Frostborn: The High Lords

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Frostborn: The High Lords Page 34

by Jonathan Moeller

  CAMORAK: A Magistrius in service to Joram Agramore of Dun Licinia. Prone to drunkenness and boorish comments, but nonetheless a skilled healer.

  CARADOG LORDAC: A knight in service to Tarrabus Carhaine.

  CONSTANTINE LICINIUS: The son of Gareth Licinius, and a Swordbearer, wielder of the soulblade Brightherald.

  CORBANIC LAMORUS: A vassal of the High King, and current Comes of Coldinium.

  CORTIN LAMORUS: A knight and the son of Corbanic Lamorus.

  CROWLACHT: A headman of the orcish kingdom of Rhaluusk and a warrior of King Ulakhamar. Fought alongside Ridmark and his friends at the Iron Tower.

  DAGMA: Sister of Jager, and seneschal of the keep of Dun Licinia.

  DIETER: Husband of Dagma, Jager’s sister. A skilled carpenter.

  GARETH LICINIUS: The Dux of the Northerland, and father of Constantine, Imaria, and Aelia.

  GAVIN: A young man from the village of Aranaeus in the Wilderland, now a Swordbearer and the wielder of the soulblade Truthseeker.

  GOTHALINZUR: An urdmordar, slain by Ridmark Arban at the village of Victrix.

  IMARIA LICINIUS SHADOWBEARER: The youngest daughter of Gareth Licinius, and a former Magistria of the Order. The new bearer of Incariel’s shadow after the death of Tymandain Shadowbearer.

  JAGER: A bold halfling thief and merchant, married to Queen Mara of the Nightmane Forest. Serves as her Prince Consort.

  JORAM AGRAMORE: A knight and vassal of Dux Gareth Licinius. Currently serves as the Comes of Dun Licinia.

  KALDRAINE PENDRAGON: The eldest son of High King Uthanaric Pendragon and heir to the realm of Andomhaim.

  KHARLACHT: An orcish warrior of Vhaluusk and follower of Ridmark Arban.

  KORS DURIUS: The Dux of Durandis, Andomhaim’s western march against the mountains of Kothluusk.

  KURASTUS: A Magistrius and the Master of the Order of the Magistri.

  LEOGRANCE ARBAN: The Dux of Taliand, and the father of Ridmark Arban and Tormark Arban.

  LINUS RILLON: A knight of Tarrabus Carhaine and one of the Enlightened of Incariel. Killed by Accolon in self-defense.

  MARA: The daughter of the Traveler, the dark elven lord of Nightmane Forest. Now rules as the Queen of Nightmane Forest.

  MARCAST TETRICUS: A knight formerly in service to the garrison of the Iron Tower, now opposed to Tarrabus Carhaine.

  MARHAND: A Swordbearer, and Master of the Order of the Soulblade. Carries the soulblade Torchbrand.

  MARIUS: Known as the Watcher, Calliande’s former teacher in the magic of the Magistri. Watched over her in spirit form after she awakened in the Tower of Vigilance without her memories.

  MHALEK: Orcish warlord and shaman who believed himself a god. Defeated at Black Mountain, and the killer of Aelia Licinius Arban.

  MIRIAM: The sister of Arandar’s late wife Isolde. Her husband died in the same plague that killed Isolde.

  MORIGNA: A sorceress of the Wilderland, and former lover of Ridmark. Murdered by Imaria Licinius and the Weaver at Dun Licinia.

  MOURNACHT: A Mhorite orcish warlord and shaman, later subverted into the service of Tymandain Shadowbearer. Killed by Ridmark Arban near Dun Licinia.

  NYVANE: The daughter of Sir Arandar and granddaughter of the High King.

  PAUL TALLMANE: A vassal of Tarrabus Carhaine, member of the Enlightened of Incariel, and Constable of the Iron Tower. Defeated by Ridmark Arban and killed by Jager at the Iron Tower.

  QHAZULAK: An Anathgrimm orc. Champion of Nightmane Forest, and Lord Captain of the Queen’s Guard.

  RHOGRIMNALAZUR: An urdmordar, slain by Ridmark Arban and his companions in the ruins of Urd Cystaanl.

  RIDMARK ARBAN: Known as the Gray Knight, the youngest son of Dux Leogrance Arban of Taliand. Expelled from the Order of the Swordbearers and branded for cowardice upon his left cheek. The widower of Aelia Licinius Arban.

  RJALMANDRAKUR: A Frostborn noble, Lord Commander of the Order of the Vanguard, the military Order of the Dominion of the High Lords devoted to quickly subjugating new worlds.

  RUTH: The former Keeper of Andomhaim who took Calliande as an apprentice.

  SEBASTIAN AURELIUS: The Dux of Caertigris, the eastern march of the High Kingdom.

  TAGRIMN VOLARUS: A knight and vassal of Dux Gareth Licinius, and the lord of Mourning Keep in the southern hills of the Northerland.

  TARRABUS CARHAINE: The Dux of Caerdracon and the an Initiated of the Seventh Circle of the Enlightened of Incariel. Also the leader of the Enlightened of Incariel.

  TORMARK ARBAN: The eldest son of Leogrance Arban, and the heir to the duxarchate of Taliand. Ridmark Arban’s oldest brother.

  THE TRAVELER: The dark elven prince of Nightmane Forest, and creator and master of the Anathgrimm. Killed by his daughter Mara in Khald Azalar.

  ULAKHAMAR: The king of the orcish kingdom of Rhaluusk and a vassal of the High King.

  UTHANARIC PENDRAGON: The High King of Andomhaim, and the heir of Arthur Pendragon. The bearer of the soulblade Excalibur and the Pendragon Crown.

  THE WARDEN: The lord of Urd Morlemoch, and widely regarded as the greatest wizard ever produced by the dark elves. Trapped in Urd Morlemoch since the arrival of the urdmordar fifteen thousand years ago.

  THE WEAVER: Formerly a Magistrius named Toridan. Now a powerful Enlightened of Incariel capable of changing form quickly.

  TOMIA ARBAN: The wife of Leogrance Arban, and the mother of Tormark Arban and Ridmark Arban. Died of illness when Ridmark was a child.

  ZHORLACHT: A warrior and wizard of the Anathgrimm orcs. Formerly a priest of the Traveler, and now an advisor of Queen Mara.

  Glossary of Locations

  ANDOMHAIM: The realm of the High King, founded by Malahan Pendragon, the grandson of Arthur Pendragon of Britain, when he fled the fall of Arthur’s realm through a magical gate to another world.

  ARANAEUS: A village of the Wilderland, birthplace of Gavin. Formerly ruled by the cult of the urdmordar Agrimnalazur.

  THE BLACK MOUNTAIN: A mountain of peculiar black stone north of Dun Licinia. Sacred to both the dark elves and the dvargir.

  CAERDRACON: A duxarchate in central Andomhaim, one of the wealthiest and most powerful of the realm.

  CAERTIGRIS: The eastern march of Andomhaim, bordering on the lands of the manetaurs.

  CASTRA CARHAINE: The stronghold and seat of Dux Tarrabus Carhaine of Caerdracon.

  CASTRA MARCAINE: The stronghold and seat of Dux Gareth Licinius of the Northerland.

  CASTRA ARBAN: The stronghold and seat of Dux Leogrance Arban of Taliand.

  CINTARRA: The largest city of Andomhaim, ruled by the Prince of Cintarra, Cadwall Gwyrdragon.

  COLDINIUM: A city on the northwestern borders of Andomhaim. Its Comes is a direct vassal of the High King.

  DUN CALPURNIA: A town in the western Northerland, overlooking the valley of the River Moradel.

  DUN LICINIA: A town in the Northerland, marking the northern border of the realm of Andomhaim.

  DURANDIS: The western march of the kingdom of Andomhaim, bordering the mountains of Kothluusk.

  THE IRON TOWER: Once the northwestern outpost of the kingdom of Andomhaim, commanded by Sir Paul Tallmane. Destroyed by Ridmark Arban and his allies in their fight against the Artificer.

  KHALD AZALAR: A destroyed kingdom of the dwarves, located beneath the mountains of eastern Vhaluusk.

  KHALD TORMEN: The chief of the remaining Three Kingdoms of the dwarves, located beneath the mountains of Kothluusk west of Durandis.

  KHALDURMAR: The chief city of the dvargir in the Deeps.

  KOTHLUUSK: A kingdom of Mhor-worshipping orcs, located west of Durandis.

  MORAIME: A town in the Wilderland, formerly the home of Morigna.

  NIGHTMANE FOREST: The domain of the Traveler and the homeland of the Anathgrimm orcs, now ruled by Queen Mara.

  THE NORTHERLAND: The northernmost march of the realm of Andomhaim.

  RHALUUSK: Kingdom of orcs near Durandis. The King of Rhaluusk is sworn to the High King of Andomhaim,
and the orcs of Rhaluusk follow the worship of the Dominus Christus.

  TALIAND: The oldest duxarchate of Andomhaim, located west of the mouth of the River Moradel.

  TARLION: The capital city of Andomhaim and the seat of the High King. Home to the High King’s Citadel and the Well, the source of the magic of the Magistri.

  URD AROWYN: The stronghold of the urdmordar Agrimnalazur.

  URD CYSTAANL: The stronghold of the urdmordar Rhogrimnalazur.

  URD MORLEMOCH: The ancient stronghold of the Warden, located by the sea in the northwestern Wilderland.

  VHALUUSK: A kingdom of orcs of the Wilderland, splintered into dozens of warring tribes and fiefdoms. Predominantly worshippers of the orcish blood gods, though the faith of the Dominus Christus is spreading among the Vhaluuskan tribes.

  VICTRIX: A village in the southern Northerland where Ridmark Arban slew the urdmordar Gothalinzur.

  Table of Contents


  A brief author’s note

  Chapter 1: Frost and Blood

  Chapter 2: Scouts

  Chapter 3: The Dominion of the High Lords

  Chapter 4: Shadowbearer

  Chapter 5: A Choice Of Evils

  Chapter 6: Blame

  Chapter 7: Burn With Me

  Chapter 8: The House of the Arbanii

  Chapter 9: Dun Calpurnia

  Chapter 10: Charges

  Chapter 11: The High King

  Chapter 12: Nest of Vipers

  Chapter 13: Council of War

  Chapter 14: Questions and Answers

  Chapter 15: Seventh Circle

  Chapter 16: The Order of the Inquisition

  Chapter 17: Blessing of Fire

  Chapter 18: Shadow Threads

  Chapter 19: Just A Little Too Late

  Chapter 20: Enlightenment

  Chapter 21: Bone Masks

  Chapter 22: Frost and Axe

  Chapter 23: Aftermath

  Chapter 24: Rifts of War


  Other books by the author

  About the Author

  Glossary of Characters

  Glossary of Locations

  Table of Contents


  A brief author’s note

  Chapter 1: Frost and Blood

  Chapter 2: Scouts

  Chapter 3: The Dominion of the High Lords

  Chapter 4: Shadowbearer

  Chapter 5: A Choice Of Evils

  Chapter 6: Blame

  Chapter 7: Burn With Me

  Chapter 8: The House of the Arbanii

  Chapter 9: Dun Calpurnia

  Chapter 10: Charges

  Chapter 11: The High King

  Chapter 12: Nest of Vipers

  Chapter 13: Council of War

  Chapter 14: Questions and Answers

  Chapter 15: Seventh Circle

  Chapter 16: The Order of the Inquisition

  Chapter 17: Blessing of Fire

  Chapter 18: Shadow Threads

  Chapter 19: Just A Little Too Late

  Chapter 20: Enlightenment

  Chapter 21: Bone Masks

  Chapter 22: Frost and Axe

  Chapter 23: Aftermath

  Chapter 24: Rifts of War


  Other books by the author

  About the Author

  Glossary of Characters

  Glossary of Locations




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