The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain

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The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain Page 2

by Steve Jackson


  The large solid door has no handle. You charge it, but to no avail. The door is not going to budge. You decide to give up and go through the opening you passed in the east-west passageway some way back. Turn to 89.


  You are on the north bank of a fast-flowing river in a large underground cavern. Turn to 214.


  The passage ahead ends at a sturdy door. You listen but hear nothing. You try the handle, it turns, and you enter the room. As you look around you hear a loud cry from behind you and swing round to see a wild man leaping towards you wielding a large battle axe. He is a mad BARBARIAN and you must fight him!


  There is a door in the north wall opposite, through which you may Escape during the battle (turn to 189). If you defeat the Barbarian, turn to 273.


  Amazed at the success of your bluff, you decide to push your luck a little further. You can either examine the Skeletons' tools or pretend you're looking for work-sheets and look through the drawers of the various benches. If you choose the tools, turn to 34. If you search the drawers, turn to 322. You hear a noise from behind the north door and realize you will have to hurry!


  You arrive back at the junction and turn northwards. Turn to 77.


  You are now watching various tools digging and hammering as if being handled by invisible workers.

  You follow the passage westwards until it turns round a corner to the south. Just before the bend is a signpost which reads 'Under Construction'. In front of you is the beginning of a stairway leading downwards. Only three steps have been built so far. A number of shovels, picks and other tools were lying on the ground by the steps but, as you turned the corner, they suddenly flurried into action and began working on the steps. You are now watching various tools digging and hammering as if being handled by invisible workers. A humming chant becomes louder and you recognize it as: 'Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, It's off to work we go ...' As you stand watching you start to chuckle - the scene is quite amusing. You sit and watch and even manage to chat to some of the magical tools. Gain 2 STAMINA points and 1 SKILL point whilst you relax. Then turn back up the passageway to the crossroads where you may go either northwards (turn to 366) or southwards (turn to 250).


  As you pull the knob, a deafening clanging noise rings through the passageways. You frantically push the knob back to stop the alarm, but it has already had its effect. You can hear footsteps coming closer down the corridor. Turn to 161 to find what you have attracted. Note down the number 12 so that you may return to this section after fighting your battle.

  When you have defeated this creature, you may either return to the junction (turn to 256) or you may push the knob (turn to 364).


  Your head hurts and you feel dizzy as you rise to your feet. The four men stir into action and move towards you in single file with their weapons ready. You grope your way down the wall for the south door but it will be touch and go whether you make it. Your foot slips on a loose pebble and you fall to the ground. Before you can regain your footing, the creatures are upon you. Turn to 282.


  There are no signs of any secret passages, but you suddenly hear footsteps coming towards you. To find out what is coming, turn to 161. You must fight this creature.

  If you defeat the monster, turn to 117. Note this reference so you know where to return to.


  As you sit on the bench and eat your food, you begin to feel deeply relaxed and the aches from your body seem to be soothing themselves away. This resting place is enchanted. You may restore 2 additional STAMINA points as well as the normal amount (but only if this does not exceed your Initial STAMINA score) and restore 1 SKILL point if any have been lost. When you are ready to continue, move along the passage and turn to 367.


  You draw your sword, and as you do so the Ogre hears you and prepares to attack:


  If you defeat him, turn to 50. After the second Attack Round, you may Escape down the passage (turn to 269).


  Using the wooden stake and mallet (or makeshift mallet if you aren't carrying one), you form a cross and move towards the Vampire, backing it into a corner. It hisses and snatches at you but cannot come near you. However, it is going to be tricky getting the stake through its heart.

  As you advance, you stumble and fall forwards. As luck would have it, the stake flies forward and plunges into the shrieking creature. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, the stake pierces the Vampire's heart. If you are Unlucky, the Vampire is merely grazed by the wound (deduct 3 points from its STAMINA) and it flings you backwards across the room towards the west door. To Escape through it, turn to 380. To keep on fighting, turn to 144. If you were Lucky and killed the Vampire, you may look for its treasure - turn to 327.


  You walk westwards along the passageway. After fifty metres or so, the way turns northwards. Two or three paces up the passage, you hear a crumbling beneath your feet and you try to leap back as the ground gives way. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you manage to leap quickly backwards before a pit opens. If you are Unlucky, you are too slow and you fall over two metres down into a pit - lose 1 STAMINA point. If you were Lucky, you had better return to the junction (turn to 261). If you were Unlucky, turn to 348.


  These two evil creatures are GOBLINS. They attack you one at a time.



  First GOBLIN



  Second GOBLIN



  If you kill the Goblins, turn to 317.


  The skirmish commences. You have your sword, they have their axes. They come at you one at a time:



  First DWARF



  Second DWARF



  Third DWARF



  Fourth DWARF



  If you win, turn to 376. If the battle is going badly, you may Escape through the door. Turn to 291 - but don't forget your Escaping penalty.


  The green blood of the dead Ores smells foul as it seeps from their bodies. You step around the corpses and investigate the chest. It is a sturdy affair, made of strong oak and iron, and it is firmly locked. You may try to smash the lock with your sword (turn to 339) or leave it alone and go through the open door (turn to 293).


  You poke around looking for signs of secret doors but can find none. You pause to ponder your situation and a small jet of gas hisses from the ceiling. You cough and choke to clear your lungs, but collapse to your knees. Your head spins and you flop to the floor in an unconscious heap. When you come to, you look around in an unfamiliar place. Turn to 4.


  The passageway ends in a solid doorway and you are surprised to see a leather skirt tacked along the bottom of the door. You listen but hear nothing. Will you enter the room (turn to 326) or return to the junction (turn to 229)?


  After you have suffered your third wound, you notice that your strength is ebbing. Lose 1 SKILL point. You deduce that this is yet another magical power of this foul creature and you feel a shiver of panic. Will you continue or run? If you want to Escape, pay the penalty and turn to 360 to flee through the north door. Otherwise the fight goes on.

  If you defeat the creature, turn to 135. But from now on every third wound that the beast inflicts takes 1 point from your SKILL.


  The paintings are portraits of men. Your spine shivers as you read the nameplate under the one on the west wall - it is that of Zagor, the Warlock whose treasure you are seeking. You look at his portrait and realize you are pitting yourself against an awesome a
dversary. You have the feeling that you are being watched and notice the piercing eyes following you as you move. You find yourself drawn towards his portrait and your fear rises. Lose 1 SKILL point. Do you have the courage to try to combat the Warlock? You may either leave through the north door straightaway (turn to 90) - but treat this as an Escape. Or you may look through your pack for a weapon to use against the Warlock's power - turn to 340.


  You remember Di Maggio's small, leather-bound book, and silently mouth the spell contained within its pages.

  You shout loudly at the Dragon and it stops in its tracks. It cocks its head to one side and eves you suspiciously. You fling a stone at its head, and the rock bounces off its nose. The beast lets out an angry cry and breathes deeply, a roaring sound being created from within its throat. The Dragon exhales, and from between its teeth you can see another fireball building up. You prepare yourself, and as the ball of flame comes from its mouth, you cry:

  'Ekil Erif

  Ekam Erif

  Erif Erif

  Di Maggio'

  The fireball continues no further. With an agonized scream, the Dragon tries to shake the flames from its snout. But there the burning continues.

  Squealing in agony, the Dragon turns its back and leaps into the blackness, flailing its head from side to side. Turn to 371.


  The sword is enchanted and will aid you in battle. As long as you use this sword, you may increase your Initial SKILL by 2 points. You may also add 2 points to your current SKILL value. Add 2 points to your LUCK for finding this sword. Throw your old sword away and turn to 319. If you would rather keep your own sword, leave your SKILL as it is and just take the LUCK bonus.


  The mighty Giant lies dead! You search his cavern and find little of use, although a purse in his belt contains 8 Gold Pieces. You are a little concerned about the second chair; to whom does it belong? You decide to leave the cavern the way you came. Turn to 351. But add 2 LUCK and 2 SKILL points for your victory.


  Apart from the boots, which you decide to ignore, there appears to be little of value in the cavern. You decide to head back the way you came. Turn to 375.


  A loose stone falls out to reveal a rope in the rock. If you wish to pull it, turn to 67. If you feel it would be wiser to leave it alone, you can return to the crossroads (turn to 267).


  If you have the jewel from the Eye of the Cyclops, you hold it in front of the Warlock. His intimidating stare turns to an expression of pain. He obviously feels the jewel's power. Suddenly his eyes turn white and his expression goes limp. Your confidence gains as you realize you have won your first real battle. Gain 2 SKILL points. Put the jewel into your pack and leave through the north door. Turn to 90.


  You toss the Cheese across the room at the Rats and they scramble for it, nipping and scratching each other as they fight for it. Having distracted them, you pass through the room and leave by the door in the north wall. Turn to 124. Add 2 LUCK points for your good fortune.


  The sleeping creature awakens startled. He jumps up and rushes at you, unarmed. With your sword you should be able to defeat him, but his sharp teeth look rather vicious. You may Escape through the door (turn to 320) or stand and fight the ORC who is attacking you.


  If you defeat the creature, you may take the box. Turn to 147.


  Looking through the tools you come across a mallet with a hardwood head and a chisel with a solid silver blade. You may keep either of these if you are prepared to forfeit one of the items of equipment you are carrying. If you wish to do so, make the appropriate adjustments to your Equipment List. The noise from the north door gets louder and you move up to investigate. Turn to 96.


  As you step into the room, the door swings shut behind you. As it closes, there is a click and a hiss. From the centre of the ceiling, a jet of gas is filling the room with an acrid vapour. You breathe and cough deeply. You look at the door and then the key. Will you return to the door and escape quickly (turn to 136) or hold your breath and dash for the key first (turn to 361)?


  Inside the room the floor is covered with bones, rotting vegetation and slime.

  The locked door bursts open and a nauseating stench hits your nostrils. Inside the room the floor is covered with bones, rotting vegetation and slime. A wild-haired old man, clothed in rags, rushes at you screaming. His beard is long and grey, and he is waving an old wooden chair-leg. Is he simply insane as he appears, or has this been some kind of trap? You may either shout at him to try to calm him down (turn to 263) or draw your sword and attack him (turn to 353).


  Standing at the crossroads you may go either north (turn to 366), west (turn to 11) or south (turn to 277).


  You open the door to find the Werewolf's larder, a miscellaneous collection of bones and decaying meats. The smell is nauseating, although a jar of pickled eggs seems to offer fairly palatable food. If you wish to take these, there will be enough for two meals; add 2 points to your Provisions. Back in the room you may now go out through the south door. Turn to 66.


  Your opponent is surprised as you disappear in front of him, but he raises his hands as if to cover his eyes and he scans the room with an intense glare. He can sense your presence but cannot make out exactly where you are. You draw your sword and advance. He tilts his head and sniffs the air. You will have to fight him from a distance as, if he gets his hands on you, your invisibility will be no advantage. But whilst you remain invisible, you have the following advantages:

  You may add 2 to your dice roll when determining your Attack Strength. Each successful attack will cause him 3 points of damage as, since he cannot see you, he cannot defend himself properly. Each time he inflicts a wound on you, throw one die. If the number is odd, he wounds you as normal. If the number is 2 or 4, he only inflicts a 1 point wound. If you roll a 6, you can parry the blow and he does no damage.

  Resolve the battle:


  If you win, turn to 396.


  The ear-piercing sound gets louder and louder. The pain is unbearable. Reduce your SKILL score by 1 for the agony. You begin to grope in the dark for a wall. Do you head for:

  The west wall?

  Turn to 355

  The north wall?

  Turn to 265

  The east wall?

  Turn to 181


  He is a powerful adversary - a WIGHT! He is large, strong and evil. The battle commences:


  You fight with your sword. After you have inflicted your first wound on him, turn to 310.


  You eventually arrive at the end of the passage, at a three-way junction. You may turn either to the west (turn to 257) or to the east (turn to 113).


  You are in a north-south passageway. To go north, turn to 354. To go south, turn to 52.


  Panting after the struggle, you sit down to collect yourself and finish the Provisions you started. Eventually you pack your bag and wade into the stream. Turn to 399.


  The Cheese hits the portrait and bounces off. You hear an evil laugh coming from the walls and realize the Warlock is mocking you. You decide to leave the room by the north door. Turn to 90.


  You are standing in a short east-west passageway, with a door blocking the way to the east. To the west, the passage turns southwards after several metres. To go round this bend turn to 4. To go through the door, turn to 206.


  In the middle of the river, the bridge swings to and fro as it strains to take your weight. The handrail comes away suddenly as you lean on it. Roll one die. A roll of 6 sends you plunging into the river below - turn to 158. A roll of
1-5 means you regain your balance. To go on, turn to 298.


  You are in an east-west corridor. If you go east, you will turn a corner northwards. To go this way, turn to 391. To go west, turn to 60.


  The door squeaks open on rusty hinges. The room is dark and your eyes begin to adjust themselves as you close the door behind you. You hear a shuffling in the room but before you can react, a blow to your head knocks you senseless. Lose 2 STAMINA points and turn to 122.


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