Love Me, Trust Me (Full Heart Ranch Series Book 2)

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Love Me, Trust Me (Full Heart Ranch Series Book 2) Page 34

by Barbara Gee

  He leaned down and whispered to Hank, and the boy immediately darted over to one of the flower pots and then ran back over to Ryan, concealing something in his cupped hands. Ryan put a hand on his son’s shoulder and they walked over to his parents and he gave each of them a big hug.

  “I finally came up with a way to make the evening unforgettable. For you two, and for the rest of us. And I’m not talking about all these lights and flowers.”

  He and Hank turned toward Libby and walked slowly in her direction. Ryan’s throat tightened and he hoped he’d be able to get the words out. She looked unbelievably beautiful with the flickering light of the lantern by her feet, and the twinkling lights above. Her eyes got huge as she realized they were coming for her. Ryan held out his hands and she looked at him searchingly before finally reaching out and taking them, her fingers trembling as his hands closed around them.

  He sensed the others moving in behind them, and he was pretty sure he heard Maddy sniff. She had known this was coming, and he wasn’t surprised that she was already emotional. She loved Libby to death.

  Ryan cleared his throat. “Elizabeth Belle Simon, you’ve changed my life. When I first met you, things were pretty messed up. You accused me of kidnapping, and then you wanted nothing to do with me when I came out here with Tuck. Still, that was the beginning for me, and when Tuck invited me back to the ranch to get away from my trouble in Chandler, part of the reason I agreed was the chance to see his little sister again. Because I was drawn to you. Even under less than perfect circumstances, I felt like there was, or could be, something there. Something I wanted to explore.” He paused, his dark eyes full of emotion. “Something I now know I need to make my life complete.”

  His hands tightened and his smile was gentle. “It hasn’t been a smooth, straight path, but with your help, I’ve managed to find my way. I know what I want now, Libby. I can tell you with no hesitation that I want you. I could spend hours telling you all the reasons why you’re the one, and maybe someday I’ll do just that. But there’s ice cream over there and I don’t want it to melt.”

  Libby choked out a laugh, her blue-green eyes shimmering as she looked up at him, her love for him so evident his throat threatened to close up. He looked at Hank and winked, then he dropped to a knee and nodded at his son.

  Hank opened his hands to display a black velvet box. Ryan let go of Libby’s hands long enough to open it, then gave it back to Hank to hold out to Libby while he took her hands in his once again. She was shaking worse, but was otherwise composed. He looked up at her.

  “I love you, Libby. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want you to be Hank’s mom, and he wants that, too. I can’t imagine not having you to look forward to at the beginning of my day, and at the end of it, and anytime in between that we can manage. I promise to put God at the center of our life together, not just because it’s what you want, but because it’s what I want, too. I want to be a family. You, me, Hank, and any other kids we might be blessed with.”

  Ryan swallowed and took a deep breath. “Will you marry me, Libby?”

  She didn’t make him wait. Her smile was brilliant even as tears streamed down her face. “Of course I’ll marry you, Ryan. I love you both so much. Nothing, nothing would make me happier than being your wife and Hank’s mom.”

  Ryan stood and pulled her against him, pressing his face against her neck, inhaling the scent that was uniquely Libby. He loved it. He loved everything about her. He kissed her softly, keeping it light for Hank’s sake. He’d do it better later, when they were alone.

  “Ready to do the honors, Hank?” he asked.

  They all watched as the little boy carefully took the ring out of the box, holding it as if it might break. Ryan put his hand over his son’s, and together they slid the ring onto Libby’s finger. Thanks to Maddy, it was a perfect fit.

  Libby stared at the big oval cut diamond, and then looked up at him, dazed. “It’s so beautiful, Ryan. It’s beautiful and perfect.” Tears spilled over again. “Thank you,” she said softly.

  As one they both went to their knees and sandwiched Hank in a hug so tight he gave a laughing squeal.

  “You’re crushing me,” he giggled.

  They let him go and stood up, and the others immediately surrounded them. Ryan hugged his parents, then stepped back and watched Libby. She hugged his mom for a long time, and he knew without a doubt his mom was thrilled with his choice. Then she hugged Kay for an equally long time, both of them crying and laughing. And then Maddy took her turn, and Ryan got choked up as the two of them swayed together in each other’s arms. Those two gave each other never ending strength and encouragement, and Ryan was grateful that Libby had a friend like that in her life. The two women had been through a lot together already, and they’d go through more in the future. He prayed that the vast majority of it would be good.

  “I’d say we’re a couple of lucky guys.”

  Ryan turned to see that Tuck had come up beside him, his eyes fixed on his wife and sister.

  “That we are,” he agreed. They watched the girls for another minute, then he looked over at Tuck and cocked an eyebrow. “I wonder how good my chances are of matching your three day engagement.”

  Tuck laughed and clapped him on the back. “Only one way to find out, brother. Let me know how it goes.”


  Ten days was the best Ryan could do. With Pastor Keller officiating, they said their vows before a surprisingly large group of family and friends. It appeared that a short-notice wedding wasn’t a big issue in laid back Barlow, North Dakota.

  Al and Marcy had stayed on at the ranch to help with the preparations, and Ryan’s brother and his family had joined them the day before the wedding. Olivia and Kevin had also flown in, along with Byron and Louise.

  Marcy and his sister-in-law, as well as her kids, would stay at the ranch through the honeymoon, helping Kay and Maddy with Hank and letting the cousins get to know each other.


  With their son in good hands, Ryan and Libby left the ranch for ten days of honeymoon bliss. No distractions, no uncertainties, no hesitation, no regrets. It was the best ten days of their lives, and it was only the beginning.

  The engraving on the inside of Ryan’s wedding band had been a surprise from Libby, and it made him smile every time he put it on. Beloved husband and father.

  He vowed to be the best he could possibly be at both of those things. Every day, for the rest of his new and very blessed life.

  Thank you so much for reading Love Me, Trust Me. I hope you enjoyed it. If you get a chance, please consider leaving a review on Amazon.

  Book 3 in the series is available now (link below). If you wish to be notified when Book 4 in the Full Heart Ranch series is out, please contact me at:

  [email protected]

  Other titles by Barbara Gee:

  Always a Will and A Way

  Find Me, Save Me

  Book #1 in the Full Heart Ranch Series

  Know Me, Keep Me

  Book #3 in the Full Heart Ranch Series




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