List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust

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List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust Page 17

by Holt, S. w.

  After being under a microscope for nearly thirty-nine weeks, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Now over six years later, he is in all likelihood getting a little sister but not from me. I know how I feel about that and a part of me hopes the baby is Ryan's. I don’t want that bitch to be Charlie's stepmother any more than I want her to produce his sibling.

  With the taste of malice in my mouth, I try to focus on happier thoughts, in just two weeks I will be heading to Europe to get away from all of this drama for an entire month. The best part though, I will have the opportunity to explore my new found happiness with Grant.


  Wednesday morning and I've just gotten Charlie off to school. Typically I would have driven him but today he asked to ride the bus. My mom thinks he is starting to assert his independence.

  Last evening Marcus picked up Charlie and took him to a local tux rental store and had him fitted for the wedding that is to take place this coming Saturday. I've had more than a few friends contact me about whether or not they should attend the tainted nuptials.

  Melissa wants to go out of morbid curiosity where Tracie is disgusted and would never go to such an event. After hearing both sides of the spectrum, I have instructed my well-meaning friends to do whatever they want and that it has nothing to do with me. Secretly I hope at least one of them goes so I can receive a full account of the day.

  I learned that the ceremony and reception will be held at my former in-law's home, but the word has it my father-in-law is less than thrilled. He has been overheard grumbling about it at the exclusive cigar club he frequents. Charlie has been excited about getting to see his grandparents this weekend as he sees them so infrequently.

  My mother-in-law is simply beside herself over the divorce and not to mention the way Marcus has treated me. She couldn't take it anymore so she called me late last night after Charlie had gone to bed.

  “You've been like a daughter to me all these years and now you have been unceremoniously stripped of the family tree. What's worse is she's a woman I hardly know a thing about except that she's just about to have my next grandchild. I'm sorry I'm crying to you about all of this but who else can I turn to in this trying time?”

  I take a deep breath trying not to expose my extreme irritation with this call. “I understand completely. I'm not doing well with all of this either.”

  “Well of course you’re not. My son had better come to his senses before he marries her this weekend. You know his father is about to disown him. I stopped Clyde from coming completely off his rocker for fear of his health. Ever since we started living in Europe, his blood pressure has remained nearly perfect. But the minute we step foot back in LA, he's right back to taking shallow quick breaths and little beads of sweat collect on his upper lip. Both are signs his heart is strained. This time around I attribute it all to that son of ours. Now, please promise me that you won't hold his actions against us and withhold seeing Charlie. It would just crush us.”

  I clear my throat after waiting for her to finish her long-winded diatribe. “I have no intention of withholding visitation Margeaux. I know how much he means to you and you to him. In fact, he was just telling me tonight when I was tucking him in just how much he is looking forward to seeing you Saturday.”

  “Excellent, I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Say! I have a fantastic idea. Why doesn’t he spend the night with us Friday night? We will spoil him rotten and then that way he'll also be here for the atrocity on Saturday.”

  I giggle trying not to let it develop into an outburst. If Marcus and Amelia are to indeed be married, she is in for a rude awakening if she thinks that his family is going to welcome her into the fold. No matter what Amelia or Marcus' opinion of me, in the eyes of his parents, I'm their true daughter-in-law.

  “That sounds like a great idea Margeaux. Will you be sending the car around or shall I bring him myself?”

  “You know what? I would love for you to bring him around. In fact, stay for dinner. Clyde and I would like nothing more than to see our girl. It's been far too long and frankly, I don't think it was fair that Marcus kept us apart all of this time. Now, be here promptly at five and don't bother asking if you need to bring anything, you already know the answer is that darling grandson.”

  “In that case, we'll see you then.” I say faking a cheerfulness I don't actually feel.

  “Oh!” She squeals, “I simply cannot wait!” Then the line cuts off.

  Now I wonder if I have made a mistake. What if Marcus gets wind of it and tries to thwart my reunion with his folks?

  I dispense with the worry and bring myself back to the present.

  Glancing at the clock on the wall near the kitchen, I note that Grant will be landing at London Heathrow airport soon. He is traveling to England first to tend to some business then he will be in Ireland a week ahead of us. At first I was disappointed that he wouldn’t be flying with us but it couldn't be helped. Charlie is a relatively good traveler. However, he is touch and go during the takeoff and landings.

  When we flew to Hawaii last year, he screeched for the first twenty minutes of the flight and the same for the flight's descent. After speaking with his doctor about it, we came to realize it's because of the inner ear discomfort. We now have a prescription that will handle the pressure and hopefully keep him from hollering out this time. That and Grant paid for us to fly first class. It should make for a much more comfortable flight.

  Despite the fact that Marcus made enough money, he never thought we should fly in style. He always made us fly business or coach depending on fares. It never made sense to me. During our marriage, we tended to be frugal most of the time but then the guy went and bought himself an expensive sports scar that is anything but family friendly. To top it off, then he shacks up with a woman who can hardly afford to take care herself at her taste level and she makes oodles of money. Once she bleeds him dry, she'll bore of him just like she did with Marcus's predecessor.

  Just what I had been waiting for, my phone lights up on the counter and I see that Grant is calling.

  “Hello sexy!” I purr.

  “Well hello, hot stuff.” He replies in his deep voice.

  “How was your flight? Are you there safe?” I chirp.

  “Yes, I'm here in one piece but that flight always knocks me out. If I didn’t have so much to tend to, I would take a day to sleep it off. How are things there?”

  “Oh fine. I'm literally counting down the days until I get to join you. I'm really looking forward to meeting your family and seeing where you are from. It means a lot to me that you think that much of me that you want me to be a part of your visit.”

  “I think of you that much and more Delaney. Now listen, I have to catch my luggage before another chap claims it to be his. I look forward to seeing you soon.”

  “Me too. Call me later.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too Grant.”

  With the call ended, I stand in the same place at the island with a stupid smile on my face. I never thought when things were falling apart with Marcus that this would be waiting for me around the corner. I literally thought my life was over when Marcus told me he had been with Amelia and that I was no longer enough. The despair I felt and worse, the sense of failure was stifling. The self-doubt and the overwhelming need to take responsibility for our demise was misplaced. All along it was Marcus who needed to take the burden of blame, not me. To think that Grant was always there on the sidelines waiting for my freedom sends chilly tingles wiggling through my core. I never gave in to my attraction to him because I was to marry his business partner Marcus. My future had already been decided, or so I thought. Little did I know that in my haste to become an adult, that I would make a decision that would take me on a different path leading me to a destiny that was not my own. Only to find out it was truly fate that was driving this ship. Grant is the one that has convinced me of that. Now that I know the truth, I can do nothing but be in awe of the immense amount of restrain
t Grant displayed in waiting for nature to resolve the wrong and make it right.

  I'm in love and nothing is going to stop me on my path to happiness.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Friday night rolls around before I know it and I'm in the middle of my dressing room with clothes thrown about. I cannot figure out what to wear tonight to see my previous in-laws. I always worked hard at fitting the image that they expected of me as their daughter-in-law. While my relationship with them has changed, their expectations are no doubt not altered in any way. She was going on and on about what a disappointment Amelia is for their son's new wife. I relish in the thought that she is going to find resistance instead of acceptance. It serves her right.

  I finally settle on a pair of white slim fitting slacks paired with a blush pink and white floral printed silk blouse. With that, I put on a single strand of pearls that Margeaux gave me on my first Mother's Day and a pair of tan sling back peep toe pumps. I know I look incredibly conservative, but it falls nothing short of what is expected.

  “Charlie love...we need to go. Are you finished packing?”

  I already packed a bag of his essentials earlier today. The bag he is packing is full of things he does not need but wants. I notice the item that is in his hand is the little robot from Grant. I smile to myself at how warm that makes me feel.

  “I'm ready mommy. You have my toothbrush and jammies packed, right?”

  “Yes, I sure do. If you are ready, let's go before we get stuck in traffic. You know how grumpy Grandma and Grandpa will be if we are late.”

  “Oh yes, they will talk about it all night.” He answers honestly.

  “Right you are.”

  On the ride to Bel-Air, I find Charlie unusually quiet.

  “Is something on your mind Charlie?”

  He starts humming a song then he stops and says, “Yes. I'm thinking about Daddy and Amelia. Why are they getting married? I thought you and Daddy are married.”

  My heart sinks. While we've had numerous conversations about this, I realize he is too young to understand such adult concepts.

  “Mommy and Daddy used to be married honey but when we fell out of love, we decided that it would be best if we weren’t together anymore. But you know that means that we are both still your parents, and we love you more than anything, right?”

  “Yes, I know all of that Mommy but Daddy is marrying Amelia and having a new baby. Doesn’t that mean he has replaced us?”

  The tears erupt from my eyes. I quickly swipe them away I can't bear the pain my son is obviously feeling and somehow, I revert right back to taking it on as if the pain he's feeling was somehow my doing. Which maybe in some ways it was something I could have avoided.

  “No! Daddy would never, ever, replace you Charlie. You are his sweet boy, and he would do anything for you. Same with Mommy. Nothing will ever change that.”

  He starts humming again but stops and looks straight in the rear view mirror, “I know Mommy. I just want to be sure.”

  With my pulse beating out of my neck, I take a deep cleansing breath as I fight back the tears that want to flow. I know that it's not my fault but when he is clearly confused and hurting, I want to take his pain away and feel it for him. What Marcus has put him through and in such a short time is unforgivable. He has really made a mess of things and now I have to face his parents alone. He used to run as a buffer with his overbearing and over-opinionated folks. Now it's just me going it solo, God help me.

  As we pull into the gated community, my in-laws call their part-time residence, I take another deep cleansing breath, hoping this night goes off without a hitch.

  “Come here, let me take a look at you! My lord, I think you have become even more beautiful than the last time I saw you and my goodness, you have to stop losing weight. You are withering away.” Margeaux exclaims.

  “Oh back off her Marge, I think she looks marvelous. Why if I weren’t married and twenty years younger...” Clyde teases.

  Marge swats his arm, “Would you look at that handsome young man! Come here, let Grandma squeeze you!” She swoops Charlie into her arms squeezing him as promised. The look on his face is simply priceless. I can only describe it as amused and shocked all at once.

  “Well don't hog him, hand over my grandson,” Then Charlie has to endure yet another squeezing hug until finally he breaks free of Clyde's embrace. Inching his way back to being by my side, his little hand reaches up and grabs mine. The feeling of his hand in mine warms the inner chambers of my heart. While the marriage may have been a flop, having Charlie was a triumph.

  They usher us into the massive dining room and seat us immediately. Several courses of delectable food are served that are too rich for my liking. Charlie looks thrilled when finally a chicken and cheese quesadilla is served. He devours the entire plate and graciously wades through the multitude of questions his grandparents throw at him.

  While most of the conversation surrounds their travels around Europe, it seems to circle back to Marcus and his marrying Amelia.

  “Honestly, I have never held into question Marcus's decisions until now. He doesn’t appear to be making good choices, and as his mother and I can't figure out what has happened, it's as if he's snapped.” Clyde laments.

  “I can tell you exactly what's going on with Marcus, he seems to think that he's going through a mid-life crisis.” I reply matter-of-factually.

  Margeaux squints her eyes, “Do you think that's all that has changed?”

  “I think it's more of an excuse than anything. He found a scapegoat to take the blame for his bad behavior. It's easier for people to accept poorly made decisions when it's labeled as a crisis, in particular for a man.” I try not to sound too bitter, but I'm sure the tone of my voice betrays me.

  Clyde is rubbing his chin apparently deep in thought.

  “Well, that certainly explains a lot and I don’t know if I agree with you dear. I don’t think it's a scapegoat, I think that a mid-life crisis is exactly what it is happening here. Though one would have thought that he'd select a woman in her early twenties, not nearly his own age.” He chuckles or rather guffaws.

  “Clyde! You make it sound as if it's okay somehow that he's behaving like this, you can't blame it on his age. You know as well as I that we did not raise him to have an absence of morals or simply lacking basic common sense. It's embarrassing among other things.”

  We all look over at Charlie whose eyes appear to be rolling to the back of his head. It's obviously time to change the subject before he catches on to the meaning of our conversation. If he hasn't already.

  “So Charlie, why don't you tell Grandma and Grandpa about your Cub Scouts Jamboree you get to attend when we return from Europe?” I suggest.

  For the next half hour, Charlie rambles on about the trip coming up, the wedding tomorrow and, of course, the Cub Scout Jamboree. Once he finishes chattering on, “May I be excused?”

  “Of course dear. Why don't you go to the game room and play?” Margeaux suggests.

  Jumping down from his chair he squeals then runs back to where I'm sitting and gives me a big hug. “I'll see you Sunday, right?”

  “Yes my love, I'll see you Sunday morning when I pick you up.” I give my boy a squeeze then I watch as he skips out of the room.

  The evening seems to be finally coming toward a close. My father in law offers up a night cap before I depart. I accept a small glass of warmed cognac and take a little sip.

  “Listen, you have been the irreverent hosts as usual, but I must get home. I have an hour drive, and I'm beat. Besides, you two have a wedding to attend tomorrow.” I say knowing full well it's sure to spark a heated response. Frankly I couldn’t help myself.

  As expected, the two of them ramble on about the wedding and all of their opinions about it. I know I was naughty for encouraging it and I should perhaps be ashamed but they are so animated, and frankly I relish in hearing how much they dislike Amelia.

  I'm finally back on the road when my phone rings
; it's Grant. I answer, “Hello handsome.”

  “Well hello yourself, oh, the feedback is terrible, do you have me on speaker?”

  “Yes sorry, I'm driving.”

  “Are you alone or do you have company?”

  “I'm alone, why?”

  “I just wanted to know before I say something lewd that would not be appropriate for little ears.”

  “Just what do you wish to say that would sound obscene?” I tease.

  “Oh, just that I have been thinking about your body naked and the different ways that I'd like to do dirty things to you. Like maybe spank that naughty ass or when you get here, take you from behind in a cobblestone alley! Oh I know, how about if I do something simpler like spread you out on a table and eat you for dessert!”


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