Gates Of Dilemma: Paranormal Romance (Princess Anastasia's Tales Book 2)

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Gates Of Dilemma: Paranormal Romance (Princess Anastasia's Tales Book 2) Page 3

by Martha Woods

  “What’s in that basket?” Darien asks as he starts to pull the string apart that holds the lid shut. I smack his hand, forcing him to take a step back.

  “That is for later. I thought Elizabeth and John would like to join other people their age for school and I could show you more of the Kingdom,” I suggest as I sit down at the table and start making a plate of food. I was determined to enjoy my meals today before the experiment tomorrow.

  “I think it would be good to meet new people,” John pipes up before taking another big bite of food. Elizabeth shrugs her shoulders, but at least she is eating today.

  “I’ll have to warn you Elizabeth. Most students your age spend their time sparing than reading. School might be a little more physical for you. Does that still sound okay?” I ask.

  “It’s better than sitting around here all day,” Elizabeth admits before I look over at Darien for his approval.

  “Then I guess it sounds like a good plan,” he says. I can’t help but smile as I quickly finish eating and encourage everyone to do the same. I help John and Elizabeth prepare for school by making sure their uniforms are perfect and Elizabeth’s short brown hair is tied securely into a tight bun.

  “I feel like my face is being stretched,” Elizabeth says as she traces her hands along hair.

  “Trust me, you’ll be glad to have your hair secured when you begin your training for the day,” I explain as I rush them out of the suite and into the hallway. I’m pulling both Elizabeth and John behind me by their hands as I lead them towards the school rooms. I glance over my shoulder and see Darien carrying the other basket, trying to catch up with my quick pace.

  “Then why do you keep your hair so long. Wouldn’t it be better to keep your hair short like most of the other woman do,” Elizabeth speaks up as we turn a corner and continue down another hallway.

  “I tend to do things a little differently,” I admit as I deposit John in a classroom. I take a moment to speak with the teacher and only leave when I feel assured that John will not be picked on for his lack of any special ability. Then I continue on my way with Elizabeth in tow as we reach the training arena for older children.

  “Princess, have you come to show these young things what a true warrior looks like?” Gunther calls from the middle of the room as I enter. The students have begun to warm their muscles by jogging around the room and avoiding varies moving obstacles. The sight brings back so many memories of me trying to chase my brother around the room when I finally returned to the Kingdom after my uncle’s death.

  “Another time, master. Instead, I present to you Elizabeth Mathews. She wishes to demonstrate her strength,” I explain as I motion towards Elizabeth. She tries to stand confidentially by raising her chin but I can tell she is shaking when I notice her knees wobbling. She doesn’t look away as Gunther stares her down and that is when I feel confident that Elizabeth will prove her worth today.

  “What beautiful hell fire,” Gunther comments as he turns his focus back on me.

  “One of a kind,” I say as I turn and leave the room. Back in the hallway, I finally put my full attention on Darien.

  “Are you sure they are going to be okay?” Darien asks as I take the basket from him and motion for me to follow. Though I’d rather loop arms with him and lead him along like I did his siblings, we were not yet in a part of the Kingdom where I could be more open with him.

  “Remember, Darien. My people work with all sorts of creatures that walk this Earth. John and Elizabeth will be treated like any other warrior. As long as they try, they will be rewarded for their efforts,” I explain as I lead Darien to a long flight of stairs. “Now this might take some time, but I promise what is at the top will be worth the climb.”

  “After you, Princess,” Darien says with a wide grin. I roll my eyes as I take the steps two at a time, excited for what I’m about to show Darien.

  Twenty minutes later, we finally reach the top where I push open a single door and give way to a comfortable study. I often came here when I first returned to the Kingdom and wanted a space where no one would bother me. Four windows show each direction of the Kingdom, but the room is adorned with several couches and chairs where I can lunge and simply study in peace. The floor is covered in thick furs, allowing me to kick off my boots without fear of becoming too cold. And the walls are covered in longs burgundy drapes that allow me the option to cover the floor to ceiling windows if I choose.

  “This….is some place,” Darien says slowly as he continues to catch his breath. I give him a smirk as I set down the basket on a small table and sit on a large couch where I stretch my legs and lean back against the cushions.

  “One of the few places in the Kingdom where I know I won’t be bothered. My mother once told me my father used to come here to find peace, so I started making the climb every day just to get away from it all and maybe feel a little closer to him,” I admit as I watch Darien slouch into the couch and lean his head back.

  “Where is your father, anyways?” Darien asks once he has regained a steady breathing rate.

  “He is on the front lines surrounding one of the gates to the supernatural realm. He doesn’t plan to return any time soon,” I explain as I sit up and begin undoing the string around the basket. “Anyways, I’m going to be busy with my work in the next few days and I won’t be around to help keep you busy while the kids are at school, so I scrounged up something you might enjoy.” Darien leans forward as I pull a small package from the basket and hand it to him. He carefully pulls apart the packaging to reveal a notepad and a few drawing pencils.

  “Anna, this is great,” Darien exclaims as he looks up at me, his eyes round with excitement. I can’t help but chuckle as I look away and glance out the window where the landscape is covered in snow and tall pine trees appear in the distance. “So, what type of work will you be doing?” he asks, pulling me away from my thoughts.

  I sit up and rest my elbows on my knees as I look over at him. I try to think of the right words, but instead I settle on the truth. “I’ll be working with my brother, Marcus, and his team of researchers. They have been studying the supernatural realm all their lives and hope to discover a way to reach the realm without using the gates my ancestors developed hundreds of years ago. The overall goal in this war is to destroy the gates so the creatures of the supernatural realm can’t cross over and them find a way seal the realm away forever. We are going to try an experiment that may allow me to travel to the supernatural realm without using a gate.”

  “I don’t like the way you say ‘may’,” Darien admits as he scooches closer to me on the couch and rests his hand on my back.

  “That’s why it’s an experiment. When I was trapped in that token, back in America, I learned some things that I need to test. I’ll be carefully observed and watched over, and I’ve met with a witch today who is confident she can call my spirit back if for some reason, I can’t make it back on my own.”

  “The more you try to explain this, the more it sounds like a horrible idea.”

  “There is a lot of risk, but I’ve already defeated two token traps so I know I can escape. It’s when I pass beyond, if I can get that far, that will be challenging,” I say as I lean back in the couch and take his hand in mine. “If I do reach the supernatural realm, then I’ll be officially in enemy territory. Though my mission is to only scout out a specific area, I may have to travel in order to reach it or a gate if I can’t get back the way I went.”

  “So, what you’re not saying is that you may potential be killed in another realm even though your body will be here?” Darien asks, his voice growing stern with each word that passes his lips.

  “Yes, Darien. I may not survive this mission but I’ve faced similar situations before. If all goes as plans, I will have discovered a way for an entire army to travel to the supernatural realm and close the gates once and for all. It’s all my people have wanted once we discovered the harm my ancestors had created for this Earth. The sup
ernatural realm is not a source of power…it’s a place of continuous chaos that must not come to this Earth.”

  A few minutes pass before I hear Darien take a deep breath. “I just wish there was someone else who was willing to take your place,” he says, pulling the notepad onto his lap. “But I won’t waste this time I have with you talking about what might happen. Instead, how about you go over to that window and sit down. I want to capture your portrait, so get comfortable.” I laugh as I obey his command and pull a comfortable chair in front of the window. I pull a fur blanket around my shoulders and focus my gaze out the window. If I am going to sit for a long period of time, I want to be able to watch the snow falling below or maybe spot a wild animal in the forest in the distance.

  I’m not sure how long time has passed, but eventually Darien nudges me and I’m pulled away from my trance. I look away from the scenery and up at Darien as he holds the notepad out in front of him. I’m taken aback by the detailed drawing of myself. It’s almost like a photo as I reach out and pull the sketch closer. The more I look at it, the redder my checks become as I realize how both talented Darien is and the fact he pays close attention to things, like the rounded shape of my face and the plump size of my breasts.

  “What do you think?” he asks as I continue to look at the sketch. I laugh nervously as I finally let go and stand so I can stretch my tense muscles.

  “Your skills have improved since I last saw you draw something,” I admit as I walk over to the basket and start pulling plates out and setting up a small lunch for us to enjoy. I start cutting slices of salted meat to pair with bread and soft cheese as Darien takes a seat next to me and starts examining a small jar of honey I had managed to steal away. It was my little surprise for lunch.

  “I would hope I’ve improved in fifteen years,” Darien chuckles as he takes the lid of the jar and samples the golden contents by swiping his finger across the top of the lid and sticking it in his mouth.

  “You really have,” I comment as I finish the prep work and hand Darien his plate. In turn he passes me the jar and lather my bread in honey before I lay the meat and cheese on top. It’s not the most delicious meal, but it will do for the time being. I can’t help but imagine what it might be like to return with Darien and his family and truly enjoy what this world has to offer. Certainly, better food for one.

  “What are you thinking about?” Darien asks after I finish my food and have leaned back into the couch.

  “How nice it would be to actually take a nap during the day,” I say with a smile.

  “Then why don’t you? Do you have to be anywhere soon?” Darien asks as he pushes his plate aside and moves closer to me.

  “No. I took the day off to get a few things in order before we begin the experiment. This day is just for me,” I explain as I lay my head on the cushion and stretch my legs over Darien’s lap.

  “Then get some sleep and I’ll be here when you wake up. I want to draw for a little bit longer,” Darien explains as he grabs his new notepad and pencil.

  “Deal. Just wake me up when you here the bell below. It will signal the ending of school for the day and I want to be there when John and Elizabeth finish class,” I say as I close my eyes and enjoy the sound of Darien’s pencil moving across the thick paper.


  Am I dreaming? Is this real or have I fallen through the rabbit hole again? I must be dreaming. This horror can’t be real.


  I wake suddenly to my name being called as I raise my head and glance around. Dairen has stumbled from the couch and now kneels on the floor, his face clearly shocked as he raises his notepad in front of him protectively. I survey the room and notice the burn marks on the couch where Darien sat moments before.

  I push myself forward carefully as begin to feel the weakness of the couch now that I’ve burned it to crisps. Once I’ve successfully stood, I brush the soot from my clothes as the couch collapses on itself. I look over at Darien who is still clearly surprised and I begin to notice the burnt marks on his pants.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask softly as I near him and offer him my hand to help him stand. He grabs my hand as he pulls himself up and observes the mess behind us. I begin pulling at his uniform to see if his skin has any burns, and as I brush his hair back, his eyes finally turn back to me.

  “I’m fine, I think. You were sleeping and I didn’t realize you were on fire till I felt it on my legs. I leapt away, but you were already consumed by the blue fire. I wasn’t sure what to think at first, but then the couch caught fire and…I…I was afraid what was happening to you,” Darien finishes as he gathers his arms around me and pulls me towards him for a tight embrace.

  I try to suppress my laughter at the idea of Darien afraid for me, so instead I run my fingers through his hair and enjoy the closeness of his body to mine. “I’m sorry I frightened you. I was just having a bad dream,” I explain as I pull away slightly so I can look into his eyes. “I’m glad you’re okay. I would have felt really bad if I’d hurt you in my sleep.”

  A small grin passes over Darien’s lip and I can’t help but watch them as he speaks. “I’m just glad you woke up.”

  There is something about his words that disturbs me as I pull away from him and quickly collect the basket in my arms. “Let’s head down stairs so we can meet John and Elizabeth as they finish up their classes,” I say as I walk past him and begin the long walk down the stairs.

  “Wait for me, Anna,” Darien calls as I rush down the stairs, trying to focus more on the steps in front of me and less on the conflicting emotions inside of me. A part of me wants to enjoy the fact that Darien is worried about me, but the other side keeps reminding me of my mission and how it would be wrong of me to lead Darien on, only to die a few days later.

  I stop once I reach the bottom of the stairs, trying to catch my breath as I wait for Darien to catch up. I’m impressed by his speed as he leaps from the last stairs and almost crashes into me. “What was all of that about?” he asks as he grips firmly onto my arm. I want to tell him that his grip hurts, but a warrior never admits when they’re in pain.

  “What you said…about not waking up. It just reminded me of my mission and I don’t really want to think about it right now. Not when I’m around you. I like to think I can just be a normal human around you,” I confess as I look away from him and down the hallway. I’m anxious to spot any by standers in case I need to appear before one of my people. But that thought is crushed as Darien lets go of my arm and uses his hand to guide my chin towards him as his lips immediately meet mine.

  I’m shocked by the connection as I quickly lose myself in the kiss, dropping the basket and pulling Darien towards me and against the stair case wall so no one can see us. I place one arm around his waist and the other around his shoulders as I pull him closer and welcome his tongue against mine. Darien grips onto my hips as he grinds his hips into mine, making it obvious what he desires. I pull at his uniform top so I can run my hand along his back, the sensation causing him to moan against me. Once Darien starts pulling at my pants, I push him away and give him a daring smile.

  “Though I would love to experience your bare flesh against mine, there is too much risk for me to indulge in your touch,” I whisper as I tilt my head and make sure I can see into his eyes. I want him to know how serious I am.

  “I promise I’ll be gentle if this is your first time,” Darien whispers back as he bends his down to start kissing along my neck. I can feel the fire burning within, screaming for me to give in and enjoy Darien’s kisses all over my body.

  “It is, Darien. And that’s why it’s a risk to me. Since we have not been bonded, I’ll lose my powers if…we...” I say into his ear as I reluctantly push him away. I feel now I have caught his attention as he looks down at me and gently pushes back my hair.

  “Okay, Anna. I respect your decision. But I am curious how two people are bonded, as you say,” Darien says as he steps away from me and allows
me to fix my uniform as he tucks back in his uniform top and picks the basket off the floor.

  “It’s just a simple ritual. In theory, it helps ground two warriors to this Earth. It’s a popular thing to do right before battle in hopes of increasing your chances of returning,” I explain as I motion for Darien to follow me. I compose myself and walk with a stern posture in preparation for appearing amongst my people alongside a normal human.

  “So, is it like marrying someone in your culture?” Darien asks as he follows closely beside me. My first instinct is to tell him not to walk so close, but at least this way people will be less likely to hear what we are talking about.

  “I guess it’s a little like marriage, but it is not uncommon for bonded couples to have an option relationship with other warriors or people from other races. A couple isn’t really official until they have a child together. Then it’s more like marriage,” I explain calmly as we travel back towards the school rooms.

  “So, what you’re really telling me is that a couple is bonded so they can have special naked time together,” Darien whispers as we round a corner. It takes all of my will power not to lose my composure and crumble onto the floor in a heap of laughter. Instead I simply wink at Darien as we enter John’s classroom. The room is empty, but I spot John and his teacher seated at a desk as they quickly talk amongst each other.

  “I hope we are not interrupting, master,” I speak up, bring both of their attentions on me.

  “No, no. Come in, Princess. You’ve brought me a very attentive pupil today. I am simply enjoying a curious mind,” the teacher responds as he stands from the desk and motions for John to follow. “I do hope I’ll see him tomorrow.”

  “Of course, master. At least, as long as John agrees to attend,” I reply as I look down at John. A large grin adorns his face as he receives a book from the teacher.

  “Then for homework, young sir, I expect you to start studying the history of this people so you can better follow along in class,” the teacher instructs as John holds the book to his chest before giving a small bow. The teacher returns the gesture before sitting at his desk and turning his attention to his work. I guide John out of the room and before I can ask him how his day went, we bump into Elizabeth who is walking down the hallway with two other girls.


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