Julian (Trinity Academy Book 4)

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Julian (Trinity Academy Book 4) Page 3

by Michelle Heard

  Mason turns to me. “Do you want to head over to the suite to meet her, or should I arrange a meeting for another time?”

  Knowing that she’s Carter’s sister-in-law and there’s a possibility that she’ll join CRC once she’s finished her studies, I answer, “Let me meet her now. We might not get another chance for a while.”

  Only Carter, Della, and Mason join me as we walk out of the hall. I’m greeted by parents and students during the short trek to the dorms, as everyone tries to take advantage of my being out in public. Falcon is the extrovert where I don’t socialize unless it’s for business. I like my privacy and hate when people intrude on my personal space.

  When we reach the suite, Layla, Kingsley, and Lee are already there. Walking into the living room, I can hear the girls laughing.

  Della heads to the bedroom, and I hear her say, “Jamie, can you come out for a moment?”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  At first, I only see a girl with the same brown hair as Della, but when she steps out from behind her sister and my eyes lock on her dark blue ones, my lips part on a shocked breath.

  For a moment, I feel excited at being face to face with Jamie again, but it soon fades as the reality of the moment sets in.


  The twenty-something woman I hooked up with last week is none other than Carter’s sister-in-law.

  A student at my academy.

  Wait… is she even over twenty?

  Fuck my life.

  “Jamie,” Carter says to draw her attention, and taking hold of her elbow, he turns toward me, “this is Julian Reyes, our new business partner.”

  The color fades from her face before a pink tinge comes rushing back to her cheeks.

  “Oh… uhm… It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jamie says, her eyes first wide on my face before they narrow.

  Is she seriously warning me not to out her? Like I would tell my business partner, I had a wild night of sex with his little sister.

  A mixture of anger and worry simmer in my chest. The repercussions of our night together could be disastrous for CRC.

  Fuck, how could I let this happen?

  You were thinking with your cock, that’s how!

  I should’ve done a check on her, instead of letting my desire to have her overrule all common sense.

  Thanks to years of putting up a front in the boardroom, I manage to keep my emotions from showing on my face. Coolly, I hold out my hand to her, and when she places her smaller one in mine, I say, “Pleasure is mine. I hope you find everything at the academy to your liking.”

  “Thank you.”

  Mason steps forward to excuse us. “Julian needs to meet with some of the other families. We’ll set a date for dinner next week before you have to fly back to New York.”

  “That would be great,” Carter replies.

  I shoot a dark glance at Jamie before I turn and leave her suite. She has another thing coming if she thinks I’m letting her off the hook. I’ll come back later so we can talk in private about what happened because I sure as hell have a lot of unanswered questions.


  Once my family and friends have left, I take a seat on the couch and stare blankly at the coffee table, trying to process everything that happened today.

  The look Julian gave me before he left promised nothing good for me, and it’s made my body tense from not knowing what’s going to happen.

  How did I get myself into such a mess? How do other girls have one-night stands and get away with it?

  Ugh, this sucks.

  When there’s a knock at my door, my mouth dries up as I slowly climb to my feet. My gut tells me it’s Julian, and I know I have to face him sooner rather than later.

  With the intention of reminding him it was only one night, and we should forget it ever happened, I open the door.

  Before my eyes can even focus on him, Julian grumbles, “Jamie Truman. Nineteen-fucking-years-old. Not a photographer like I was told, but a student at my academy.”

  Crap. This is so not going to end well.

  Julian moves forward, and I quickly step to the side so he can come in. Closing the door, I take a deep breath before I turn to face him.

  “Let me explain,” I try to get a sentence in, but Julian begins to stalk up and down in my living room, shooting dark glares my way.

  “Eight years! That’s the age difference between us. You’re a damn kid!” He pauses for a moment, and a sickening look tightens his features even more. “Oh my god, I slept with a kid.” He actually looks like he’s going to hurl, which makes anger bubble in my chest.

  “I’m not a child, Julian. Get over yourself. I might only be nineteen, but judging by your overdramatic response to all of this, I’m pretty sure I’ve been an adult much longer than you have.”

  “Get over myself?” he hisses.

  The jerk is even hotter when he’s angry. That sucks.

  “Do you have any idea what will happen if the press finds out?”

  “The press finding out is the least of my worries,” I state, rolling my eyes. “I’m more concerned about Carter and my sister hearing about this, so let's just forget it ever happened.”

  “How could you lie to me?” he asks, a frown forming on his forehead.

  “I didn’t lie to you,” I argue. “I just didn’t bother to correct your assumptions and left out personal details of my life I didn’t want to share with a potential one-night-stand. Besides, you made me think you were a musician. I wouldn’t have slept with you if I had known who you really were.”

  Julian’s features tighten even more with anger, and it makes his eyes look black as night. “You fucking lied, Jamie. You said you were a photographer. If you had mentioned you were a student, I wouldn’t have touched you with a ten-foot pole. Do you have any idea how your irresponsible actions will reflect on Carter? I’m his business partner. How the hell am I supposed to work with him now?”

  Oh, buddy, you’re dreaming if you think I’m just going to allow you to speak to me like that.

  Losing my own temper, I stalk closer to him and square my shoulders. I shove a finger at his chest, and hiss, “Don’t you dare bring my brother-in-law into this fight. I’m not some teenager you can insult, Mr. Reyes. Whether I’m nineteen or twenty-one, doesn’t make a difference. Whether I work or study is not the issue here. We shared a mutual attraction and had sex, but that’s all it was. You need to get over yourself. You’re not as important as you think, and I certainly will not tell a living soul we slept together. Not because of your image, but because of my own. The last thing I want people thinking is I slept my way to the top. I don’t need someone like you in my life. I already have five powerful families standing behind me, and you best remember that before you dare to insult me again.”

  While I was talking, Julian’s breathing speeds up, and then he growls, “Just shows how immature you are if you think you’re in any position to threaten me.” He takes an intimidating step closer, which makes my muscles tighten in my body.

  “I swear I will slap you into next week. Don’t tempt me,” I say, my voice low and vibrating with rage.

  Our eyes lock, and the air around us thickens until it seems explosive.

  Julian tilts his head, and a stupid sexy smirk forms around his mouth. Letting out a dark chuckle, he says, “You actually think you’re a match for me, little girl?”

  God, help me. Today is the day I’ll land my butt in jail for assault charges.

  Before I can answer, he continues, “I’ve faced crazier women than you, and each one of them will regret it for the rest of their miserable lives.”

  Knowing he’s Falcon’s older brother, which means Clare Reyes is his mother, and her trial is all over the news, I go in for the kill. “Like your crazy mother? Now I totally get why you act the way you do. The apple must not fall far from the tree.”

  The moment the words are out, and I see the pained look on Julian’s face, regret pours through me.

I was way too harsh.

  Chapter 4


  She did not just say that to me.

  Glaring at her face, I try to calm down before I do something stupid. As the seconds tick by, my rage only grows. I can’t remember a time in my life I was this angry.

  If she weren’t Carter’s sister-in-law, I would destroy her pathetic little life without feeling an ounce of guilt.

  There’s only the sound of our angry breaths, and it reminds me of the breathless night we spent together.

  Knowing the situation is too volatile to continue, and I can’t risk my partnership with Indie Ink Publishers for this girl, the businessman in me wins out over my rage.

  Giving her one last glare, I walk past her and let myself out.

  With every step I take down the hallway as I head for the elevator, my anger continues to grow until it feels like an inferno is building in my chest.

  I slam the button, and when the doors open, I stalk inside and press for the ground floor. I feel a sense of deja vu when the doors begin to close, and I see Jamie coming out of her room. It reminds me of the night Falcon, and I had our argument, which led to us making peace.

  I’ll never make peace with this woman. I’d much rather bury her alive.


  With my eyes cold on her, I let the door close, and then I exhale a deep breath. Exiting The Hope Diamond, I cross the road and nod my head to a janitor as I pass by him.

  “Evening, Mr. Reyes,” he greets before pushing a cart with cleaning supplies toward The Pink Star, which is opposite from The Hope Diamond.

  A couple of seconds later, Jamie calls from behind me, “Julian.”

  I shut my eyes for a second but then hear a clattering sound. Glancing over my shoulder, I watch as Jamie climbs to her feet after running into the janitor’s cart.

  “I’m so sorry,” she apologizes to the man, and I take the chance to disappear around the corner before she can set after me again.

  I’m done talking with her. No one compares me to Clare Reyes, a fucking murderer as far as I’m concerned, and gets away with it.

  When I reach my car, I don’t feel any calmer. Climbing behind the steering wheel, I shut the door and take a moment to just breathe.

  ‘Like your crazy mother? Now I totally get why you act the way you do. The apple must not fall far from the tree.’

  Leaning back against the seat, Jamie’s words replay in my mind, only making me feel much worse.

  What if she’s right?

  For the past five years, I’ve done nothing but chase after success. I almost ruined my relationship with Falcon. Honestly, we would still be fighting if Falcon hadn’t opened up first.

  My mother almost killed Layla for the sake of her status. It’s the only thing she ever cared about.

  So, what makes me any different?

  I see movement in the parking area and watch as Jamie glances at the cars, probably looking for me.

  “Julian?” she calls, then I hear her mumble, “I could’ve sworn I saw him head in this direction.”

  Part of me wants to get out and tell her to go to hell, but I remain seated, watching her take her phone from her pocket.

  After dialing a number, she says, “Hey, Layla. I’m sorry to call so late. Do you, by any chance, have Julian’s phone number?”

  What. The. Fuck.

  I roll down my window so I can tell her to go to hell just as she says, “I just need to confirm a dinner date with him before Carter and Della head back to New York.”

  Upset that she phoned my brother’s girlfriend, I open the door and get out of the car.

  “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she ends the call with Layla and then begins to dial my number.

  When my phone starts to ring, I ignore it, keeping my eyes on Jamie as I walk toward her. She spins around and shock flashes over her face.

  When she sees me, she cuts the call, but before she can open her mouth, I say, “I don’t want to hear it. Save your apology for someone who cares.”

  “What I said about your mother was totally out of line,” she begins to apologize anyway.

  Stopping right in front of her, I growl, “You’ve already crossed the line, Miss Truman. Unfortunately, we move in the same circle, and I’ll have to see you from time to time, so please act courteously and keep your distance from me.

  I turn around to head back but pause to say, “All you’ll ever be is a mistake I made. Fortunately, I’m a quick learner.”

  Walking to my car, I don’t feel any better about what happened and the things that were said.

  Jamie was wrong, but if I’m honest with myself, I’ll admit I’m angry because I’m just as responsible for this incident happening as she is.

  I shouldn’t have approached her after she complimented my piano piece at the restaurant. I shouldn’t have invited her up to my suite. I should’ve done what I always do – ignore women and live only for CRC Holdings.

  Things were a lot less complicated then.

  Chapter 5


  It’s been two days since the fight with Julian, and I don’t feel any better about what I said to him. I hate that he called me a mistake, but I know I can’t exactly blame the guy after I insulted him. What I said was petty and cruel of me.

  Opening my messages, I begin to type out a text to Julian for the tenth time, but soon I’m deleting it again.

  Letting out a sigh, I decide to push through and just get it over with.

  Jamie: I apologize for what I said about your mother. It was out of line. I’ll be courteous when our paths cross and ask that you do the same.

  Before I press send, I change my mind and deleting the message, I tuck my phone in my pocket.

  I grab my shopping list then walk to the door. When I get to the elevator and the door pings open, I smile, seeing Kingsley and Layla inside. “Morning.”

  “Morning, we didn’t see you around yesterday. Have you settled in?” Layla asks as I step inside, and the doors close behind me.

  “Yeah, I just need to run to the store, then I’ll be ready for when classes start,” I reply.

  “Kingsley’s low on her candy stash, so we’re heading to the store as well. Would you like to ride with us?”

  “Will there be enough space for a mini-fridge in the car?” I ask while I quickly scan over the list I have.

  “We’ll take my car,” Kingsley replies, then teases, “You can hardly fit three people in Layla’s.”

  “Why do you need a fridge?” Layla asks as we step out of the elevator and walk toward the parking area.

  “I have an addiction to smoothies,” I admit.

  Kingsley holds her hand up for a high-five, so I slap my hand against hers.

  “Glad to hear I’m not the only one with an addiction.”

  Layla bumps her shoulder against Kingsley and chuckles. “Addiction is totally downplaying your relationship with the candy aisle.” She glances over at me. “There’s nothing Kingsley loves more than her candy stash.”

  “You’re one to talk,” Kingsley teases back. “Your love for coffee easily rivals my love for sweets.”

  “Then I’m in good company,” I say, loving the banter between the girls.

  “You sure are.”

  Reaching the car, we all climb in. During the drive to the nearest Walmart, I make a point of memorizing the route for my weekly run of smoothie supplies. It’s a habit Sue got me hooked on while she was still alive.

  Thinking of Sue, a sad smile forms around my lips. She was like a mother to me after Mom passed away from cancer. My thoughts go to the diner Sue owned and later left for Della and me. I haven’t been back to Saluda since we moved to New York with Carter, which is actually sad. I miss my home town and should make plans to visit there during my summer break.

  “Let’s do this,” Kingsley says as she parks the car outside Walmart.

  Walking into the airconditioned building, I grab a cart. We first go to the candy aisle
, and I begin to chuckle when I see they weren’t joking about Kingsley’s addiction.

  “Yes!” she shrieks as she places Twizzlers in her cart. “They were out of stock last week,” she explains her excitement.

  Once Kingsley is satisfied with everything she got, the girls help me choose a mini-fridge. I get everything on my list, including smoothies for the next week, and then we make our way over to the cashiers to pay.

  By the time we get back to the dorms, I have a permanent smile on my face. Even though we only went shopping together, the trip made me feel better and gave me hope that I’ll be able to become good friends with the girls.

  After Layla helped me carry the mini-fridge up to my suite, we each go our separate ways. I find a nice spot in the corner of my living room to place the mini-fridge and place the berry blast smoothies inside, along with the assorted pack of fruit cups I got for when I only have time for a quick breakfast.

  I’m just about to change into my pajamas when my phone beeps. Checking it, I see Della’s name, which brings a smile to my face.

  Della: We’re having dinner with CRC tomorrow night. We need to fly back earlier than expected because Carter has business to take care of. Dinner is at The Rose Acre at 7pm. Hugs xxx

  Shoot. I’ll have to see Julian sooner than I thought. At least I have a day to prepare myself mentally and emotionally.

  Jamie: See you tomorrow xoxoxoxoxo PS. Give Danny a hug from me.

  Feeling anxious about the dinner date, I soak in the bath for a long while before I get ready. Knowing Julian will be there, I take extra care with my appearance.

  Smiling at the dress before I slip it on, I look at my reflection in the mirror. The lace fabric flares out from my hips, stopping just above my knees. Wearing black heels to complete the outfit, makes me feel a little more confident.

  Julian will regret calling me a mistake when he sees me this evening.

  At least, that’s what I hope will happen.

  I pull a brush through my brown curls before I grab the clutch I left lying on my bed.


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