How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6)

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How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6) Page 18

by S. J. Sanders

I frown at the strange wording choice. Again, guard seems to be used in a way beyond the strictest sense.

  “What exactly does that mean? Is there something more than him just volunteering to protect me?”

  Garval smiles sheepishly. “Technically, when he volunteered to guard you that is what he was, but by his actions he was demonstrating as your guard. This term is something specific among orcs. It means that he is courting you with the intent of eventually mating. It warns other males that he will act aggressively toward any attempts from males to lure you.” His expression suddenly pinches into a scowl. “Fellek knows that Bodi will consider this contact to be the ultimate challenge, especially since he was absent when the male approached you.”

  I blow out a breath. “Well, no helping it now if that male was an idiot. How about we get back to baking? I have a scone recipe I’d like to try if you’re game.”

  Just like that, the big orc relaxes and nods. “I would like that. This baking is very enjoyable. A much better way to pass the day than fighting.”

  Catching his wistful tone, my heart melts for the big lug. I know better than some about wanting a different sort of life so badly that you can taste it. I see that in Garval now as his smile drops at the reminder of his duties. If he wants to bake, he should, damn it!

  I bump my shoulder against his arm. “Honestly, I should just let you do all of this. You’re clearly the superior baker.”

  He gives me a stunned look. “You would consider that?”

  I recall the way he quickly and delicately fashioned the perfect little pinwheels for the cinnamon rolls and find myself warming up to the idea. Why not have an orc as my baker? He would obviously have a good idea of things that might sell better among the villagers while we do special things targeted at humans when they visit. That would be more than a simple employee; that would require a huge investment of himself, his dedication and his time.

  “Absolutely. In fact, I think we would be great partners if you’re interested.”

  The smile that lights up his face is so full of hope that it makes me want to cry.

  “I would be more than delighted. It would be a dream come true! Thank you,” he growls as he scoops me up into his arms and hugs me tight.

  That’s what Bodi sees as he enters the cottage, and he lunges for his brother with a snarl. I squeak in surprise, and Garval immediately drops me to counter his brother’s attack. It takes a few rather tense minutes of talking my mate down so he doesn’t try to kill his brother, but eventually they part, and my mate is grabbing me up in his arms with an aggressive snarl. Tensions run high for another twenty minutes or so, but he soon shifts from anger to intrigue as we explain our idea.

  To my surprise, he not only agrees with our plan but insists that we celebrate as he pulls out some orcish whiskey that makes my eyes sting.

  The good cheer doesn’t last long, however, because then Garval informs him of Fellek’s presence, and I find myself caged in my mate’s arms all over again as he growls and snarls like an angry cat. So much so that even Casper, who has clung to Bodi since we moved in, bolts for cover. Garval, clearly seeing the wisdom of making a hasty exit, excuses himself, leaving us alone as my mate’s arms tighten.

  “You are my mate. He will not have you. No one else will have you.”

  “I agree,” I soothe, my hands running up into his long hair, massaging his scalp.

  His growl turns into a purr, and then my ass is rapidly hauled into the bedroom. His lovemaking feels as if he is marking me as his with every nip of his teeth and stroke of his tongue bathing my skin. When his cock pushes into me, it feels as if he’s trying to implant himself permanently as he growls into my ear. His clawed fingers grip me just hard enough to sting without hurting as he ruts me into oblivion, words of devotion somehow managing to fall off his lips in between growling gasps for air. There are some threats mingled in there about killing any male who dares to try and take me, but as far as I’m concerned that’s orc love language.

  How could I ever doubt that we were meant to be?

  Chapter 24


  The day has finally come. My future feels so much different on this day than I would have imagined it just a few months ago. I met my mate during the apple harvest in the time that she calls mid-August in her human calendar, and now it is finally the equinox, and the Lantern Labyrinth awaits us. As much as I look forward to walking the dark labyrinth with my mate, even more so than I had when I initially asked her many weeks ago, I am even more eager for our mating feast that will be following directly afterward.

  The labyrinth is some distance from the village, resting at roughly the midway point between our village and the southeastern forest border that we share with a small goblin kingdom. It is a sacred place for both us and the goblins, and one of the few times of the year that goblins and orcs socialize and celebrate.

  The distance, of course, means that we are riding Haith. Lynn has never ridden double on him, since we hadn’t yet made it out from the cottage, but my mate is as adventurous as ever, to my delight. The fact that she’s bonded with Haith makes it easier. The delfass follows her around as if he were Casper, his big head butting her affectionately at every opportunity. I worried at first that he would throw her off her feet and hurt her, but Lynn assured me that he was fine so I didn’t put a halt to his silliness. I’m rather glad that, after our passion was spent last night, Lynn was happy that I arranged our mating feast so early. I was surprised to find out that Garval had spoken to her a little of the matter, and now I have to be grateful for his actions on my behalf. It’s because of him that I have my mate in my arms, anticipating our mating as she sits in front of me on Haith’s back as the delfass picks his way over the rocky terrain.

  The Lantern Labyrinth is the perfect way to truly begin our life together as a mated pair. There is just one potential negative—my family. Lynn hasn’t been exposed much to them outside of Garval, and him I never had to worry about because he doesn’t make a nuisance of himself. I’m more concerned about my twin, Erra, and… my mother.

  My mother will be all too delighted to discover that I’m not only mating Lynn, but that I’ve found my bloodbound, and that is exactly what worries me. She is not the most subtle or gentle. The last thing I need is for my family scaring Lynn back to Ov’Ge. Not that I wouldn’t go and fetch her—because she’s mine, after all—but it would be an onerous task.

  I steal a glance down at Lynn and smile. She looks so happy, wearing a dress that she had bought at the market should she need something for a special occasion. She’s told me in every way possible that she’s looking forward to tonight, and that fills me with an indescribable joy. That she’s had some warning for what’s to come seems to have fueled her own excitement, which is a bit strange to me. An orc female would expect a big showing and the ceremony ready when a male invited her to be his bonded mate. Garval somehow anticipated that she needed to be prepared. I don’t know how he knew it, but I am pleased he did.

  “Tell me about this Lantern Festival,” Lynn says, snuggling back into my chest.

  The corners of my mouth rise at her genuine interest. How refreshing to find humans who are truly interested in orcs. I’m even more pleased that my mate is interested in our culture and not just focused solely on the bond with me.

  “The first thing you must know,” I say, hugging her against me as I warm up to the subject, “is that it is perhaps one of the most important celebrations of the autumn for our village. The labyrinth is built above ground, but that doesn’t make it any easier to traverse, especially since we do not enter with our lanterns until the sun begins to go down. The lanterns represent the souls searching for the slain lord of the light and life, Apunial. We celebrate the cycle of life, that everything lives and eventually returns the darkness before returning to us again.”

  “Sounds lovely,” she murmurs. “What’s the second thing one must know?”

  I grin. “Not to get lost.”

  My answ
er surprises a laugh out of her, and she elbows me in the gut, making me chuckle. I love knowing that I have this kind of power. Although she has beautiful faint lines around her eyes that tell me that she loves to smile and laugh, I have a feeling that she doesn’t do it much. My female needs to laugh more, and I’ll be happy to be the one to give that to her, just as I will give her all the joy and pleasure she could possibly want, too.

  The sun is sinking low by the time we arrive at the labyrinth, the perimeter completely surrounded by lit torches, their light bouncing off the stone walls jutting into the sky. The sight kindles a deep feeling within the heart for all orcs who see it, myself included. It is a reminder to our clan of those generations who built it with their own hands who’ve gone before. It is a sacred thing, so much so that even in our past skirmishes with other clans and fae, no one has sought out to fell it, bloody its walls, or even scar its sides with weapons. Just seeing it fills me with a certain peace and affinity with my ancestors, and I’m glad to be sharing this with my mate. She will be joining our family and clan and becoming a part of all of this.

  I direct Haith to the far side of the labyrinth where there are tethering posts. Many are occupied with delfass, griffins with their hooked beaks and four-clawed paws, and the large six-legged mawu with their narrow muzzles that don’t quite conceal the enormous teeth that remain in a perpetual grimace even when they are at rest. Farther away, there are slender white relhiern being tended to by a wood nymph.

  “Oh, wow, those white deer are beautiful.” My mate sits forward in my arms.

  Of course she would find them pleasing to the eye. Few would disagree.

  I nuzzle her but nod as I direct Haith to a nearby tethering post. “They are attractive animals, but also quite fierce if they need to protect their rider. Few among the wood elves and nymphs devote themselves to being warriors, preferring to hide away in their lush forests. A relhiern will help them escape an attack quickly and will defend them if necessary. It is for this reason that many prefer the company of the breed as their mount.”

  I draw her closer against me and tip my chin toward the fiercer creatures. “Keep a safe distance from those. They are goblin and troll mounts. Unlike our delfass, who are nearly like kin to us, or the mild-tempered relhiern, those beasts are difficult to control and of questionable temperament. If you are not their handler, they are not safe to be around.”

  Lynn shivers in my arms as one of the terrible fox beasts turns its head our way, its nostrils flaring. “Why would they even chance it then?”

  I grin at the innocent question. “Some for the love of the beast, I’m sure. Others for love of the coin. Few manage to master the skills necessary, but those who do can charge a nice sum for their services.”

  I lift a hand and gesture to a collection of carriages and carts some distance away to emphasize my point. As most orcs seem to prefer to ride their delfass rather than hitching them, most of the conveyances were brought by the other fae present.

  Haith stops at the pole and waits as I slide off his back from behind Lynn. I immediately reach up and lift Lynn off, letting her body slide down mine before her feet touch the ground. My chest rumbles with pleasure at the contact, and her tiny gasp delights me, letting me know that she’s just as affected.

  “This place is incredible,” she whispers as I walk around to tether Haith.

  I nod. “I have seen this sight all my life, and it always speaks to me every time I return to it.”

  Near the labyrinth entrance, there is a large bonfire that seems to be used for the fire source for everything, including the table filled with lanterns that sit up against the nearest wall. I can see the shadows of those slipping inside the labyrinth, each carrying their own bright lantern inside.

  I’m eager to get inside with my mate. Although it is a spiritual journey for us, it is also a time of fun with mated couples and younglings playing along the paths. I intend to stalk my own mate through the labyrinth if she allows it. We haven’t had much opportunity to play, and though we are a fierce race, we do enjoy hunting games. It is a side of our species that my Lynn has not fully yet seen, beyond the glimpses during the harvest festival.

  Eager to be on my way, I attach the cable extending from the post to Haith’s harness. It is long and thick and has a low shine to it in the firelight, as if it might be made of numerous tiny metal links that allow it to move effortlessly between my hands. Once Haith is secure, I stroke a hand over the delfass’s shoulders and give him a final pat before joining my mate once more.

  Tipping my head toward her, I speak in a quiet voice. “Stay close to me when we enter. It is ridiculously easy to get lost in there. All it takes is one distraction and you could end up anywhere in the labyrinth.”

  Lynn fidgets beside me. “No one will get hurt if they do… will they?”

  My answering chuckle puts her at ease. “Not at all. It can be a bit frightening, and there are some startling figures carved throughout the labyrinth, but nothing that will hurt you. There are certain areas where it is safe for us to play little games. So it is not all of it that you have to be worried about.”

  My Lynn sucks in her lips with barely contained excitement. “Okay, I can definitely do that. The labyrinth seems to be no more threatening than a good old-fashioned Haunted House.” She laughs softly. “Not that this place, all lit up like it is, doesn’t give me that vibe anyway.”

  “Does it scare you?” I ask, concerned that maybe she would not be comfortable in there.

  To my relief, she shakes her head. “Actually, quite the opposite. It’s amazing. Everything looks impossibly ancient, like something forbidden. Like we’re getting an opportunity to see something that few humans have ever witnessed for themselves. Naturally, there’s a risk of getting spooked, but that makes it all the more fun.”

  I chuckle at her enthusiasm. “I believe you will be the second human to ever see it, so you are not wrong there. I am glad that you like it. I have been looking forward to sharing this with you.”

  The labyrinth was special; it united those who walked along it together. It had been what I desperately hoped for when I invited Lynn to accompany me, and the fact that we are doing it as a mated pair instead supersedes everything I had hoped for then. We will be walking together, deepening our bond before we finally secure it and cement that link.

  When we approach the entrance, an iron gray orc stationed there peers up at us with an icy blue gaze. Merkof, his face creased with age, seems to have been given the honored duty of lantern lighter this night. I’m pleased for him. As an elder male, he is no longer able to serve on the guard, though he has taken to leading the tours. I can see that he recognizes my Lynn from when he attempted to chase me from the tour because his eyes widen slightly.

  I place my hand on Lynn’s back, visibly claiming her, and feel her skin shiver beneath my touch. The male quietly nods his greeting, and I see his lips tilt up in approval before he opens two of the lanterns set in front of him. Meticulously, he lights the wick on each one, kindling a brilliant flame to brighten the descending night.

  With a grunt, I hand him a coin before plucking up both lamps, handing one to my mate.

  “Hold on tight to your lamp. It will keep you from being lost between worlds,” I murmur teasingly with a waggle of my eyebrows.

  Lynn snorts with amusement as she brings her lamp up against her side.

  “Always you with the foolery, Bodi,” the older orc mutters, his lips twitching despite his obvious exasperation. “Go on then, if you are planning on entering, and keep an eye on the female you’re with,” he says, waving us in.

  “My mate,” I clarify, making the male grin happily. I pause, hesitating at the entrance. “Has she arrived?”

  He chuckles and nods again, his eyes crinkling with humor. “That she has. Your mother arrived with Erra just a short while ago.” He gives Lynn a speculative look. “She will be very curious about this, I would say.”

  “She already knows,” I growl, h
ugging my mate to me.

  Merkof chuckles. “Then I am certain that explains why she seemed eager for your arrival. She left me a message to tell you that she will be waiting for you at its heart.”

  And that is exactly what I’ve been afraid of. Grumbling under my breath, I take Lynn’s hand in mine and lead my mate into the labyrinth.

  Chapter 25


  The inside of the labyrinth is as I expected it would be and somehow more. The comparison to a haunted house wasn’t entirely wrong. There’s a light mist that clings to the ground now that the sun is nearly down, and a scatter of leaves over the cobble stone path scrape with the stirring of the wind when they aren’t crunching beneath our feet. The shadows are also longer, with deep pits of darkness where a path branches and veers, and grimacing faces snarl from where they are carved in rock.

  Sometimes a hand appears to stretch out with a clawed grasp or a hunched-over silhouette can be seen. The light from the lantern bounces off the sculpted figures, barely brightening some feature enough to startle me before it falls once again in shadow the moment we step away. My heart races, and I cling to Bodi, grateful that he’s remained so close beside me. With the sharp angles of the path, everything is obscured until we are right on top of it. I would have been a lot more frightened alone.

  “These remind us of the guardians of the underworld,” Bodi whispers, gesturing to one of the terrible, half-illuminated faces. “They are fierce and menacing warriors, to protect those under their care and, though they are kind to the dead, prevent any of more rebellious souls from daring to leave their abode.”

  “It would certainly give me pause,” I admit with a shaky laugh and my mate chuckles and flashes me a smile that’s only just barely visible in the light of our lanterns.

  We round a corner and then another. Although I can hear the soft murmur of voices of those in other parts of the labyrinth, but I don’t see anyone anywhere. They are so soft and distant that it adds to the haunting atmosphere surrounding us.


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