Julian (Trinity Academy Book 4)

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Julian (Trinity Academy Book 4) Page 17

by Michelle Heard

  She blinks at me a couple of times, then teases, “Wow, I forgot what a charmer you can be.”

  When she pushes her own plate aside, I wait for the waiter to clear the table, then I reach for her hand again. I bring it to my knee and glancing down, I lightly trace over her fingers with my other hand.

  A John Legend song begins to play, and the corner of my mouth lifts, as I bring my eyes to Jamie’s, “Would you like to go up to the suite and have conversations in the dark?”

  She lets out a burst of laughter, and it has me staring at how beautiful she looks right now.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Standing up, I wait for Jamie to rise as well before I place my hand on her lower back. As we leave the restaurant and cross the floor of the lobby, I begin to feel the anticipation of spending the night with Jamie.

  Waiting for the elevator to come down, she mumbles, “It moves so slow.”

  When the doors finally open, I wait for Jamie to step inside first. Following behind her, I swipe my card and press the number for the top floor.

  Jamie leans back against the panel, and the sight makes my heart beat faster. I close the distance between us, and taking hold of her hip, I pull her to me. I bring my other hand to her neck and lightly brush over her skin. All the marks have faded from around her throat, but I’ll never forget what they looked like.

  My eyes find hers, and the moment is so very different from our first night together. Back then, there was only desire. But as I stare into the blue eyes of the woman that’s become my life, everything feels much more intense.

  I no longer only want her. I now need her, because without her my life and everything in it will be worthless.

  The doors open, and as we step out, I pull her close to my side, our hands intertwined.

  Once we walk into the suite, I shut the door behind us. When I turn my attention back to Jamie, there’s a poignant expression on her face, making her look vulnerable.

  “What are you thinking?” I ask, needing to know where her mind’s at.

  She lets out a trembling breath, before admitting, “I just realizing what I almost lost.” She takes a step closer to me. “Not being able to smell your scent.” Lifting a hand, she places it against my jaw. “Not seeing you again… touching you.” Standing on her tiptoes, she presses a kiss to my mouth, then murmurs, “I’m so unbelievably grateful that I get to have this moment with you.”

  Raising my hands, I frame her face and stare deep into her eyes. “I’ll treasure every day I get to have with you.”

  I lower my head and pressing my mouth to hers, I thank the powers that be that my prayers were answered.

  Pulling back, I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom.

  Removing my jacket, I throw it over the armchair, then I lift a hand to the back of Jamie’s neck. “I want to wake up next to you.”

  Smiling at me, she teases, “I’ve been waking up next to you for almost two weeks.”

  I shake my head lightly. “I’m not talking about the past. I mean tomorrow and the day after, and every day after that.”

  “But I have to go back to school,” she whispers. There’s a puzzled look on her face.

  “Am I moving too fast for you?” I ask, not wanting to pressure her into anything she’s not ready for.

  “No.” She takes a deep breath and glances down before asking, “Are you asking me to stay here?”

  I nudge her face back up so she’ll look at me. “Yes.”

  “You want us to live together?” she asks again.

  I let out a chuckle. “Yes.”

  “Oh, wow, I didn’t expect that,” she admits. “I thought I’d be returning to Trinity after this weekend.”

  “Do you want to go back to the dorm?” I ask, trying to brace myself for if she answers yes. I lower my hands from her face as I wait for her to respond.

  “No,” she whispers. A playful smile forms around her mouth. “I should warn you, though, I’m messy.”

  “We can have them clean the suite daily,” I murmur as I begin to lower my head to hers.

  “I don’t have a car to get to classes.”

  Lightly, I brush my lips over hers. “No need for one. I’ll arrange a driver for you and your guards.”

  “Guards?” she murmurs against my mouth, her eyelashes lowering with desire.

  “I’m never leaving you unprotected again.”

  She pushes up against me, and her mouth presses harder against mine.

  I wrap an arm around her, pulling her body right against mine as my tongue slips into her mouth.

  I promise to keep you safe.

  The kiss is fast and hungry but then eases to slow and intense, as our breaths mingle.

  You are the reason my heart keeps beating.

  I intensify the kiss, moving a hand to the back of her head where the gash has healed, but I keep my touch gentle.

  Jamie’s the one to break the kiss as she pulls back. She lifts her hand to my chest and begins to unbutton my shirt. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while now,” she admits, her voice soft and filled with desire.

  The corner of my mouth lifts when she takes her time, brushing her hands over my bare arms as she pushes the shirt off.

  When her hands drop to my belt, I reach for her and unzipping the back of her dress, I push the fabric from her shoulders, letting it fall to her feet.

  Once our clothes are scattered over the floor, I whisper, “The only thing I want is to be with you, as close as I can be.”

  Jamie steps forward and pressing her body against mine, she wraps her hand around the back of my neck and slowly pulls me down to her as our eyes never leave each other.

  Our mouths touch, and then there’s only us. My heartbeat speeds up, and I wrap my arms around her. My fingers brush lightly up her back, and it makes her shiver against me. Slipping a hand into her hair, I tighten my hold on her as I deepen the kiss. Our tongues explore each other, soft then hungrily, and it pushes me to the edge of losing control, but I want this night to be special.

  I pull her toward the bed, and for a moment, our mouths separate as she sits down, scooting back over the covers. Breathless, I stare down at her. Seeing the same need on her face has me placing a knee on the mattress.

  She opens her legs as I move in between them and I first place a kiss to the inside of her thigh, before I brush my lips over her skin until I reach the sensitive area above her opening. I begin to nip and suck at her and being overwhelmed by my hunger for her, I don’t stop until my lips are tingling and she’s writhing beneath me. Pressing a finger against her opening, I rub hard circles around it until her body tenses, and she lets out a moan as she orgasms.

  Leaving her for a moment, I reach over to the bedside table and pull a box of condoms from the top drawer. Grabbing one, I tear the foil open using my teeth, then quickly roll it on.

  Crawling over Jamie, I keep myself braced on my left arm, and I place my right on her hip. She stares up at me, her expression intense as she brings her hands to my shoulders.

  Everything I feel reflects on her face. Leaning down, I close my mouth over hers and kiss her with every ounce of love I’m feeling.

  I don’t want to live without her. I can’t breathe without her next to me.

  I move my hand up over her ribs and cupping her breast, I knead her flesh until our bodies writhe against each other, needing more. I slide my hand back down and taking hold of myself, I rub over her slickness before I align myself with her opening.

  My gaze drifts over her face before settling on her eyes. For a moment, we only stare at each other, then I whisper, “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted but didn’t know I needed.”

  Her eyes begin to shimmer in the dim light. I press a soft kiss to her mouth, and murmur, “I love you, Jamie.”

  Chapter 37


  My body begins to tremble from feeling overwhelmed by the significant moment we’re sharing.

  A lump pushes up my throat, m
aking it impossible to say the words back to him. Instead, I lift my hand to the back of his neck and pull him down to me until our foreheads touch.

  There’s a heartbreaking look on Julian’s face as he pushes inside me, and it makes tears escape my eyes.

  When he’s fully inside me, I manage to whisper with a quivering voice, “I love you so much.”

  Julian presses his mouth to mine, his eyes drifting closed as if he’s soaking up the words I just said. His hips pull back, and when he pushes into me again, his eyes open, burning into me with intensity.

  This is the moment we fought so hard for. This is what I feared losing the most.

  Getting to be with Julian and having a future with him.

  Julian begins to kiss my tears away as our bodies start to move together. I’m swept up in my emotions of making love to Julian, and when he moves faster, it steals my ability to breathe.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, clinging to him – my lifeline and the only place I feel safe.

  The rampant emotions begin to calm down a little, and I feel his toned body move against mine. Every time he thrusts inside me, it makes the pleasure begin to grow in my abdomen.

  Our eyes never leave each other as we find our release together.

  Julian’s movements steadily slow down until he stills against me. His gaze caresses my face, and then he whispers, “I’ll be right back.”

  I climb under the covers as Julian uses the restroom, then he switches off the light before coming to bed.

  I wait for him to lie down before I snuggle closer. Once he wraps his arms around me, I let out a contented sigh.

  He presses a kiss to my hair, then positions us, so we’re lying face to face. He leans in and presses another kiss to my mouth, then whispers, “You’re so beautiful.”

  When he kisses me again, I begin to smile.

  “And brave.”


  “And intelligent.”


  “And everything I ever wanted in the woman I want to spend my life with.”

  My smile fades as tears begin to well in my eyes. “You’re going to make me cry,” I try to playfully chastise him, but when he looks at me with so much tenderness and love, I can’t control the overpowering feelings bursting in my heart.

  He pulls me to him, and I bury my face in his neck as my shoulders begin to shudder. I let the tears wash all the fear and trauma away, and in its place, hope for a beautiful future with Julian begins to grow.

  Waking up, I feel Julian’s warm skin beneath my cheek and snuggling closer, a contented smile pulls at my lips.

  He tightens his arms around me, and his voice is rough from sleep as he murmurs, “This is the best feeling in the world.”

  I press a kiss to his chest. “Can we stay in bed all day?”

  “Hmm… tempting, but we have dinner with the group tonight.”

  “Oh yeah, it’s Sunday,” I mumble, then let out a happy sigh.

  “I think we should swing by Trinity and get the rest of your stuff so you can return to classes tomorrow without having to worry about it.”

  I shift my head and glance up at Julian. “Yeah, I suppose I have to get that done sooner or later. Then Preston can move back into his room.”

  “You want to shower first while I order us some coffee?”

  I push up into a sitting position, and the covers slip back, exposing my body.

  Julian’s eyes drop to my breasts, and reaching up, he brushes his knuckle over my nipple.

  “Or we can stay in bed the whole day,” I tease.

  He sits up and presses a hard kiss to my mouth, then climbs out of bed. “No, I have other plans for you.”

  When I open the door to the suite I shared with Layla and Kingsley, and I step inside, Kingsley’s head snaps up from where she was concentrating on her laptop screen.

  The moment she sees me, she drops her lollipop on the table and jumping up, she shrieks, “Oh my God, you’re here!” She runs over to me and grabbing me into a hug, she shouts, “Layla, Jamie’s back!”

  She holds me at arm’s length and lets her eyes scan over me. “Are you okay? We wanted to come visit, but Julian asked us to give you some time.” She shoots him a scowl before a wide smile splits over her face again.

  Layla comes out of her room and takes hold of Kingsley’s arm, pulling her back. “Let them at least come inside.”

  I shut the door behind us.

  “I’ll be in your room,” Julian says and presses a kiss to my temple before he walks away.

  Kingsley instantly grins at me.

  Layla glances after Julian before she looks at me. “How are you? Have the police said anything?”

  Oh crap, they don’t know Henry’s dead.

  “They think Henry skipped town,” I say so they won’t worry about me.

  “Yuck… just hearing his name.” Kingsley gets the shivers while pulling a disgusted face.

  “But you’re okay now?” Layla asks again.

  “Yeah, I’m much better. Julian’s been amazing and is taking care of me.”

  “So…” Kingsley wiggles her eyebrows, “are you a couple now?”

  “Of course, they are,” Layla says. “She’s been living at his place for a while now.”

  “Are you coming back to school?” Kingsley asks.

  I nod. “I’ll return to classes tomorrow. We actually came to get the rest of my belongings so Preston can have his room back.”

  Kingsley’s mouth drops open, and Layla’s eyes widen.

  Layla seems to recover first. “You’re moving in with him?”

  When I nod, Kingsley lets out an excited shriek, and then she hugs me again. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Suddenly Julian says from where he’s standing in my bedroom’s doorway, “Falcon doesn’t know. I’d appreciate it if you let me tell him.”

  “Of course,” Layla answers. She glances from Julian to me, then says, “You have no idea how happy I am to know you’re together.”

  Walking over to Julian, she gives him a hug and whispers something to him before she lets him go.

  “We’ll still have our dinners on Sundays, right?” Kingsley asks.

  “Yes, definitely,” I reply, appreciating how supportive the girls are. “I’m going to pack quickly.”

  When I walk past Julian, I take hold of his hand and pull him into the room with me.

  When we’re alone, I ask, “What did Layla say to you?”

  Julian walks to my dresser and opening it, he begins to remove the remainder of my clothes.

  “She just said she’s happy for me and that I deserve a chance at happiness.”

  I smile widely at the words. “She’s right.”

  I begin folding the clothes and placing them in the bag Julian just put down on the bed.

  He pauses and watching me closely, he asks, “When we’re done loading everything in the car, would you like to go for a piano lesson?”

  I glance down at the shirt in my hands and swallow before I answer, “Sure, sounds like a good idea.”

  Julian takes his phone from his pocket, and I watch with a frown as he dials a number.

  “Afternoon, it’s Julian. Can you clear the music center at two for me?” My eyebrows pop up. “Thank you.”

  When he tucks the phone back in his pocket, I say, “You didn’t have to do that. We only need the one studio.”

  Julian just smiles at me. “We only have thirty minutes. Let’s get this done.”

  Chapter 38


  When we have Jamie’s belongings loaded in my car, we walk down the path leading to the music building. I place my arm around her shoulders and draw her against my side, pressing a kiss to her hair.

  Students stare as we pass them, and then a group of girls approaches us. “Jamie, we haven’t seen you in a while,” the one says as her eyes dart between us before resting a couple of seconds too long on me.

  “Uh… yeah,” Jamie answers, her voice tight, which tel
ls me she’s not friends with them.

  “We should have lunch,” the girl says.

  I have to search my memory for her name and which family she belongs to.

  Cynthia Healey? No, that’s her mother’s name.

  Giving up on trying to remember the girl’s name, I keep my tone professional, as I say, “Miss Healey, you’ll have to excuse us.”

  I begin to walk, and when she doesn’t move, my expression turns to a scowl. “Move.”

  “Oh, sure.” She finally moves out of the way.

  I feel irritated, and when we reach the building, I ask, “Do you know them?”

  “No, I only spoke to them once,” Jamie says, sounding annoyed. “I’m really going to throat punch her. There’s just something about her that aggravates the living hell out of me.”

  Unable to stop, I chuckle at her response. When she glances up at me, I say, “Trust me to fall madly in love with a spit-fire.”

  “Yeah?” she grins, the other girls now forgotten.

  Walking into the studio, I shut the door behind us and lock the door, so we won’t be disturbed.

  “Are you going to teach me something new today?” Jamie asks as she walks to the piano.

  “Hold up.” She pauses and turns back to me as I move toward her. Standing in front of her, I say, “I need you naked for what I want to show you.”

  She begins to laugh, then takes a step back. The smile on her face is absolutely stunning as she wiggles out of her underwear and sweatpants. Her expression changes as desire settles on her face.

  When she pulls her shirt over her head, I close the distance between us and bring a hand to her jaw. My mouth crashes down on hers, and the kiss quickly turns heated and breathless.

  Breaking the kiss for a moment, I push her back until we reach the bench. “Sit on the piano with your feet on the bench.”

  “I really like this lesson,” she teases as she sits down.

  I place my hand on her thigh as I climb over the bench. Taking a seat between her legs, I look up at her, drinking in how breathtaking she looks with her lips parted before I lower my eyes to her abdomen.


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