Imperfect: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 5)

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Imperfect: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 5) Page 27

by April Wilson

  After everyone’s finished eating, Shane invites everyone to gather in the rec room, where there’s a pool table and pinball games, along with a bar, dance floor, and boxing ring.

  The boxing ring takes center stage, in the middle of the room, up on an elevated platform. I remember seeing Jamie spar with Jake at the house in Kenilworth, and being amazed at his capabilities.

  Lia and Jonah pick up pool cues and start a game of 8 ball. Cooper mans the bar, and Jake and Liam climb into the boxing ring and start messing around.

  “What do you want to do?” I ask Jamie. There’s really not much he can do here. He can’t play pool or pinball games.

  “What I’d like to do we can’t do here. At least not without an audience.”

  I laugh and nudge him with my elbow. “Not with your parents watching! Eew!”

  Jake and Liam start a wrestling match in the ring, and a small crowd develops. Beth gets comfortable on one of the several black leather sofas positioned against the walls around the room.

  When Liam manages to pin Jake to the mat, Jake steps down and taunts Shane to take his place.

  Jamie and I join Beth on the sofa.

  “Are you feeling okay?” I ask her. She doesn’t look happy at the moment.

  She shrugs. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine.”

  She turns to me, a frown marring her lovely face. “I miss Sam. He should be here.”

  “How’s he doing?”

  “He’s okay. He’s staying with his mom right now, getting physical therapy, gaining his strength back.” Her blue-green eyes mist with tears. “I just miss him so much.” Her gaze travels across the room to the bar on the far wall, where Cooper is dispensing drinks. “And Cooper – well, he’s not been the same since Sam left.”

  “Have you spoken to Sam?” I ask.

  She nods. “We’ve Skyped a few times. He seems pretty subdued right now. I think he’s hurting.”

  I’m not sure if she means he’s hurting physically or emotionally. I think it might be both. I think when Cooper refused to stand up with him at the wedding reception, Sam’s heart broke.

  I pat Beth’s knee. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon. Don’t worry. He just needs some time to recuperate.”

  “He’d better come back. He promised me he would. And Shane promised me he’d go down to Dayton and drag Sam back here by his hair if he refused.”

  After Shane’s turn in the ring, Miguel has a turn, and Liam remains the champion at hand-to-hand.

  “Well, hell, what do you expect?” Jake says. “He’s a master in Jiu Jitsu. Plus, he fights dirty.”

  Liam remains alone in the ring, offering to take on any remaining contenders.

  Jake gently kicks Jamie’s boot. “How about you, cowboy? You’re the only one besides Jonah who hasn’t tried to dethrone the boy wonder.”

  I look at Jamie, my heart suddenly in my throat. I don’t want him fighting. It’s not fair. Especially not against Liam. Liam has an unfair advantage.

  I tighten my grip on Jamie’s hand, and he smiles at his brother. “No, thanks. I’m good.”

  “What, are you losing your edge?” Jake says, clearly taunting his brother.

  “No,” Jamie says. “I just don’t feel the need to show off.”

  “Come on, man! Somebody’s got to put Liam in his place. You’re the only one who can.”

  Jamie sighs as he releases my hand and rises to his feet. He takes off his glasses and hands them to me. “Fine. Let’s make it quick.”

  As Jamie walks toward the ring, I get up and follow him, wanting a front row seat.

  “What are you doing, honey?” Bridget says.

  I look over by the pool table, where Bridget and Calum are watching Lia and Jonah in their game. Bridget’s gaze is locked on her son as he stands next to the ring and removes his boots.

  “Jamie, honey, what are you doing?”

  “It’s okay, Mom,” Jamie says as he climbs through the ropes. “We’re just playing around.”

  Bridget’s eyes narrow and she comes toward the ring. “I don’t think this is a good idea, boys.”

  “Mom, it’s fine,” Liam says, standing with his hands on his hips. Clearly, he’s a little worse for wear, with the beginnings of a few bruises on his face and arms. “I’m not going to hurt him.”

  “And I promise not to hurt your baby boy,” Jamie says, to a roomful of laughter.

  Jamie walks to the middle of the ring and takes a stance. His eyelids are closed as he listens for any tell-tale sound that will give Liam away.

  Liam circles his brother, looking for an opening.

  “Watch this,” Jake says. “If Jamie gets his hands on Liam, it’s over for Liam. Liam’s only chance is to come in fast and hard and drop Jamie to the mat before Jamie can react.”

  “I don’t like this, boys,” Bridget says, standing beside the ring with her hands on her hips. “Somebody could get hurt.”

  “Bridget, honey, leave the boys alone,” Calum says, laying his hands on his wife’s shoulders. He leans forward and kisses the top of her head. “They know what they’re doing.”

  “I know they do, but Jamie’s at a disadvantage. It’s not fair.”

  “More like Liam will get his ass handed to him,” Shane says, chuckling. “Mom, don’t worry.”

  The room grows quiet in anticipation. Someone even turns off the sound system, which had been piping in pop music. The only sound that can be heard now is the soft shuffling of Liam’s bare feet as he circles his brother.

  “Oh, he’s toast,” Jake mutters from somewhere nearby. “He’s making way too much noise.”

  Liam makes his move, coming in hard and fast. He’s probably hoping to catch Jamie off guard, but it’s as if Jamie anticipated Liam’s every move and meets him halfway. I gasp when Jamie catches Liam, twisting them both as they fall to the mat. Jamie lands on top of his brother and wraps his legs around Liam’s. His arms go around Liam’s shoulders and neck, and he immobilizes his brother. Liam struggles against the hold, but Jamie already has the upper hand as he pins Liam squarely on the mat.

  “I told you,” Jake says, admiration clear in his voice.

  Jamie releases Liam and the two men bounce back to their feet, neither worse for wear. They shake hands, clapping each other on the back the way guys do. Then Jamie climbs down from the ring. I meet him there, reaching for his hand.

  He surprises me by pulling me into his arms and kissing me soundly in front of everyone.

  The music comes back on.

  “I need something to drink,” Jamie says.

  We head toward the bar, serenaded by hoots and hollers.

  “Nice job, Jamie,” Cooper says. “What can I get you two to drink?”

  Seeing Cooper reminds me of what Beth said about missing Sam. I hope Sam does indeed come back, and I hope he and Cooper can work things out. Life’s too short not to be with the one you love.

  Jamie and I stand at the bar with our cold drinks. He pulls me in front of him and loops his arm across my chest, holding me against him.

  I feel utterly sheltered in his embrace, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his arm is positioned protectively across my chest.

  The song changes from a popular rap tune to a romantic hit by Sam Hunt.

  Everyone starts laughing when Beth drags a reluctant Shane onto the dance floor.

  “I love this song,” Lia says, pulling Jonah out onto the dance floor.

  Several other couples join them.

  I turn in Jamie’s arms and say, “Will you dance with me?”

  I’m reminded of the wedding reception, when Jamie asked me to dance, and I repaid him for his kindness by walking away from him after the dance finished. I regret that moment more than I can over express.

  After setting both of our drinks on the bar, he gives me a beautiful smile. “I would be honored.”

  Coming Next

  Stay tuned for more books in the McIntyre Security, Inc. series! I have lot
s of exciting new books planned for this series, including stories for Cooper and Sam, Jake, Erin and Mack, Tyler, Liam, and lots more!

  Here are the next few books on my publishing schedule for 2018:

  Ruined #6 (Sam and Cooper’s book), 2018

  Hostage #7 (Beth and Shane, Lia and Jonah), 2018

  Redemption #8 (Jake’s book), 2018

  … with lots more to follow!

  Author’s Diary

  Molly’s story has special meaning for me. In June of 2009, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. Fortunately for me, it was caught very early – stage 0 – which means it hadn’t left the breast tissue yet. As a single (divorced) mother of a 9-year-old daughter at that time, my only thought was to maximize my chances for survival in the long term so I could be there for my daughter. Knowing what I knew from my own grandmother’s two-decade bout with breast cancer (she survived it, but battled it twice), I chose to have a double mastectomy immediately. I also chose not to have breast reconstruction surgery… because like Molly, I prefer to go au natural.

  It wasn’t until after my surgery that I realized how prominently breasts feature in romance novels. Before, I hadn’t given it much thought. Now that I didn’t have breasts, I was more attuned to the role of breasts in romance novels. Immediately, I started brainstorming an idea for a romance novel featuring a female protagonist who’d had a double mastectomy and whose chest was “flat,” like mine. And from that idea, eight years later, Molly’s story was born.

  Molly considers herself defective after her surgery, especially in light of her husband’s negative reaction to her post-surgery body, and it seemed appropriate to pair her with a romantic hero who was also “defective.” Hence the title: Imperfect. Imperfect is the story of two physically damaged people who come together and heal each other emotionally through unconditional love and acceptance.

  Part of Molly’s story is autobiographical for me, but some of it is purely fictional. I had been divorced for many years before I was diagnosed with breast cancer and made my treatment decisions. My ex-husband, who is still a close friend of mine today, was very supportive of my choices and actions. (Todd is a completely fictitious character.)

  I truly hope that readers respond well to Molly’s story. I imagine it might be a painful subject for some women to read – for those who have experienced breast cancer first-hand, or those who know someone who has. There are many women who’ve had mastectomies, and they long for romance too. They deserve heroes who find them beautiful just the way they are. This story is for them.

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  Follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my newsletter for up-to-date information on the schedule for new releases. I’m active daily on Facebook, and I love to interact with my readers. Come talk to me on Facebook by leaving me a message or a comment, or share my book posts with your friends. I also have a very active fan group on Facebook where I post excerpts often and do giveaways. Come join us!

  Many of my readers have become familiar names and faces greeting me daily on Facebook, and I feel so blessed to have made so many new friends. I thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for every Facebook like, share, and comment. You have no idea how thrilled I am to read your comments each day. I wouldn’t be able to do the thing that I love to do most – share my characters and their stories – without your amazing support. Every day, I wake up and thank my lucky stars for you all!


  Books aren’t written in a vacuum. Authors are often greatly indebted to the support and kindness of friends and associates. I’m no different. Here are some of the people I’d like to thank.

  First and foremost, I want to thank my darling daughter for her unending patience as she puts up with her mom’s crazy work schedule.

  I am deeply indebted to my sister and best friend, Lori Holmes, for her unending support. I couldn’t do this without her.

  I’d like to thank my beta readers Tiffany Mann, who’s always ready with a kind word and brilliant insight; and Keely Knutton, who is always there with a kind word of support.

  Thank you to Becky Morean, a dear friend and colleague (not to mention an amazing author who teaches me so much).

  I’m so grateful for the friendship and support of the amazing Samantha Christy, author extraordinaire! I’d be lost without you, girlfriend! You’re the best writing buddy a girl could ever have.

  Thank you to Laura Williams of the romance writing duo J&L Wells, for your tireless support and friendship.

  But most importantly, I want to thank all my fans around the world who support me by reading my books, posting their kind comments on Facebook, sharing my posts, recommending my books to their friends, and writing reviews on Amazon. Every one of you helped make my writing career a great success, and I’d be nowhere without you all. I thank my lucky stars for you every single day!

  With much love to you all… April




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