List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust

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List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust Page 5

by Holt, S. w.

The rage that is building in me is indescribable. I'm clenching my fists at my side so fiercely that I can feel my nails digging into the palms of my hands. I wince a little at the physical pain, but the real pain is in my gut. I now know that I should never have done such an entirely foolish act.

  “Normally I'm compelled to make you happy, but this is one of those times where I do not have any intention of granting you another night of iniquity. I was stupid enough to allow it once, but I won't be that naive again.” I turn to leave but before I storm out of the room, I spin back around to face him looking him straight in the eyes, “Oh, and do me and you a favor and do not bring this up again. No good will come of it, I'm serious Marcus. Drop it.”

  As I leave the room, he doesn’t say a word which leaves me to wondering if I actually got through to him or if he is plotting his next attempt at convincing me to partake again.

  After a few weeks pass without much more discussion about that night or his desire to repeat it, I manage to put it out of my mind once and for all. As much as I can. I move forward with making plans to go on vacation to Cabo San Lucas with a group of friends, Amelia included.

  While I have called her my best friend for several years, we aren’t actually as close as the title would suggest. A better way to characterize our friendship is that of convenience and ease of use. With our men being such long-time and close friends it seemed logical that she would be my maid of honor when we got married and no to mention that she threw my shower when I was pregnant with Charlie. She is the friend that I see most often and text back and forth with during the day. I was also there for her when her sister passed away and the day she took over her father's practice. So, having said that, I guess we are best friends. But ever since that night and my husband's admission that he's lusting after her, things have been strained between us. I'm fairly certain it's my fault that things have been that way. It's not her fault my husband is such a pig but I've certainly been blaming her. If I had never arranged that night...well, no use trying to change something that has already happened.

  With our girl’s trip coming in two days, I compose an itinerary after confirming all of our reservations. After I finish sending the last email my phone rings;


  “Well hello sexy. How's my beautiful bride today?” My husband's rich and sexy voice booms through the phone.

  “Oh hi! You didn’t come up on my caller id, what number are you calling from?”

  “I'm not at the office and my phone is in my car charging, I'm meeting with a client at the Fairmont in a little bit.”

  “The Fairmont? Who are you meeting there? That’s kind of a long drive to meet your clients. I'm dying to know who you’re meeting. Is it a musician, actress?”

  He sighs, “No.”

  “Okay then, I'll bet it's a sneaky politician!” I say excitedly.

  He laughs softly, “Come on Delaney, you know I can't discuss the most of my work with you. Anyway, you know that the Fairmont is actually the perfect place to meet my high profile clients. It's out of the way and not on the paparazzi's radar most of the time. Listen, I don’t have much time before I have to meet with them. I have a feeling this is going to be a lengthy meeting and then of course the long drive home so don’t wait dinner for me. You two go on ahead without me.”

  “Oh okay. Will you be home in time for Charlie to see you before bed?”

  “I should be but I'll text you later once my phone is charged to give you an update. Don’t worry about me, I'll be okay. I have to run, give my boy a big hug for me. Love you.”

  Then he hangs up before I get a chance to respond. I think to myself, so much for a nice family dinner tonight. I leave tomorrow around noon and now I don’t think that I will get to see him much beforehand. I suppose it's the price to pay for the lifestyle his demanding career affords us.

  Chapter Five

  As I put the final touches on packing my bags, I make a valiant effort to shut off the chatter in my head. I keep replaying the conversation we had weeks ago about the now infamous birthday gift. At times, I honestly cannot imagine how I kept my anger in check. Most women would have come unglued if their husbands confessed that they wanted to sleep with their best friend. I suppose given the unusual circumstances, it is to be expected. I don't have the least bit interest in getting together with Ryan again, but it wasn’t dreadful either. So given that, I have decided I would put that dialog to rest and stop letting it fester. I cannot afford the mental number it's doing on me, therefore, my marriage. If I were able to share something like this with my mother, she'd tell me to let it go and life is too short, blah, blah, and blah. With my bags packed, I drag them over to the tiny elevator in the broad upper hallway. I love having such a decadent feature in our house. I don’t have to haul my luggage down the stairs and it helped a lot when I twisted my ankle trying to wake board in Shasta two summers ago.

  With Charlie staying at my parents’ house for the weekend and the first part of next week, that leaves Marcus able to catch up on his sleep and have some time on the tennis courts. Originally he and Charlie were going to have boys weekend but he decided that he needed some time to himself. I'm pretty sure it’s payback for me leaving to the Cabo sun and staying at a luxurious spa for five days.

  All of us managed to get on the same flight but for Amelia. She booked herself a later flight due to work. She will be there in time for our early morning spa reservations tomorrow. In the meantime, I look forward to meeting up with the girls and beginning our long weekend of pampering.

  Upon arrival at our resort, The Point Inn and Spa, we dispersed to our suites to freshen up before our seaweed wraps and poolside massages. I begin to empty out my luggage when I hear my phone buzzing on the round glass table. Noticing it's from an unknown number, I answer tentatively;

  “This is Delaney.”

  “Laney...It's Meli!” She exclaims, “You are going to kill me, but I can't make it this weekend! I have to perform surgery on a canine tomorrow. If it weren’t an emergency, I would wait until I return.”

  “Oh no! That’s a bummer! Do you think you will be able to break away after the surgery?”

  She sighs, “Honestly, I don't know. It could be touchy for a couple days so I may have to miss out on this one. I hope you’re not too disappointed.” She coaxes.

  “Of course I'm disappointed but I understand you have an emergency. If we had a pet, I'd certainly feel good knowing we had a dedicated vet in you.” I shudder as the words fall from my lips. Just what the heck am I saying, or rather blathering? “Well, you get what I mean. You'll be missed.”

  “Thanks and hey, have a few margaritas by the sea for me. I'll just be here saving another family pet. Now speaking of which, I have to run. Since I'm not leaving, I have more critters to tend to. Have a great time and tell the girls hello for me. Well, all except Tracie, I just don't get why she doesn’t like me.”

  I laugh, “Maybe it's because you were draped all over her husband like a cheap ugly sweater at our Christmas party.”

  She is now laughing, “Wow! Is she still sore at me for that? Seriously, that was almost three years ago. On second thought, be sure to tell her I say hi.”

  “You are evil. Okay, good luck with the pooch and I'll be sure to soak up some sun for you.”

  Truth is I am disappointed but for entirely selfish and rather sordid reasons. I wanted to pump her for more details about that night and hers and Ryan's choice to make it a lifestyle. While I don't agree with it, I want to understand and perhaps be able to communicate better with my husband about the subject. Although, maybe I should take this as a sign from the universe to leave it alone; after all Marcus hasn’t brought it up again, therefore, I need to do the same. Besides, isn’t that what I wanted and more importantly what I demanded from him?

  After checking in with my parents and talking to Charlie. I try to reach Marcus, but I'm informed he's away at a meeting with clients. So, I leave a message for him on his cell then grabbing my bag, I h
ead to the spa where I'm meeting the girls.

  “Melissa, Tracie, Andrea, there you are.” I sing-song as I join the group, “Where's Candace?” I ask while looking around for signs of the quiet teacher who is also a newlywed.

  “Oh you know, we can't break her away from her phone. She's been talking to Bryce for a half an hour now.” Melissa rolls her eyes as she takes a swig from her water bottle. Her light brown curls bouncing as she turns her head to watch one of the pool boys walk by.

  “Well give her some slack. I remember what that was like...being in love and newly married. Don’t you?”

  Curls bouncing she whips her head and looks at me with raised brows and a broad grin on her face, “I hardly remember what that was like. I’ve been with Stanley more years than I care to count. Of course the feeling is mutual, he was practically begging me to stay here for another several days. He offered to pay the nanny double if she would stay through the week. That's what fourteen years of marriage have earned me. That and the reoccurring migraines.”

  We all laugh knowing full well what a comedy duo Melissa and Stan happen to be. They like to make others believe that they tolerate each other but with Stan's heart attack last year, it became all too apparent their depth of love for one another. I think Stan just wanted a break from Melissa and her overbearing mothering of him. Since his illness, she has taken to monitoring his every move down to what he eats for snacks while at work.

  “Melissa, I'd be willing to bet your vacation is really a vacation for him the way you hover over him, the man probably needs a break.” Andrea scolds.

  “You know I almost lost him, I'm not about to repeat that nightmare. Anyway, Candace knows we are heading to the spa for the seaweed wraps so she can just jolly well find us. I for one am not wasting my time waiting around for a lovesick newlywed. She should have stayed at home if she's unable to be away from him.”

  “That has me curious Melissa, who is taking care of Stan while you are gone?”

  The corners of Melissa's mouth turn up into a wicked grin, “My mother is planning to pay them a surprise visit. In fact, she ought to be arriving any time now. It's a darned good thing I left my phone in my room. I'm reasonably sure I will be receiving a frantic phone call soon from my dearest.” She cackles as she saunters to the spa.

  With all of us laughing as we follow her lead, I'm excited because I know this was a good idea to get away with my girls. The rest of the day we spend languishing in the spa followed by soaking up some sun by the pool. Tomorrow we are to start the same way then we will go to the beach for the afternoon then into town for dinner. Tonight, we are staying at the resort for the evening.

  Once back in my room, I pull out my phone and am disappointed that there's no message from Marcus. I would have thought that he'd make an attempt to contact me by now. I set about taking a shower and dressing for drinks and dinner at the ocean view restaurant. I put him out of my mind and finish getting ready. I decide to wear an emerald green and white paisley print strapless cocktail dress that hits me at my knees. With that, I put on a pair of gold sandals and accessorize with coordinated gold necklace and cuff bracelet. I put on a melon color gloss on my lips then spritz on my favorite vanilla body spray then head out to meet the girls.

  Surprisingly, I'm the first to arrive. I'm seated overlooking the ocean with a slight breeze brushing past my bare shoulders, I remember the last time I was here with Marcus. This is a resort that we have come to often. A few times a year we escape for an extended weekend, sometimes without Charlie. It has become our place. As I sip at my strawberry margarita on the rocks, no salt, I think about how Marcus was so romantic and tender the entire trip. He treated me like a queen and I forgot all the worries that I left behind. It was that weekend that I realized that a long life was still ahead of me. Just a day before our trip, I had gone to my oncologist to receive the results of my yearly scan. It was the second scan I had to receive as the first one came back inconclusive. He thought there may be some area of concern. So for an entire week and a half, I worried and stewed about it. I ran all the possible scenarios and the probable outcomes for each. I hardly ate or slept. If my cancer had returned, it would come back with a vengeance. So the relief I felt when the second scan came back clean was incomprehensible. It is sad, but I didn’t consider that as one of the scenarios. The results indeed caused an excuse for a celebration and a renewed zest for my life and those sharing it with me.

  “You have a considerable head start I see.” Tracie says in an accusing tone from behind me. She points at the two empty glasses now sitting in front of me then sits down across from me smiling.

  I look over my shoulder and note that everyone is here, even the forlorn Candace. “Well sit down and try to catch up!” I say matching her tone.

  “Thought you'd never ask!” Andrea pants while fanning herself. “I'm just not doing well in this heat. Are any of you having problems or is it just lucky me?”

  I giggle to myself, Andrea is dramatic about absolutely everything but she is a real friend, a person one would be fortunate to have in their life. We met at the tennis club one day. She was taking a lesson with the tennis pro, who is an absolute hunk. I was sitting reading at a table nearby drinking tea when all of the sudden her ball came whirling at me going top speed no less. It landed right on my table knocking my tea over thus spilling all over my whites for doubles later. It is quite remarkable that she managed to do that considering all the netting around the courts designed to keep from just such an incident happening. She was mortified and I found her amusing so we've been great friends ever since. I study her for a moment and take note that with her sandy blonde wavy hair that hits her shoulders and bright green eyes, she is full of life and simply sparkles. Which is funny because she is the woman with the thing for bling. While her husband has indeed indulged her infinity for anything with diamonds and sparkle, the woman is like a magpie and won't pass up anything that has been bedecked with crystals. I have quickly learned the more, the better too. Tonight she is wearing a white fitted jersey dress that is simply covered in bling. It is pretty the way the fading light catches the stones but in the broad daylight, I dare say it would be a bit...gaudy.

  After the waiter takes everyone's drinks and we watch the sunset, all the girls chatter on with what appears to not be a care in the world. I sit back in my seat, counting my blessings. I have an adoring handsome husband who loves me and a son who is as sweet as the year is long. I couldn’t ask for a better support system and the friends we have, well where do I start. I live in my dream home and have all the luxuries that I could need without being overindulged. It is a life full of balance and good fortune. At this moment, life is certainly good. is great!

  I feel a sharp poke at my ribs.

  “Ouch!” I yelp.

  “Whoops, sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you! What's got your attention, you seem like you are continents away!” Melissa says while shoving another tortilla chip dripping with cheese in her mouth. I inwardly wince.

  “Oh nothing, I just feel splendid after a couple drinks and a day of relaxing with good friends.”

  “That’s so sweet. I agree, it's been a great day and I look forward to the rest of the weekend. Oh, by the way, I can't stay the entire time y' all are staying. I have to get back to work.” Candace looks at me, “You got my email right?”

  “Oh sure Candace, you just want to get back to lover boy!” Tracie chides.

  Candace's pert face with a frown is funny because she still looks so prim even when she's trying to put on a stern face.

  “That's not true Tracie, I couldn’t take off the time since I already took some time off at the beginning of the school year for the wedding. Anyway, you won't miss me, especially once Amelia arrives. She seems to have the ability to suck all the air out of a room anyway.” Candace says in a matter-of-fact tone.

  I turn away to compose myself, Candace is simply too funny. She is the youngest of the group being almost in her late twenties. Only a few
years younger than me but she's from a small town and didn’t have to grow up as quickly as I did. She is petite with blonde hair and blue eyes with a soft spoken demeanor...normally. Which I figure makes her the perfect kindergarten teacher. Being from the Midwest she had never been to the ocean. When she moved out here for college, she met her husband who is a lifeguard, the first time she ever went to the beach. He saved her life because she was apparently unaware of the riptide effect. I suppose it was love at first sight for her and judging by the way he worships her, it was probably the same for him. I met Candace a few years ago, when she was Charlie's teacher and we've been good friends ever since.

  “I forgot to tell you guys, Amelia can't make it, after all. She has an emergency surgery she has to perform on a dog tomorrow morning so she said to tell everyone hello and sorry she had to cancel.”

  As she predicted, everyone else was disappointed but for Tracie. “Oh darn, too bad the tramp can't come, after all. Maybe she had to stay home so she could come on to someone's husband. Oh, perhaps the guy whose dog is sick.” She furrows her brows which I find amusing. She is a pretty woman so she has nothing to worry about. Her looks rival Amelia's any day. She has a similar build but has light brown hair that is highlighted with caramel accents and hazel eyes that sparkle.


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