Rule (The Draax Series Book 2)

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Rule (The Draax Series Book 2) Page 16

by Elizabeth Kelly

  There was almost a note of begging in his voice and I smiled at Bran as a ripple of power went through me. Still holding Bran’s gaze, I said, “Fuck me, Court.”

  Court groaned again, and I clutched at him when he moved in and out. He thrust lightly at first, his hand gripping my knee in a tight hold, but his rhythm soon turned harder and deeper. I clung to his waist, switching my gaze between Court and Bran, listening to their mutual soft groans as Court fucked me with deep strokes and Bran’s hand moved harder and faster over his dick.

  “Touch yourself, Evie,” Court said.

  I slipped my hand between my legs and rubbed at my slippery and swollen clit, my breath catching in my throat at the new pleasure.

  “You will cum for us again,” Court said.

  “Yes, Court,” I said.

  I heard Bran groan from across the room, and I looked at him as my fingers rubbed harder and faster.

  “Good,” Court whispered. “Watch Bran as you cum, Evie. Show him how beautiful you are.”

  I moaned and circled my clit as the pleasure turned into a burning fire of need. I couldn’t look away from Bran’s face as Court’s groans grew louder above me. I pulled on my clit and then climaxed, my pussy squeezing Court’s cock, soft little cries spilling from my mouth as the exquisite pleasure infused my body.

  Bran moaned harshly at my cries. His entire body stiffened, and his gaze burned into mine as he came, his big body twitching as the front of his sleep pants darkened with his release.

  “Evie!” Court’s hoarse cry snapped my gaze from Bran.

  I stared up at him, holding him tightly as he drove deep into my body before cumming with another hoarse cry. His tail flicked back and forth, and his body shook above me as the cords stood out in his thick neck.

  He collapsed against me, his hot breath blowing against my neck and sending shivers down my spine. I stroked his back and kissed his shoulder. “You okay?”

  “Hmm,” he mumbled.

  Court rolled off of me, lying on the quilt next to me, one leg thrown over mine and one big hand cupping my breast. I looked toward the door, Bran’s name on my lips. I wanted – needed - him to join us, and disappointment flooded through me when I saw the empty room.

  He was gone.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “No, Papa!”

  When I walked into the kitchen, Bella was sitting in her chair, a bowl of faven in front of her and her tiny hands balled into fists. Her face was a dark purple and she was scowling at Bran.

  I winced, mentally preparing myself for a very long day. Bella was usually an easy and happy child, and not prone to fits of temper or acts of rebellion. But when she was in a bad mood, she was a real groden and nothing soothed her or made her happy.

  After waking up on the floor of my room alone, I wasn’t in that good of a mood myself. It had been my plan to fuck Evie again this morning before breakfast, and I had no idea how she’d snuck out of my room without me waking.

  I’d showered and dressed, trying not to be disappointed but my mood was dark. I should have been happy. Bran had joined us – sort of – and the lingering feelings of unease and guilt had disappeared the moment he appeared in my room last night.

  I was pleased he’d joined us, but I was worried about the little human. Did she regret what we did? Was that why she left without waking me?

  “Bella, eat your faven,” Bran said. He looked tired and he tapped the table next to Bella’s bowl of faven.

  Bella glared at him before her tail lashed out to wack him across the arm. “Bella no hungry!”

  “No hitting,” Bran said in a sharp tone. “Do you want to spend the day in your room alone?”

  I blinked in surprise, and Bella immediately burst into tears. Bran wasn’t the most patient Draax, but normally his patience for Bella was limitless.

  Bran sighed and reached for Bella. “Meena, I am sorry. I did not mean -”

  “No!” Bella sobbed and pushed his hands away. “Papa no touch Bella!”

  “Meena,” I leaned forward and held out my arms, “come to Uda.”

  “No!” She sobbed harder, her tail lashing back and forth like an angry wicken’s. “Uda no touch Bella.”

  Bran rubbed at his temple as Bella’s sobs grew louder. He knew as well as I did that once it got to this point, there was nothing to be done about it. Bella would refuse soothing from either of us until she had cried herself out. I hated it and so did Bran, watching Bella cry without being allowed to comfort her was terrible, but we had no choice. If either of us picked her up and tried to soothe her, it would only make it much worse.

  “What’s wrong?” Evie had to raise her voice to be heard over the sounds of Bella’s sobs as she hurried into the kitchen.

  Her hair was wet, and she smelled fresh and clean and my chest tightened in a weird way that I didn’t understand or like. Why would it be so hard to breathe just because she was in the room?

  “Bella is having a bad day,” Bran said. “She is tired and -”

  “Girl!” Bella lifted her head from the table and, still sobbing, held out her arms. “Girl hold Bella.”

  Bran’s jaw dropped and I knew I had an identical expression of shock on my face as Evie immediately scooped up Bella from her chair. Bella wrapped her arms around Evie’s neck and her tail around her forearm, clinging to her as she sobbed loudly.

  “Shh, sweetie, shh.” Evie swayed back and forth, rubbing Bella’s back and kissing the top of her head. “It’s all right, sweetie.”

  She walked back and forth in the kitchen, rubbing and patting Bella’s back and murmuring soft words of comfort to her, until Bella’s sobs slowed to watery hiccups. Evie eased into a chair and kissed Bella’s head again. Bella sat back and stared miserably at her, keeping her tail wrapped tightly around Evie’s forearm.

  “Oh, honey.” Evie kissed her forehead. “Are you having a bad day?”

  Bella stared up at her. “Bella no like day.”

  Evie smoothed Bella’s hair back from her face. Without speaking, Bran wet a cloth and handed it to her. Evie wiped the tears from Bella’s cheeks. Her face was still a dark purple and her eyes were swollen from crying. Evie cleaned under Bella’s nose and then handed the cloth back to Bran.

  “There, does that feel better?” she said as she studied Bella’s face.

  Bella nodded but another tear dripped down her cheek. “I sad, girl.”

  “Why are you sad, honey?” Evie wiped the tear away with her thumb.

  Bella glanced at Bran, another tear sliding down her cheek. “Bella hit Papa. Bella bad girl.”

  Bran’s face twisted and Evelyn immediately gathered Bella close before kissing her head again. “Well, it is never nice to hit someone, but I bet if you say sorry to your papa for hitting him, you’ll feel much better.”

  Bella leaned against Evie’s chest and made a shuddering sigh before staring at Bran. “I sorry, Papa.”

  “I know, meena,” Bran said. “You are not a bad girl.”

  “Papa love Bella?” Her little voice was pitched high with worry.

  Bran leaned over and rested his forehead against Bella’s. “Papa loves Bella. Always.”

  “Kiss, Papa,” Bella said.

  Bran gave her a kiss before straightening and Bella turned to me, her tear-streaked face solemn. “Kiss, Uda.”

  I kissed her, breathing in her scent and Evie’s good clean scent, and resisting the urge to kiss Evelyn as well.

  I settled back in my chair as Bran put a bowl of faven in front of Evelyn. She smiled, but her cheeks were pink, and she wouldn’t quite meet his gaze or mine. “Thank you.”

  She ate a spoonful of faven, then dipped it into the bowl and scooped out more. “Here, Bella. You and I will share my faven this morning.”

  Bella ate the spoonful of faven without arguing and another wave of surprise went through me. Getting Bella to do anything when she was in a bad mood was incredibly difficult. I caught Bran’s gaze and he shrugged before tu
rning back to the sink. I ate my own breakfast, watching Evelyn and Bella as they shared the bowl of faven.

  * * *

  “Bran, are we going to speak about what happened last night?”

  I stood in the doorway of the living room, blocking Bran’s exit. He had done a remarkable job of avoiding me all day, just like the little human, but I was determined to speak with him.

  “What is there to talk about?” Bran refused to look at me, staring moodily into the fire instead. “You wanted to fuck the human and you did.”

  “Keep your voice down,” I said with a glance behind me.

  “She is with Bella for her sleep ritual,” Bran said. “She will not hear me.”

  Probably not, but I checked behind me again anyway. Today had been awkward and tense, and my stomach was twisted into a knot so tight, I’d had no appetite for dinner.

  Bella’s bad mood had lasted all day, and the only thing that seemed to soothe her was being with Evelyn. Evie had spent all of her time with Bella. She’d even brought Bella to her room and allowed her to sleep in her bed with her for her afternoon nap.

  Bran tried to give Evelyn a break from Bella just after supper, but the little girl threw another tantrum, clinging to Evelyn and refusing to let go. Evie took Bella back to her room and cuddled and played with her until it was Bella’s bedtime.

  I wanted to blame the tenseness on Bella’s mood, but I was fooling myself. The three of us had been walking around on eggshells all day and I was tired of it.

  “You joined us,” I said.

  He shrugged, refusing to look at me. “I heard the human moaning and I merely wanted to tell you to be quiet before you woke Bella. When you fuck her tonight, tell her to be quieter.”

  “Stop it,” I said angrily. “Do not act like you did not enjoy last night as much as I did. You stayed, Bran. You stayed and watched me fuck the human.”

  Bran’s face was dark green, and his tail flicked agitatedly back and forth. “What do you want me to say, Court?”

  “I want you to admit that you want to fuck the little human. That you enjoyed last night. That you,” my voice caught in my throat, “miss what we used to have.”

  He didn’t reply and my tail drooped with a combination of frustration and sorrow. “She wants us both, Bran.”

  His body tensed. “How do you know that?”

  “She told me. Will you help me give her what she wants?”

  “What if she tells the king?”

  “You know she will not,” I said. “Do not use that as an excuse. I want you to join us and so does she.”

  “The last time we fucked a woman together, it did not end well.”

  I swallowed my frustration and kept my voice even. “Evelyn is not like Dana.”

  “We do not know that,” Bran said. “We barely know her.”

  “She is not like Dana,” I repeated.

  He finally turned his gaze to mine. “Dana was sweet in the beginning. Have you forgotten that, Court?”

  “No, I have not,” I said. “But we cannot judge all females by how Dana was.”

  He laughed bitterly. “Are you serious? You, of all Draax, are telling me not to judge females?”

  My face grew hot. “I am just saying that -”

  There was noise behind me, and I turned to see Evelyn standing in the doorway. She gave us both an anxious look and crossed her arms over her torso. “Bella is asleep.”

  “Thank you, human,” Bran said as he stared into the fire. “I am sorry you had to take care of her for the day.”

  “It’s fine,” she said. “I didn’t mind.”

  Bran grunted, his tail thumping against the sofa. Evelyn pressed her lips together before taking a deep breath. “Is everything all right with you two?”

  “Just fine,” Bran said, the sarcasm heavy in his voice. “Why would it not be?”

  “Stop it, Bran,” I replied.

  No reply but the thumping of his tail.

  Evelyn’s face was bright red and she looked on the verge of tears. “It’s been a long day,” she said, “I think I’ll go to bed early.”

  “Human, wait,” I said as she backed out of the room.

  She turned and disappeared down the hall and I scowled at Bran. “Krono, you can be a real,” I searched my memory for an appropriate earth insult, “asshole when you want to be, Bran.”

  I left the room before he could reply. I caught up to Evelyn just as she reached her room and took her by the arm. “Little human, wait.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said as she stared at her closed door. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your friendship with Bran.”

  “You have not,” I said. “Bran and I are still friends.”

  “You’re angry with him.” She turned and searched my face.

  “Because he is being a froden,” I said.

  She paused. “What’s a froden?”

  I tried to think of a similar earth word. “Idiot.”

  She sighed. “He isn’t. He’s just upset about last night.”

  “Are you upset about last night?” I wanted to pull her into my arms, wrap my tail around her waist, and kiss her.

  “No,” she said. “I-I enjoyed it very much.”

  “I enjoyed it as well, little human.” I gave in to my desire and pulled her close, snapping my tail around her waist and bending to kiss her.

  She pressed her tiny hands against my chest. “Wait.”

  “What is wrong?” I asked.

  “Bran is upset with us. Is he – I mean, does he regret coming in last night?”

  “A little.” I hated telling her that, but I couldn’t lie to her.

  She sagged against me, resting her forehead against my chest. “Maybe I should apologize.”

  I kissed the top of her head. “No, you have nothing to apologize for. It was his choice to come into my room last night, his choice to touch himself as he watched you being fucked.”

  She glanced up at me, her cheeks now red as she licked her lips and studied my mouth. “I really did enjoy last night, Court.”

  “Does that mean you will join me in my room again tonight?”

  She chewed on her bottom lip. “Yes, if you want me to join you.”

  “I do,” I said before nuzzling her neck. “I have thought of nothing all day but fucking your warm, wet pussy.”

  Her flush deepened and I grinned before reaching down to grip her ass. “Come to my room, Evie.”

  She kissed my chest through my shirt. “I just want to have a quick shower first. Give me fifteen minutes.”

  “You can shower in my bathroom,” I said before sucking on her earlobe. “I could help you.”

  She moaned, her curvy body shuddering against mine. “Thank you, that’s very nice of you to offer, but I’m not sure I’m ready for you to see all this,” she waved her hand up and down her body, “in the harsh light of the bathroom.”

  I had no idea what she meant but I nodded and dropped my arms. “All right. Come to my room when you are finished.”

  “I will.” She stayed where she was, and I raised my eyebrow at her.

  “What are you waiting for, little human?”

  Her gaze dropped to her waist and my skin grew hot again when I realized my tail was still wrapped around her waist. I released her and cleared my throat. “Sorry.”

  She smiled and slipped into her room. I hesitated in the hallway. I had told Evelyn that I needed her help in learning to fuck a woman without Bran, and that was true, but I couldn’t deny if there was even a chance that I could persuade him to join us, I would do it.

  I returned to the living room where Bran still sat. “The human is having a shower and then coming to my room. You are welcome to join us again.”

  Thump, thump, thump.

  I played my final hand, feeling a little guilty, but Krono, I had missed sharing a woman with my best friend. “Evelyn has been very sweet and patient with Bella. A simple thank you does not seem enough. Helping to ease her fear about sleeping with t
wo Draax before the king asks her to do so would be a way to repay her kindness.”

  Thump, thump, thump.

  “Just consider it, Bran. That is all I ask.”

  I returned to my room and took a quick shower before turning the fireplace on. The storm was just as brutal tonight and I wanted my room to be warm for Evelyn. I hated that we could not even keep her warm enough. She was our female and it was our duty to provide for her, keep her warm, protect her and –

  She is not your female. She belongs to the king.

  I flinched, my hands pausing in turning down the quilt on my bed. There was a knock on the door, and I hurried over and opened it, smiling at Evelyn. “Come in, little human.”

  She followed me in, and I shut the door before staring down at her. Her soft dark hair was piled on top of her hair and I could smell the scent of her soap. She was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and she pulled self-consciously at the hem of her shirt.

  “I don’t have any, um, sexy lingerie to wear,” she said.

  Lingerie was one human concept that neither Bran nor I – or any other Draax we knew – really understood. We had been with females who wrapped their bodies in silk or that scratchy material they called lace, and while it was pretty enough, I took no real notice of what a female wore when we were about to have sex. What did it matter? I wanted them naked, wanted every inch of their lovely, soft pale skin revealed to me, and the sometimes difficult to remove clothing they wore only frustrated me.

  Evelyn’s easy-to-remove shirt and shorts were much preferable and just knowing that she was naked beneath them, made my cock hard.

  “I like what you wear,” I said to her. “It is easy to remove. There are no strange hooks or fasteners that are too small for my fingers.”

  She laughed – Krono, I loved her laugh – and said, “Well, I guess that’s one argument for not wearing sexy underwear.”

  “You are sexy without it,” I said. “I would prefer for you to be naked all the time.”

  Another sweet laugh. “I can’t walk around naked in front of Bella and besides, I would freeze to death.”


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