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Euthara Page 14

by Michael McClain

  The Medic looked at one of the new marines who nodded at him. “That’s pretty good of you,” the new marine said.

  “No need for loss of life. One medic won’t make a difference in the outcome of this fight,” Terri said. She reached up and tapped the side of her helmet and it folded back as if consumed by the suit.

  “You're pretty cocky when you're outnumbered,” the new marine said.

  “True I’m out numbered,” Terri said. “But, I think you’re out of your league. You need another ten marines at the very least. I promise to leave the medic alone so he can tend to all of you.”

  “Don your helmet and let’s get this over with,” the new marine said.

  “I prefer it like it is,” Terri said. “Since this is a fight and we’re not shooting each other that is.”

  Terri had been watching one of the marines out of the corner of her eye. She knew he was getting ready to attack, all the signs were there. He broke ranks and charged Terri alone.

  “Corporal!” the lead marine said.

  But it was too late, Terri took a step back and lanced a foot out catching the charging marine in the chest. “Oh, that was nasty,” Terri said as the marine fell to the ground. “I think he has a few broken ribs.” Terri crouched down over the marine and slammed her palm into the back of his helmet. A loud crack filled the clearing as the helmet on the marine split in two. She rolled the unconscious marine over and pointed at one of the marines standing in the circle. “You, take him to the medic.”

  The marine she pointed at took a step back.

  “I won’t attack you,” Terri said. A grin covered her face. “Come get him so the medic can look him over to make sure he isn’t seriously hurt.”

  The lead marine looked at the man and waved him on. He rushed out and grabbed the unconscious marine and dragged him over to the medic. Then he rejoined the circle around Terri as the Medic turned his attention to the new marine.

  “One on one, you’re no match for me,” Terri said. “Two on one I don’t even think you are. I’ll give you a second to decide what you want to do.”

  Terri sat down on her heels and bowed her head. She had removed her helmet because it was more of a distraction since it couldn’t help her. She didn’t like it as it left her open to attack and being knocked unconscious.

  When none of the marines made a move for over two minutes Terri stood back up. “We can call it quits,” Terri said. “You can go on your way and I’ll go mine and act like this never happened.”

  “Sorry I can’t do that,” the lead marine said. “I have orders.”

  “Waiting for more people?” Terri said.

  “Maybe,” the marine said.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” Terri said. “So, since you’re not going to make a move I will.”

  Terri launched herself at the closest of the marines lancing her hand out and catching him under the front part of his helmet. His hands went up to grab his throat as he started gasping for air. Terri spun around catching him in the chest with her foot. He flew across the field on his ass and came to a rest by the medic.

  The marines on either side of him jumped into action and attacked Terri. One of them landed a hit on her side, making her gasp, as she dodged the other. Terri did a backwards somersault to gain some distance from her attackers. As she rotated in the air she lanced out her foot and caught one of the attackers with the toe of her boot. The impact picked him up from the ground and he landed on his back. He jumped back to his feet as he shook his head.

  By now the rest of the marines had started closing in. One of the marines barreled into Terri from behind as she landed on her feet, tossing her between the two marines she was fighting. Terri jumped back to her feet just in time to dodge another marine’s kick towards her chest. Terri grabbed the marine’s foot and spun him around in the air. She let him go at just the right time, tossing him into one of his companions. They landed in a tangled heap, the guy she tossed the only one getting back up.

  That’s when the heat of the moment got to one of the marines and Terri heard the scrape of metal across the back of her armor. Terri rolled forward and spun around as she regained her footing. The marine that had been behind her had a very large knife in his hand.

  “Ok, wanna play that way?” Terri said. She reached up and tapped her shoulder and her helmet once again covered her head. “Your funeral, I’m not going to be responsible for anyone who dies. I’ve done everything to avoid it so far.” Terri reached back and pulled her sword from its scabbard. The clicking of several blades coming out of scabbards filled the air.

  “You’re first big boy,” Terri said. She charged the marine who had first pulled a blade and swung her sword.

  The marine brought his blade up and blocked Terri’s slash. Terri kicked one of his legs out from under him dropping him to the ground. She swung the sword down at the prone marine. Suddenly his knife lengthened to sword length as he brought it up to block.

  “Neat!” Terri said as she jumped back. “I want one of those.”

  “You can have mine,” a voice said from behind her.

  Terri brought both her arms up over her head so her sword would be covering her spine.

  “No thanks,” Terri said as the the ring of metal on metal filled the air. “I want one of my own that no one else has used.”

  Terri released her sword with one of her hands and brought her elbow back to impact the visor of the man behind her. A sickening crunch filled the air as her elbow smashed the visor of the marine and impacted his face.

  The marine on the ground in front of her brought his blade up but Terri was ready and stomped down on his hand. The marine reached for her foot as Terri spun on her foot turning the hand in to mush. He let out a scream as pain flared in his hand. It was quickly silenced as Terri put her knee into his chest and slammed her palm into the bottom of his helmet knocking him unconscious.

  Terri slammed her sword back into her scabbard. “I really don’t need it,” she said as she jumped up and slammed into another marine that was rushing her. He stumbled back as Terri dropped to the ground and rolled towards him. She grabbed one of his legs and jerked it out from under him causing him to crash into the ground on his back. She yanked violently on the leg forcing him to flip over on his stomach. She stepped over the prone man while holding his leg and twisted it. The muffled sounds of bones breaking followed by the man’s screams of pain filled the air. Terri dropped back and landed on the ground next to the screaming man slamming her elbow into the back of his helmet knocking him out.

  Terri quickly rolled to regain her feet as she faced the last of the marines. They were all at a distance from her and looking a bit nervous. Terri did a mental count and blinked her eyes in confusion. There was one missing the commanding officer.

  “Where is your commander?” Terri said. “Did he get cold feet?”

  “Right behind you,” the commander of the small group said.

  Terri reflexively swung with her elbow only to have it blocked.

  “Time to end this,” the commander said as a snap reached Terri’s ears.

  Before Terri could do anything an electrical charge shot through her suit as the small device activated. On her visor systems started shutting down as the charge coursed through the systems.

  “Emergency lock out Alpha-One-Terri-Three-Zero,” Terri said.

  Just before the displays failed the suit showed lock out status. The Commander spun her around like a rag doll and looked in her visor. “Your nothing without your suit and soon you will pass out from lack of oxygen. When you do we will remove your helmet as your wanted alive,” he said.

  Terri started to reach up to pop the emergency release on her helmet but the Commander pinned her arms to her sides. “Care to test the theory that I’m nothing without my armor?” Terri said as the air already was starting to thin.

  “No thanks,” the Commander said.

  “Cowar…” Terri said as she passed out. The suits didn’t have much in t
he way of space inside and air only took a couple minutes to run out if you weren’t doing anything but sitting still. Terri had even less time as she was breathing a bit hard from all the fighting.

  Terri woke in a small room with nothing but a light gown on with a large number across the chest. She reached up and felt the band around her neck. There was no clasp and it seemed to be a solid loop. She raised a hand palm out and fingers spread and closed her eyes. Her sword wasn’t far; she could feel it as it was almost a part of her. She would recover it and then people would pay.

  The door to the room opened and a Eutharan male flanked by two marines entered the room. Terri glared at him as he looked her over.

  “Take a picture it might be the last thing you see,” Terri said. She was coiled ready to spring.

  “I wouldn’t advise that,” the Eutharan said.

  Terri gasped, she recognized the voice from the clearing. “You were at the clearing.”

  He nodded as he spoke, “I’m Captain Bryte.”

  “We have some unfinished business,” Terri said.

  “Another time, perhaps,” Bryte said. “As I said you don’t want to attack anyone. The collar around your neck is there to control you. It’s monitored by a jailer and can be activated at his discretion.”

  Terri took a step towards Bryte and the collar emitted a small shock. Terri reflexively grabbed at it. “Hrm,” she said. “Do you really think that will stop me?”

  “That was low power it can and will pass enough of a charge through you to knock you out,” Bryte said.

  Terri twisted the collar around her neck as she listened and thought about her situation.

  “I’m here to formally charge you with desertion, piracy and attempted murder,” Bryte said.

  “You’re kidding right?” Terri said.

  “The list is a bit longer than that. Those are the most serious charges though,” Bryte said. “The rest will be read at your trial.”

  “I’m a lot more dangerous than you give me credit for,” Terri said. “All these trumped up charges will do nothing but make things worse for everyone involved.”

  “You’re in no position to threaten anyone,” Bryte said. “You will stand trial and you will be sentenced.”

  “Sounds like a done deal,” Terri said.

  “Pretty much,” Bryte said. “However, I’m not a judge.”

  “Back to the other thing,” Terri said. “You really think I’m no threat?”

  “In your current state?” Bryte said. “No.”

  Before anyone could move Terri was across the room. She snapped one of the guards neck with one hand as she pulled his side arm with the other. The second guard hit the ground before he knew what had happened. Terri stood there holding the gun on Bryte.”

  “Care to restate that?” Terri said.

  Bryte crossed his eyes and looked down the barrel of the gun as he paled a bit.

  “I’m not going to kill you as I do like you,” Terri said.

  She tossed Bryte the gun as the collar shocked her into unconsciousness. Everything had happened in the span of about ten seconds. Bryte had never seen anyone move that fast and he was still in awe.

  “I like you too,” Bryte said as he turned to leave the room as four more marines arrived. “Get this mess cleaned up.”

  Thirty minutes later Terri woke up in a dark room. It took her a second to realize it wasn’t dark and they had blinded her with something. She laughed as she spoke, “As if this will work.” Terri decided she would see this thing through and leave when she was ready to do so. On a whim she tried to use her nanites to communicate and all she got was a headache for it. So much for that she thought as she settled in and waited for her next visitor.

  Chapter 9

  New Enemies

  Nefeit’s startled look flashed towards Jon as a look of confusion crossed his face. Her face paled as Jon took a step in her direction as he tried to work out what was going on.

  “I…” Nefeit said.

  Mark shook her violently as he said, “I asked you a question. Who are you talking too?”

  “Nefeit answer the question,” Jon said.

  “I was…” Nefeit said. She stopped as she sensed the disappointment in Jon’s voice. Tears started to fill her eyes as she knew what Jon was thinking.

  “Guards!” Mark said as he snatched the com unit from Nefeit. “I’ll deal with you later.”

  Two marines came in and saluted.

  “Mark,” Jon said. “Let her explain, we still don’t know what she was doing.”

  “Iwassendingtroopstoassistatthefighter,” Nefeit said. She said it so fast it was all one word and it took a second for Jon to realize what she had said.

  “Troops?” Mark said. He blinked his eyes in confusion.

  A small grin crept up on Jon’s face as he realized he had another Deatra on his hands and in a way he liked that.

  “Yes,” Nefeit said. “Ijazida troops to be exact. They’re our people’s elite shock troops. Heavily armored in special combat suits, we use them in situations such as these.”

  “That is my call to make,” Mark said. “I’m the military commander here on Euthara and I don’t like people over stepping me.”

  Nefeit looked up at Mark as she spoke, “I realize you don’t know me very well and I don’t know you very well. However, I’m Jon’s wife and in my culture that makes me his voice.”

  “That’s not how it works…Owww,” Mark said. He stopped short as pain flared in the hand that was grasping Nefeit.

  Jon had turn and began issuing orders to the troops at the site of the downed fighter. He decided to let Mark and Nefeit work things out on their own. He still had a small smile across his face as he waved the two marines out of the room. They both bowed and left the room.

  “It is how it works,” Nefeit said. She had Mark's hand in her other hand and was twisting in slightly. “I have led over fifty campaigns in my life time. That makes me qualified to make my own choices when it comes to my people. You are all now my people and I take that very seriously.”

  “You have no right,” Mark said as he twisted his hand in enough of a move to free himself from her grasp.

  “I have all the right,” Nefeit said as she released his hand and snatched her com unit from his other hand. “My troops, my choice.” She raised the com unit and spoke, “Deploy the troops now to target location. They will take orders from the ground commander there on scene and from Captain Anders in the command center. Once they are recalled they will be on station planet side until future notice.”

  Mark’s jaw dropped and Jon’s smile widened.

  “One more thing Captain,” Nefeit said. “You ever touch me without my consent or orders from Jon you will be sorry. Contact like that with someone in my position is considered a crime. You don’t want to know what the punishment is.”

  “You’re a part of the ADF and we do things a bit differently here,” Mark said. “Jon’s safety and everyone else’s here is my first priority. You interfere with that and I’ll have you thrown in the brig with or without Jon’s permission.”

  “You both can stop measuring now,” Jon said. “You’re both right and wrong. Mark, like it or not she is in a position of authority and I have no problems with that as she is from a warrior race. You might even learn a thing or two from her and her people. Nefeit, Mark is my security chief and in command of all my forces and he has final say on military matters.”

  “But,” Nefeit said, but stopped when Jon held his hand up.

  “However, your position allows you certain leeway and he’ll have to deal with that in his own way,” Jon said. “I hope that’s understood by both of you.”

  They both nodded and Nefeit took up her position next to Jon as Mark stepped up to the end of the small table. He was still rubbing his hand as he turned his gaze down towards the table.

  “Sir, Terri’s fighter is lifting off and returning home,” one of the officers said. “It’s taking heavy fire from the Eutharan

  “Have our troops lay down heavy covering fire,” Mark said.

  “Inbound unknown ship,” another officer said. “They’ve taken up position below the fighter and seem to be deploying troops.”

  “On screen,” Jon said.

  An image of a very large black shuttle filled the screen. Troops could be seen dropping to the ground under it without any type of repelling gear. As they struck the ground the impact made small clouds of dust. The hull on the shuttle shimmered as it blocked the ground fire from the Eutharan troops.

  “Those are my shock troops,” Nefeit said. “This battle will be over soon.”

  Large shapes began to fall from under the shuttle, their impacts creating a dust cloud obscuring them from view.

  “What the hell are those?” Mark said.

  “Anti-Grav tanks and other assorted support vehicles,” Nefeit said.

  “How many troops?” Jon said as the rain of bodies continued.

  “I ordered a small deployment,” Nefeit said. “That is about six hundred troops and supplies.”

  “Holy shit,” Mark said. “That’s a small army.”

  “That is half the special forces on my ship,” Nefeit said. “When the Narissis and Ossata arrive they will have four times those troops and an additional five thousand regular each.” Nefeit was smiling now as she knew Jon might need the troops. It was the reason she had those ships deployed here moments after Deatra’s departure. “The Randasu and Brijas are on their way to support Ghost Station. They’re carrying mostly support personnel although they have about half as many troops.”

  “And you were going to tell me when?” Jon said.

  “I was going to tell you right after I deployed the ships,” Nefeit said. “But, this happened and I didn’t get the chance.”

  “So, you took it upon yourself to decide where to place the ships and troops?” Mark said.

  “Well, you need support personnel at the station and the extra security couldn’t hurt,” Nefeit said. “I thought you would need the smaller force of troops here.”


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