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Reflections Page 3

by Camille Anthony


  Thanatos aka Death

  Eleiades tossed the bloodied switch away, his eyes burning down on the clinging Narcissus. Fisting his hands in the young man’s shining hair, he dragged him to his feet by the long locks, snatching the half-god into his embrace.

  Lips opening over the soft, yielding mouth of the youth, the Nereid thrust his tongue in and out of Narcissus’ mouth, languidly brushing against the other’s tongue, the roof of his mouth and the cool rim of his teeth in a series of deep forays that searched out the heart and soul of the young man.

  Drawing back, he swiped his own lips with a long cool pass of his tongue, determined to slow the action down. Chest rising and falling as he struggled to control his uneven breathing, Eleiades rubbed his thumb back and forth along the full bottom lip of Hera’s hated stepson, wondering at the feelings the young man raised in him. When Narcissus pressed the side of his cheek into that thumb, silently begging for more, the water deity knew he’d been royally had…

  This boy was dangerous, a hazard on two feet. Thirty-one thousand years old and he’d finally been snagged by a pair of innocent, purple eyes. Damn that Zeus, and fuck his ugly aunts, the Fates. They’d planned this, for sure. Zeus, being all-knowing, had realized Eleiades wouldn’t be able to resist fucking this boy, knew his cock would probably kill the baby godling, burning out the human-ness in him, thereby releasing his full deified nature.

  “Damn and blast, but I hate being your pappy’s flunky!”

  “Huh? Master, please…!” Panic sounded in the breathless plea. Narcissus threw his arms around the Nereid’s waist, clinging in fear of being torn away.

  Eleiades’ thumb pressed down on Narcissus’ lush mouth before letting his hands drop to his wide shoulders. Holding him off, he stared at the man, knowing he was going to fuck him regardless, knew he couldn’t turn away from the pure love burning in the youngling’s eyes. The look in those purple eyes was damned addictive.

  His big hands slipped down the lad’s back, curving around to palm his full ass cheeks. Fingers digging into the deep crease between the firm globes, he drew Narcissus up on his toes and took his mouth in a torrid kiss. Gasping for breath, he finally pulled back and rasped, “Have no fear. Though something tells me I’ll regret this, Rhea and Cronus -- mother and father of the gods, themselves -- couldn’t stop me from taking your virgin ass, lovely one.”

  Narcissus sagged into the demigod’s embrace, thankful to the heavens the male who’d stolen his will only to command his love had every intention of claiming him in the most primal, brutal of ways.

  He shivered at the bold grasp of his lover’s hands on his ass, a forceful statement of how he would be taken. There’d be no mercy, no gentle fucking. Narcissus knew this would be a deep, hard claiming. This intense ritual would leave a mark of possession not only in his flesh but also on his soul. Frightened to death, yet aroused beyond measure, the man-child whispered into the Nereid’s mouth, his lips brushing the other’s with every quiet word. “I’m ready, master. How do you want me?”

  Eleiades stirred. His silver pale eyes gazed down into Narcissus’ eager stare. “We’ll go down to the riverside, sit on the bank. There’s sloping ground there, where I can prop my back while you sit in my lap.”

  Narcissus nodded and wordlessly, acting the part of the leader, took the sprite’s hand and led him back to the quiet water. When they reached the edge, he asked again, “Where and how would you like me, master?”

  “First, go gather a shoot from that glimmer bush, yonder.” Eleiades pointed to a shimmering bush of tall reeds. Pan often gathered such to play his frenzied tunes, causing all within the sound of his piping to fall upon a partner and sexually ravish them until all vitality had fled and they lay insensate wherever their bodies fell.

  Narcissus’ shoulders fell. “Another spanking?” He shuddered when his master’s lips tightened.

  “For that unseemly reaction, I’ll lay a few across that swollen ass of yours before lubing you up for my cock. The glimmer bush is not made of hollow reeds. The reeds are filled with a viscous slippery fluid that aids in sexual congress. Once emptied, they may be used for a variety of things.”

  “I’m s-sorry,” Narcissus stammered the apology. “When you mentioned the bush, I just assumed…”

  The Nereid sighed. “We’ve not had time enough this nooning to cure you of that nasty habit.” His eyes narrowed as his lips widened in that wicked curve Narcissus was coming to recognize usually preceded some act of sexual cruelty. “But I promise you I will cure you of the desire to assume, my honey-sweet baklava. In the meantime… retrieve those stalks as ordered.”

  Hurrying to obey his master, Narcissus broke off several glimmer rods and rushed back to the masterful male who had captured his attention, his lust and his love all in one sultry afternoon. To the demigod who would soon own his body as well as his soul.

  Eleiades took the reeds from his hand and turned him until he faced away -- his back to the water deity’s chest. “Kneel on all fours. Once down, I want you to straighten your knees, keeping your chest low, until your ass is held high before me.”

  Trembling, Narcissus did as ordered. In this position, his hair fell forward, the thick rippling mass of red strands effectively obscuring his vision. He longed to see the expression on the Nereid’s face, needed to judge if his lover found him acceptable. “Like this?”


  “Did I give you leave to speak, naughty one?”

  Narcissus caught back the yelp he wanted to let loose, sure he couldn’t stand another lash from the bundle of glimmer reeds Eleiades held. The sting was different from the one given by the willow limb; more intense, lasting longer and burning hotter. Closing his eyes, he thought he could almost see the welts raised in hot splendor amid the pink crisscrossing of the earlier marks.

  He stiffened as he felt two fingers press against his cheeks, prying them apart.

  “Open those legs… give me space!”

  The master’s voice snapped behind him, full of impatience and… anger? Not sure, not daring to chance another strike, Narcissus widened his stance, balancing his upper body on his crossed arms, keeping his head and chest down.

  He felt so exposed, so vulnerable… open and waiting for whatever the sprite chose to do to him. Thinking of the size of his master’s organ, he breathed an inward sigh of thanks that Eleiades planned to use a lube. He knew he’d have accepted the male even without the easing ointment, though the pain would have been horrendous.

  Still, he jumped when the stalks were shoved without warning past the tightly puckered opening between his cheeks. A grunt escaped his lips as the burning reeds were roughly rotated back and forth, their slippery juice allowed to seep into his hole, readying him for his master’s cock.

  To his surprise, even this felt… good. His balls churned in their sacs, tingles of heat and miniature bolts of Zeus’ lightning zinged up his back and chest to explode in the tips of his nipples. Lying still was impossible. He had to move. Flexing his ass, tightening his muscles, he shifted under the demigod’s hands, pumping his bottom backward into the deepening strokes.

  “Hold still, slut!”

  The angry order, accompanied by a flurry of hand spanks, froze Narcissus in place. His legs trembled, shook from the desire to move, to dance under the maddening stimulation. A helpless moan trickled from his mouth.

  “Impatient child, I see I’ll have to fuck you before you make me beat you in all earnestness.”

  The reeds were whipped out of his ass and tossed aside. The cool heat of the Nereid’s body warmed Narcissus’ back. He felt the heavy presence of the male’s blunt, mushroomed head pressing against his quivering rectum. Nothing could stop the cry winging from his mouth as Eleiades began pushing his way into the tiny, virgin opening of his ass.

  “Zeus! Mighty god, it hurts!”

  The Nereid leaned over Narcissus’ back until his face was visible at his right shoulder. “Yessss, it hurts, but don’t th
ink your father will come to your rescue. This was all his idea. Now shut up, push out and take more of my cock. Take all of me…”

  Narcissus bit down on his lip as the massive cock of his master sank further into his stretched channel. The huge organ forced him open, spread his flesh so far apart the pain of it burned like Greek fire -- a flame that would never go out, flaring higher and hotter with each endless second.

  Tears poured down his cheeks, fell in to his gaping mouth as his ass seemed to split from the size of the cock tunneling up his no longer private parts. His legs gave way and he would have dropped, but the sprite held him at hip and belly. Huge hands cradled him, steely fingers dug into his skin as he was tugged backward and backward onto the never-ending cock. Until at last, all stilled.

  “You can rest easy for a moment, honeycake. I’m in.”

  Impaled and obscenely stretched, Narcissus hung from Eleiades’ cock, eyes blinded with tears, chest barely moving as he breathed through his open mouth, fearful of jarring and rousing the ravening beast of pain coiled slumbering now in his nether end.

  “By Cronus’ severed testicles, I never thought you could take every inch of my cock, but you’ve surprised me. It’s been eons since I’ve gone balls-deep in such a tight ass, darling. You’ve made me feel wonderful and so now I’ll return the favor.”

  Narcissus felt pride swell his chest, warm his insides as he listened to the Nereid praise him. His joy turned to ashes as the sprite began to withdraw. Tensed for more pain, he gasped when the opposite flooded him. His breath whooshed out as pleasure poured in a boiling wake down the dark path abandoned by Eleiades’ cock.

  His ass felt bereft. Unconscious of doing so, he tightened his sphincter, desperate to hold on to the lush, sensational muscle-melting feelings inundating his body and mind. Again, he deliberately clenched his ass around the massive blunt instrument, mewling as he lost the fight to hold onto it.

  “Relax, love, I’m not leaving you for long.”

  The heavy glide of cock back up his passage bore out the sprite’s words and Narcissus groaned, ass burning as Eleiades began to fuck him firmly yet lovingly.

  After years of loneliness and isolation, Narcissus felt starved for the warmth of the other male’s affections. It branded his soul as it melted his heart, soothing away past hurts. “Lord, I love you, Eleiades!”

  The cry slipped out against his will and Narcissus quaked inside, frightened his untimely declaration had angered his master and lover. Grateful tears flooded his eyes when the Nereid’s lips brushed his shoulders in a tender kiss.

  A broad hand encircled his stiff cock, strong fingers wrapped tight around it, hurting so good as Eleiades set up a pumping action that had Narcissus’ hips jerking out of control. “Then come for me, baby. Spew your seed and howl your devotion so Apollo, himself, can hear and bear witness to the heavens you belong to me!”

  Hephaestus’ forge couldn’t generate the heat sizzling in Narcissus’ veins. Groaning, he flung back his head in ecstasy, thrusting his pelvis forward, into the hand working his cock, and then back, offering his ass to the heavy, jarring thuds of his lover’s pistoning hips. “By all the gods on Olympus, I’m almost there! Fuck me, sir! Fuck me and make me come!”

  Eleiades laughed. “This once, your wish is my command!”

  ∞ Infinity

  “You were right, Eleiades. I was self-absorbed and selfish. Look how silly I appear, staring into the water at my own reflection…” Narcissus frowned at the simulacrum of himself. “I look like a pansy-boy, mooning after the stars beyond my reach.”

  “You look like the man I fell in love with.” Eleiades hugged the younger man close and leaned in for a kiss. “Though I must admit, if you hadn’t surprised me with your passion and hedonistic enjoyment, I would have killed you for Hera, never realizing what a treasure you are.”

  Narcissus turned in his arms and kissed him back, his teeth nipping at the sprite’s bottom lip in a playful bid for dominance. A swat on the butt broke his insolence and he laughed, laying his head on the heavy-muscled shoulder of his master. “It was a good idea to fashion a doll of me so the guards think me still here, by the water. But I don’t think the changeling will fool Mother.”

  The Nereid shrugged. “It should… at least, long enough for us to present ourselves to your father as a matched pair. She will rail over it, but you had to grow up sometime.”

  The younger man sighed. “I shall miss her, though I think she shall not miss me. Perhaps Zeus will give her another son to take my place.”

  “I think not. Hera had Hephaestus forge an iron ring that holds his penis limp for all but her. He liked the ingeniousness of the idea and rewarded her with a promise to cease wandering for a few centuries.”

  “Poor Mother…”

  The sprite stiffened beside him. “Do you wish to go back, to undo what I’ve done?”

  Recognizing the hurt in the question, Narcissus tugged Eleiades’ head down, cupping it between his hands to meet the other’s eyes. “Never.”

  He dropped a kiss on the sprite’s cool lips before sinking to his knees. Taking hold of the Nereid’s rising cock, he squeezed gently, bringing it to his lips.

  Eleiades sighed and buried his fingers in Narcissus’ hair as the young god swallowed his cock, not stopping until his chin nudged the heavy balls hanging below. “Ah, beloved one, the heat of your mouth feels lovely against the coolness of my body. Do you honestly not regret giving up your humanity?”

  Narcissus pulled back and released the sprite’s thick organ. Licking his lips, he shook his head. “I must have hemorrhaged when you entered me, but was so busy enjoying being fucked I never noticed my mortal death. I’m all Olympian now, and cannot reside in a mortal’s home. I choose you. I belong to you. For all eternity…”

  “You precious boy, I love you more than when I first fucked you. I can’t wait to live the next several eons with you…”

  The Beginning

  Camille Anthony

  A fertile imagination and a love of both Romance and Science Fiction fuels her writing. Her favorite stories are those of strong, honorable people -- whatever the race or planet of origin -- who are driven by love and lust to find and do that one special someone. Camille likes her heroines feisty, her heroes dominant and her passion red hot! She loves to hear from her readers. You can e-mail her at [email protected] or visit her website at Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.




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