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Euthara Page 35

by Michael McClain

  “Something to do with The Prophecy.” Jon's face got a ‘here we go again look’.

  The Queen looked back past Jon to Deatra and Opellissa. “Is this true?”

  Both of them nodded.

  “Great!” A big smile broke out on the Queen’s face. “Am I to assume the other two women in the room are the other two ladies?” The Queen’s eyes flicked to Nefeit and Kelly. Her face lit up when her gaze fell to Kelly’s swollen belly. “Are you not Captain Hawkins’ widow?”

  “Yes your highness.” Kelly gave a slight bow with her head.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “Yes your highness, twins.” Kelly’s face flushed a bit now that she was under scrutiny.

  “Oh, drop the ‘your highness’ crap. Call me Antasta or ma’am if you’d like. You are, after all, one of the family now. So, are these children your late husband’s or the Prince’s?”

  “My late husband’s ma’am.” Kelly shifted slightly as she started to get a bit uncomfortable with all the attention from the Queen.

  “It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen a pregnant woman, and, I must say, it’s exhilarating.” The Queen shifted her attention back to Jon as she got a serious look on her face. “What are your intentions with the children?”

  Jon arched an eyebrow. This woman was anything but the way he expected her to be, and it was quite refreshing. “I plan on adopting them as my own and raising them.”

  The Queen clapped her hands together as she smiled. “Great! I’m to be a Grandmother, how exciting.” She leaned in close to the screen and eyed Jon. “I do expect more children you know.”

  “Of course your Highness. Without a doubt,” Jon said as he was put on the spot.

  Nefeit, Deatra and Opellissa all shared a look as they smiled.

  “This is all so exciting, we’re going to be grandparents. Isn’t it exciting Har’ve?” The Queen was looking at her husband with excitement and joy written all over her face. “Kids will once again run the halls of the palace.”

  “Of course dear.” The King’s monotone voice and steady stare told Jon that his troubles were far from over.

  “Please continue, Prince Hunter.” The Queen was still smiling and almost bouncing with joy.

  Jon frowned as he almost hated to continue now that she was so happy. “Well.” Jon glanced back to the women in the room and Deatra nodded at him. He turned back around and settled his gaze back on the Queen. She had lost the joyous look as she watched Jon, her brow furrowed. “You know my sister is the Matriarch of the Ga’sahde and I’m the House Primus I assume.”

  “That I didn’t know.” The Queen sat back and set her hands in her lap. “The Ga’sahde are here?”

  “Yes, though they’re not welcome according to the King. He's demanded they pull their ships from the solar system. I've refused to have them do so and, in fact, was the one who ordered them to restore the station. There were a few at the funeral, they have tattooed or painted faces and wore dark blue or dark red cloaks.” Jon shifted a bit and interlaced his fingers in front of him. “As a matter of fact, things got really nasty when Eutharan forces engaged my sister, the Matriarch of the Ga’sahde, over Deatra’s private grounds that I claimed as an embassy.

  “The paper work documenting our application, completed with the help of Deatra, was filed before our arrival. The King however claims to have never received said paperwork. Even though a look at the data base shows it was filed and accepted before we landed.

  “She was shot down then hunted down until captured. You could say we had a small air and ground war during the time my sister was missing. It escalated into the taking of Euroth because he wasn’t willing to back down, and, of course, I wasn’t either. I can’t say either of us was correct in the resulting pissing contest we had. But what I can tell you is that Euroth is almost completely restored and the people there are happy.

  “Later I learn of my sisters location and sent a very special Buranis to retrieve her. In the resulting conflict my sister and my friend were both almost killed. Though I’m happy to say they’re both recovering well, and my sister has already resumed her duties.” Jon watched the King arch an eyebrow and then grit his teeth as he learned he hadn’t succeeded in killing Terri.

  “Har’ve, why would you want the Ga’sahde to leave? We have a treaty with them and they will help us in our time of need. It doesn’t make sense. Why attack their leader, who I might add is a Princess, and then take her captive?” The Queen had a look as if she was trying to understand what was going on as she watched her husband on her screen.

  The King sat there and crossed his arms and fumed in rage. He reminded Jon of a little kid not getting his way. There was something off about that man.

  “Har’ve C’loth, you will answer me right this instant!” The Queen was pointing at her screen as she raised her voice.

  The King slowly turned his head and looked at his wife. “The Ga’sahde are nothing but meddling fools and I do not want them here. Period.”

  The Queen gasped at the King’s response. “We have a treaty and they have done nothing but help us. History shows us the Ga’sahde helped keep balance. We should be open to their help. We’re dying and they might be able to help us.”

  “You have no idea,” Jon mutterd under his breath.

  The King’s head snapped to Jon as did the Queen’s.

  “We can hash that out later,” Jon said. “The attack that your forces turned away at Euthara were actually my forces. The few ships you have remaining in service refused to help and it was left up to my people to turn them away. These Crystari were targeting some type of ground installation, that I now have control of.”

  The Queen frowned as the King glared at Jon. The King sat there helpless as his world fell apart around him. The one thing he knew were that certain people would have to die to secure his position again.

  Jon raised his hand to forestall the questions the Queen was about to ask. “The engagement at the edge of the solar system was again my people attempting to help the last of the Invaru. They were seeking sanctuary here from this new threat. Again that task was left up to us and both these engagements cost me and my people many lives.

  “As far as the installation, well that’s a whole different matter and something I think should be discussed face to face. I would like permission to come to the palace with my guards and speak in council about what was found. It’s vital that all the council members hear what I have to say.”

  “Definitely not!” The King slammed his fist down on his desk. “You’re not welcome here and I’ll not have your guards running all over the place. You’re rebels and have caused quite a stir. You have nothing to say that I care to hear.”

  “That's where you and I differ Har’ve, I want to hear what the Prince has to say. He’s made some pretty broad sweeping accusations. If even half of what he says is true then I hesitate to think what the council and people will think.” The Queen frowned at her husband’s actions. “If he thinks he needs to speak in council about this mysterious installation-”

  “Not just one your highness, but one of ten different installations spread across the planet.” Jon folded his arms as he watched the King’s face filled with utter hate and rage.

  “My apologies, installations, then I suspect what he’s found is of great importance.”

  “He’s found nothing!” The King screamed the last word. He looked like a mad man ready to tear Jon a part at the seams.

  “Then there’s no reason not to let him speak, is there?” The Queen folded her arms as she glared at her husband’s video.

  “ENOUGH!” The King grabbed the edge of his desk and flipped it over and the screen went dark.

  The Queen’s face went pale as she gasped. “I’ve never seen him like this.”

  “Your highness are you at the palace?”

  “No I’m at the retreat right now. I spend a lot of my time here nowadays. I used to be very active in the government and the daily running of th
e planet, but in the past few years I’ve been needed less and less. So now I spend my time here.”

  Jon spun around and looked at Opellissa. “Opellissa gather your women and take three squads of guards to go retrieve your mother. Bring her back here. I fear she’s in danger.”

  “He wouldn’t.” The Queen stood up as she spoke.

  Jon turned back to face the Queen. “Did you see him? I mean did you see what I saw? Even if he wouldn’t, and I’m over reacting, wouldn’t you like to come visit your daughters? You can leave whenever you like. A state visit if you will.”

  “Well I-”

  “Good that’s settled.” Jon turned back around and looked at a pale Opellissa. “What are you still doing here? Go now.”

  Chapter 21


  Jon stepped out onto the bridge as the shuttle carrying the Queen took off from her compound. Opellissa's small team had made good time. Jon was still at a loss as to what was going on, though he had a pretty good idea. The Queen coming to the Atlantis was not only for her safety but also, Jon hoped, to uncover more facts about what was going on, here on Euthara.

  Deatra stepped out of the transport tube and made her way to Jon's side. Her eyes watched the small blips that showed where the shuttles, carrying her mother and sister, were at. She was also a bit worried about her sister being on the mission and out in the open.

  Deatra stepped up next to Jon and put her hands behind her back as she spoke, "Jon, it worries me that my sister is out there."

  Jon looked over at Deatra and smiled as he spoke, "She can take care of herself."

  "Oh, I know she can take care of herself," Deatra said. "That's not what I'm worried about."

  Jon gave Deatra a strange look as if he was trying to figure out what she was talking about. He didn't understand what Deatra was worried about. He looked up at the screen and watched the small blips, as they made their way back towards the Atlantis. Everything seemed to be going fine. He didn't see any need to worry.

  "Sir, there are six Eutharan fighters on an intercept course for the shuttles," the tactical officer said.

  Jon paled slightly as six new red blips popped up on the screen. They were closing fast on the two shuttles. Then all at once he knew what Deatra was talking about as his lack of concern over Opellissa's safety was replaced by something else, worry. He had a pretty good idea of their intent and target. "Scramble all alert fighters, and divert all fighters in the air to intercept those hostiles."

  Jon's commands were immediately relayed as the level of activity on the bridge rose in response to the threat. He felt kind of stupid that he hadn't sent an escort with Opellissa's shuttle for protection.

  Deatra reached up and grabbed Jon's arm as she watched the Eutharan fighters close on the shuttles. Jon reached over and patted her hand as green blips appeared on the screen. There were no friendly fighters in range of the shuttles.

  "Contact the shuttles and tell them they have hostiles closing on their present location," Jon said. Jon's heart began to race as he realized the shuttles would be on their own for a little while. "Tactical, how close are the nearest friendly fighters?"

  "Jon-" Deatra said.

  Jon raised his hand to forestall what Deatra was about to say as he waited for reply from Tactical. He could tell that she was nervous by the way she was gripping his arm, but right now he had more important things to take care of.

  "Sir, our closest fighters are at least two minutes out," the tactical officer, said.

  "How long until the enemy fighters intercept the shuttles?" Jon said.

  "They will intercept the shuttles in one and a half minutes," the tactical officer, said.

  "You're telling me those shuttles will be alone for half a minute?" Jon said.

  "Yes Sir, we don't have any fighters closer than that."

  "You tell our pilots to push their fighters to the limit."

  The tactical officer relayed Jon's orders immediately without reply.

  Jon watched on the display as his fighters sped up in an attempt to intercept the enemy fighters before they reached the shuttles. Even as he watched Jon knew it was a lost cause, the enemy fighters were too close.

  "Are they in range for a visual?" Jon asked.

  "Yes Sir," the tactical officer said.

  When the main screen didn't switch to display the incoming shuttles, Jon frowned and looked over towards his tactical officer. "Well? Do you need an invitation to put it up on the main screen?" Jon's voice had an edge of annoyance as he spoke.

  "Sorry Sir," the tactical officer said.

  The Main screen flickered as it came to life and displayed the shuttles. One of the shuttles was a light shuttle of Eutharan design. The other shuttle was a combat shuttle from the Atlantis, it was transporting the Queen and Opellissa. It was one of the few shuttles that Brad and Mike's engineering teams had had time to modify with shields.

  "Get me Opellissa," Jon said.

  Opellissa's face appeared on a small overlay on the main screen in the upper right corner. Her demeanor was calm and showed little worry. She smiled as she spoke, "Hello dear, what can I do for you?"

  Jon blushed a little bit as he looked around his bridge crew, but they didn't seem to react to the term of endearment. "Opellissa, there are six enemy fighters closing in on your location. Our fighters will not be able to reach you in time. You will probably be on your own for at least a half a minute," Jon said.

  "We should be fine. I'm more worried about the Eutharan shuttle."

  Jon frowned, he didn't understand why she would be worried about the light shuttle.

  Seeing his distress and confusion she clarified what she meant. "The Queen is on the light shuttle."

  Jon's eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

  Opellissa sighed as she looked at Jon and said, "Mother can be very difficult at times and she refused to travel on the shuttle."

  Jon threw his hands up, which made Deatra lose her grip on his arm. "You don't seem very alarmed by the fact that there are six enemy fighters closing in on you and your mother is in a light shuttle."

  Deatra grabbed Jon's arm again as it fell back at his side and said, "Father wouldn't dare hurt mother."

  Jon looked at Deatra as he spoke, "Are you so sure about that?"

  Deatra looked at Opellissa as concern filled her face and she spoke, "He wouldn't dare."

  "The King hasn't been acting in a rational manner lately," Jon said. "I think he would if he feels that she is a threat. I think both shuttles are a target. The Queen because he feels she's a threat and Opellissa because her death would mean my death. He could eliminate all of his opposition in one grand move."

  Opellissa's face suddenly got very serious as she listened to Jon. She started barking orders to the crew of the shuttle to prepare for battle. The lights dimmed on the shuttle and took on a red hue as its defensive systems came online.

  Jon spoke as Opellissa finished giving her commands to the crew of the shuttle. "I'm glad you decided to take this seriously."

  "Well, you certainly got my attention. I wasn't too worried about us holding out long enough for our fighters to reach us. I figured we were the only target and mother's shuttle would be safe," Opellissa said. "But when you put it the way you just did. I can see that we're both the targets. We're going to maneuver into a protective stance and try to shield mother's shuttle. That should buy our fighters time to reach us."

  Jon looked over at Deatra, her face was white with shock. He wrapped his arm around her to try to comfort her. He couldn't imagine what she was going through. First her father, betraying her people, to an unknown extent. Now, the sister she just reconnected with and her mother were in immediate danger.

  "It'll be okay," Jon said. "I promise."

  Deatra looked at Jon, tears were just starting to fill her eyes. She felt as if her world, the only one she had known all her life, was falling apart around her. "Are you sure?" Deatra said. If there is one thing she knew about Jon, it was his uncan
ny ability to get out of sticky situations. She just hoped that he would able to pull everyone through this alive.

  Jon reached up and wiped a tear from Deatra's face as it fell from her eye and smiled to reassure her as he spoke, "Of course."

  "I don't know what I'll do if I lose either one of them," Deatra said.

  Jon stared at Deatra and thought, 'Die, if we lose Opellissa.', as he gave her a reassuring hug. He turned his attention back to the main screen as the two shuttles picked up speed. He briefly looked over at the central planning table and watched the six red blips close in on the shuttles.

  Tension filled the bridge as all eyes watched the central planning table. The ADF fighters were still over a minute out from the shuttles. The enemy fighters were just starting to approach attack range.

  "Enemy fighters will intercept shuttles in thirty seconds," the tactical officer, said. "They will be an attack range and ten seconds."

  "COM, get me the King, NOW," Jon yelled.

  "Aye Sir," the COM officer said.

  Jon watched as the enemy fighters close to attack range. It was almost surreal to him that the King would attack his own wife and daughter. This whole situation just added to the strangeness that was happening on Euthara.

  "Enemy fighters are arming weapons," the tactical officer said.

  "Sir, the King is unavailable right now. They're asking if you'd like to leave a message for him," the COM officer.

  Jon's face reddened as anger threatened to erupt. He was really getting tired of playing games with the King. The constant jabbing between them was getting old and people getting hurt was starting to weigh on him heavily. It might not bother the King but it bothered him deeply to watch people get hurt for no other reason than one man's pride.

  Jon glanced at Deatra as he spoke, "Tell them I have a message. The message is, 'I'm coming for you.'."

  Both shuttles dipped downward as they dodged the incoming fire from the six enemy fighters. Opellissa's shuttle took the brunt of the incoming fire as it tried to protect the lighter Eutharan shuttle. Shock waves covered the surface of the shields as the incoming fire peppered Opellissa's shuttle. It reminded Jon of somebody tossing pebbles into a lake as he watched the ripples on the surface of the shields.


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