Redeeming Gavin

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Redeeming Gavin Page 9

by Ella Jade

  That matter? Before she had time to respond Gavin was already speaking.

  “The matter of your child?” he asked. “Or the check she hasn’t cashed? Although I guess it’s all the same, isn’t it?”

  A wave of nausea came over her. Gavin looked as if he might jump up and punch Carson, and Carson appeared stunned that Gavin knew so much. Her anger turned to heartache when she realized how many weeks it had been since she’d heard from her sperm donor. She’d been busy falling for Gavin and hadn’t given Carson much thought at all. But there was still the fact that they shared a child. One he wanted nothing to do with.

  “This really isn’t any of your business,” Carson said.

  “I made it Gavin’s business.” Justine tried to settle her stomach with a few deep breaths. “He’s been very kind to me. He listens when I need someone to talk to. He’s there for me.”

  “Hey, you and Gavin can be whatever you want to one another. I meant what I said when you told me you were pregnant. I don’t want to be a father.”

  “What you want and what is happening are two different things.” She didn’t want to make a scene in the restaurant. “We’re having a baby.”

  “No, you’re having a baby. I’ve made an offer. That’s as good as it’s going to get.”

  Her cheeks heated and her stomach flipped but not like when Gavin walked into a room. Her throat went dry and her head felt light. How had she gotten herself into such a mess? The tears filled her eyes before she could stop them, and when she looked at Gavin embarrassment coursed through her. Why would he want to be in the middle of this nightmare?

  “Justine.” He reached across the table and took her hand. “Why don’t you go out on the terrace and get some air? I’d like to speak to Carson.”

  “I don’t think this is the right place for a discussion.” That air sounded like a good idea right about now. “Carson, you can call me tomorrow.”

  “Please.” Gavin stood and moved behind her chair, pulling it out as she got up. “Just a few minutes.” He kissed her cheek. “You don’t look well. I want you to take some time to calm yourself and I’ll handle this.”


  “Can you trust me?” He had to know the answer to that question. It was yes one hundred times.

  “I’ll be right back.” She glared at Carson but didn’t have the desire to say anything else to him. Maybe Gavin should put him in his place.

  She tried not to cry as she walked away from them. She didn’t understand what motivated Carson. He never gave her any reason to believe he was a cruel person. He was a bit eccentric and didn’t take responsibility for much. She wasn’t asking anything of him. She didn’t even cash that stupid check. It had been on her mind, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Come to think of it where would he even get that amount of money? No matter what she thought about him, he was still her baby’s father and she didn’t want to shut him out of the child’s life. That wouldn’t be fair to either of them.

  As she stepped out onto the terrace, she turned and stared at the two men who couldn’t be more different from one another. Why couldn’t every man be like Gavin?


  Taking care of business, negotiating deals, and getting rid of potential problems. That was what Gavin knew best. Carson was easy. He was aloof and didn’t have a care in the world. He was never going to own up to his responsibilities. Even if Justine never cashed his check, Carson still wouldn’t be in the picture. It was better to get him out of her life now.

  “Then we have an understanding?” Gavin had no right to judge Carson but he’d hurt Justine. That was unforgivable.

  “I won’t change my mind,” Carson said. “I’ve told her from the beginning I don’t want any part of this.”

  And that’s why she’s better off without you. I’m justified in my actions. “Then my attorney will be in touch,” Gavin informed him. “I suggest you have a lawyer go over everything with you. What you’re willing to sign shouldn’t be taken lightly.” He knew that better than anyone. “The money will be wired to you when you’re satisfied with the terms of the agreement.”

  “She’s a wonderful woman.” Carson stood from the table. “Kind and caring. She’s going to make a great mom. I’m certain of it.”

  “You don’t have to convince me.”

  “My childhood was shitty. I don’t want kids. I’m not cut out for that.”

  “Perhaps you should have thought of that before you made one.” Hypocrite much? This whole situation was fucked up. The only reason Gavin intervened was because he cared for Justine. “It’s none of my business but I’m not going to let you hurt her. My offer is a one-shot deal. Do you understand? I’m not an ATM, and I will make your life miserable if you try to extort me. So save us all the trouble and just don’t do it.”

  “You’ve been more than generous.” Carson nodded. “I won’t bother either of you and I won’t contest anything. Put your name on the birth certificate if that’s what you want to do.”

  “I’m not discussing that with you.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  “Don’t worry about what?” Justine came back to the table. “What are you talking about?”

  Gavin didn’t like her pale and fragile appearance. He wanted to get her home and draw her a warm bath.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “We’ve come to an agreement.” Gavin stood as she approached. “Apparently Carson likes to surf in Maui.”

  “You told him about Maui?” Justine’s brow crinkled in confusion. “That’s what you talked about?”

  “Your friend is making it possible for me to realize my dream. You know I’ve wanted to relocate for years. Open a surf shop and live on the beach,” Carson said. “I’m sorry if I’ve caused you any stress. This is for the best. You’ll be better off without me.”

  “You’re moving to Hawaii?” She spoke to Carson, but stared at Gavin. “When?”

  “As soon as I can,” Carson told her. “I’ve been itching to go for a year.”

  “I don’t understand.” Justin took a seat. “You’re just going to ditch your responsibility?”

  “You’ll be fine.” Carson kissed the top of her head. “You have him.” He walked away without elaborating, leaving Gavin to explain what he’d done.

  “Are you feeling okay?” He rubbed her back. “You looked as if you may be ill earlier.”

  “I may be ill now. What did you do?”

  “I removed a man from your life who didn’t want to be there.” He scooted his chair closer to her and took a seat. “A man who doesn’t deserve you and will only cause you aggravation.”

  “It’s not about me.” She placed her hand on her stomach. “It’s about this baby. What right do we have to take this child’s father from it?”

  “The child’s father doesn’t want to be a father.” He couldn’t believe he was reliving this situation. Only this time he was on the other side. He was the one stepping in and doing the right thing. God help him. Did he have any right to make this determination? “I’ve known him all of ten minutes and I’m certain you don’t want him in your life. He’ll do nothing but disappoint you and your baby. It’ll be worse to put your child through that.”

  “Why is he leaving?”

  “He’s an opportunist but so am I.” It took two minutes for Carson to agree to sign his rights over and take Gavin’s pay-off. “I saw a way to secure your happiness and I took it. I can’t apologize for that.”

  “You paid him to leave?”

  “He wanted to go.”

  She rubbed her temples. “I’d like to go home now.”

  “I can text Dominick and he can take us to my place where we can discuss all of this.”

  “No, I want to go home.”

  “Why?” He rested his hand on her lap, realizing he may have overstepped. Impulse, it got him every time, “You told your dad you’d be spending the night with me. Don’t let Carson ruin that.”

  “You’ve tak
en away my leverage.”


  “I didn’t cash his check because I thought he’d change his mind but now you’ve paid him to leave. What reason would he have to really think this through?”

  “Sweetheart, you told him you were pregnant two months ago and he hasn’t contacted you since. His response was to give you money to leave him alone. That doesn’t sound like a man who was going to come around.” How did he end up in the middle of this? “I only want to help you.”

  “By sending the father of my baby away?”

  Did she want Carson in her life? Claudia wanted nothing more than to get Gavin out of hers. Stop comparing the two. The circumstances were completely different.

  “Have I misread the situation? Are you still hoping for a future with Carson?” That thought hadn’t occurred to him.

  “No.” She finished her water. “This isn’t about me and Carson. This is about Carson and his child.”

  “Carson doesn’t care about his child. He wants to move thousands of miles away.”

  “I want to go home,” she said. “Please.”

  “Of course.” He took out his phone and shot Dominick a quick text. “I’m sorry I meddled in your personal business.”

  “I’m too upset to think right now.”

  “I understand.”

  She couldn’t see it now but Carson wasn’t interested in a life with his child. Not now and probably not in twenty years. Gavin had gotten him to agree to sign his rights away, take money for a surf shop that would most likely fail in the first six months, and take the extra five grand to cover the check that was going to bounce once Justine cashed it. Carson didn’t need to be persuaded. All he wanted was a quick buck.


  Chapter Nine

  Justine had taken all day Sunday to decompress. Gavin hadn’t contacted her but she hadn’t expected him to. When he dropped her off Saturday night she’d asked for space. She wasn’t mad at him. Whatever he offered Carson, he didn’t have to persuade him to take it. Carson was out of there long before she met Gavin. The reality of the situation hurt, and she just needed to be alone with her thoughts.

  She hadn’t seen him all day but once her shift was over, Justine took the elevator up to his office. Even now after all they had shared she still felt like she was sneaking upstairs. She remembered the first morning she’d gone to see him. She wanted to repay him. She realized now just how silly it was to try to give a billionaire twenty-seven dollars. That seemed like such a long time ago. Back then she was trying to come to terms with her pregnancy. Her world was crumbling around her but Gavin managed to make her forget. He wanted to be her friend. She never would have imagined they’d become... Well, what were they? Friends with benefits? Lovers? Boyfriend and girlfriend?

  As she tapped on his office door, Jackie turned the corner. Just as her boss was about to open her mouth, Gavin said, “Come in.”

  “Have a good night.” Jackie hurried past her, and Justine swore her icy demeanor filled the air. Why did that woman dislike her so?

  “You too.” Justine took a deep breath and then entered Gavin’s office.

  The intrigued expression on his face when he looked up from his computer indicated he didn’t expect to see her today. “Hi.”

  “Are you busy?” She closed the door behind her. “I can come back later.”

  “I always have time for you.” He got up and walked around to the front of his desk still looking as fresh and handsome as he had when he stepped out of his penthouse this morning. “I missed you this weekend.”

  “I missed you too.” She sat on the sofa across from his desk, fidgeting with her hands. “I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?”

  “I was taken by surprise when we saw Carson. I’m humiliated when I think about him and seeing him made my situation real.” She looked down at her hands because she couldn’t handle his intense gaze now. The one that always made her want to tell him everything. “Being with you has made me forget what’s going on in my life. When I’m with you I want to be carefree and just see where we go from here.”

  “I thought we were doing that.” He sat down next to her. “I’m learning to be myself with you.”

  “I can’t be a free spirit. I have a huge responsibility. I don’t expect you to alter your life because I’m pregnant.”

  “I’m not altering anything.” He loosened his tie. “I thought about what I did with Carson the other night. I acted on impulse. It’s a habit I can’t seem to quit. I didn’t force him to do anything but I shouldn’t have intervened.”

  “Why did you?”

  “Because I’d do anything for you.” The features on his beautiful face hardened into that look he got when he was concealing his own pain. She wanted more than anything to help him. “I see your desperation even if you try not to show it to me.”

  I see yours too.

  “Your situation, it’s...” He paused for a moment. “I’ve done things to hurt people. Those I really cared about. I might be overcompensating when it comes to you. That’s probably not fair but I can’t help myself.”

  “No matter what you did, I’m sure it can be forgiven.”

  “I’m trying but...” He never broke through the water when it came to his past. He’d come to the surface but then it was like he’d swim down to the bottom and leave her behind.

  “Can you try to open up to me?” She inched closer to him, taking his hand in hers. “You can trust me.”

  “This isn’t about me.” Grasping her chin between his fingers, he caressed her lips with his. “Other than to say I’m sorry for what I did on Saturday night. If you want Carson in your life I’ll fix what I did. I won’t intervene again.”

  “I’ve done some thinking about that.” She trailed her fingers along the stubble on his jaw. “I went to see him yesterday.”


  “You’re right. All he wanted to do was talk about his surf shop. He hasn’t asked once about the baby.” After visiting with her irresponsible ex, she realized a few things. “He has no interest in this baby and that makes me incredibly sad.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not sad for me. I failed my baby.”

  “You’ve done no such thing. You have enough love for your child to make up for Carson’s loss. You have a caring father and a good family.” He kissed her. “I’m here too.”

  “I know.” She moved into his lap because she wanted to be close to him. “I understand what you did. I don’t think Carson deserves any of your money but if you’re still willing to have your attorney draw up those papers I’d like to move forward with that.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “He doesn’t want to be on the birth certificate so he might as well relinquish any rights to my baby.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “It can all be taken care of by the time the baby is born?”

  “I’ll make sure. You’ll have my team of attorneys at your disposal.”

  “Why are you doing this for me?” She looked up at him. “None of this is your responsibility.”

  “I want to do it.” He laid her back on the sofa. “Please let me.”

  “There’s something else.”

  “What is it?” He moved his fingers along her leg.

  “Will you still come to the ultrasound with me?” If she was going to start moving forward she wanted to be positive. Gavin had a way of making her see things in a productive light.

  “Of course.” He kept his gaze locked on hers when he reached her inner thigh. “Just tell me when and I’ll be there.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come home with you the other night.” She subtly spread her legs for him, showing him what she wanted. “I missed you and I was being stubborn.”

  “We could make up for that right now.” He hooked his thumbs in her panties. “If you want.”

  “Right here?” Her nipples hardened when he tugged her underwear down her legs.

  “Right here.” When he thre
aded his bottom lip through his teeth she was his for the taking. “Right now.”


  When she came into his office wearing that tight, gray wrap dress he knew it would be coming off. He’d been hard since she crawled into his lap. Justine toed her shoes off as he removed her panties.

  “Do you know why I like this dress?” He untied the neat bow on her hip, spreading the dress open and revealing her magnificent body. “It’s like unwrapping a present.” He lowered his lips to her stomach. “A sweet, delectable present.” Pushing his hand between her legs, he swirled his finger along her entrance. “And you’re all mine.”

  “Gavin.” She arched her back off the sofa when he grazed his chin over her stomach, kissing his way to her breasts. “I need you inside me.”

  “We’ll get there but first...” He slipped his fingers inside her heat. “Move with me. Let’s get you to come like this. Have you any idea how much pleasure it gives me to arouse you? To watch you lose control?”

  “You’re the master of foreplay.” She shifted her hips, forcing his fingers deeper. “Hmm...”

  As he rocked his fingers in and out of her, he licked and bit her creamy, full breasts, taunting and tugging her nipples through the lace of her bra. She unclasped the front hook, freeing those luscious boobs for him. Her body was changing. Subtly but he could tell. Her hips were wider and her belly wasn’t as flat. He liked the differences that pregnancy had caused.

  “We might as well get you completely naked.” Without stopping the motion of his hand inside her, he pushed the dress from her shoulders before sliding the straps of her bra from her arms. “Much better.”

  “What about you?” She reached for the knot of his tie. “You’re overdressed.”

  “Don’t get distracted from the task at hand, baby.” He gripped her wrist and held it over her head. “I want you to concentrate on what I’m doing.”

  “Oh...” She closed her eyes, picking up the tempo with her hips. When she clenched around his fingers he stroked her with his thumb. “I’m going to...”


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