Turn of the Pipes (A Redpoint One Romance)

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Turn of the Pipes (A Redpoint One Romance) Page 15

by Marlow, J. A.

  "It's okay. You're out of the water," he said. A blanket appeared from somewhere to drape over her. She gazed up at him, as if in disbelief. He smiled at the expression. "And no, you are not dreaming."


  Rachel wasn't sure if she wanted to believe or trust the dream. One moment she'd been immersed in cold water with the air growing worse by the breath, and the next she woke up propped up on Ignacio's legs.

  How did that work? Did she miss something along the way?

  "Prove it," she said to the figment of her imagination. No, not right. To the dream.

  Ignacio grinned like an idiot. For some reason the expression seemed real to her. If she'd been pulled out of a cutoff area, he might look like that. Relieved to find her alive and breathing, just like something out of a sappy romance movie or novel.

  "I let Irvine go to save you." Ignacio said. "He's around here somewhere, but who knows where."

  She closed her eyes and groaned. Now she knew she must be awake. Irvine loose to get into her pipes? Oh yeah, that was her kind of luck. She must really be awake after all. "He'll get into another pipe."

  "Pipes can be fixed. You can't," Ignacio said.

  Her eyes flew open and she stared up at him. "Did you really say that?"

  "Say that you are more important than my newts? I believe I did." Ignacio's grin settled down to an upside-down version of the intense gaze he'd settled on her at their impromptu date in the corridors. The kind that warmed her clear to the middle, and, oh, did she need a little warmth right now.

  "I meant every word," he said.

  Rachel heard shouts from down one of the corridors, somehow knowing they were for her. The guess was confirmed when she heard Arthur shouting at the new arrivals to hurry.

  "We'll expand on that later," she said with a smile of her own to mirror his. "Don't think you'll get out of it. I won't let you."

  "How about one step further." He leaned down, whispering in her ear, "I love you."

  The breath she'd brought back into her oxygen-starved lungs left again. No way did he say that. He must be a dream after all. Soon she would wake up, back in the water with bots trying to prop her up.

  Well, if it was going to be a dream, she might as well go all the way, too. No regrets. Even good dream-time was too precious to waste time in.

  "Ditto, newt-man. When I wake up from this dream you and I are having a good long talk about the future," Rachel said.

  Arthur's face appeared within her vision. "Rachel, you breathed in coolant. You are hallucinating."

  "I better not be," Rachel said, staring straight at Ignacio as he continued to hold her. "Although I wouldn't mind hallucinating Irvine is loose somewhere. Definitely don't want that to be real-life."

  "People have broken up over their animals. I hope it doesn't with you." Arthur said before glaring at Ignacio. "It better not."

  Rachel giggled, even though she hated people who giggled, feeling sorry for Ignacio being the focus of Arthur's protective streak.

  But, Ignacio was apparently not bothered, as he answered, "It won't be a problem for us."

  "Especially if Irvine stays in his enclosure," Rachel said with one last giggle before she got control of them. Okay, maybe the fumes were affecting her after all.

  "Is someone missing a small hissing animal?" Tish called out.

  Rachel tried to prop herself up to look in Tish's direction, but Ignacio kept her still. Just as well. The little bit of movement set her head to spinning.

  No matter, her bot was moving towards her, coming into view. Her wonderful bot who had helped to save her life. A bot holding a long sinuous body in two small metal hands. Irvine pushed at the hands with all legs, hissing himself silly at her bot. Her bot hissed back with just as much fervor.

  Rachel collapsed back into Ignacio's arms, once again giggling herself silly, announcing to her maintenance co-workers and the newly arrived emergency medical group, "My pipes are safe!"


  RACHEL SPENT THE next few days mostly sleeping inside a special chamber to help her lungs. After that, she transferred to a hospital bed to continue the healing. Through it all she felt the reassuring presence of Redpoint One in the background.

  Each time she woke up she found someone else sitting next to her. Tish and Arthur, Damien, Vasiliy, the various members of the Naughty Knitter's Club. And, of course, her bot as well as one other bot.

  The lovely bots who helped to save her life. Doing their best to lift her out of the water. Not a memory she enjoyed, but their efforts warmed her heart.

  But, two bots? She fell asleep several times trying to remember where the blue and gray robot might have come from. Did it belong to one of the others, such as maybe one of the new apprentices?

  By the third day she remained awake long enough to watch part of a movie, shared with Tish and Arthur during which she listened to the happenings of the maintenance department.

  "I hate to say this, but I think the two new men are going to work out," Arthur said from where he sat in one of the two chairs in the room.

  The two regular bots sat on the floor next to him as well as those belonging to Arthur and Tish. Sometimes facing each other as if catching up on news, sometimes talking softly in their language of sounds, and then just sitting quietly.

  Rachel didn't know if she should smile or groan. "Oh great. The Naughty Knitter's Club were a success. They'll never leave you alone with candidates now."

  "It might not be a bad thing if we get good people," Arthur said.

  "Hey, you've been warned," Rachel said.

  "Now the bad news," Tish said.

  "Irvine escaped again?"

  Tish glanced at Arthur. "I don't think so. Have you heard of him disappearing?"

  "Nope. Ignacio moved him to a new enclosure," Arthur said.

  "I was referring to the newbies," Tish said. She grinned at Rachel. "Redpoint One has already decided what areas it likes them working in, and it's not the plumbing department."

  Rachel smacked the bed next to her hip. "It figures. I get hurt, and people steal the apprentices."

  "Maybe they can find more," Tish said, pinching Arthur's arm.

  He grabbed her hand, pulling her on his lap. "Mind explaining how the old ladies did it in the first place?"

  The returning sleep prevented Rachel from trying to answer. She couldn't, anyway. Who knew how the ladies did what they did.

  It was appropriate that the next time she awoke she found Daisy and Eddie by her bed. Velda sent her apologies as she had to stay with her Bed and Breakfast to welcome several couples.

  Fortunately, the ladies weren't interested in talking about the new maintenance department recruits. Rachel ate her small dinner to the descriptions of a quilting show taking place in one of the convention centers.

  "Velda thinks we should try quilting," Eddie said when she finished describing the quilts on display.

  "Could be fun," Daisy said, nodding, picking up Rachel's empty tray and taking it out into the hall.

  "Quilting?" Rachel echoed. "Shouldn't we do more knitting first?"

  "Always good to expand our horizons," Eddie said. "I have several grandkids who could do with a quilt."

  "And an afghan," Rachel said. "Seriously, we should do more knitting."

  Daisy returned, but she wasn't alone. Ignacio towered over the shorter Daisy, a bouquet of flowers held in one hand.

  Eddie jumped up from her chair, saying, "We'll talk about the quilting later. Have a good evening, dear."

  Rachel plucked at the blanket, suddenly nervous. The time directly after she woke up after being pulled out of the water remained fuzzy, but she distinctly remembered several specific things including one thing she wasn't sure she could believe, even though she wanted to.

  "You look better than yesterday," Ignacio said, coming fully in the room, the door closing behind him.

  "I don't remember you being here yesterday."

  "You were asleep." He arranged the flowers
in a vase sitting on a small table near the door. With them ranged to his satisfaction, he turned towards her, studying her face. "You definitely have more color."

  "I'm feeling better. Almost watched a full movie today," Rachel said.

  "And ate well?" He asked, glancing down at the table angled over the bed in front of her.

  She pushed it away. "Yes, doctor. Want to take a look at my eyes and in my ears, too?"

  He ran a hand through his hair. "Sorry."

  She didn't want him to be sorry. Only wanted him to stop looking at her like he was inspecting one of his newts.

  "I bet you've been busy. The show and the newts. I hear you stopped Irvine's escapes," Rachel said.

  Ignacio pushed the rolling table she'd pushed away to the wall. "Very busy. Still no explanation for what happened in your area, so it's been closed off."

  "So I heard. Tish and Arthur were here earlier. Arthur is calling in the supervisor who had his position before him, just to see if they can figure it all out." Rachel gave a little shiver. Another subject she didn't want to talk about. Most of it, anyway. Part of it she needed clarified. To unconfuse her jumbled dreams.

  She patted the bed near her hip. "I need to talk to you."

  He settled at the foot of her bed instead of directly next to her, squeezing one of her feet through the covering blanket. "Go right ahead."

  She thought back. How to approach this without possibly sending him running. Maybe start with the more simple stuff?

  "I heard you pulled me out?" She asked.

  He grimaced. "Yes, and I don't want to ever be that terrified again."

  "Nor do I. Imagine being inside."

  "Imagine being outside not able to get in," he countered, his voice rough.

  Okay, maybe the other part she remembered wasn't a figment of her imagination after all. He really looked upset by the memories. Even better, he wasn't running. Instead, he still played with her blanket-covered feet.

  "And I woke up in the corridors with you holding me," she said, more certain about that memory.

  "I propped you up. I thought it would make it easier for you to breathe," Ignacio said, grabbing one of her wriggling toes and tugging it back and forth. She wriggled her feet even more in response.

  "I was a bit loopy, wasn't I."

  "You giggled."

  She groaned. "I hate giggling."

  "I don't recall you ever doing it before," he said with a laugh.

  She gave way to her fear a little, glancing at the two bots sitting quietly next to one of the chairs. "There's a new bot in here."

  "The blue and gray? His name is Trident. He seemed friendly, so I asked his help in finding you," Ignacio said.

  "You named him?" Rachel demanded, a little hurt. Just met a bot and already named it, and he wasn't even a part of Redpoint One's crew. "And he's still here? He's attached himself to you?"

  Ignacio shook his head. "He hasn't followed me since we pulled you out. He's stayed right here by your side."

  Trident looked up at her and gave a chirp in response, quickly followed by her own. Did she now have another bot, or would it leave once she left for home? Only time would tell and while an interesting event, but it still wasn't what she wanted to ask. Her stomach tied. Time to stop skirting around the subject. He wasn't running for it so far, which must to be a good sign.

  "You said something, though, and I don't know if it was a dream or real," Rachel started.

  She had his full attention with that remark. His hand stilled on top of one of her feet. He nodded at her. "Go on."

  "Something about I'm more important than newts?" Rachel haltingly said.

  He gave a slow nod, getting up to move a little further up the bed. "I did say those words. What else do you remember?"

  She bit at her lip, suddenly losing the nerve to ask. She took a deep breath, telling herself she was being silly. She'd started this. Time to finish it. "You let go of Irvine to save me."

  He moved a little further towards her until he sat next to her hip. "I did."

  She licked her lips. "Then, well. Something about…"

  Her voice faded out, realizing the look was back. Her feet twitched as the warmth ran through her. Such a lovely expression, and all of it aimed right at her.

  "Something about what?" Ignacio prompted.

  "You love me?" Rachel squeaked.

  She didn't expect the way he answered. By bending over and kissing her full on the lips.

  The warmth turned into fire. Oh yes, she'd remembered right. She had to have. He wouldn't kiss her this way if he hadn't, would he?

  The kiss curled her toes and then some. Her arms snaked around his shoulder and neck, pulling him closer. The movement yielded an even deeper kiss, yet he kept his hands firmly on the bed on either side of her.

  She complained against his lips. In answer he laughed against hers and pulled back.

  "Not fair," she said, trying to keep her arms around his neck.

  He reached up and pulled them away. "You are still in the hospital under doctor care. I am not about to have a livid nurse chase me out of here and forbid me from coming back."

  "There goes one of my fantasies."

  Ignacio laughed even as he shook his head at her. "Be good, you. And yes, I said it. I'll say it again. I love you."

  Rachel stared at him as the words washed over her. He'd said it again. No running away, no trying to get her to go away. He'd just said it.


  IT FELT WONDERFUL to say the words, yet Ignacio yearned for more. The wonderful expression of surprise and warmth on Rachel's face inspired it. It came so easily now.

  He sat back down next to her hip, holding one of her hands lightly in his, using a finger to trace the edges of each of her fingers.

  "I love you, too," she said into the silence after. A slightly evil grin appeared. "By the way, you can say those words anytime you want."

  "I intend to," Ignacio said, knowing he really meant it. He'd been given a second chance with Rachel, and he wasn't about to mess it up.

  A bot beeped.

  Ignacio laughed glancing back at where they sat near one of the big padded chairs. "I see someone agrees."

  "My bot is giving its blessings, at least I hope it is," Rachel said with a sigh, settling back into the back of the propped-up bed.

  "I wasn't going to ask, but I'm glad it does," Ignacio said, wondering if he should ask about any family he should meet first before they progressed any further. Considering Rachel's recovery, the question could wait until later. "I'm not letting Irvine stop me, either."

  "Ugh, Irvine. How has he been doing," Rachel asked.

  "Don't dismiss him so quickly. There is no way we could have found you without him," Ignacio said, bringing up yet more memories he didn't want to think about at the moment. He still woke up in a sweat from the dreams about the search. To change the subject, he said, "I hear you won't be in here too much longer."

  Rachel nodded. "A few more days just for the doctors to be sure, then a couple weeks of home rest. Not a good time to be off work with everything going on, but there you go."

  "Don't even think of trying to go back to work right away." He frowned. "Almost makes me wish I wasn't so involved in the pet show. I would like to be around more."

  "Oh, I plan to see the pet show. I have a whole week to see all the exhibits without anything else taking up my time. And in the evening we can have our time." Rachel stretched out. "First vacation in years. I plan to make the most of it."

  "I brought in a grad student," Ignacio said.


  "It means I'll have more time with the added help. Well, after the show."

  Rachel's eyes widened. "More time on both sides? My, whatever will we do with the time."

  "I would like to think it means we have the time to move forward. Together," Ignacio said, thrilled at the thought. Even during the show, they would have time. He'd done the show so many times he had it down to a science.

bsp; Time for him and Rachel, without jobs, responsibilities, and escaping newts interfering.


  Shouldn't Rachel be the one to say such a thing? How much only a few days had turned it all around.

  Nor would she run away.

  "We are definitely moving forward," she said. "We can start right now. We can start with the simple things. Favorite color? Favorite music?"

  She listed several other things until Ignacio silenced her with a kiss. "Enough, we aren't taking a test."

  "You never know. You have to satisfy the ladies of the Naughty Knitter's club," Rachel said. She quickly realized she was only partially teasing. She wouldn't put it past the women to test him out. They could be protective when they wanted to be.

  Rachel didn't mind. She was so happy about the future. She would spend the extra time she needed to heal getting to know the new man in her life.

  "Somehow, I can see that," Ignacio said, glancing at the door. "They can be quite the force to be reckoned with."

  "You don't know the half of it," Rachel said.

  "You have to satisfy Paul." Ignacio stopped, scowling. "Although I think you did that even before you met. He can be really annoying that way sometimes."

  "Maybe we should get our friends together."

  "Oh, that would be interesting," Ignacio said with more sarcasm than humor. "Animal conservationists and the Naughty Knitter's Club."

  "And maintenance engineers," Rachel added. "Hmm, we'll need some space for a party that big. My apartment certainly won't work, nor yours. Maybe the reserve?"

  She was only half joking. She wanted a little party. Something to celebrate life, a new life she'd been given, not only with her rescue but also in the new love found with Ignacio.

  "And suffer the attentions of Pookie looking for a snuggle with one of his adopted Moms?" Ignacio asked, raising his eyebrows.

  Her bot beeped at the comment.

  Rachel looked over at it. "Would you like to formally meet Pookie?"

  Her bot beeped again and Ignacio laughed.

  But, she didn't. It wasn't responding to the question, it was responding to something else.

  "I don't believe this," Rachel muttered.


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