fine china. Velda placed a covered basket of bread in the center of the table. Butter and other condiments followed. Daisy placed a linen napkin on Rachel's lap while Eddie did the same for Ignacio.

  Then, all three women headed down the corridor with Velda saying, "Have a nice evening."

  The corridor went silent except for soft music playing from the vicinity of one of the boxes. Rachel took turns staring at the mouth-watering food and Ignacio. She didn't know which one was more savory.

  "Are they always like this?" Ignacio asked.

  "Only when they get something in their heads. Usually they are quite boring. We're in a knitter's club," Rachel said. "Now I know why Velda insisted I clean up before I 'helped' her with something."

  Well, not boring. When the ladies got together, they usually got into some sort of trouble, but it was usually benign. It was part of the fun of being with the group. She'd just never had it turned towards her before.

  "A knitter's club. That explains it. My mother belonged to one years ago. I don't think they knitted a stitch." Ignacio uncovered the bread and offered her two slices.

  Rachel could almost believe they weren't in the maintenance corridors of Redpoint One, but instead in one of the finer restaurants. Warm bread. Great food. Sips of red wine. Even gentle romantic music. The first bite of the lasagna clinched it.

  Ignacio swallowed his first bite, declaring, "Best I've tasted in years."

  "Be sure to tell Velda. She'll love you forever," Rachel said with a grin. "So, Mr. Ignacio, how has your day gone?"

  Ignacio related the progress of the pet show. Rachel didn't have much to report other than she'd been working twelve-hour plus days, but had been getting a lot done. The time and attention meant Ring Three was in the best repair since she'd arrived.

  "The whole maintenance department is dedicated to making sure the show happens," Rachel added. "Irvine?"

  "I think I found his escape route. When I left he was sunning himself," Ignacio said.

  "Good place for him. I don't mind him, personally. It's only when he's in my pipes that I have a problem." A chirp from her feet had Ignacio leaning to the side to look around the table. Rachel laughed. "Only my bot. It was agreeing."

  Ignacio straightened up, using some of the bread to help load a fork of another bite of lasagna. "Have you named it yet?"

  "Still no success there."

  "Sammie?" Ignacio asked. "Henrietta? Peter, Trident, Wayne?"

  "Temperance? Hope? Abner? Hoy
t? Ash?" Rachel watched the bot for any sign of reaction, but nothing came. She shrugged. "It was worth a try."

  "It would respond to one it liked?" Ignacio asked.

  "Vasiliy's did. I've even tried all the color names Tish used to name hers." Rachel turned to her bot. "Ivory, Olive, Chiffon, Smoky, Sandy."

  Rachel stopped with a sigh. Not a bit of a reaction.

  "Glad I don't have a problem with my little guys. They could care less what they are called," Ignacio said with a grin.

  "Lucky." Rachel let herself enjoy another big bite of the lasagna. Velda must have tried a new recipe to use at the bed and breakfast. She would have to remember to tell her she'd found a winner.

  "About the date," Ignacio said.

  Rachel's eyes flew to his face, suddenly wary, but he didn't wear the expression of a man trying to get out of a date. Instead, he was still smiling.

  "Where, exactly, were you planning on taking me?" he asked.

  Rachel gave a little secretive smile of her own. "Not telling, You'll just have to wait and see. Do you have another idea for one?"

  "Actually, I do."

  Rachel stopped with the fork halfway to her mouth, in shock. They'd gone from him dodging dates, to now suddenly in the mood for them? Oh no, did the ladies have a talk with him? They wouldn't do that to her, would they?

  "And it's not the reserve, as much as I like flying squirrels," Ignacio said. "I'm thinking of something a little more formal. Like music?"

  "Of course."

  "Good. Then expect a surprise after the pet show is over." Ignacio attacked the last part of his lasagna without revealing anything else.

  Probably getting back at her. Served her right, but she still intended to keep hers secret until they both had more free time.

  "So, does this mean what I think it does?" Rachel ventured, not sure she should. Would he tuck into his shell again?

  Ignacio turned the intense gaze of his eyes back on her, warming her more than food or wine ever could. "It does. Any problem with it?"

  "Problem? Why would there be a problem?" Rachel ripped a piece of bread in half. "I look forward to it."

  "As do I."

  Okay, he wasn't backing away. For the first time since sitting down, Rachel felt utterly tongue-tied. What should she say now? Her mind went blank.

  An alarm sounding from her ID band took care of the problem for her. A quick glance told her the rest of the day wasn't going to go as well as it had up to this point.

  "Damien, Rachel, stop your current repairs," came Arthur's voice. "You have new priorities."

  "On my way," Rachel said into the bracelet, already thinking of the best way to get to the new problem area the fastest. Her bot squeaked, rushing to the supply cart.

  "Duty calls?" Ignacio asked, folding his napkin to set next to his near-empty plate.

  "Duty is screaming," Rachel stuffed the last bite of lasagna into her mouth as she started to stand up.

  Before she could swallow and say anything else, Ignacio leaned over the table and kissed her on the cheek. "Be careful out there. Come by for a quick visit tonight. The babies are growing fast."

  She nodded, swallowing the food. "I will. Say hello to Irvine for me."


  SUCH A SHORT meal, but it lifted Ignacio's spirits considerably. He felt like he could do anything. For once he looked forward to the end of the pet show. This year he wouldn't feel the post-show blues as in past years.

  All because he wanted more time to spend with Rachel. To see what kind of date she would plan for them. To show her he could be romantic when he put his mind to it, as well. His mind whirled with plans.

  Places to go, shows and exhibits to take her to. Redpoint One might be in the middle of nowhere, but thanks to all the traffic funneled through it the social events were frequent and varied. He planned to go to as many of them as he could with Rachel.

  He'd been holed up with his program for too long. Now that he might have someone to enjoy life with, he intended to make use of every opportunity. It also meant he would benefit from another grad student or two to help with the work.

  He stopped in front of Irvine's enclosure, grinning at the newt. "Rachel says hello."

  Irvine glanced up at him before returning to sunning himself under the artificial sun illuminating his enclosure.

  Ignacio found it hard to settle down to anything. He wanted to go find Rachel again, to continue their conversation, but instead he funneled the energy into work. Rearranging and cleaning the feed room was something he'd planned for a while, but put off as too long and dirty of a project.

  It took him less than an hour.

  He moved to the rear benches and then to the animal cages, setting the helper robots to cleaning each of them throughly. At least, those he thought the activity wouldn't bother the inhabitants. The Pointies were still in their mating dance stage, so he left them alone. Same with the Silky family.

  Irvine took the disturbance personal, first trying to open up the feed door, then to the water filtration system where Ignacio was sure he'd escaped from before. When that didn't work, Irvine climbed on top of the robots, trying to bite anything he could get his mouth around.

  While the robots worked inside the enclosures, Ignacio cleaned the hard floor between them. Then the cleaning station. Before long the warehouse was as clean as when he'd moved in. The vacant rear enclosures sat ready for new occupants. Since he never knew when new animals would arrive, it was for the best. One of the surprises of working with rescued animals.

  One by one the enclosure robots finished their cleaning. The surprise was to hear one of them ringing an alarm.

  Ignacio rushed to the front enclosures, to find the alarm coming from Irvine's pen. He should have known.

  The cleaning robot settled near the door, displaying several metal objects in its hands. Objects that certainly had no place in the natural setting of the enclosure. Some were round, some half-arcs, and all made him think of one thing. Rachel's pipes and all the plumbing problems filling her waking hours.

  The only way they could have gotten inside the enclosure was from Irvine. How long had the newt been getting into the pipes and coming back before Rachel first started catching him?

  "Irvine, what did you do?" Ignacio demanded.

  Irvine answered by trying to bite the robot's arm before grabbing one of the pieces and trying to drag it back towards the pond.

  Ignacio had a time of it getting the pieces out of the enclosure with Irvine just as determined to keep them. Either that, or escaping.

  With the pieces finally in hand and Irvine safely contained in his enclosure, Ignacio left the warehouse. He needed to find Rachel and hope she knew where the pieces went, before another problem came up.

  How could he find her? The ladies of her knitter's club were long gone, and he didn't have any idea how to find them. He thought he found the blank wall where Eddie took him into the maintenance corridors, but he couldn't figure out how to open it. Of course, once he got inside, how would he find his way to Rachel? The place was a mind-boggling labyrinth.

  Still, he had to try something. He hurried to the nearest transportation platform, finding it not yet full from the go-home business traffic. The computer helper-desk didn't offer much help, either. The suggestion to contact the bridge or command crew of Redpoint One might get Rachel into some sort of trouble.

  "I need to talk to a head of maintenance," Ignacio told the computer. "Where do I go?"

  The computer flashed a symbol and a keycard appeared in the bottom opening. He'd had something similar happen when he'd first been setting up his program when needing to speak to officials. The keycard meant he'd been given permission to go into a restricted area.

  He waited on the platform for a car with the same symbol to arrive, holding the bag of parts in his other hand. Two cars came and went before one arrived with the right symbol.

  The travel car was smaller than most, with seating only in the front and the back em
pty with braces and cargo netting. Ignacio plugged the keycard into the console in the front and then sat down, waiting for the car to take him wherever he should go. It was strange to have an entire car all to himself. Even in off hours there was usually one or two other people in every car he'd ever ridden in.

  It also took longer than he expected. He must be heading into the bowels of the station.


  "One valve after another, one clog after another," Rachel muttered to herself and her bot. "You would think the internal pipe-cleaners could take care of more of this. Is there something wrong with them?"

  Her bot didn't respond, only handing her pipes and supplies as she needed them.

  The question remained, concerning Rachel the more she worked. Some of the things she was running into shouldn't be a problem. Her time should be spent on the big stuff.

  While she wondered how she could get Redpoint One to understand it needed to build for itself more internal pipe-cleaners, she replaced the valve. A simple fix, of course, but the buildup that caused it to fail should have never happened in the first place. Maybe Arthur would have an idea on the pipe-cleaner issue. Did he have controls available to him to ask the station for more resources?

  Two general repair robots moved in to attach the pipes to the new valve. Rachel dropped the old one in the recycling bin on one side of the cart.

  "Another fixed, on to the next one." She glanced at the time displayed on her ID band. "Not even close to quitting time."

  Well, on a normal day it would be. By now she should be heading back to the maintenance platform while thinking about plans for dinner or a bit of fun. Instead, she remained on the job, running down the big problems, including nailing any faults on Ring Three as they happened.

  She figured another hour and then she would take a break for a light dinner before continuing. The lasagna meal held her for most of the afternoon, but she would still need something more later.

  Her bot circled around the supply cart to make an unusual beep. It went around to the other side, staring down the corridor before making another circle. The two bots working on the pipe paused in their work to stare off in the same direction.


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