The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain

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The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain Page 4

by Steve Jackson

  Start to make conversation

  with him?

  Turn to 334

  Draw your sword and

  charge at him?

  Turn to 247

  Decide not to waste time with him and

  leave, going northwards?

  Turn to 292


  As you crawl into the room, a voice booms out: 'Welcome, adventurer. I have been expecting you.' You stop, look around and rise to your feet. The little old man has changed. He is not so old and grey any more, and he's of an imposing height. His eyes are deep and black and they are fixed on you relentlessly. Turn to 358.


  The passageway runs eastwards. Ahead of you, you can see that a solid-looking door blocks the passage. You step up to investigate. Turn to 383.


  Hesitantly, they agree to let you join in. As you play and chat, they loosen up and eventually you are all laughing and exchanging stories.

  They seem quite harmless. You may play cards either fairly or you may try to cheat. If you wish to play fairly, turn to 346. If you wish to cheat, turn to 91


  Your lucky throw catches the Vampire unawares and he shrieks in agony as the stake sinks into his heart. You leap over and thrust it further into his body. His death cries grow weaker and his lifeless body slumps to the floor. Turn to 327.


  The door is not locked and opens. The room in front of you seems to be a small torture chamber, with various torture devices around the walls. In the centre of the room, two small, hunchbacked creatures are having their fiendish way with a Dwarf, who is tied to a hook in the ceiling by his wrists. The two hunchbacks are poking and cutting him viciously with their swords. The Dwarf lets out a final scream and falls silent, eyes closed. His captors make disappointed noises and look round angrily at you as if it were your fault that the Dwarf has collapsed. You must act quickly. Will you:

  Close the door quickly and

  continue up the corridor?

  Turn to 303

  Draw your sword and try to fight

  the creatures?

  Turn to 19

  Stride over to the Dwarf, give him

  a jab with your sword and put on

  an evil laugh for the torturers?

  Tum to 68


  You feel a stone move and behind it you find a lever. Will you pull the lever, or leave it and return to the crossroads? If you dare pull the lever, turn to 252. If you go back to the crossroads, turn to 359.


  You find yourself in a short, narrow passageway with a door ahead to the north. You try this door. Turn to 49.


  You rummage through your haversack. What is in there? You may attempt to use any of the following items if you have them on your Equipment List:

  Potion of Invisibility

  Turn to 39

  The Eye of the Cyclops

  Turn to 382

  A piece of Cheese

  Turn to 368

  Bow with Silver Arrow

  Turn to 194

  A Y-shaped Stick

  Turn to 215


  Smoke curls from its nostrils. Its scaly red skin glistens with an oily covering.

  The passageway ahead runs northwards for some time. You may rest along the passage to eat Provisions. It then bends to the west and begins to get quite narrow. You reach a small rocky arch which you will have to stoop to get through. On the other side of the arch you pause and look around. You are in a large cavern which disappears into distant blackness. The cavern is partially lit by natural light which streams in through a hole in the roof. You cannot see a way through.

  As you shine your lantern around the cavern, you hear a rumble. A dull glow flickers in the blackness. Suddenly, a jet of fire shoots from the depths of the cavern, narrowly missing you and singeing the mossy growths on the wall! You throw yourself on to the ground and look up to see a large DRAGON stalking out of the darkness towards you. Smoke curls from its nostrils. Its scaly red skin glistens with an oily covering. The beast is some fifteen metres long! How will you attack the creature?

  Draw your sword and prepare

  to attack?

  Turn to 152

  Search your memory for another

  means of attack?

  Turn to 126


  You tiptoe through the room, up a narrow staircase, ending up at the top of the stairs in a passage. 'That was easy,' you think, and you begin to have second thoughts about whether it would have been worthwhile to search the bodies. If you want to return and search the bodies, starting with the third, turn to 148. If you want to press on, turn to 197.


  The moment your foot touches a hand tile, you feel a vice-like grip on your ankle and look down to see a ghostly white hand gripping your leg. You fight for your balance and manage to regain it. But to your horror you see that, from every hand-shaped tile in the floor, a similar apparition has appeared, and the floor across to the door is now scattered with ghoulish hands, flexing and snatching in the air. You draw your sword and chop at the hand. Resolve this battle':


  If you win, turn to 185.


  The liquid is smooth and watery and, as you drink it, you begin to glow. You feel euphoric and a little drunk at the same time. Your confidence grows and your weariness disappears.

  The bottle contains HOLY WATER, blessed by the Over-priest of Kaynlesh-Ma. It has restored your STAMINA almost to full strength. Increase your STAMINA to 2 points below your Initial STAMINA (if your STAMINA was already higher than this, leave it as it is - you are strong enough!). Add points to your current SKILL to take the total to 1 point under your Initial SKILL. You may add 4 LUCK points for making such a lucky find.

  If you have already looked at the parchment, you may leave the room northwards (turn to 120). If you have not, you may look at it (turn to 212) or you may forget about it and go northwards anyway.


  You are now 8 Gold Pieces richer. You also find another 2 Gold Pieces in his boot, hidden there for safety. Turn to 319. Record the Gold on your Adventure Sheet.


  He will not be pacified. As you shift uneasily around the room, he shouts a word at the dog. Turn to 249.


  You see nothing in the room likely to help you in your battle. Will you:

  Draw your sword, grit your teeth

  and advance?

  Turn to 142

  Search your rucksack for a

  weapon to use?

  Turn to 105


  You arrive at another junction in the passage. You may either go northwards (turn to 285) or continue eastwards (turn to 78).


  The passage goes south, then east and you eventually find yourself at a crossroads. Turn to 359.


  The poor wretches lying dead at your feet almost look happy to be relieved of the burden of life. But as you look down at them, you sense that you are not the only one to know of their deaths. Looking around the room, you may:

  Investigate the weapons lying


  Turn to 95

  Go over to the dead body in the

  north-east corner

  Turn to 313

  Check the barrels

  Turn to 330


  The two drunken ORCS you now face are obviously startled at your entrance and, as quickly as they are able, they fumble around for the weapons. You must attack each one in turn. Their drunkenness allows you to add 1 point to your dice roll when rolling to work out your Attack Strength, during each Attack Round.



  First ORC



  Second ORC



  If you win the battle, turn to 378. If you wish to Escape during the battle, you may do so
by turning to 42


  You are in an east-west passageway. To go east, turn to 354. To go west, turn to 308.


  As you approach he rises from his coffin, spreads his cloak and takes you under it. Your last living memory is a flash of pain as his sharp teeth sink into your neck. You should never have let yourself get into eye-contact with a VAMPIRE!


  You open your pack and reach inside for something suitable to throw across the cavern. Check your Equipment List, choose one item to throw and cross it off your List. If you have no Equipment you will have to throw a Gold Piece. You throw the object across the cavern, where it lands with a clatter. The Ogre looks towards the noise, and goes over to investigate. Meanwhile you creep out, down the passage and back to the junction. Turn to 269.


  You leave the chamber, walk down a short passage and reach a staircase going up. You climb the stairs and arrive at the top in a passageway. Turn to 197.


  The corridor goes east for several metres, then south, then east again, where it finally ends. Will you investigate the dead end (turn to 103) or return to the crossroads (turn to 359)?


  Their skin is a greeny-grey colour. Their clothes are tattered and torn.

  You awake with a throbbing head and look around. The room is about eight metres square, with doors to the north and south. You have been dumped in the south-west corner. Standing motionless in the centre of the room are four men. At least, they appear to be men. Their skin is a greeny-grey colour. Their clothes are tattered and torn - and they are all staring vacantly at the ceiling. One carries a club, one a scythe, one an axe and one a pick. They are ignoring you completely.

  Around the room are various peasant-style weapons (pitchforks, axe-handles, pointed sticks, etc.), one or two shields, and several barrels. In the north-east corner is a human corpse with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. You move your hand up to your head to feel for signs of blood and you are relieved to find you are not bleeding. But as your hand moves, the strange creatures in the centre of the room turn their eyes down towards you. Do you:

  Try to talk to them?

  Turn to 268

  Jump to your feet and charge them

  with your sword?

  Turn to 282

  Scramble for an exit through the

  south door?

  Turn to 13


  Will they believe your story about buying a boat? Skeletons are pretty simple-minded, so roll one die. A 1, 2 or 3 means they believe you, and they all go running through the door in the north wall, leaving you alone in the Boat House. Add 2 LUCK points and turn to 184.

  A 4 or 5 means they're not sure. They send two of their members through the north door whilst the other three watch you with their makeshift weapons. Turn to 164.

  A roll of 6 means they definitely don't believe you and keep on advancing. Turn to 140.


  The door opens into a wide passageway and you follow this for some distance before reaching a junction. Here you may either go northwards (turn to 138) or turn to the east (turn to 76).


  You pick up the rope. It looks normal. In fact it looks as if it might be quite useful. You open your pack to put it in. Suddenly, it comes alive in your fingers, snakes quickly up your arm and attempts to wrap itself around your neck. You struggle to cut the rope with your sword before its grip tightens. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you cut the rope and it drops to the ground. If you are not, the rope tightens-lose 1 STAMINA point. You must Test your Luck again to try to cut the rope, and keep trying until you do. Each time you fail, you lose another STAMINA point (and reduce your LUCK score). If you finally defeat the rope, you may leave through the north door. Turn to 73.


  Does the name 'Farrigo Di Maggio' mean anything to you? If not, you must fight the Dragon. Turn to 152. If it does, turn to 26.


  He doesn't take at all kindly to your threats. As you argue and his anger builds, you notice a transformation taking place. He begins to straighten up and grows physically stronger in front of your very eyes. His face and arms grow hairy. His teeth become sharp and pointed. You must make a quick decision. Will you offer him 5 Gold Pieces to calm him down (deduct this from your Gold and turn to 272), or prepare to attack him (turn to 188)?


  You hear a deep rumbling noise and the ground begins to shudder. Slowly and noisily the portcullis rises into the ceiling. You may now walk to the junction. Will you turn west (turn to 210) or east (turn to 58)?


  You return to the riverbank and decide to try the door in the middle of the rock-face. Turn to 104.


  The old man asks you your stake. You may bet between 1 and 20 Gold Pieces (but not more than you possess!). He tosses the white dice he has been playing with to you and asks you to roll. Roll two dice once for yourself and once for the old man. If your total is higher, you win the amount of your stake from the old man. If his total is higher, you lose your stake. You may continue for as long as you have Gold Pieces, and then leave through the door and return to the junction. Add 2 points to your SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores if you win. Turn to 280.


  You chat about various things and they seem eager to be friendly. They feel lonely in the dungeon with so much evil about and are happy to speak to visitors of a lawful disposition. They tell you that you are in The Maze of Zagor. The only way out is to go deeper into the dungeon. They tell you that the way through the maze is to leave the room, turn right, right, left, keep going straight ... and then they begin to get a bit vague. They're not entirely sure it is correct.

  You may, if you wish, eat a meal from your Provisions, but you will have to share it with them and thus will only gain half the normal STAMINA points. Eventually you thank them and leave the room. Go to 291.


  The shield is a standard wooden type. You may keep it or throw it away. Turn to 319.


  You are in a north-south corridor which ends in a dead end. You look around the rock face for signs of anything interesting, when suddenly a rock breaks loose above you and lands on your head. Although the blow was not particularly hard, you find you are feeling dizzy. You fight to remain conscious, but are unable to do so. You slump to the ground. When you open your eyes, you are at a junction. Turn to 52



  On the table there are two helmets; one of bronze and one of iron. Both are about your size.

  The room is unoccupied and there seems to be no other means of exit. In the centre of the floor stands a table, and on this table are two helmets; one of bronze and one of iron. Both are about your size. Will you try one on, or is this worth the risk?

  Try on the bronze helmet

  Turn to 202

  Try on the iron helmet

  Turn to 325

  Return to the junction

  Turn to 87


  The Wight lies in a heap in the corner of the room.

  You approach his desk and open the box. There are 18 Gold Pieces within the box. You may take these with you - enter them on your Adventure Sheet. You can add 2 LUCK points for defeating the creature and may rest a while to take some Provisions. When you are ready, you may leave by the north door. Turn to 360.


  You arrive at the door, struggle with the lock and open the door. You burst out, closing the door behind you and take several deep breaths. Return to the junction (turn to 229).


  You find no secret passages, but as you press the wall, you hear a click. You feel dizzy and slump to the ground. When you come to, you do not recognize your surroundings. Turn to 354.


  The passage widens and you realize you are about to enter a large cavern. You can hear noises coming from the cavern ahead and you proceed cautiously. As you appro
ach, you can make out a large figure in the distance and you are overawed as you realize that this oversized human must be at least three metres tall! Dressed in a leather tunic, the creature is absorbed in a meal he is eating at a table.


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