Cyborg Doms: Fane

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Cyborg Doms: Fane Page 1

by H. C. Brown

  Noble Romance Publishing, LLC

  Cyborg Doms: Fane

  ISBN 978-1-60592-242-3


  Cyborg Doms: Fane Copyright 2011 H.C. Brown

  Cover Art by Fiona Jayde

  This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any existing means without written permission from the publisher. Contact Noble Romance Publishing, LLC at PO Box 467423, Atlanta, GA 31146.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author's imagination and used fictitiously.

  Book Blurb

  Fane Jacobs, or 636, is a genetically and robotically enhanced human, trapped on Terros 9 in 3010 with a psychopathic owner, Gryd. His duty is to entertain Gryd's guests with his skill with the whip and his twin cocks. Denied satisfaction, his dreams are filled with the image of a sweet sub. Cyborgs have no rights on Terros 9. After his friend, Jace, is pack-raped by a group of male guests, Fane and Jace steal a starship, and travel back in time to Earth in 2040. Jace goes looking for a night with the right man, while Fane explores the city. He goes to the aid of a woman being attacked and is shot. The woman resembles the sub from his dreams. What will happen when the woman, Dr. Tamara Bright, discovers his integrated neural matrix and other enhancements on the Bio Scanner? Will she turn away or will she fall for the deliciously, handsome cyborg?

  Chapter One

  Terros 9. 3011 Earth Years

  Fane's gaze drifted to her full, luscious mouth, and when she swiped the tip of her pink tongue across her lips, he could almost taste her. His cock hardened. She tossed a mane of rich burgundy curls over one shoulder. One long, silky strand remained to brush against her full, tempting breasts, the twin peaks threatening to burst through her tight, white T-shirt. He reached for her, to draw her soft body against him. "I'm gonna love flogging you until you come."

  "636, report for duty." Commander 7 prodded Fane. "Gryd has just brought in a batch of new girls." He chuckled. "Get rid of that hard on—you don't want to waste it."

  Fane rolled off his cot. His balls ached. He pushed the now-familiar dream from his mind and interfaced with his internal computer. The Artificial Intelligence module in his brain had the ability to change him into any persona. From skin color to dress and speech, the AI was a remarkable piece of technology. Fane gave Commander 7 a bland look. Reduce sex drive. Dress me for domination.

  "If you're dreaming about sex, report to Reprogramming." Commander 7 met Fane's gaze. "You're not a man, 636, you're a machine designed to entertain Gryd.

  Dreams are a malfunction of your program."

  "I don't dream, Commander." Fane shrugged. "I am always in complete control."

  Without another word, Fane brushed by the man and made his way to the transport tube. I'm not a fucking machine. I remember everything. My name is Fane Jacobs.

  I'm thirty Earth Years. I do not belong on Terros 9.

  The metallic cylinder stopped on the top floor. The door swished open to reveal an opulent palace. Fane strode through the opening and turned right. He glanced at the marble sculptures of females in various poses of submission that lined the hallway.

  What would his boss order him to do to the new female today? His body grew hot.

  What would Gryd do to him if he knew how much he enjoyed dominating? Or, discovered the stolen moments with Jace in the training area. Without this sweet man in his life, he would have gone mad the first year in this hellhole. In truth, his entire life was a contradiction. The only other pleasure he received, as Gryd's slave, came from the hours of domination in the Pit. With the delicious thought of his flogger cutting across white flesh, his second cock threatened to burst from its sac.

  The door swung open, and Jace filled the opening. Commander 7 referred to them as night and day. Jace—or 515—hailed from a small planet called Javronia in the Orion System. The man was a genius and had taught Fane how to control his AI. Jace claimed to be the equivalent of twenty-five Earth years. While Jace had hair that shimmered like mercury flowing down his back, Fane had black hair. Jace's dark blue eyes sparkled mischievously in a boyish face; Fane's rugged features were set in a suntanned complexion and he had a small scar under one eye. The two men were complete opposites.

  Fane inclined his head. Mind Speak communication between Jace and me. " Morning."

  "It's our lucky day. We both get to work on this one." Jace gave him a wink . "I'm so fucking horny. I don't think I can keep this charade up much longer."

  Fane leaned casually against the doorframe. "If the boss finds out we've messed with our programming we'll be deactivated. We gotta get outta here."

  "Gryd sent a ship to Dallion to collect a batch of females. 729 and 384 were trusted with the mission. They leave again in two days." Jace met Fane's gaze. "I'm gonna replace them and escape—you in?"

  "Sure. I'm guessing you have a plan?"

  "We'll talk later." Jace grinned. " Right now, my cocks are both waiting to party."

  With a shrug, Fane followed his friend along the hallway. They paused at the door to Gryd's chambers and composed their expressions. Fane took the lead and moved ahead into the room.

  "There you are at last. For cyborgs, the pair of you are abnormally tardy; I'll arrange for your clocks to be checked." Gryd pulled a red velvet cloak around his naked body and motioned them closer. "I have visitors for you to entertain." He pointed to a cage containing two females. "636, pick one and bring her into the viewing area." He grinned at Jace. "You're next, 515. I have something special planned for you today."

  Fane watched Gryd leave the room and raised a brow. "One each, we must have visiting royals."

  "I'm not sure I'm too thrilled. Last time Gryd planned something different for me I was obliged to entertain a big, fat Karoan male." He shuddered. "I couldn't walk for a week."

  "Well, it looks like they've imported a couple of females for us, so don't worry too much." Fane's gaze drifted to the cage. The Vallion females with small, perky breasts and long nipples hung on the bars. The pair mewed, and their slim bodies undulated, competing for Fane's attention. He opened the door to glide a finger along the leopard spots running from cheek to neck on the closest female. He inhaled their feminine scent.

  Descended from cats, the females were both in heat. "What is your name?" He grasped her arm.

  "Clo, master." She rubbed her cheek across Fane's bare chest.

  Fane lifted her chin. "Do you want me to flog you, Clo?" He nuzzled her neck.

  "And fuck you with my twin cocks?"

  "Yes please, master."

  "Why do you always ask them?" Jace rested his forehead on the bars. "They know why they're here. They signed a contract with Gryd, just like we did."

  With a snort, Fane met Jace's gaze. "The part of me that is still human likes to dominate and fuck a willing female." He shrugged. "Asking keeps me Human."

  "So what if a female says no." Jace frowned.

  Fane grinned. "So far none of them have refused my rugged charm."

  Gryd's voice boomed in his earpiece. "636, I'm waiting."

  Taking the female by the hand, Fane led her toward the door. He stopped at the door to the auditorium, took a leather collar and chain from a hook on the wall, and slipped it around the female's neck. She dropped onto all fours and rubbed her svelte body against his leg. Lord, he wanted to drag her into his arms and let himself dissolve into her heat. So much had changed in his life. Had he really become a sub-human?

  No—he had emotions, the deep longing to cherish, to dominate a female with the intention of pleasuring, not bringing pain. He caught sight of his reflection in the mirrored wall. His eyes were brilliant blue, not the gray he remember
ed, and his body bulk had doubled compared to what he had some four years ago. The bio implants had enhanced him, although the computer interface had taken a little getting used to. The AI blended seamlessly with his own neural pathways, forming an intelligence matrix.

  Over the years, with Jace's help, he had mastered the AI and used the complex, super computer to his advantage. Although mixing his genes with a Zanock had given him the benefit of a second cock, this life was not what he had expected. The advertisement for this position had suggested a life in an intergalactic, military establishment. In reality, he was little better than a sex slave.

  The door swung open, and Fane led the female into the arena. He attached the chain to a center post and selected a flogger from an assortment on a bench. The eager visitors—there to observe—leaned forward in their chairs. Fane glanced along the front row of plush, blue velvet seats. The visitors were the same as usual, slobbering half-breeds incapable of attracting a female of their own. How he despised the ugly creatures. Two portly men, wearing matching purple woolen cloaks, sat either side of Gryd. Beside them sat a female with long, flowing, blonde hair. She wore a green feather mask and a matching cloak, open at the front to reveal a shapely figure. Fane met her gaze with distain. Another voyeur, whose only intention is to see other females beg.

  "Blindfold her." Gryd waved a hand at Fane.

  Damn. He plans to give the female to his friends. He ran a hand over the female's head before complying. Such a beautiful, compliant female, and he had no choice but to give her into the hands of these assholes. The Vallion purred and pushed her hot body against him. Pressing his lips together, Fane moved slowly around the female. Gryd and his friends were little more than animals; they would rut the female like pigs. Fane would make his part in the experience as pleasurable as possible for her. He caressed her round, white buttocks, the skin cool against his palm. He closed his eyes for a second to block out the heated gazes from the visitors and slapped, once, twice. Clo arched, pushing her bottom toward him and mewing. Fane groaned. Large, red handprints marked her pristine flesh. He traced the marks with his fingers and watched the skin blush. Running his fingers up Clo's back, he moved to her head and lifted her chin. "Do you enjoy my touch?" He took the flogger from his belt and dangled it in front of Clo's face.

  "Yes, master."

  Trailing the flogger ribbons down the female's back, Fane glanced at Gryd for approval. At Gryd's nod, Fane stood, legs apart, raised his flogger, and began to strike her soft skin with careful, even strokes. Six cuts and a pause to sooth the red welts had the female's pussy wet and glistening. The sweet scent of her arousal made his mouth water. His primary cock grew heavy and pressed against the front of his tight, leather pants. Only a little more stimulation and his second cock would spring into action.

  Computer, reduce sex drive, slow heart rate.

  "Mark the skin on her back." A visitor rose to his feet.

  Forcing down anger, Fane shot a glance at Gryd. "She is wet and ready now."

  "Flog her until I see red welts. I want to see her beg." Gryd motioned to his companions to follow him into the arena.

  You bastards. Taking a deep breath, Fane lifted the flogger. He used his skill to bring the female to the brink of pleasure-pain. By the time his marks crossed the smooth skin of her back, she hovered on the edge of climax. The visiting males dropped their cloaks and approached the female, both naked and ready for action. Fane stepped to one side to await instructions.

  "What do you want, little cat?" Gryd lifted the female's chin. "Do you want us to fuck you?"

  " Please." Clo wiggled her ass.

  One man knelt behind her and grasped her hips, then plunged his cock into her pussy. The female writhed in pleasure with every deep thrust. The other man went to stand by Clo's head. He pushed his thumb into the corner of her mouth. The female's pink tongue lapped at his intrusion. Without waiting, the man lifted his shaft and slipped it into her mouth. Clo sucked greedily. At least, this time the female appeared to be enjoying the experience. Fane bit the inside of his cheek. He could not take much more stimulation—his computer was on overload.

  "Room 2." Gryd tipped his head toward a door across the arena. "The female is the High Commissioner's wife. Do whatever she requires."

  Fane threw Gryd a practiced, blank expression, turned and walked toward the assigned door. The advantage of being a cyborg was that he did not have to reply to commands. Gryd expected him to comply without comment. That was fine with him; the less interaction he had with the bloated weasel, the better. His sac ached. Perhaps the Commissioner's wife would ease his frustration.

  Inside the appointed room, an attractive female lounged naked on a large bed. A pornographic hologram played in the center of the floor. The room oozed opulence, from the wide, intricately carved marble fireplace to the art on the walls. Expensive perfume scented the air. Fane stood by the door and gazed at the woman.

  "Ah, there you are, 636." She stretched leisurely and smiled. "I will call you Apollo. You are able to fabricate any costume I require, is that so?"

  This would be easy. He would take his time and enjoy fucking this high born. In fact, he would do nothing too extreme for this rich lady. He would put her across his knee and spank her until she creamed. I will make you beg, sweet Commissioner's wife.

  "Yes, and what would you like me to call you, madam?"

  "You may call me Trisa." She gave him a slow smile. "My fantasy is to have sex with a golden god. I so love Earth's mythology."

  Computer, remove domination garb, make my skin gold. Increase my aphrodisiac scent.

  Give me sex speak. He moved toward the bed, naked now, his skin shimmering gold.

  Running his thumb over Trisa's bottom lip, he met her gaze and lowered his voice to a deep, sexy drawl. "I can be your fantasy, Trisa. Do you want a Greek god to love you?"

  He cupped her breast and squeezed. "Do you want me to make you scream in ecstasy?"

  "Oh . . . yes."

  He squeezed her nipples a little harder in order to judge her response. Trisa tipped her head back; her face held an expression of bliss. Her full mouth opened slightly, and her tongue flicked out to wet her lips. Fane sat on the side of the bed and slowly caressed her body. He slid his hands around her buttocks, and sank his fingers deep into the soft flesh. "Do you like it rough, Trisa?"

  "Oh yes, Apollo . . . yes."

  Thank God, this female would enjoy spanking. He lifted her across his knees.

  Trisa's hard nipples pressed against his thigh, and her silky hair brushed his legs.

  Inhaling her rich, feminine scent, Fane pushed his mind into the character of Apollo. He would give her the ultimate experience in the hope that Gryd would give him more assignments like this one. He ran his hand over Trisa's back in a long, sensual caress and cupped her plump bottom. He squeezed. She had such smooth skin, unmarked and the color of alabaster. The Commissioner had never disciplined his wife.

  Fane stroked her from ass to thigh and took his time exploring the cleft of her ass and soaking pussy lips. Trisa moaned under his touch; her skin pebbled into goose flesh. He pressed his fingers into her soft thighs. "You are a very bad girl to seek a lover.

  You have a husband. I think I should punish you."

  "Yes, I've been bad." Trisa lifted her hips. "Punish me, Apollo."

  "Oh, I'll punish you, sweet thing." Fane chuckled. "Then I'm going to fuck you . . .

  you want me to fuck your tight ass, don't you?"

  "Please . . . ."

  He started with each thigh, lingering on the sweet spot where the buttocks met the leg. Alternating harsh slaps with slow, soothing strokes of his hand. The loud smacks echoed around the room, punctuated by Trisa's shrieks of delight. By the time he moved to her bottom, she was writhing in ecstasy. His handprints covered her flesh, and her skin glowed like a ripe peach. Sliding his fingers into her sopping pussy, he finger fucked her slowly until she trembled against his knees. He groaned. The female's scent filled his
nostrils, his cock pressed hard into her belly, and his second cock had already broken through the sac. His temperature rose, sweat coated his body. I must find release. Fane dipped his fingers into her hot, wet pussy again, drawing the moisture up the cleft of her ass to coat her tight star. "You are so wet, Trisa; I believe you enjoyed the punishment." He pushed his thumb into her ass.

  "You take me so close to climax and yet deny me release." Trisa lifted her head.

  "Fuck me, Apollo, fuck me now."

  With a groan, Fane picked her up. Holding her against his chest, he nuzzled her cheek, then turned and dropped her onto her back on the blue silk sheets. The female fell back, breathing heavily, her long, dark hair spread across the pillows. She opened her legs in invitation, her lips curled in a smug smile. Fane knelt between her legs, and then slid his body along the full length of her. He liked to test a female's submissive nature by her reaction to the weight of his body. Trisa responded by lifting her slim arms above her head in total submission. Smiling, he met her sultry gaze, sensing she wanted him to kiss her. He turned his head away, denying her that pleasure. His kisses were for the females of his choice. No one must know his saliva carried a potent aphrodisiac. "Lift up your legs; wrap them around my waist."

  Trisa gripped his shoulders, her long nails tearing into his flesh. Fane enjoyed the pain she inflicted and growled. He bent his head, took her nipple into his mouth, and bit gently. She tasted of rose-scented soap. Rocking his hips, he positioned his cock at the entrance to her slick pussy. He released his second cock and found her tight, puckered hole. He lifted his head to watch her face, noting the second she felt both cocks push against her simultaneously. With a jerk of his hips, he entered her in a double penetration. Sliding deep, Fane gasped at the intensity of the female's heat.

  Trisa's blue eyes widened, her mouth opened, and she gave a long, satisfied moan.


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