Best of Virgins Bundle

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Best of Virgins Bundle Page 103

by Cathy Williams

  “Did you get the shooter?”

  “Yeah, I just got word that he’s in custody. He ditched the camera, but we’ll find it.”

  “You need help?”

  “We’ll be fine. Why don’t you two head to my apartment? I’ll be there as soon as I have some answers.”

  Chapter 15

  As soon as Kyle and Rianna closed the apartment door behind them, he ordered her to stay put and began a thorough check of the premises.

  By the time he returned to the dimly lit foyer, she’d kicked off her shoes and tossed aside the blond wig. Her own hair felt limp. She fluffed it with her fingers, and then reached for the buttons of her dress.

  Kyle approached slowly, his gaze raking her from head to toe, his expression going so dark and hungry that it made her heart pound. She loved him so much that she ached with it.

  “Oh, no you don’t, beautiful,” he scolded, grabbing her hands to halt her stripping. He brought her fingers to his mouth and kissed them gently. “We’re not rushing. As bad as I need you, we’re not making love here. I want you naked in bed, where I can feel every inch of you against every inch of me.”

  Rianna had her own ideas about which of them should be in control. The look in his eyes made her shiver with excitement. The touch of his lips spread warmth throughout her body. She wanted him, here and now.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she drew him close. Then she looped a nylon-clad leg around his thigh and pulled him even closer. Their bodies pressed together in one slow, fluid move, every male angle burrowing into every feminine curve. Her blood heated at the feel of his hard, hot body.

  Kyle slapped his hands against the door on either side of her head and leaned down to steal a kiss. But one was never enough between them. Each long, searching kiss slipped into another, and another, until they were moaning and writhing against each other.

  “Bed,” he insisted, dragging his mouth from hers. He crushed her against the door while his hands cupped her face. His eyes were turbulent with emotion—love, desire, and a need so fierce that it wiped all thought of resistance from Rianna’s mind.

  “My room’s the one on the other side of the kitchen,” she whispered, nibbling on the strong line of his jaw.

  He swept her into his arms. “I know,” he admitted gruffly. “I smelled you there.”

  Rianna trembled and held him tighter. She could never get enough of him. She loved his sensitivity, the sound of his voice, the strength and feel of his body, even his macho protectiveness. She loved the intensity of his desire for her. In that, they were well matched. She needed him just as desperately.

  Kyle laid her on the bed and followed her down, pressing his body against hers while he cradled her head in his palms. His kiss was slow and deep and sweet. Rianna understood his need for reassurance. As badly as they wanted to make love, they didn’t want to be parted long enough to rid themselves of clothes. They’d already spent too much time in forced separation.

  When he finally ended the kiss, he leaned back far enough for their gazes to meet. The naked vulnerability in his eyes made her muscles turn to mush.

  “Say the words again,” he coaxed gruffly.

  She knew what he wanted to hear. “I love you,” she whispered, her throat going tight as she saw the way her admission affected him. He closed his eyes, but not before she saw the depth of his response.

  “I love you,” she repeated, feathering kisses over his face. “Now and forever. More than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone. More than I thought I had the courage to give.”

  “I love you that way, too,” he declared in a voice rough with emotion. “I want you to be my wife. I want a lifetime to explore this love. What do you think?”

  “Marriage—” Rianna faltered over the word. As much as she loved him, she hadn’t dared to dream about marriage. He’d never so much as hinted at that type of permanency.

  “When? Where? How? What about the case? Even though Gregory is dead, Donald will still need me to testify against the others.”

  “We can be married whenever and wherever you want. I’d rather it be soon, but we can work around the trials. Your life shouldn’t be in jeopardy, so you don’t have to be a slave to the system. Marry me,” he reiterated.

  Rianna badly wanted to believe. “You’re sure? I don’t know anything about sustaining long-term relationships. What if I’m a terrible failure at it?”

  Kyle’s slow smile helped to ease her small spurt of panic. The confidence in his expression boosted hers.

  “I don’t have any experience, either,” he confessed, sliding his hands down her throat to the open neck of her dress. He caressed the tender flesh, but his gaze stayed riveted to hers. “My folks were far from role models when it came to marriage, and I never put much effort into other relationships. But if you love me half as much as I love you, we can make it work. Nothing is impossible if we’re together.”

  Rianna went limp under his caressing hands. “We’re a helluva team, aren’t we?” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears of joy.

  “Perfect partners,” he murmured as he slid down her body and began to re-acquaint himself with much-adored territory. “How about it? Willing to trust me with your future?”

  “With my life,” she returned softly. “My life, my heart, my soul.”

  “Your body?” Kyle teased, nuzzling her breasts.

  Rianna laughed, tugged at his hair, and then set about convincing him just how much she trusted him.

  Six hours and a lot of loving later, they were cuddled on the Sullivans’ living room sofa. Donald had just stunned them with the news that the state had accepted Rudy’s plea bargain. Tabone had been arrested and was expected to plea, as well.

  The hit man refused to say anything, but the evidence against him was damning.

  “You took a huge risk with that accusation you hurled at Haroldson,” chided Donald.

  “I know, but he made me furious. I would have kept his dirty little secret if he hadn’t tried to save himself by tarnishing my dad’s name.”

  “Apparently, Haroldson didn’t care that the world might think him a murderer and a thief, but he couldn’t bear the thought of being considered a sexual pervert,” said Kyle.

  “In his twisted mind, murder and fraud were all a part of a successful man’s rise to power,” said Donald. “Anything was acceptable when it came to prestige, but he knew that a child molester is considered the lowest form of life, even in prison. Whatever his psychological hang-ups, I’m glad the man’s gone. All his army of thugs will run like rats.”

  “It’s finally over,” whispered Rianna. A chill raced down her spine, but the warmth of Kyle’s embrace swiftly comforted her.

  “For the most part,” Donald agreed. “You may still be called to testify, but your safety shouldn’t be an issue.”

  “It’s time to put it behind me and get on with my life.”

  “Amen,” said Donald. “Have any idea what that means in terms of your job?”

  “She’ll be moving to Texas,” said Kyle.

  Donald frowned. “What do you mean, moving?”

  Rianna laughed softly. “He’s not suggesting anything immoral,” she teased. “He’s asked me to be his wife, and I’ve agreed. I’ll need someone to give me away and some help organizing a small wedding.”

  “A small wedding that can be organized in a couple of weeks,” added Kyle.

  “Sophie’ll have heart failure,” said Donald, grinning widely. “She’ll want the whole shebang with bridesmaids and tuxedos and towering wedding cakes. I think she’s already made some plans.”

  Rianna and Kyle both shook their heads, then looked into each other’s eyes for a minute that stretched into two and then longer.

  Donald finally cleared his throat to regain their attention. “I’ll let you work out the details. If you want to get married right away, we can pull it off somehow.”

  “Do you think you could check about getting me a position in the El Paso field

  “I think that can probably be arranged, but it might take some time.”

  “Good,” said Kyle. “We’re thinking about a very long honeymoon.”

  Donald chuckled and bade them a good night.

  Rianna turned into Kyle’s arms and snuggled closer. She loved the warm, solid feel of him. She couldn’t get enough of him. He seemed to feel the same way, and she couldn’t remember ever being happier.

  It had taken her more than a decade, but she’d finally accomplished two very important objectives in life. She’d revealed Gregory Haroldson for the murderous criminal she knew him to be, finishing the job her dad had started. And as a bonus, she’d found Kyle, her protector, lover and soul mate.

  “What’s on your mind?” asked Kyle. “You’ve gotten awful quiet.”

  He used his nose to stroke the sensitive underside of her chin, and Rianna arched her neck, granting him better access.

  “I was just thinking about how lucky I am,” she said. Then she murmured her approval of his caresses. Goose bumps shivered down her back as he nibbled at her throat. All he had to do was touch her, and she quivered with need.

  “Luck had nothing to do with it,” he argued. “Years of hard work and dedication are what got the job done.”

  Rianna smiled and slid her mouth over his jaw. “I wasn’t talking about Gregory. He’s out of my life forever. He’s part of my past, and I refuse to allow him to clutter my thoughts anymore.”

  “Sounds good to me,” he agreed, his tongue flicking out to bathe her lips. “I wouldn’t care if I never heard his name again, either. He’s history.”

  “Right,” she mumbled, all thoughts of anyone but Kyle sliding from her mind.

  She wanted more kisses. He tasted so good, and felt so hot. Her endless need for him would have been worrisome if it weren’t being totally reciprocated. She no longer harbored any doubts about that fact. What Kyle couldn’t put into words, he’d expressed with his touch. She’d never felt so loved.

  He shifted until he lay flat on the sofa with her on top of him. His hands roamed slowly along her back and thighs. Their bodies were perfectly aligned, perfectly attuned.

  “So why are you feeling lucky?” he asked.

  “You,” she murmured against his mouth. “Just you.”

  A Single Demand

  By Margaret Allison






  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen



  Cassie Edwards sank her feet into the sand and sipped her piña colada as she watched the man pouring drinks behind the bar. He reminded her of the prince from Cinderella—tall, almost regal looking, with dark-brown hair, and eyes framed by crinkly laugh lines. He had the physique of an athlete and was wearing a soft linen shirt tucked into a pair of faded jeans.

  Although she had not spoken a word to him, she felt a connection, a magnetism that made it difficult to look away. She couldn’t help but fantasize what it would be like to be with such a man. How it would feel to touch him. To kiss him. To belong to him.

  What had gotten into her?

  Cassie glanced around the restaurant. It was situated directly on the beach, an open-air saloon framed in little white lights, complete with a tiki bar and waiters and waitresses wearing Hawaiian shirts. It seemed to be a mecca for romance. Couples were everywhere, holding hands, kissing, cuddling together. It was enough to make even the die-hard cynic a little sentimental.

  Cassie felt the sting of loneliness. The Bahamas, she thought, was not the place to mend a broken heart.

  But she couldn’t think about her ex-fiancé right now. Nor could she allow herself a harmless flirtation. She had not come here in search of love.

  She had come to meet with Hunter Axon, one of the most ruthless corporate raiders in the world.

  It was a strange assignment for a woman with no business expertise, a woman who was employed as a weaver in an old historical mill.

  “Can I bring you another piña colada?”

  Cassie glanced up. A tingle ran down her spine as she recognized the bartender she had been admiring. As she stared into his deep, brown eyes, she felt the rest of the world fade away. What was he doing at her table? He wasn’t her waiter. Cassie shook her head. “No. No, thank you.”

  The man hesitated a moment. Then he nodded toward her camera. “Have you taken many pictures?”

  He was flirting with her.

  Unfortunately, Cassie didn’t really know how to flirt. She had never had much of an opportunity. Cassie’s and Oliver’s families had chosen them for each other ever since they were born two days apart at the same hospital. Growing up, all of the boys back in Shanville, New York, knew she was Oliver Demion’s girl. She was off-limits.

  Cassie felt a rush of nerves. How did people do this? “No,” she mumbled. What? “I mean yes.”

  The man smiled. “Have you been down to the reefs?”

  She shook her head. “I haven’t had time. I’ve just taken pictures of the beach. I prefer abstract photos, the kind that capture the essence not the reality. Do you know what I mean? The radiance but not necessarily the, um…” The what? Why was she talking like the nutty professor?

  “You’re a serious photographer.”

  She laughed. “No. At least, not anymore. I went to school to study the arts but I dropped out before I graduated.” Because my grandma got sick and I had to return home to help her. So I went to work in the mill my fiancé owned and then he dumped me right before he sold the company that everyone in town worked for. Aren’t you glad you asked?

  Fortunately she kept those details to herself. “It’s just a hobby now.”

  He paused for a moment, looking at her. She felt as if he was studying her, almost undressing her with his eyes. Dear God, he was handsome! She swallowed and shifted her eyes.

  “Let me know if there’s anything else.”

  “Right,” she said meekly. Was she supposed to say something else? Invite him to sit down? But she couldn’t. Or could she?

  After all, she reminded herself for the umpteenth time that day, she was not engaged anymore.

  But she still felt guilty. And it had nothing to do with her past relationship. It had to do with the reason she had come to this exotic locale in the first place.

  She glanced back toward the bartender. How could she have fun when she knew the devastation her friends were about to face? How could she relax when she knew she would have to return to Shanville and disappoint everyone?

  How had she ended up in this predicament?

  Until a few months ago, she’d thought she’d known exactly who she was and where she was headed. She was engaged to be married. She had a job she loved, a community and town she adored. But life had thrown her a curve ball. In the blink of an eye, everything changed.

  In retrospect Cassie should not have been surprised that Oliver broke off their engagement. After all, their relationship had been riddled with problems ever since he took control of the mill. She would’ve broken off their engagement years ago if she hadn’t been afraid of upsetting her fragile grandmother. But it had been her grandmother’s wish that she marry Oliver. Her grandmother had claimed that their engagement was the one thing that brightened her days.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t love him. She had grown up with him. They’d gone to school together and
spent their summers working side by side at the mill. But when Oliver took over the helm of the mill, he changed. He became obsessed with money. It became obvious to Cassie that Oliver had big dreams—dreams that did not involve owning a small mill.

  In hindsight the writing had been on the wall. Oliver may have talked a good game, but as her grandmother always said, actions speak louder than words. Oliver’s actions ultimately proved that he did not want to marry a small-town girl who worked as a weaver in his family’s textile mill. And he would never be happy living in Shanville. Oliver was destined to seek love and fortune elsewhere.

  But as obvious as Oliver’s feelings toward her might have been, Cassie never guessed how deeply he disdained Shanville. She had also never guessed that Shanville would one day be destroyed by one of its own.

  But that was exactly what had happened. Oliver had mismanaged the mill so badly he had brought it to the brink of financial ruin. Then, just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, he betrayed Shanville and the people who loved him. He announced he was selling the mill—the pillar of their community, the employer of generations of Shanville residents—to Hunter Axon.

  Hunter Axon. A corporate raider who had made a fortune taking advantage of others’ misfortunes. He was famous for taking over small businesses, firing the workers and closing the factories, moving production overseas.

  The sale had caught everyone unaware, even Cassie. How had Oliver arranged this? How had he convinced Hunter Axon to buy a small textile mill that hadn’t seen a profit in years?

  It took some research, but she finally found her answer. Bodyguard.

  Oliver had stumbled upon a patent the mill owned for Bodyguard, a soft, absorbent material. A material, he realized, that would be perfect for athletic wear. And instead of using the patent to turn the mill’s fortunes around and make amends, Oliver had gotten greedy.


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