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Euthara Page 30

by Michael McClain

  Nefeit gave Jon a wink as he laughed.

  “I know your next question and to answer it yes,” Nefeit said. “We're a race of spies and we use our abilities to beat our enemies. We’re currently working to find everything we can about the Crystari and their allies. We used to be sneaky and underhanded under the other High Priestess, but I changed all that to prepare for your arrival. I’ve been working hard to strengthen our shock troops and our ships and crews. There’s not much to spy on when everyone is fighting for the same thing. We no longer work for the highest bidder and that’s what the civil war was about. We now work for you and the ADF, we will never return to the days of being hired mercenaries.”

  “How did you know?” Jon said.

  “Well, your meeting with Admiral Breq took place yesterday,” Nefeit said. “Now you have these questions and I can only assume he told you about us. We’ve been in seclusion for a while waiting on your arrival and that had to make some people suspicious.”

  Jon nodded and finished the last of his coffee. “Yeah, he was wondering what all of you were doing here, and when I mentioned I was married to you he gave me the whole back story. Nothing bad, he just wanted me to know so I could speak to you and not get surprised later,” Jon said.

  “Admiral Breq is a good man,” Nefeit said. “He can help you more than you know.”

  “I was thinking about promoting him to second in command of the ADF once he got settled a bit,” Jon said.

  “There isn't a better man for the job,” Nefeit said. “I would say get to know him and listen to his advice and go from there. I think you’ll find you two will work well together.”

  “You know if you want me to I can get our wife back,” Nefeit said.

  Jon shook his head. “Let’s not stir that pot just yet,” Jon said. “Besides I think Terri has plans about that.”

  Nefeit nodded as she stood up and put the empty cups in the sink. The door to the bedroom opened and a very naked Kelly Martin-Hawkins came stumbling in. Jon’s face reddened as he averted his eyes and caught the grin Nefeit shot him.

  “Thirsty,” Kelly said in a sleepy voice.

  Nefeit filled one of the mugs with water and handed it to her. Then reached down and rubbed the naked belly. One of the babies moved as she ran her hand over her belly. “Active little things aren’t they?” Nefeit said.

  “You’re telling me,” Kelly said. She was still sleepy and her voice showed it. She handed the cup back to Nefeit who set it down on the counter. “They get really active after sex.”

  Jon almost swallowed his tongue as his face turned bright red.

  Nefeit laughed at Jon’s distress. She pulled Kelly in close and kissed her on the cheek as she whispered something in her ear. When they broke the embrace Kelly was smiling and had a little blush. Jon’s eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out what the two were up to without ogling Kelly’s naked form.

  Kelly walked back towards the door and bent over towards Jon and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. She wandered back through the door into the bedroom as she said, “Thanks Jon, for everything.”

  Jon stood up quickly as he said, “I have to get to work.”

  Nefeit laughed again. “You look good in red,” she said.

  “Hush you!” Jon said.

  Nefeit caught Jon just before he stepped out into the corridor and gave him a kiss. “You have a good day.”

  Jon stepped into the medical wing and walked down the corridor to his sister’s room. As he passed the four Special Forces in the corridor they all saluted. Jon returned the salute and continued on. The doctor was there going over some of the readings and looked up as Jon entered the room.

  “Saves me the call,” the Invaru doctor said.

  “Doctor…” Jon said. He couldn’t remember the doctor’s name for the life of him.

  “Jastia,” Jastia said.

  “Right, Doctor Jastia,” Jon said. He filed the name away in his memory. “You were saying?”

  “I was just about to call you,” Jastia said. “We’re going to wake your sister up.”

  Jon looked at his sister and saw the little girl he had grown up with. During the surgery her makeup had been wiped clean and now her true face showed through. “Well, let’s get this show on the road then.”

  The doctor removed two tiny patches from Terri’s temples and for a second nothing happened. Then her eyes fluttered open and she sat up way too fast in her bed.

  “Ow,” Terri said. She looked over at her brother and then the doctor. “Where’s Oojoung is he ok?”

  Jon smiled at his sister’s question. “That’s the Terri I know, looks like her brain is intact.”

  Terri gave him one of her special, die now, looks.

  Jon raised his hands as the doctor forced Terri to lie back down. “Yes, Oojoung is fine,” Jon said. “We’re about to wake him too. If you’d like we can get you two a private room. Lord knows I need one that is lined and padded.”

  “Shut up,” Terri said between answering the doctor’s questions. Then she grinned at Jon as she continued. “Good to see you to bro. Worried about me were ya?”

  “Between you and the recent events on and off the ship I’m about to go insane,” Jon said. “As soon as the Doctor clears you we need to make a little call.”

  “Oh?” Terri said.

  “Yeah, you need to talk to one of your people who are poised over Euthara ready to kill everything in sight,” Jon said.

  “Istanca, leader of the Home guard,” Terri said.

  “Yeah, very hard person to convince of anything,” Jon said.

  “I doubt they would raze the planet,” Terri said. She gave Jon a smile as the doctor said he was done and was off to wake Oojoung.

  “Tell him I’ll be right there,” Jon said.

  “Go Jon,” Terri said. “I have a couple calls to make before I contact Istanca anyway.”

  “You sure?” Jon said.

  Terri just nodded and she grabbed one of the holographic screens and moved it in front of her.

  Jon followed the Doctor to Oojoung’s room and Sam ran up to him, leaping into his arms. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

  “They’re waking Oojoung daddy,” Sam said. She was beaming with happiness.

  “I know, that’s why I’m here,” Jon said. He reached out and honked Sam’s nose. “I missed you at home these past few days.”

  “I couldn’t leave Oojoung, he’s my bestest friend,” Sam said.

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t have left your side either,” Jon said. He knew Oojoung wouldn’t have left her side for any reason. The ship could be sinking or burning to the ground and Oojoung wouldn’t have moved.

  Oojoung’s eyes fluttered open but unlike Terri he just laid there. He seemed a bit confused and it took him a moment to adjust to his surroundings. Sam had wiggled out of Jon’s grasp and ran to the side of the bed. She grabbed one of his hands and held it. Oojoung turned his head to look at her as a big grin spread across his face.

  “Sorry Oojoung,” Jastia said. “The neural inhibitors have to stay in place for now. We need to limit your movements for another day. We’ll take them off tomorrow and you should be able to move around some.”

  “Oojoung understand Doctor,” Oojoung said. “Where is Terri Princess?”

  “She's next door and recovering fine,” Jastia said. “Her wounds weren’t as bad as yours were. You nearly died on the operating table.”

  Oojoung nodded as he closed his eyes. “Many thankings Doctor person.”

  “I’m glad you’re ok Oojoung I missed you,” Sam said.

  “I missed you too little Sam person,” Oojoung said as he drifted back off to sleep.

  “I gave him something to let him rest,” Jastia said. “That way his immobility doesn’t distress him too much.”

  “Can I still stay,” Sam said.

  “As long as it’s ok with the doctor,” Jon said.

  “That’s fine she’s been a big help actually,” Jastia said.r />
  “Oh, has she now?” Jon said. He gave Sam a smile and rubbed the top of her head.

  “Yeah, I've been helping make sure that the other patients have what they need,” Sam said. “Like entertainment videos and the like.”

  “All right,” Jon said. “Sounds like a plan to me. Just make sure you stop by and see your aunt.”

  “I will,” Sam said.

  Jon walked out of the room after giving Sam a hug and a peck on the cheek and made his way to his sister’s room. Two Ga’sahde were standing on either side of her bed and Terri was back in her makeup.

  “You will take orders from the Primus,” Terri said. “He’s my voice if you can’t contact me. If I ever hear of this happening again I’ll have you replaced with someone a bit more respectful for the positions above them.”

  “Yes, my Matriarch,” Istanca said.

  “You can bet your ass if something happened to me, my brother would be the last person in this universe to stop you,” Terri said. “As you can see, I’m fine, turn the ships around and go home until I summon you.”

  Jon cleared his throat and Terri looked up at him.

  “Yes Primus?” Terri said. She used his title to sink home the fact of his position. The Ga’sahde on either side of Terri knelt and bowed slightly.

  “Stand back up,” Jon said. “No need to kneel. Matriarch I could use those ships and personnel at another location if they don’t need to return home.”

  “Istanca, is the home planet secure?” Terri said.

  “Yes, Matriarch, we have another of the carriers manned and half the main fleet awake,” Istanca said. “One of our super command ships is scheduled to launch in the next two days. We should have plenty of protection there.”

  “Where do you need them, Primus?” Terri said.

  “I would like them to go to Ghost Station, they already have orders to refit them with the new shield harmonics,” Jon said. “They would of course be under the command of Jodeas and their station would be at his discretion.”

  “You get that Istanca?” Terri said.

  “Yes my Matriarch,” Istanca said.

  “Then what are you still doing here?” Terri said. “The House Primus has given you an order, now make haste. Next time think twice before you disobey a command from him.”

  Istanca was giving orders before Terri finished and once Terri had finished she said, “My apologies to you and the Primus, if I have your leave I will start the journey.”

  “You’re dismissed,” Terri said.

  The screen showing a bowing Istanca blanked out as the connection was cut. Terri waived her two aides out of the room and they bowed slightly to Jon as they left.

  “You think all that was really necessary?” Jon said.

  “Of course,” Terri said. “Your position in the Ga’sahde has to be clear. I’m not going to put up with them refusing orders from you. If they have a question about an order they can bring it to my attention.”

  “All right,” Jon said. “So how are you feeling?”

  “Sore,” Terri said. “I haven’t seen Andie around. Just that new doctor, is she ok?”

  “Afraid not,” Jon said. “Why don’t you get some rest and I’ll come back and explain what has happened since your escape.”

  “Sure,” Terri said. “I’m a bit tired anyway after that little episode.”

  “I’ll be back tomorrow,” Jon said. “Then we can talk and catch up.”

  Jon turned to walk out of the room and had just reached the door when Terri said, “The women in red. What happened to them?”

  “Nothing, yet,” Jon said. He turned back to look at his sister. “I have them in a holding cell in the lower decks surrounded by a squad of marines. Why do you ask?”

  “I was just wondering,” Terri said. “Don’t do anything with them until we talk tomorrow, ok?”

  “I was going to wait to talk to you about it anyway, so that’s fine,” Jon said. “Get some sleep.” Jon turned and walked out the door.

  Twelve hours later Jon walked back into his quarters and found Nefeit asleep. He took a quick shower and made his way through his room. He opened the door to the room where Kelly was asleep. He cocked his head to the side as he swore he heard the sounds of sniffing coming from the room.

  When he heard nothing he let the door shut and made his way back to his bed. Once he got under the covers Nefeit snuggled up to him from behind and wrapped her arm around him as she gave him a kiss on the neck.

  “So how did everything go?” Nefeit asked quietly.

  “Exhausting,” Jon said. “There is so much to deal with and so little time, if what’s coming is coming.”

  “It is,” Nefeit said. Nefeit propped her head up on her other arm as she started playing with the sparse hair on his chest. “I got the first reports from our spies. They report the Invaru Empire is in ruins as is most of their fleet. There are many ships coming here as they flee the Crystari threat. We should expect a large number of ships to arrive in the next few days.”

  “Great,” Jon said.

  “Use Admiral Breq,” Nefeit said. “He’ll know how to handle it.”

  “I will, it actually crossed my mind,” Jon said.

  “How are your sister and Oojoung?” Nefeit said.

  “They’re doing fine. You should go see Terri in the morning before I talk to her,” Jon said. “Oojoung is out of his induced coma but is being kept under for another day. He should be up and around tomorrow.”

  “I will,” Nefeit said. “I can tell you’re tired so go to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Jon just nodded and in ten minutes he was fast asleep.

  Sometime during the night he was briefly awoken as the covers moved and a warm body slid into bed in front of him. He started to get up because he immediately knew it was Kelly and he didn’t want a repeat of the morning.

  Nefeit put her finger on his lips and Jon looked back at her. She gently shook her head and Jon just sighed as he settled back down. He forced himself to relax and began to drift off.

  Kelly reached over and grabbed his hand and pulled it across her chest just under her breasts and held it tight and she snuggled up close to him. Moments later a soft snore came from Kelly and Jon looked up at the ceiling and mouthed “Why me?”

  Chapter 18

  New Additions

  Jon woke up in bed alone, which was a bit unusual as Nefeit usually stayed in bed until he got up. It was something he wasn’t used to. He rolled out of bed, pulled on a pair of shorts and then made his way into the kitchen.

  Kelly and Nefeit were both sitting at the table chatting softly, both naked. Jon groaned silently to himself, this naked thing was going to be the death of him. Nefeit pushed a cup of coffee towards the empty seat between both girls. Jon picked it up and took a sip as he sat down.

  “Morning ladies, how are you both doing this morning?” Jon said as he took his seat. He was doing his best to ignore the fact that there were two completely nude women seated next to him.

  Both of them smiled at Jon as Nefeit answered, “Fine, we’re just talking girl talk.”

  “Uh huh,” Jon said. He stood back up and took another sip of his coffee. “In that case don’t let me interrupt you. I have to get ready anyway. I’m supposed to meet Breq and Mark at the impact site today. I’m going to take a shower; I’ll be back in a few.”

  Jon turned and left the room and headed for the shower. Nefeit grinned at Kelly as she stood up. “I’ll be right back,” she said as she followed Jon from the room a few seconds later.

  The shower had just warmed up as a blast of cold air hit Jon when the door was opened behind him. Jon turned around and watched Nefeit step into the shower. He turned back around and leaned forward to let the hot water cascade down his back as Nefeit grabbed a rag and started soaping up his back.

  “This nude thing is going to become commonplace isn’t it?” Jon said.

  Nefeit grinned as she spoke, “I kind of like the freedom.”

  “You know I’m a guy right and we can’t exactly control our reactions to naked nymphs running around, right?” Jon said.

  “So,” Nefeit said. “You telling me you don’t like what you see?”

  “No, I’m saying Kelly makes it a bit awkward. She is the widow of my best friend, and it's already bad enough what happened the other day. Now she’s slipping into our bed in the middle of the night,” Jon said. “It makes me feel like I’m dishonoring his memory.”

  Nefeit turned Jon around and started washing his chest as she spoke, “I don’t think so, I think Bill would be happy that you’re there for his wife. She doesn’t really have anyone to lean on and you’ve provided the support she needs. I think Bill would want you taking care of her.”

  “Maybe, but I doubt he would want me sleeping with her,” Jon said. He bent down and let Nefeit lather up his hair. “Thank god it’s only happened once and the rest of the time has been pretty much platonic.”

  “Want to know what I really think?” Nefeit said.

  “Of course,” Jon said. He looked up at Nefeit when he spoke.

  “I think she feels a bit unwanted and lonely right now,” Nefeit said. She helped rinse the soap from Jon’s hair as she spoke. “I think the only other person she loves out of everyone here is you. She has attached herself to that so she doesn’t lose herself in grief for her loss. That person has given her part of what she needs and has held back on the rest.”

  “Grieving is a good thing,” Jon said.

  “True, Kelly grieves every night before she comes into our room for comfort,” Nefeit said.

  “I thought I could hear her crying,” Jon said.

  “You do,” Nefeit said. “When she’s done crying she comes in and snuggles up to you for comfort. She’s not looking for sex but if something happens I don’t think she really minds. In her eyes it’s a form of comfort and flattery that you would want to have sex with her.”

  “It’s a form of comfort and flattery that I would take advantage of her situation?” Jon said.


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