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Euthara Page 2

by Michael McClain

  Both of her eyes were framed in a deep blood red that looked like it had been allowed to run down her face. Her lips were the color of copper and shimmered in the light. Her emerald green eyes now had silver and golden flecks in them. Her hand rested on the hilt of a sword that hung at her waist.

  It took a second for Jon to react. This wasn’t the way he expected Terri to arrive, “Terri!” He squeezed her in a hug that made her armor creak. She rested her head on his shoulder as she returned the hug.

  “I’m sorry for your pain, it was the only way the trial could end,” Terri said in a soft voice.

  Jon pulled back and stared into her eyes as he grinned, “I don’t care about all that, I’m just happy you’re alive!”

  “It was the nanites that saved me,” Terri said as she reached up and wiped a tear from Jon’s cheek. “I was supposed to die, but somehow the dampening field failed and allowed the nanites to reactivate. With no rules governing that situation, they just pushed forward with the ceremony of ascension.” Terri released Jon as she turned to Deatra. “Sister, I hope you fair well.” Deatra and Terri both rested their hands on each other’s shoulders and touched foreheads in greeting.

  “I’m fine and happy now that you’re back with us,” Deatra said as she pulled back, wiping happy tears from her face.

  “Always,” Terri said. “I’ve made the Atlantis my seat of power for Ga’sahde operations while I’m out and about. That is if it’s OK with her Captain.” Terri grinned at Jon.

  “I’m sure her Captain has no problem with that,” Jon said as he winked at Terri. “I know him personally and we see eye to eye on a lot of things.”

  Aneoi cleared his throat on screen to get Jon’s attention.

  Jon looked up at the screen and scowled for a second before he spoke, “Yes?”

  “Once we get you settled in, Sire,” Aneoi said. “I’ll look into the matter of allowing you access to the space dock and the ships stored there. However, I don’t know how we will crew them. I already have an audience with the King set up for you about this matter. He’s most anxious to see you and his daughter. ”

  Terri turned to the screen and looked the Eutharan over as she spoke, “That won’t be necessary, I’ve already dispatched people to the space dock to bring it back on line. That includes Mike and Brad.” The last part she said as she looked at Jon. “Hope you don’t mind that I’ve made that call.”

  “Not at all,” Jon said. “Your position in the ADF is still in force and I would say you even have a bit more clout.”

  “Um, Mistress Hunter,” Aneoi said as he gulped hard. “I can’t allow that…”

  Terri cut him off in a harsh voice that left no room for argument, “Can’t allow that? You will allow that and you will do nothing to stop the shuttles going there. You had better contact the rest of the inbound ships. Make certain that they understand that any act of aggression towards the Ga’sahde or the ADF, will be met with equal or greater aggression. Is this understood?”

  “Excuse me? This is Eutharan space, and you have no authority to give…” Aneoi said. A look of anger filled his face as if Terri had just slapped him.

  “That is true, this is Eutharan space,” Terri said as she interrupted him again.

  “Orders here.” Aneoi said, finishing the sentence. He crossed his arms in triumph at Terri’s words.

  “However, as per the Treaty that was signed by your people,” Terri said. A grin split her face as she continued. “The Ga’sahde are to have rights to all Space Docks without question or hindrance. We’re also allowed to post guards throughout any dock we’re connected to. I’ll be making sure we have guards posted in every area once we get it back online.”

  A stunned look crossed Aneoi’s face as he spoke, “That treaty is very old and…”

  “Hasn’t been over-turned by the Eutharan council who are the only ones authorized to make changes,” Terri finished for him. “Therefore, it is valid and can’t be argued with. My one question is, why are you fighting so hard to keep us away from the dock? Is there something there we’re not supposed to see? Something the public isn’t supposed to know about that has been locked away?”

  “I… no, not that I’m aware of,” Aneoi said. He stumbled on his words because of the pressure from Terri.

  “One thing you might want to convey to your council and ruling members,” Terri said. Her eyes flashed as she pressed home her advantage. “I’m not here to play games or to coddle people. I’m here to restore order and find out why this world and its people are in the state they are in. If I find anything amiss, and I’m sure I will, there will be repercussions to those involved. The Eutharan people of today aren’t the people spoken about in the ancient Ga’sahde texts that I’ve studied, and I plan on finding out why.”

  “Yes Mistress,” Aneoi said as he knelt and bowed his head. “Please forgive me. I’m only trying to do my duty.”

  “Rise, there is no need to kneel before me,” Terri said. “I understand what you’re trying to do. No matter how misled you have been from the truth surrounding you. I’m here to correct this oversight and to bring back, balance and prosperity to the Eutharan people. My ship will be approaching the dock and then docking once it is brought back on line. Don’t hinder her in any way, is this understood?”

  Aneoi didn’t speak he just nodded his head in agreement.

  “Good, I’m going to speak to my leader,” Terri said as she indicated Jon. “If he agrees we will be sending out scouts to take a look at the operations that are shut down. I’ll also be speaking to him about setting up patrols for system security while we’re here.”

  “I’ve already done that,” Aneoi said. “I have several squads on patrol as we speak and have recalled our two battleships to provide additional support.”

  “Yes, I know this,” Terri said. “That is why I told you to make sure they don’t interfere with what is going on at the station. However, I want my own people on patrol, and I would like to have patrols from the Atlantis involved too.”

  Jon spoke up; he was a bit in awe of what had just happened, “I’ve recalled the Titan to come help here as well as the Earth’s Revenge for additional support and I have no problem with the patrols. I’ll leave that to you to set up as you’re still the CAG on the Atlantis.”

  Terri nodded her assent.

  “I think you can help their cause out Captain,” Deatra said as she spoke up for the first time during the exchange.

  Aneoi did not miss the fact that Deatra had just placed him in command with her blessing.

  “As you can see, my bondmate and I, support the Matriarch of the Ga’sahde. I want you, by my order, to get me a list of all retired navy personnel still living, anyone with experience. Once we’ve settled planet side, I’ll need you to recall them so we can meet with them. I also want a list of all living owners of the industrial complexes in system and set up another meeting with them, once we’re settled of course.”

  “As you wish, Princess,” Aneoi said as he bowed his head. “I, of course, will pass this request through your father.”

  “Who is next in command?” Deatra said in a calm tone.

  Aneoi almost stumbled in fright as he spoke in a stutter, “Uh, t-that w-w-would be Lieutenant N-N-Nafiea.”

  “Is she present?” Deatra said.

  “Yes Princess,” Aneoi said.

  “Maybe I should place her in command while you talk to my father about my requests,” Deatra said.

  “My Princess that won’t be necessary I can handle it while I place the requests,” Aneoi said. “The information is available to all in the national database anyway and can be easily retrieved.”

  “Good, since it’s so simple I expect it transmitted to me on board the Atlantis in a couple of hours,” Deatra said. “Unless you have a problem with that.”

  “I can do that, Princess,” Aneoi said.

  “Good, send your requests and get me the information within an hour,” Deatra said. “We’ll contact you if we
need anything else, you can remain on station as an escort.”

  “Yes Princess,” Aneoi said as he bowed.

  The screen went dark as Jon disconnected the channel.

  “That poor man,” Deatra said. “He might have been able to handle one or two of us. But, he wasn’t prepared to handle all three. His head is spinning right now trying to figure out what to do.”

  “I thought Eutharan crews weren't mixed? How come there's a female serving on board that ship?” Jon asked.

  “It's an experiment. Since this is a sentry ship, and since we are getting so short on people, we are experimenting with mixing the crew,” Deatra explained. “I don't think it's expanded to any of the other posts yet.”

  Jon nodded as he turned back to look out at the planet. “I think there’s more going on here than meets the eye,” he paused in thought. “I don’t think Aneoi is involved, but he knows something is wrong. He just doesn’t know what to do about it. I feel sorry for him. He’s in a bad position right now.”

  “Jon,” Terri said. “You have to make sure you protect him as best as you can. His crew too, he can be a valuable ally once he wakes up to what is going on around him.”

  “I’m not going to use him,” Jon said. “We did just that right now and the poor man is confused. But, I’ll protect him as best as I can. I’m not going to let him take the fall for something we did and besides that he has access to information we might need.”

  “There’s no information I can’t get access to,” Deatra said.

  “I’m sorry,” Terri said. “If you think that my sister, then you’re a bit on the naive side. All governments have secrets they don’t share except with top officials. While you might be a Princess, it doesn’t make you a top official. I mean the Top Secret: King’s Eyes Only type of information.”

  “I never thought of it that way,” Deatra said. “I guess you’re right, but how would he help in gaining access to that type of information.”

  “All officers have connections,” Jon said. “They spend time around each other and information tends to slip, especially when drinking. That’s how I know he knows more than he is letting on. His hesitation on some of the questions just confirmed it. He might not know what it means on a bigger scale, but he knows he holds secrets.”

  Deatra was about to say something when Jon’s com beeped.

  “Hunter here,” Jon said.

  ‘Tactical Sir, I have eight ships dropping out of hyperspace on the edge of the system,’ a male voice said.

  “Any ID on them,” Jon said.

  ‘No Sir. I’m dispatching two patrol ships to get a closer look. It looks like they’re masking their signatures by dipping into one of the gas giants,’ the male voice said. ‘The electrical storms are interfering with our sensors.’

  “I’m on my way to the bridge,” Jon said. “Keep me informed, Hunter out. Ladies would you care to join me on the bridge, it seems the fun never ends.”

  Deatra and Terri each took an opposite arm of Jon’s, and they all made small talk as they left the observation room.

  Chapter 2


  “So what are they doing?” Jon said. He was looking at the hologram above the planning table in the center of the bridge.

  Eight ships were shown as small red dots. They were in orbit around the outermost Gas Giant. However, even the ship he had dispatched to take a look at them couldn’t get a reading on them. All they could report back was that the ships were Invaru, and they didn’t react to their close fly-bys.

  “If I had to make a guess,” Atlantis said. “They’re watching us to see what we’re doing here.”

  “Why would they be interested in what we’re doing?” Jon said.

  “Simple, we have disrupted their hold on a few of the races that they held under their sway,” Atlantis said. “We have awakened the Ga’sahde, and that makes them nervous. Their hold on the galaxy is slipping. Your sister is now the Matriarch of the Ga’sahde, and you’re the House-Primus. All these things combined don’t bode well for them or their Empire. They’re waiting for you to slip up and make a mistake so they can take advantage of the situation. Now, you’re at Euthara which, for some unknown reason, isn’t in their control.”

  “Euthara isn’t a threat; that’s why we have flown under the radar,” Deatra said. “They still send envoys to us, but they never send assistance. They’re happy to let us die out in peace as it’s something they ondon't need to focus their attention on.”

  “Maybe,” Sa’oliq said. “My people breaking away have caused much dissension among the other member races, if you can call them members and not slaves.”

  “Sir, we’ve settled into high orbit around Euthara,” the Con Officer said.

  “Good, Tactical, keep tabs on the Invaru vessels. I want to know if anything happens,” Jon said. “We’re not to fire on the vessels unless we’re fired on.”

  “Aye Sir,” the Tactical Officer said.

  “Think they’re going to try something?” Terri said.

  “You never know,” Jon said. “I’m a thorn in their side, one they would like to be rid of I’m sure. If I weren’t tied down as I am now, I would just go in guns blazing and be rid of them one way or the other.”

  “The Desmodi has docked at the shipyard,” Terri said. “Mike and Brad have the power coming on-line. They say there doesn’t seem to be any major damage to the station, and it should be up and running shortly. They say the only thing lacking is personnel.”

  “I’m working on that,” Jon said.

  “Sir, I have an incoming transmission from the surface of the planet,” the Com officer said.

  “Put it through,” Jon said.

  The main viewer lit up as an aging Eutharan filled the screen. He glanced around before nodding.

  “Daughter,” He said in a deep voice. “It is good to see you well.”

  Deatra knelt as she spoke, “Father; it fills my heart to see you looking well.”

  The King’s eyes locked on Jon as he spoke, “Bond-Son, I’ve heard much about you from my officers and other sources. It seems 'leading' suits your blood and mind.”

  It was Terri who spoke next, “How dare you!”

  Jon looked at his sister in shock as the Eutharans on the bridge gasped.

  “So, the stories are true,” the King said. “You must be his sister.”

  “You, Sir, are treading on very shaky ground,” Terri said as she took a step forward. “How dare you address the House-Primus in such a manner and then address me in the same way? Have you forgotten your manners, or has age made you take leave of your senses?”

  “This is my planet, and I’ll address people as I see fit,” the King said. “If you expect anything else you’re sorely mistaken.”

  “In that case I’ll take my leave of this system and mark you as non-compliant,” Terri said. “Desmodi pull all forces off the station and disembark; we’re returning home.”

  ‘As you wish Matriarch,’ a female voice responded.

  Deatra paled and was staring at Terri mouth agape. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard.

  “You wouldn’t,” the King said.

  “She would,” Jon said.

  “You’re the House-Primus,” the King said. “Tell her to stop this nonsense.”

  “Why?” Jon said.

  “If she does this, every vulture in the known universe will descend on us and destroy what is left of our way of life. This system will become a war zone as we’ll be considered outsiders,” the King said.

  “Sounds to me like you want your cake and to eat it too,” Jon said. “You either accept the treaty and all it offers as if it has always been in place. Or you go on insisting that you no longer follow it.” Jon turned towards Deatra and gave her a half smile in assurance. “Excuse me, Your Highness, I have something more important to take care of. A situation has come up that needs my attention.” Jon reached down and disconnected the communication feed.

  Terri knelt and bo
wed slightly as she spoke, “Brother; I must be on my way. We’ll be on the edge of the system when this is resolved, call us and we’ll come back.”

  “It shouldn’t take long,” Jon said. “I’d like you to try and find out a bit more about what those eight ships are doing for me while you wait.”

  “As you wish,” Terri said as she stood up. Jon leaned in and hugged her in a tight embrace.

  “Sir, priority communication from the planet,” the com officer said.

  “Who is it?” Jon said. He watched Terri depart the bridge, before he turned to Deatra. He reached up and caressed the side of her face and smiled. “Don’t worry it’s a ploy. I would never abandon our people. Let him stew for a bit and then I’ll let him wiggle his way out of it.”

  “The Desmodi has jumped to the edge of the system,” the Tactical officer said.

  “Well that will make my father have fits,” Deatra said as she smiled.

  “You think that will give him fits? Watch this,” Jon said. “Con, plot a course out of system past the fourth planet.”

  “Aye Sir.” the Con officer said.

  “Tactical, I want all installations scanned as we get in range of the planet,” Jon said. “Engineering, prepare to test the sub-light engines. I want to push them past their limits and see how much they can take,” Jon said.

  Both stations answered affirmatively.

  Jon stared at the hologram of the planet as it rotated. Several installations showed up as inactive on the surface, and the low orbit station showed that it was running on minimal power.

  “Who owns these installations?” Jon asked as he brought up one of the mining outposts.

  Various readings scrolled next to the hologram of the mining outpost. From the data that had been sent by Commander Aneoi, Jon knew that it was used to gather various metallic resources. The outpost’s reactor was running at such low levels it was barely readable on scans. The low power allowed computer access and airlock activation, if it failed, manual activation of airlocks would be needed.

  That would mean any team sent down would have to land on the surface of a hostile planet and not in the safety of the landing bay. It was one of the main reasons installations of these types were left on stand-by power. EVA on a hostile planet could be very dangerous.


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