Dragon Series: Dragon Heat

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Dragon Series: Dragon Heat Page 5

by Missy Lyons

  The tattoo was much like the royal house code of arms, a dragon and a lion locked in hand-to-hand combat. One look at his face said he recognized that mark. The mark that damned her to eternal life service to the house of Sinclair.

  She may have been unable to read his thoughts, but she could read his eyes. They were possessive, hungry, demanding, promising he would have her. His eyes seemed to declare, You belong to me.

  A few women trilled catcalls, others clapped. As she bent down to pick up her silks, for a moment she was lost among the women moving onto the dance floor to dance and release some of their own pent up energy. One last look at his eyes promised he would finish this.

  Lady Isabella was waving her forward to join the group, and Alyssa had no choice but to obey, never feeling more naked or vulnerable than now.

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  Chapter 3

  Dragon's blood was quite rare. So rare, it was hunted to near extinction. His people had remained hidden for centuries. Public performance had been outlawed for so many years that few remembered how to make the change. Many were born with the blood, but were unable to turn into a dragon. Still, dragon's blood was so rare that every descendant was kept close.

  Every woman was valued as a woman who could continue the line. The blood had been watered down over the years. In an effort to prevent crossbreeding between humans, the elders had ordered anyone of the blood to be marked in the form of a tattoo. A mark of the dragon was given only to those of the race by blood.

  Xanther was furious that he had not been told at once, or better still why the female had not been delivered to him as soon as they recognized his mark.

  Instead, Lady Isabella was playing some kind of game with him. He restrained himself from immediately lashing out in his fury, and brooded to himself as he watched the girl approach.

  Alyssa kneeled at Lady Isabella's feet and kept her eyes neatly averted, straightening her shoulders, trying to pretend that she was not so naked at the feet of these men. Alyssa didn't have to lift her head to feel that man's intense gaze. She knew his eyes were raking her over; she could feel the intense heat of it burning into her skin.

  "I trust you have enjoyed the entertainment? Vara,” Alyssa smiled at the Elisaid name. For now, it would protect her true identity, “is our newest acquisition."

  Xanther didn't laugh, but he did smile just a bit. When he spoke, his voice was calm but the tone said he did not find this conversation very amusing.

  "You claim her when she bears my mark and obviously belongs to me?” Xanther's hawk-like eyes did not miss the small tattoo harbored in the small of her back. She would not have been mismarked, not with the death sentence that it would bring to the marker. His view had been short, but the mark was there and it was the same as all the life servants of the royal house. So how did she come to be here?

  Alyssa fought to keep her eyes averted, staring at a small crack running through a stone in the floor. She felt a rush of heat in her face and her folded arms felt lacking in covering her nudity.

  Surely there was a way out of this mess? They were going on talking about her as if she was not even there in their presence.

  "Does she now? I thought there may be another reason you would want her.” Lady Isabella tapped a finger thoughtfully on her chin. “Perhaps I was mistaken."

  "If I wanted her in bed or any other way, I have every right to her. You knew she was a life servant to the royal house and yet you gave her safe harbor."

  Xanther sensed the girl's power. The entire room was full of magic, but hers was earth magic. How could he have been so blind before he saw her mark? How could he have missed the natural power in her? It came from her, flowing in her blood as naturally as a fire that lived within her. It was pure elemental fire. She was a living, breathing vessel for the magic that lived within her.

  Elisaid called the magic to them, with spells and knowledge. They existed in harmony with the earth, unlike some who were born with the magic inside them. Magic creatures such as dragons were more than sharp teeth or hard scales, or raw physical power. Dragons were a species that carried the magic inside them and lived in harmony with the earth.

  Xanther studied her face intently. He knew every face. How could he not know her? She seemed so familiar and yet he would swear he had never met her before.

  "So I did. So I did. I knew she would be useful.” Lady Isabella agreed, further adding to his vexation. He should expect duplicity. She was far too agreeable and too relaxed.

  "So I will take her as is my right and I will ask for two others."

  "Xanther, this isn't about possession."

  "Are you claiming she belongs here?” Xanther scoffed. “She belongs with me and I will have it no other way."

  "Did I say I wanted to keep her? But the girl should be given a choice,” Isabella replied.

  "Woman, you are driving my patience. Are you going to return her or not?"

  "And you mine. Apparently, you are not used to hearing the word no, your highness,” Lady Isabella said calmly.

  "She is not an Elisaid, so she can't count as a guardian and, marked as she is, she should be returned to me as my property."

  "I am afraid she is far too valuable to just be given away. Vara, what say you?” Lady Isabella looked pointedly at Alyssa, inviting her into the conversation that was sure to determine her fate.

  Alyssa looked up for the first time at Lady Isabella's playful smile. She wasn't sure what kind of mind games Lady Isabella was playing, but she wanted no part in it.

  She may have been marked with the seal, sold to slavery by royal decree, but before today she had never laid eyes upon this rogue. Handsome devil he was, she recognized him instinctively as a dangerous man to her. He jeopardized everything she wanted to become and if he took her...

  No! She could not let that happen.

  It would ruin everything.

  If he took her ... It would be by force.

  Alyssa fought for composure, raising her chin defiantly to look him square in the eyes, fingering a dagger suggestively. “I say if any man wants me he would have to take me!"

  "Is that a threat or a challenge, little peahen?"

  Xanther wasn't sure why he desired the hellion. She was definitely a spitfire. Taking in all her beauty, her dark eyes sparkled with a repressed anger; her thin lips were pursed with a dogged determination. Not his normal choice for a bedmate either—she was a long and leggy woman. As the crowned prince, he had a responsibility to strengthen his line. Women were usually too eager for the opportunity, inviting him openly to their beds. But all of the others had been human females. This was a rarity indeed. A female of his kind had not been born in generations. He couldn't even remember the other girls’ names; he was so preoccupied with the disagreeable girl sitting in front of him, dangling in front of him, like bait on a hook. Just what was Lady Isabella up to?

  She was his by all rights. However, there was more to it than that. He felt an attraction to the girl. He watched her tremble ever so slightly while he brushed his mind with hers. She felt the attraction, too. So why did she fight it?

  Lady Isabella seemed far too happy with herself. This was all very calculated, a trap of some sort. The dance hadn't been about entertainment, or to raise the men's lustful appetites. It was to show off her prize, his possession, dangling it there just out of reach. His marked property! Xanther scowled furiously, regarding the ladies in silence.

  Damn the Lady and her meddling.

  "Xanther, we both know what she is. Let's stop pretending about all this slave nonsense and talk about the real business at hand."

  "I have fought battles for less than this. You can't keep a female of my blood and of breedable age! Such meddling could cause little things like wars,” he hissed.

  "Did I say I wanted to keep her? Heaven knows I don't want to start a war with you. Xanther, this is not about possession and neither is it about slaves."

  "Then give her to me if you don't want her."
r />   "It is not as simple as that and you must realize that."

  The Elisaid coveted magic as much as the Sinclair. Even if they knew she was of Sinclair blood, they would want her. It was once thought that magic, any magic, could strengthen their blood. Therefore, the first alliance of dragon and druid became a reality when the last of the druid line had moved to the Island of Sky long after the Elisaid were cursed.

  "But would you like to choose now or on the morrow? Perhaps it will be best if you wait until you know who the champion will be."

  "I will witness the match, but I have already made my choice."

  Something about the girl called to him. Now that he knew she wasn't an Elisaid woman, he could act on this strange attraction. He was doubly attracted to her now that he knew she bore his mark. It was almost as if she were already his.

  "There, there, Xanther, don't get your scales in a tangle. She doesn't seem to like you even if she can't take her eyes off you,” Isabella said. Suddenly self-conscious, Alyssa dropped her eyes again to the floor. “You must not treat the servants very well. I promised you two guardians. You will get two and no more."

  Lady Isabella rose, bringing her full height to attention. The room quieted for her, as she spoke. “Sisters, daughters. Our purpose is one and the same. We must continue the line and keep our knowledge sacred. Ladies, tomorrow we fight.” A cheer went up and Lady Isabella paused a moment to be heard before speaking again. “Two will be chosen for service to the royal house and given the freedom we haven't felt in a decade. Two will be given stones after their service is complete.” Another cheer went up louder than the first.

  "I suggest you rest for the evening, for tomorrow will be a long day.” Isabella looked at Alyssa expectantly. “Vara, will you show Xanther to his room please?"

  Alyssa stood, looking positively defiant in her nudity.

  "I think Phillipa or Edena would prefer that honor, mistress.” Alyssa didn't like the idea of being near that man at all.

  The Elisaid felt much more comfortable with their nudity than she did now. It was as much as an open invitation and the way he looked at her made her temperature rise ten degrees. “I have not eaten and would prefer to rest myself for tomorrow."

  "Vara, he is our honored guest. You may see to that after escorting Xanther to his room. Do you understand?” Lady Isabella was accepting no argument.

  "I live to serve, mistress."

  Xanther stood, offering his arm, as a gentleman should. He was dressed as royalty, but he was no gentleman. Alyssa sensed that beast from within. The two girls trailed behind him, not wanting to give up the hunt. Well, they could have him, as far as Alyssa was concerned. His eyes betrayed all his wicked intentions.

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  Chapter 4

  Lady Isabella sighed, lounging back into the velvet pillows. The time for action was near. It couldn't have been better planned; the prince was definitely besotted with Vara. Isabella frowned at the thought. Her spirit was too strong. She needed a strong man to bring her to the throes of passion. It was the missing link, the last step of her training. Nothing else had worked to break Vara of her self-imposed barriers, but this might work. It would have to work. Her year of service was almost up.

  This was just too rich!

  Destiny had brought Xanther.

  Prince Xanther! Who would have thought a prince, with the strength of his blood, would conquer her Vara? It couldn't have been better planned. What a match!

  Vara wouldn't last long with the volcano of lust she witnessed brewing in Xanther. Just the thing to erupt the gift from within.

  Lady Isabella laughed softly to herself. It was far too easy to curve destiny's path; the prophecy would come to pass. All would be as it was meant to be.

  The only risk would be Vara's return. Would she return without taking another oath? After having her unbreakable defenses breeched by a man. An irresistible lover. Could she leave him? Was her vengeance enough to keep her tied to the Elisaid? Secretly, a part of Isabella hoped not. Xanther would love her.

  Then there was the prophecy to consider. It was undeniable. The wheels of fate were turning. The prophecy would come to pass. The curse would be lifted. If that were so, then Vara would inevitably return.

  If she came back with child, it would only be a boon.

  * * * *

  How had he missed how breathtakingly beautiful she was? With her unusual height, she came to his shoulder. She was built with enough solid strength that he wouldn't fear hurting her during their lovemaking. It was as if her body was especially made for his.

  "It is chilly. Would you like to fetch your cloak?” His smile was so wolf-like that it startled Alyssa.

  "Yes.” Alyssa was thankful for the opportunity to cover herself. At least he was that much of a gentleman. “I left it by the door."

  Alyssa moved swiftly through the crowd, ignoring his proffered arm completely. She donned the hooded robe, letting the folds fall to cover her. It was thick, black, floor-length cotton and even with it on, she still felt vulnerable under his gaze. One look at his eyes confirmed he was remembering her naked state beneath the robe. She shivered beneath his scrutiny, wishing she didn't have to be this close to him.

  "After the way you carried on this afternoon, I never thought you would be joining us,” Phillipa said, reminding Alyssa of the two girls trailing behind.

  "Hmmph,” Alyssa snorted. “Joining you? I am escorting, not joining.” Alyssa felt very uncomfortable. Something was not quite right and she wasn't sure she could attribute all her discomfort to Xanther.

  Alyssa searched the bailey outside, looking for any details out of place. The sabers were laying here and there in the yard. The giant cats were enjoying the night air. Most had left to hunt, but there were three sleeping in the corners of the yard. Nothing seemed amiss. Still she felt watched.

  As Alyssa looked up at the moon, she saw a bird silhouetted by the light of the moon. It was graceful in flight, but something about it was deeply disturbing. It didn't look like a bird. It was much too large to be a bird and its shape reminded her more of a bat. The night was too dark to make out any details clearly, but nothing about it seemed birdlike.

  Alyssa probed its mind, expecting the usual mindless chatter of birds. She was surprised to feel colors whirling about her, sensing a keen intelligence. A short burst of images. One was a clear picture of Xanther, then suddenly the mind and images were closed off to her. Alyssa knew this was no simple-minded animal. Whatever it was, it had an intelligence that equaled her own. As if the creature sensed her gaze, it sought cover. Suddenly it was soaring higher and higher towards a large cloud layer.

  "Did you see that?” Alyssa looked at Xanther, puzzled about what it was. She pointed up to the sky, amazed to see the creature disappear behind the clouds.

  "No. See what?” Xanther answered. The two girls looked at her curiously as if she were crazy.

  But there was now nothing left to point at. The moon and the stars, painted over by a few clouds, only filled the night sky.

  "I thought I saw something. Never mind. Let's just get you off for your entertainment. Then I can go to bed."

  The night air was cool to her skin. Alyssa shivered. Her emotions were high with this new predicament, but she had the distinct feeling she was being watched.

  "But, my dear, isn't it your job to entertain me?” He placed Alyssa's arm surprisingly gentleman-like over his own arm. Alyssa was too surprised to pull away.

  "Phillipa and Edena are much better entertainment than me, your lord."

  "We do have first rights,” Phillipa announced.

  "That they do, but it is you I claim.” He was pulling her along by her elbow.

  "You can't claim me.” Alyssa looked up at him indignantly. “Are you always like this? Do you just go around claiming women?"

  "Why not? You claim men.” He laughed. “I think it's rather nice and straight forward to let the other person know when you are interested, don't you? By th
e way, where are we going?"

  "Are you always so forward?” Alyssa asked. “Your chambers will be in the blue room, Xanther.” Alyssa expected him to stop and allow her to help direct him, but no, it appeared the arrogant man knew where he was going. He surprised her when he changed his direction to the most direct route to his prepared suite.

  "Xanther, you can't just walk up to a woman and say I claim you,” Alyssa said, while working at removing his fingers from her arm. “Life is not like that and this is not a brothel."

  "Well, what would you prefer?” Xanther asked her.

  "Actually, thank you for asking. I would prefer to be left alone."

  "That my dear, is not going to happen,” Xanther scoffed.

  "You know your first time may go easier if you have a friend to help you,” Hannah quipped, her voice as friendly and helpful as ever. Alyssa wished she could strangle her friend for her ever so helpful advice sometimes.

  "I was not raised like that,” Alyssa said, looking fascinated and repulsed at the same time, trying to clear the unbidden images from her mind. Pictures of three naked women, including herself—bodies writhing in harmony—assaulted her mind.

  She had no desire to be with a woman, although she had an appreciation for Xanther. His body was like a work of art. It would be a pleasure to see all of him. It would be sheer heaven to be under him as he made love to her. Participating with two other women held no appeal to her. The idea of three women and one man was too much for her innocent and naive mind.

  Phillipa had crept up beside Xanther and was caressing his chest lovingly. “It has been such a long time. I don't know what I would have done if you had not come along, Lord."

  Alyssa felt a little peeved watching the display. Why did it offend Alyssa to see Phillipa mold her body to this stranger? It's not like she wanted tall, dark, and handsome for herself? Did she?

  "Ladies, there is more than enough to go around. No need to argue.” The tattooed girl had piqued his curiosity. Xanther got a small measure of satisfaction to see her squirm at the idea of taking a man to bed. She was squirming doubly as hard at the idea of being joined by her friends. It confirmed his suspicions she wasn't an Elisaid. She was searching for a life mate, lovingly faithful. She just didn't know it yet.


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