Blood Magic

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Blood Magic Page 8

by Kira Stone

  Sex was out of the question. His body just wasn’t up to the task, no matter how willing his heart and soul. “That is an offer I must decline.”

  “Too fucking bad. You’re stuck with me, at least until morning.” Sebastian rubbed Teake’s bare shoulder, brushed hair back from his brow, his touch so soothing and gentle that it brought another kind of pain to his broken body. “Are you still cold?”

  Teake nodded. Although he no longer shivered, he felt a chill down to his bones.

  Seb wrapped himself around Teake’s body, careful not to put pressure on any place that hurt. “Hold on to me,” Sebastian whispered in his ear, “and remember when the darkness comes that I’m right there in it with you.”

  Tears clogged Teake’s throat at hearing such sweet words. He said nothing in return, but burrowed deeper into the vampire’s embrace, his anchor in an otherwise boundless, terrifying place. But it was enough to relax him and soon he was falling into the yawning black pit of sleep.

  As Teake drifted off, his heart continued to beat in a shallow rhythm. He wondered if it still would come dusk tomorrow.

  Chapter 11

  Mending Hearts

  Sebastian woke in that same light-switch transition between sleep and wakefulness that he’d experienced every night since he’d been turned. One minute, nothing but darkness, and in the next he was instantly tuned into every sense.

  Including the one that told him there was a very warm, very human hand caressing the length of his hard cock.

  He opened his eyes, easily able to pick out Teake’s features in the dark room. “Been up long?” Sebastian asked as he stretched and arched into the man’s fist.

  “Not as long as you.”

  Sebastian suspected there was supposed to be ironic amusement in that statement, but it fell flat. “What am I going to do with you?” he asked as he stroked Teake’s grizzled cheek.

  The hand caressing his cock stilled. “Nothing.”

  “Because of Forrest?”

  “Because pity is a poor motive for sex, and there is nothing about me as I am now to rouse more than that.”

  Teake had given up the most important thing in his life without asking for any payment in return. He’d put Sebastian’s happiness above his own. There was nothing in the world more beautiful to Sebastian than that. “You’ve got plenty I want, starting with this…”

  Their lips met in a sweet, soft kiss. Seb slid his hands up Teake’s rib cage. His thumbs brushed over Teake’s sensitive nubs. His lover panted with rising lust. At least Sebastian hoped that’s what Teake was feeling, but without their connection how was he to know? He’d do anything… anything… to make this man feel special.

  “Tell me what I have to do to make you scream,” Sebastian growled in his ear.

  Teake froze under him. Hands that had been encouraging him closer turned into stiff resistance. “We must stop.”

  There was real fear in Teake’s moss-green eyes. “Damn. You’re afraid of me now, aren’t you? Because of what happened in the woods?”

  He rolled off to the side so that he no longer hemmed Teake in. What a fucking mess!

  Cool fingers -- so like a vampire’s, yet so completely different -- brushed over his arm. “I fear that any close… contact will awaken the monster within you,” Teake explained.

  “You said that was a result of the magic. Without its influence, I know how to control myself.”

  Teake’s only response was a raised brow. Sebastian didn’t blame him. He hadn’t done much to prove himself trustworthy where Teake was concerned. The man had seen Seb at his worst. For once, he’d like Teake to see him at his best. But that wasn’t going to happen as long as Teake suspected Seb might rip out his throat if given the chance.

  He slipped out of bed. The room was cold, so he started a fire in the fireplace. If all went as he planned, they wouldn’t need the bed or the blaze to keep them warm, but he didn’t want Teake to become chilled while he set things up.

  Next he went to the closet, finding that his friends provided for their human guests as well as they provided for their vampire friends when it came to erotic accessories. He quickly selected the things he wanted and returned to the main chamber just as Teake was coming out of the bathroom.

  His green eyes widened as he saw what Seb held in his hands. “What are you planning to do with those?”

  Sebastian shook out the tangle of chains and cuffs, thinking how best to answer that question. “Kass is the one who turned me. Did you know that?”

  Teake, comfortable in his nakedness and looking much better after a long sleep, leaned against the foot of the bed. “No.”

  “Kass claimed it was an accident.” Where were the damn eye hooks? “I woke up the next night, fait accompli.”

  “He turned you without your consent?”

  Honestly, Sebastian couldn’t remember. He’d been so drunk, so confused. Kassian had swept him off his feet, literally. By the time he figured out he was in over his head, he’d been unable to save himself.

  “How it happened doesn’t matter as much as what happened after that.”

  Concern caused Teake’s brow to furrow. He reached out to stroke the back of Seb’s hand. Lightly, just once. “He hurt you.”

  Ah, at last. Sebastian spotted the metal loops, two on the floor painted the same color as the metal feet of the bed and two more anchored to the ceiling over his head coated in white to blend in. He attached one chain to each hook as he replied. “He taught me about vampires by doing all the things to me he said I could never do to another living soul. He kept me chained up in his bedroom for nearly three weeks, missing my novice trials and my one chance to become a witch. Not that Gaia would have accepted me as a blood-drinker anyway.”

  “Vampires are not supposed to prey on witches, not even novices.”

  “Kass takes little notice of the rules unless they work in his favor.” Sebastian buckled one leather harness to one ankle, a second to the other.

  “What are you doing?”

  Now for the tricky part. He’d only be able to restrain one of his hands. “Binding myself.”

  Teake gaped at him. “Why?”

  “So you’ll feel safe.” He gestured toward the remaining cuff that still dangled freely. “Get that one for me, would you?”

  Teake made no move to reach for it, staring with a somewhat dumbstruck expression on his rough-hewn face. “I do not understand.”

  “Pretty simple. You want me, but you fear the damage I could do if my inner beast somehow got loose. Cutting off the magic just made it worse because you know you can’t protect yourself against me without it. I figure if I’m trussed up like a vulture dinner, you’d be more willing to play.”

  Teake bowed his head, his dark curtain of hair falling over his face. Sebastian heard the death knell of his hopes going under for the third time. But when the human lifted his head, his face glowed in a way it hadn’t since he’d lost his mojo. Uncertain of what that meant, Sebastian waited for Teake to clue him in.

  Teake got up on his knees, put his hands on Seb’s waist and leaned in for a kiss. Soft lips brushed against his own, rubbing back and forth to create a warm friction. Sebastian opened his mouth, inviting him to take a deeper taste.

  The chains had just enough play to allow their bodies to touch from chest to thigh. Sebastian’s hard cock twitched with anticipation as it grazed against its human twin. While his one hand was still free, he dipped his finger into the crack bisecting Teake’s ass, searching for the sensitive muscled ring of flesh. His preference would be to go slow this time, but he wanted to bring Teake as much pleasure as possible before he lost what little freedom of movement he had left.

  He wasn’t entirely surprised when Teake pulled back. Seb was, however, mystified when the man sat on his heels and stroked his cock, studying him intently. Firelight flickered over Teake’s bronze skin. You’re so beautiful.

  “You are so beautiful,” Teake told him.

  Jolted off-center by ho
w similar their thoughts were, Sebastian said the first thing that popped into his head. “So why don’t you fuck me already?”

  Teake shook his head. “No, I think this time I will make love with you. Would you like that, Sebastian?”

  More than anything in the world. But he couldn’t say that aloud. He’d already surrendered more of himself to this human than he’d ever shown Kassian, his friends, anyone. He had to hold back that last little piece so he wasn’t completely devastated when they parted ways. “I’m for anything that gets me off.”

  Teake slipped off the bed and went around Sebastian. His fingers were no longer cold when they traced over Seb’s spine. “So strong,” he murmured as he placed kisses in the wake of his touch.

  “Yeah, I’m fucking Atlas. Will you string me up already?”

  Ignoring the question, Teake swept Sebastian’s long blond hair over his shoulder. Seb silently cursed himself for not making the base of his neck off-limits. It could ruin everything.

  And sure enough, those magical fingers found the one spot Sebastian most wanted to hide from him. “This is where he drank from you?”

  “Yes.” He wasn’t very successful at keeping the anger out of his voice. “There were other places he drained me that night, but that’s the one that turned me.”

  Curious, Teake asked, “Why here?”

  “Vampire high.”

  Teake’s fingers spread out over his shoulders and started kneading away the tension that had suddenly gathered there. It felt damn good.

  “The body’s natural chemicals enter the blood stream here,” Teake said thoughtfully. “Fear, lust, happiness, hate.”

  “Very good. You win the prize. Now, fuck me.”

  “I stated my intentions,” Teake reminded him. “And I will proceed at my own pace.” He paused, removing his hands from Seb’s shoulders. “Unless you object?”

  “The only thing I object to is stopping.”

  Sebastian closed his eyes, shutting out everything but Teake’s soothing touch as the man resumed his caresses. He didn’t want to remember the times he’d been bound by Kass and the sex slaves rented from Marta for the night. The lash of the whip for the times he’d been “bad.” The sharp edge of Kassian’s fangs as they sank into his neck. He’d learned not to show his fear, but somehow the old Russian knew when the intoxicating endorphins flowed through his veins.

  But this was Teake. A human who had no thirst for his blood. That calmed him and gave him the courage to go through with it. He never liked the helpless feeling that bondage induced in him, but he’d tolerate it this time as long as it gave Teake the security he needed to continue their loveplay.

  Chains rattled, and Seb waited for the heavy leather to wrap around his wrist. Instead, he felt a tug on the opposite arm as the weight dropped away. “What the hell?”

  “I cannot love only part of you, Sebastian. It must be all or nothing.” He bent over to free Sebastian’s ankles as well.

  “Hold on,” Seb protested. “You said --”

  The last restraint dropped to the floor with a soft thud. Teake turned Sebastian around and met his gaze with a shaky smile. “I choose all.”

  “You won’t regret this,” Sebastian vowed. He’d break his sharp incisors on the marble fireplace before he’d let himself spill another drop of Teake’s blood.

  “I know.” Teake nodded toward the plush rug in front of the hearth. “Join me?”

  “Try to stop me.”

  “Only long enough to get the lube,” Teake said, now openly grinning.

  “I told you I don’t need that stuff.”

  “No, but I do.”

  Sebastian was halfway to the toy bin before the full implication hit him. “But that means --”

  Teake chuckled at his stunned expression. “Yes, I want you inside me. Is that so hard to believe?”

  As his body continued on its mission, Seb’s mind raced. He could probably count on one hand the times he’d seen Kass bend over for anyone, and never, ever for anyone he considered lower on the social ladder. Oh, Kassian liked to watch Seb top a whore from time to time, but made it clear Sebastian wouldn’t be granted that privilege with him. Apparently Teake felt differently. As if he needed another example to separate the two men in his mind.

  He returned with the gel to find Teake had piled the bed pillows on the floor. He’d draped himself over them, leaving his butt in the air. That was one munchable piece of ass. Firm, lightly furred and easily accessible. Just the way Seb liked it.

  But somehow he couldn’t get beyond the fact that the man was doing all the giving. This was supposed to be his chance to give back. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  Teake glanced up at him, radiating almost palpable desire. “Absolutely.”

  Sebastian knelt between the man’s thighs and ran his hands over the impressive sculpture of back muscles. He thought to ease Teake’s tension the same way the human had tried to soothe him. But it wasn’t necessary. Teake truly wanted to be taken by him, fucked, filled. The wonder of it brought a lump of tender emotion to his throat.

  Was this love? Perhaps not yet, but it was more affection than he’d experienced with any other being, dead or alive.

  Sebastian finished out his massage, working his way down Teake’s back. The man rested his head on his folded arms, moaning in approval. Those soft sounds were driving him crazy. His cock was fully primed by the time he reached Teake’s butt cheeks. He parted them, finding the small puckered spot with the pad of his thumb and pressing against it until the man released one long, heartfelt groan.

  When he withdrew his digit, Teake said, “Tease.”

  Sebastian applied a dollop of gel to his fingers, then warmed it by rubbing around, coating them well. “Some day, I’d like to suck your cock and then do this.” He slowly slid one well-oiled digit into the tight channel of muscle. “Make you buck in my mouth until you come.”

  “Oh, by everything green and growing, that sounds good. Feels good too.”

  “Try this.” Sebastian added a second finger and worked them in and out. Not too fast, but hard enough to make sure the man felt it.

  “Fill me with your cock. Please.” Teake tried to spread his legs wider, open himself up more.

  “If I did that, you’d miss out on this.” Sebastian left his fingers deep inside, but changed position so he could lick the backside of Teake’s balls.

  The man raised himself up on his elbows and drummed his fists on the floor. “Yes. Yes!”

  Seb drew one whole nut into his mouth and rolled it around on his tongue. He loved the taste, the smell… He loved everything about the man. Including the way Teake was writhing on his fingers, trying to force them deeper.

  He sucked the other ball into his mouth and subjected it to the same treatment. His own cock was harder than stone. His mind already raced ahead to when he’d be buried deep inside Teake’s warm, welcoming body. Buried to the hilt. Buried deep enough to touch his heart.

  “When my cock is inside you, will you be able to come?” Sebastian asked him. Some men couldn’t. Though they found intercourse intense and deeply pleasurable, their erections couldn’t be sustained, especially when the one doing the stuffing was as big as Sebastian was.

  “I think there is more danger that I will come too soon,” Teake said, purring in pleasure as Sebastian curled his fingers in search of that tantalizing pea-sized spot.

  “Do I need to get you a cock ring?” Seb asked, only half teasing.

  Teake glanced at him over his shoulder. “No. All I need is you.”

  The lusty heat projected his way broke the last of Seb’s restraint. He quickly spread the lube over his plump cock head, then stroked himself to coat his shaft. Since he knew Teake had been carefully stretched, he plunged in deep on the first thrust.

  Teake babbled out something in a language Sebastian had never learned. He paused, concerned he might have caused Teake pain. “Something wrong?”

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop.”

  That was all the reassurance Sebastian needed. He undulated his hips, watching his shaft slide in and out of Teake’s prime, tight ass. The man tried to push back, impale himself deeper. Seb rested his hands on Teake’s hips to hold him steady.

  “Come closer,” Teake urged him.

  “I don’t think that’s humanly possible.”

  Teake mumbled again in that odd language as Seb twisted his angle to hit that sweet, spongy spot with the head of cock. In English, he added, “Lay on top of me.”

  Damn. To have his face resting in the crook of Teake’s neck, to feel the blood pounding through the major artery and not sip… he wasn’t sure if he could resist that temptation.

  “Please,” Teake begged. “Want you close. Coming soon.”

  Sebastian was close to the orgasmic cliff himself. Normally he had great stamina, but the clenching of Teake’s internal muscles was milking it out of him fast. Since it wouldn’t be long, Seb decided to risk it.

  He collapsed on top of Teake, resting his forehead against the man’s spine and shoving his hands under the man’s torso to twist his hard nipples. Together they rocked in rhythm to the heartbeat that thundered through the human’s body.

  The scent of hot sex and man flesh caused Sebastian’s fangs to drop but he clamped his jaws together. Just a little longer. Hang on.

  “Coming,” Teake announced with his next breath. “Bite me.”

  Oh, fuck no. No, no, no. “Crazy talk.”

  “My blood, your seed. Do it.” Teake flipped his head down, causing his hair to fall forward and expose his neck.

  Sebastian couldn’t help himself. Not when Teake had given his permission. The man might hate him for it later, but at least Seb would carry this gift with him until the end of his days.

  With as much restraint as he could muster, Sebastian sank his fangs into a throbbing vein. Thick, rich tasting blood pumped into his mouth. Even as he swallowed the first gulp, Teake bucked beneath him in the onset of climax.


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