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Euthara Page 26

by Michael McClain

  In a room by herself, Kelly Martin laid her head on her crossed arms that rested on the table she was sitting at and sobbed silently. The screen in front of her flashed transmission interrupted in large red letters.

  Chapter 15


  The damage to Terri had really been minor in comparison to Oojoung. The slug that had torn through Terri’s shoulder had missed anything vital and the bones. It went clean through and the nanites had already begun the repairing process.

  The other slug had missed her spine by an inch and punched a hole through her right lung. The quick actions of the med techs had stabilized her and the nanites had once again proved their worth as they worked their magic. Andie had decided to keep Terri under for a few days to allow the nanites to work. She knew how hard it was keeping Terri in one spot.

  Oojoung was a different matter altogether and more of a problem. His liver had been trashed and Andie had a new one growing in a tank. Broken ribs had made a mess of his insides however all but the liver was slowly being repaired by the nanites. They knew the liver was beyond repair and would do what they could to keep it functioning until it gave out completely.

  Two hours later Andie finished the last laser suture for Oojoung’s new liver and then closed him up. Bruises and contusions had already started to clear up and he was looking much better.

  Andie looked up at one of the nurses as she spoke, “I think that’s got it.”

  “Vital signs are improving,” the Nurse said. “Nice work Doctor, I thought he was beyond our help as bad as the damage was.”

  “It looked worse than it was,” Andie said. “Most of the damage had already been semi repaired by the nanites. After I set the bones and helped seal a few tears the nanites kicked in and finished the rest of the work.”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit,” the Nurse said. “That liver was not the easiest thing to replace.”

  “Wasn’t that hard,” Andie said. “Anyway, double up his nanites and keep him under for forty-eight hours. I’m going to go let Jon know what’s going on before he blows a gasket.”

  “I’ve never seen anyone go off the deep end that bad,” the Nurse said as she set up equipment to be moved.

  “Jon has a lot on him right now,” Andie said. “His sister being hurt just added to the stress. I thought I was going to have to sedate him for a minute.”

  “No kidding,” the Nurse said.

  “I’ll be back,” Andie said as she walked through the OR doors.

  Jon had his hands behind his back as he paced the waiting room. Too many things were happening all at once. His mind was spinning as he tried to deal with the current situation. He’d told Mark to deal with the defecting troops and had Carla take command of the Atlantis. Oojoung and his sister were in surgery and there was no word yet on their conditions.

  Sam was laying on one of the medical beds asleep with Nefeit lying next to and holding her. Sam was hit pretty hard by the news of Oojoung being shot. The whole time Jon had been telling her about Oojoung being shot Sam had been muttering under her breath how it was impossible. She had run off when Jon had told her the news and it had taken Atlantis to locate her.

  Oojoung and Sam had a very close relationship and had become fast friends in a very short time. No one, not even the command staff, gave Sam a hard time and she had access to everywhere Oojoung had access too. The only restriction was any arms locker or any place with military grade weaponry. Even then, as long as Oojoung was with her she was allowed into these areas.

  One of the Eutharan Marine Captains had made the mistake of dressing down Sam for entering one of the security stations. Sam had been going to see Oojoung who was on duty training a new batch of Special Forces recruits. The Captain had told Sam she wasn’t allowed in the restricted area and she needed to return to the civilian area immediately.

  A day later the Captain ended up in medical when Oojoung had scheduled him for some additional hand to hand training. The Captain ended up with two broken ribs and a fractured arm. Word got around quickly that Sam was special and allowed anywhere Oojoung was. Oojoung had even gone so far as to make it a primary duty of all Special Forces to watch out and care for Sam when he wasn’t around. Besides Jon and his wives, there was no one anywhere in the ADF better protected than Sam.

  As their friendship grew her training started and by the second month Sam could take most raw recruits in hand to hand. Oojoung had wanted to start her firearms training but Jon had put the nix to that. Jon thought she was too young for that kind of training even though Oojoung had argued the point for hours. Disappointed Oojoung put off the training but built her a small cloaking device like his for her to use in the event of an emergency. He’d explained to her it wasn’t a toy and if she activated it, it would send out a distress signal to the security stations of any ship or station in the ADF.

  The only authority greater than Oojoung where Sam was concerned was Jon. He and Deatra had filed all the proper paper work to adopt the child. It was one of the first official ADF documents and three lawyers had worked day and night to get it processed and filed properly. However, for the most part, Jon and Deatra let Oojoung do his thing. They knew there was no one who could protect her better.

  Jon stopped pacing for a second as he watched Sam and Nefeit sleeping. Tears formed in his eyes for his daughter’s pain even some of his own pain showed. He was reminded how dangerous a game he was playing and that people’s lives were in the balance.

  Jon’s com startled him out of his thoughts. He reached up and tapped his collar as he spoke, “I left orders I didn’t want to be disturbed.”

  “I know Sir,” Atlantis’ voice said. “But certain situations have developed that need your attention.”

  Andy came walking out of the surgical bay towards him.

  “Give me a second,” Jon said. “Andy?”

  “Nothing to worry about they’re both stable and sleeping soundly,” Andy said. “Oojoung was the worst of the two. The nanites however did their job and he’s doing fine. They should both be up and about in a couple days; they will both have to be put on light duty for a month.”

  Jon let out a sigh of relief as his body relaxed. “Well, if everything is fine I’m going to go back to the bridge. Call me if either of them wakes up.”

  “That won’t happen for a while,” Andy said. “We’re going to keep them under so their nanites can work unmolested by their movements.”

  Jon nodded as he turned to walk out. “Tell Sam and Nefeit that I’ll be on the bridge if they need me.”

  “Sure thing, make sure you get some rest yourself, doctors’ orders,” Andy said.

  “And Andy,” Jon said as he paused at the door and looked back.

  “Yes?” Andy said.

  “Thanks for everything,” Jon said.

  “I didn’t do much, mostly it was the nanites, but you’re welcome,” Andy said. She gave Jon a smile that told him everything would be ok.

  Jon nodded as he ducked out the door and spoke to Atlantis, “I’m on my way to the bridge.”

  Jon stepped on to the bridge and it was a scene of controlled chaos. Carla was at the center of the storm with Atlantis standing next to her. Jon started to make his way towards her as he started taking in what was going on.

  “What do you mean we’ve lost her?” Carla said.

  “I have a tracking beacon on her AI core and all of her shuttles,” a Tactical officer said. “But, I have no reading on her.”

  Jon frowned as he spoke, “What are you talking about?”

  Carla spun around and snapped a salute.

  “The Earth’s Revenge is gone,” Atlantis said. Holographic tears formed in her eyes.

  “Ok, what do you mean by gone?” Jon said.

  “She's been destroyed Sir,” Carla said.

  “What?!” Jon said. “How?” Jon’s head swam at the thought of losing the ship and all those lives. “What about the crew?”

  “Most of them evacuated and are on t
heir way to the station,” a Tactical officer said. “I’ve dispatched a shuttle to recover the AI core when it comes out of hyperspace.”

  A small hyperspace generator was located in the main computer compartment. When the core was ejected the generator created a hyperspace portal large enough for it. Then the ejection system “shot” the core through the portal with enough velocity to keep the core in hyperspace until it slowed itself down.

  “How long until Captain Hawkins arrives?” Jon said.

  The Tactical officer looked at Carla then at Atlantis before settling his gaze back on Jon.

  “Well out with it,” Jon said.

  “Jon,” Atlantis said. She laid a hand on his shoulder as if trying to comfort him. “Captain Hawkins went down with his ship from all reports we have received.”

  “Impossible,” Jon said. “He has a soon to be wife, I’m performing the ceremony in two days. Not to mention he has twins on the way. Have him report here when he arrives at the station.”

  “Sir, I,” the Tactical officer said.

  Jon interrupted him, “It’s an order. When Captain Hawkins arrives on station he’s to report here. It’s not really that complicated.”

  “Yes Sir,” the Tactical officer said.

  “Captain Hunter, call coming in from the Ga’sahde,” a Com officer said.

  “Of course, why not,” Jon said. He stood up and smoothed his shirt and composed himself before accepting the call.

  A female Ga’sahde appeared on the screen she was dressed completely in red and her face was blood red. Two silver lines ran from the bridge of her nose down at a diagonal to her jaw line. Amber eyes peered back and they screamed the anger they contained.

  “Primus,” the woman said. “How is the Matriarch?”

  “She is fine,” Jon said. “I’m sorry but do I know you?”

  “My apologies lord,” the woman knelt and bowed her head. “I’m Istanca.”

  “Well, Istanca what can I do for you?” Jon said. Though he already had an idea what was going on.

  “The Matriarch’s Crystal has dimmed,” Istanca said. “I’m here to find out why.”

  This was something Jon knew about but wasn’t common knowledge. Matriarchs were tied to a life crystal back on the Ga’sahde home world. The crystal reacted to the wellbeing of the Matriarch. If it ever dimmed or went out it could only mean one thing and the Ga’sahde only reacted one way by sending out their elite home guard. The purpose of this guard was to assess the situation and to take appropriate measures. Now that the home guard was at Euthara, they had to be dealt with before things got out of hand.

  “She was wounded,” Jon said. He deliberately left out how she was wounded. Though he knew that would be the next question and he was right.

  “How was she wounded?” Istanca said.

  “In a battle,” Jon said. He watched her reaction carefully. However, there was no reaction from Istanca. Not something Jon was expecting or liking at the moment.

  “Why was the Matriarch involved in a battle?” Istanca said. “Or even attacked for that matter? Isn’t Euthara under the Ga’sahde Treaty?”

  “She was involved in a fight to get out of the detention center she was being held in by order of the King,” Jon said. “She was attacked and captured because she decided she wanted to fly her fighter which at the time was thought to be safe. Yes and no, the Eutharan King doesn’t accept the Treaty however they’re still considered to be under the treaty due to the fact it was never officially disbanded. I’m currently working to resolve this issue with the current King and government here on Euthara.”

  “Well then, we will resolve this issue for them,” Istanca said. “The people responsible for the attack on the Matriarch will pay.”

  “Need I remind you she chose to fly a military fighter of her own volition? That right there negates her protection,” Jon said. “So, really there is no recourse to her being attacked.”

  “Did she fire on them first?” Istanca said. She raised an eyebrow in question.

  “I don’t recall, though I don’t think so. She acted to protect herself, I think,” Jon said.

  “Then she is still protected,” Istanca said. “The Matriarch can fly any ship she wants at any time she wants. The only time she negates her protected status is if she fires on someone and then, and only then, does that give the other party the right to protect themselves.”

  “I wasn’t aware of that,” Jon said. Jon concentrated as he accessed the data stored in his nanites and found the section dealing with the Matriarch and her protected status. It was as Istanca said and it made things much more difficult for him.

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about Primus,” Istanca said. “It’s not your fault. It won’t take long for us to set this right. We will be landing and taking the Capital of Euthara then we will hold a hearing and deal with those responsible.”

  “No you will not,” Jon said. “You will hold your position and wait for further orders.”

  “I’m sorry Primus,” Istanca said. “My authority in this matter supersedes yours.”

  “That may be the case and I don’t wish to step on your toes,” Jon said. “However, when my sister wakes up she’s not going to be happy with you for disobeying my orders. The situation right now here on Euthara is precarious. I’ve just lost a ship and a lot of personnel from an unknown force and right now this is the gathering point for the Invaru fleet and all other refugees in the universe. You will jeopardize that if you take this action and you’ll endanger my wife in the process. I’m ordering you to stand down until the Matriarch wakes which will be in a couple days.”

  “You’ll stand down as the Primus asks, until the Matriarch wakes,” Gabriel said. Jon hadn’t seen him walk on to the bridge until he was standing next to him.

  “General,” Istanca said. “I respect your authority but you know…”

  “You will do as I’ve said,” Gabriel said. “I alone have command of the whole Ga’sahde fleet and as such you fall under that command. Or should I find someone to replace you?”

  Istanca balked at the question and bowed as she spoke, “Of course not General, it will be as you ask.”

  “I would like to make one more point that you should heed,” Gabriel said.

  Istanca looked up and raised an eyebrow.

  “In my dealings with the Primus and the matriarch, I’ve found that their agendas don’t fall far from each other. The Matriarch has made it very clear to me and others that the Primus speaks with her voice on all matters even if she’s not present,” Gabriel said. “They are, of course, brother and sister and have the same goals. I’ve learned to trust his orders to be in alignment with the agenda of the Ga’sahde, you would do well to do the same.”

  “Of course,” Istanca said. She turned to Jon and bowed. “My apologies Primus, I’ll give you the time you ask for.”

  “I want you to take your ships and set up a system patrol while we affect repairs on our ships from the recent battle,” Jon said. “You can coordinate with ADF command at the station.”

  “As you wish,” Istanca said.

  “I’ll contact you if I need anything else or when the Matriarch wakes,” Jon said. Jon made a motion for the link to be disconnected and the screen blinked off before Istanca could reply.

  Jon turned to Gabriel and gave him a fleeting smile as he spoke, “Thanks for the back up.”

  “My pleasure,” Gabriel said. “Istanca is a by the book person and sometimes that gets in the way of where her duty really lies. So, don’t be too hard on her. She’s just trying to do her duty to the Matriarch.”

  “To be honest,” Jon said as he sighed and sat down in his chair. “I don’t know if I have the energy to be too hard on anyone. I just found out my second in command might be dead or missing in action. Not only that but he was one of my best friends. I’ve known him for a very long time. Now I have the pleasure of telling his sister and fiancé he’s missing or dead.”

  “I’m sorry,” Gabrie
l said. The truth showed on his face in the form of sadness for Jon.

  “It’s ok, something I have to get used to,” Jon said. “What I’m trying to figure out right now is why you’re here?”

  “Oh, I was checking on the Matriarch and decided to see how you were doing,” Gabriel said. “Andy asked me to let you know that Oojoung and the Matriarch are improving by the hour and she doesn’t see any complications or long term effects.”

  “Good, that’s the best news I’ve had since I woke up,” Jon said. Jon’s spirits lifted a bit at the thought of his sister and Oojoung being ok. He knew Sam would be very happy to hear of Oojoung’s status.

  “I also figured I would deliver my report in person since I was here,” Gabriel said. “The Wrath’s Revenge and her escorts as well as the Titan have docked at the station. The ships are currently at the top of the queue for repairs and upgrades. The personnel from those ships are being treated for various injuries and most are expected to make a full recovery.”

  “Good,” Jon said. “Since you didn’t mention it, I’m going to assume that Captain Hawkins wasn’t among those recovered.”

  “I’m sorry,” Gabriel said. “Admiral Breq has requested an audience with you as soon as possible. I’ve told him I would relay the request and that if medical and you cleared him I would have him transported down.”

  “Do it,” Jon said.

  Gabriel nodded as he spoke, “As you wish.”

  “Bring all forces up to high alert for the time being,” Jon said. “Double system patrols and have a patrol set up to coordinate with the factories on the other planets and moons. I want to give the civilians as much coverage as we can. Without their supplies coming in our repair and rebuilding efforts would grind to a halt.”

  “Oh, Euthara IV has sent their first shipment of raw ore to the main foundry on the station,” Gabriel said. “Trans Orbital Refinement and Processing CEO has also received his first shipment from the Castanian people. The industrial side of Euthara is starting to pick up as you expected.”


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