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Euthara Page 23

by Michael McClain

  He retrieved his weapon and then made his way to Terri’s door. He wiped his mouth and then started tapping the numbers the guard had given him. The door cycled open and Oojoung stepped into the small room. Seated in the center of the floor was Terri her legs crossed as she meditated.

  Oojoung crouched in front of her and softly called her name. Terri’s head raised and something reached out and touched his mind. “Oojoung?” Terri said.

  “Yes, it’s me,” Oojoung said. “I’m here to get you out.”

  Terri stood and shook her hands and the chains on her fell to the floor. “Not what I was expecting,” Terri said. She reached up and peeled two almost invisible patches from her temples. Her sight restored she gasped at Oojoung’s state. “Are you alright?”

  “Of course,” Oojoung said as he gave her one of his special grins he reserved for her. “Nothing but scratches.”

  “Are you sure you’re OK?” Terri said. “You’re not talking like the Oojoung I know.”

  “There’s little need to play dumb or simple here,” Oojoung said.

  “I knew it was an act,” Terri said. She gave Oojoung a hug that sent pain coursing through his body. He hid it from her as he returned the hug.

  “We need to get out of here before more guards arrive,” Oojoung said.

  “One second,” Terri said. She closed and squeezed her eyes shut in intense concentration. Her sword blinked into existence in front of her and she grabbed it from the air before it fell.

  “I knew you were special,” Oojoung said as he winked at her. Oojoung felt the start of his systems shutting down and knew he didn’t have long to get her out.

  “Bah, the sword is tuned to my brain waves and I can call it from whereever it is,” Terri said as she sheathed the sword. “It has a special Ga’sahde device in it what allows it to cross great distances. I don’t know how it works and from what I understand the technology has been lost for ages.”

  “So, what you’re telling me by the display of the chains falling off and the sword appearing before you is that you were not in any real danger,” Oojoung said.

  “Not really,” Terri said. “But, I was waiting to see how things developed. I would have eventually just left of my own accord. But, I wanted to see how far the King was prepared to go and to see if he was really out of reach. If things have gotten to the point where Jon sent someone to rescue me then things are going south fast.”

  “The King still has Deatra and is refusing to allow her to leave the palace,” Oojoung said. “Though I have to say the Drovasian Nefeit is doing a good job filling in and people are starting to accept her.”

  “Good,” Terri said. “I’ll get Deatra as soon as we return to the Atlantis.”

  They had been moving the whole time during their conversation and Oojoung’s nanites had caught up enough with the damage that he was feeling better. They had just exited the building and right into a half circle of seven Eutharan women dressed in red that showed more skin than it managed to hide.

  One of the women stepped forward and spoke, “Stop and put your weapons down.”

  Oojoung hit the small com unit on his wrist signaling for a pick up. “How about we leave and you get out of our way,” Oojoung said.

  “Not going to happen,” the woman said.

  Terri stepped forward and said, “You know who I am?”

  The women all bowed slightly as the main woman said, “Of course Matriarch, we have no wish to harm you.”

  “Then remove yourselves and let us pass,” Terri said.

  “We can’t do that,” the woman said. “We don’t take orders from you as the treaty has been nullified.”

  “Unlawfully,” Terri said.

  “That isn’t my concern,” the woman said. “We recognize your rank among the Ga’sahde and afford you the honors it bestows on you. However, that means very little here and now.”

  “I’m ordering you as the Matriarch of the Ga’sahde to move out of our way,” Terri said.

  The six other women all looked at the main woman as if waiting for her response.

  “I’m sorry Matriarch, but I have my orders and they come from someone of higher authority than the King,” the woman said.

  “Then I’m ordering you as a Princess of Euthara to remove yourselves,” Terri said.

  “Concocted stories so your brother can try to usurp the throne,” Opellissa said. “You’re no more a Princess than those standing around me.”

  “What is your name?” Terri said.

  The woman arched an eyebrow as she spoke, “Why?”

  “That way I know who I’m killing,” Terri said.

  The woman chuckled quietly, “Opellissa is my name and I can’t allow you or the Buranis to leave here.”

  Terri pulled her sword, but Oojoung put a hand on her shoulder and gave her one of those looks. Terri nodded as she set the tip of her sword on the ground and rested her hands on the hilt. Oojoung took a step in front of Terri and pulled his small sword which extended to its full length. Oojoung let out a low growl and hiss as he watched Opellissa through narrow eyes.

  “Neither one of you are a match for me,” Opellissa said.

  “What can you possibly hope to accomplish by holding us here?” Terri said.

  “Getting your brother to come get you himself,” Opellissa said. “He’s my mission and I have orders to kill him before he causes the destruction of our world and possibly the universe as we know it. I promise to make his death as fast and painless as possible.”

  Oojoung swung his sword in a small arc so that it rested behind him on his shoulder the edge of it facing away from him. “One at a time or all at once?” Oojoung said.

  “The others won’t be needed,” Opellissa said as she took a step forward. “I have just one question.”

  Oojoung raised a thick eyebrow in question. He took a defensive stance as he waited for her question. His lung was still filling with his blood, but the blood had been slowed enough that it wasn’t much of a problem right now. The pain had also been blocked by the nanites, it was more a dull throb now, making it easier to breath.

  “Are you sure you’re up to this in your current condition?” Opellissa said. For a brief second there was a hint of concern that crossed her face. It wasn’t her job to kill these two and she disliked killing for no reason.

  “I can more than handle you,” Oojoung said. “If I beat you we walk free.”

  Opellissa nodded as she spoke, “If you can beat me you can walk free.” It was the one law of their order that was absolute. One on one combat, once accepted, allowed their targets to go free, if they won. But, it didn’t stop them from going after the target again at a later date and trying to finish their job.

  Oojoung twisted his right foot digging it into the ground as he prepared to engage Opellissa. Opellissa on the other hand stood at ease waiting for the incoming attack as she watched Oojoung prepare.

  Oojoung closed the distance between him and Opellissa in the blink of an eye his sword flashing in an arc. Opellissa had already moved out of the way and she smacked Oojoung on his thigh with the flat of her sword that appeared to suddenly appear. Oojoung stumbled a bit from the force of the blow but quickly caught his footing. He turned on Opellissa and pressed his attack his sword flashing only to be met each time by Opellissa’s sword.

  Oojoung’s strength began to fade and he knew he couldn’t continue at this rate so he doubled his efforts. His sword increased its speed and from the outside it seemed as though Oojoung had started to dance. His movements were precise and fluid but every time his sword sought an opening it was blocked. Every swing of his foot or fist seemed to fall on empty air. His fur was starting to mat from the sweat that was pouring out of him while Opellissa showed no signs of exertion.

  Fresh pain began to emerge as the twisting and turning of his body began to tear at the wounds he had. Oojoung made one last effort and scored a success as his sword slid across Opellissa’s belly seconds before she stepped out of the way. Th
e sword cut neatly through the sparse cloth that covered her torso and made her gasp in surprise. Oojoung stopped and grinned at her as she looked down at her belly. It was his mistake and she took advantage of it. Opellissa’s foot lanced out and caught Oojoung square in the chest. Even though Oojoung only slid back a few inches from the blow the kick was especially devastating due to the wounds he had already received. Two more ribs snapped and pain flared up almost causing him to pass out. The partially healed lung ripped back open and the blood began to make it hard for him to breathe again.

  Oojoung’s eyes glazed over as he fell to his knees. His hand lost its grip on his sword which fell to the ground and rattled on the hard surface before settling. Oojoung’s eyes rolled back in his head as he fell forward and lay still.

  Opellissa sensed the movement before she heard the scream of rage. Terri’s sword flash past her eyes as she leaned back to dodge the incoming blow. Stray strands of her hair were cut neatly off as the sword passed by and floated lazily to the ground.

  Terri’s arm flashed out catching Opellissa in the middle of her chest palm open. The move caused Opellissa to stagger back as she tried to regain the breath that was knocked out of her. Terri’s sword flashed again this time leaving a thin red line up Opellissa’s arm as it cut her sleeve open.

  “I’ll take you apart piece by piece,” Terri said. Her voice was uncontrolled as anger flowed through her.

  Terri’s sword flashed again only this time Opellissa’s sword was there to block it and sparks filled the air where the two swords met. Terri stepped forward as she tried to trap Opellissa’s foot with her own. Opellissa danced back out of range as she tried to gather herself. She hadn’t been expecting the raw ferocity of the attack not from someone so small and weak looking.

  Terri took off in a short sprint her sword held behind her. Just before she reached Opellissa she launched herself into the air her sword flashing up. It happened so fast Opellissa barely had time to move out of the way as Terri’s sword found nothing but air.

  Opellissa had moved forward and Terri was now behind her. Opellissa’s elbow flashed back, trying to catch Terri in the back of the neck, but it found nothing but air as Terri rolled forward as she landed.

  “I don’t have time for this,” Terri said. “My friend might be laying there dead or dying.”

  Opellissa turned to face Terri as she spoke. Terri raised a hand palm facing out and uttered a few words. The air around Opellissa seemed to shimmer and then exploded inward towards Opellissa throwing her back across the ground. Terri dropped to one knee and shook her head as she took deep breaths. Terri struggled to her feet as the other women in red looked at each other in surprise.

  Opellissa rolled over and got on all fours as she coughed a small drip of blood mixed with saliva dripped to the ground. She looked up at the slowly approaching Terri.

  “Do you really want to die?” Terri said.

  Opellissa watched Terri’s mouth move but the ringing in her ears made it impossible to hear anything. She reached up and stuck a finger in one of her ears and wiggled it.

  “Hard to hear,” Opellissa said.

  Terri slid the sword under Opellissa’s neck and asked her again only in a louder voice.

  Opellissa hearing was clearing up by the second. “It’s the only way this combat can end,” Opellissa said. “I can’t let you go as long as I’m able to prevent it.” She looked up in Terri’s eyes and smiled. “Somehow, I don’t think I can stop you if I wanted.”

  “I’m not going to kill you,” Terri said. “You’re my prisoner, I’m taking you back to the Atlantis. You can answer my brother’s questions and any other questions Deatra might have once I get her out of the palace.”

  Opellissa’s eyes widened at the mention of Deatra. “Princess Deatra?” she said. “She’s alive?”

  “Of course she’s alive,” Terri said. “She’s the bond mate to my brother. That makes me…”

  “A Princess of Euthara,” Opellissa said as she finished Terri’s sentence.

  By now the other women were talking quietly among themselves as they listened to the conversation. They had taken no action as per their laws regarding one on one combat. So, they were still observing what was going on and this wasn’t something anyone was prepared to hear.

  “I tried to tell you,” Terri said.

  “How do I know you’re not lying,” Opellissa said.

  “Why should I?” Terri said. “I could simply slit your throat and walk away.”

  Terri was monitoring Oojoung’s life signs with her nanites and he seemed to be getting stronger. However, the little machines were reporting major damage to his lung and liver. He would require surgery to try to repair the damage, or he might even need a transplant.

  “True,” Opellissa said. “If it’s true about Deatra being alive then I wonder how many other lies we’ve been fed.”

  “A lot I’m su…” Terri said.

  Terri was cut short as a bullet tore through her shoulder and slammed into the ground next to Opellissa. Just as fast as the first one impacted another one found its mark as it slammed into her back and out through her belly painting the ground red with blood.

  Opellissa rolled Terri over and covered her protectively as she motioned to her companions towards the shooters. However, before they could move a large beam struck the ground and twisted everything into a heap. Opellissa looked up as the combat drop ship appeared over the entrance to the Detention Center as it slowly moved into position over them.

  “No one move or we will open fire,” a female voice said from the ship.

  A door shifted open on the drop ship and in seconds there were twenty Marines slamming into the ground in powered armor. Their weapons immediately took aim at the women in red.

  “We’ll offer no resistance,” Opellissa said. “The Matriarch and her Guardian are hurt and require medical assistance.”

  One of the Marines reached up and touched the side of his helmet.

  Two more Marines dressed in white combat armor dropped onto the ground and started doing an assessment of Terri and Oojoung. After a few moments one of the med techs said, “It’s not good we need to get them back to the Atlantis as soon as possible.”

  The Marines had already stripped the women of all weapons and put them in restraints and had them in a tight group. They fanned out as the drop ship finally settled to the ground so everyone could be loaded. Exactly thirty seconds after touch down the drop ship took off then rotated before speeding off.

  “Atlantis this is Shuttle Alpha Four,” the Pilot said. “We’re declaring a medical emergency.”

  “Roger that Shuttle Alpha Four you have priority in landing zone three. Medical teams have been dispatched and are in route,” a female voice said.

  “Let the Medical team know this is a top priority. The Matriarch and Oojoung have both been injured but are stable,” the Pilot said.

  “WHAT!” Jon’s voice echoed through the com.

  Chapter 14

  Bad Things Happen in Pairs

  ADF Super Carrier Earth’s Revenge, Commanding Officer William Hawkins

  Location: Patrol of Euthara System

  She was the largest ship in the ADF fleet currently. Her fleet was supposed to contain four Battleships, eight Cruisers and sixteen destroyers, yet she was alone in space. Two of the cruisers for the fleet were currently in construction at Ghost Station. They were two weeks from completion and only one of them had half a crew. The destroyers and battleships had been put on hold until a time that the cruisers were fully manned and operable. There was no sense building ships that couldn’t be manned and would just sit at the station taking up space. The choice for the cruisers over the Battleships or destroyers was easy. Battleships took more man power and destroyers were weak when not supported by the cruisers, so it made the cruisers the simple choice.

  The Earth’s Revenge was just over a mile and a half long and was basically a city in space. Her hull was dotted by various types of weapons fr
om the smallest point defense weapons to the larger cannons used for ship to ship combat. She supported ten squadrons of light fighters and in addition to that she had three squadrons of heavy bombers. Supporting the ship was various types of electronic warfare combat shuttles.

  The flight crew and bridge crews ran regular drills and could get three squadrons launched in under forty seconds. Which was no easy task considering the average launch time on a carrier was one minute a squad after the first squad launched from the ready position. A slight hiccup could push the time out to a minute or more depending on the degree of the problem. One of the things that had helped them achieve such a low launch time was they had moved the pilots quarters closer to the launch bays and set up a special section for them to live in.

  Her listed crew compliment was just over fifteen hundred personnel. Her current crew compliment was six hundred of various mixed races. Two hundred of those were deployed on Euthara helping at Euroth and other locations along with half her fighter compliment and support.

  Carbon bonded titanium armor plates protected the people inside and allowed her to endure the stress of jumping or folding. Triple redundant shield systems protected her from almost anything an enemy could throw at her. It used to be controlled by the Tactical Officer that watched the type of damage coming in and changed shields based on that. What that meant was that the ship then relied on its armor to stop anything else that would get through the shields. Dalliana now controlled that and could change the emitters at will now that she was back on line. The shields no longer had to be all synced and the incoming damage could be analyzed in seconds by Dalliana. This meant the damage ratio went from about twenty-five percent on the average getting through to about ten percent getting through and sometimes even less than that.


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