Roman: A Zambrano Family Novel (Miami Mafia Series Book 1)

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Roman: A Zambrano Family Novel (Miami Mafia Series Book 1) Page 7

by Olivia Deici

  “Let's go at it again.”

  I racked the balls, and looked over for the server.

  “I really shouldn't.”

  I looked up at her from where I was leaning setting the balls.

  “Shouldn't what? Drink or play another round?”


  Her laugh made my heart speed up. I liked the sound.

  My damn cell rang again. This was nothing new. For every five breaths I took throughout the day, I received a fucking call on my cell. I looked at the number and sent it away. Nothing was going to interrupt my time with Izzy. I knew I had put out all the family fires today, so I wasn't worried. Besides, the numbers I'd been called from weren't safe. In other words, they were open to taps and spying. If I was busy, I only picked up from certain numbers. It was then that I knew something was up with the family.

  I leaned against the table and crossed my arms. “Let's make this more interesting, then. For every one I make, you take a shot, and vice versa.”

  I saw the smile spread across those gorgeous full lips. Her green eyes lit with interest.

  “Alright. But I go first this round since I won the last.”

  My lips pulled into a smirk. “Alright. What's your poison?”


  “Now that sounds like a good time. I'll join you in that. But it's only complete with lime and salt.”

  She nodded. “Wouldn't have it any other way.”

  Two fingers in the air, I hailed the server over and ordered shots for us.

  I swept my right arm. “Go ahead, then.”

  She circled the table one time. Once the server came by and dropped off the bottle of Patrón, I poured a shot for the ready. I'd knocked back four watching her smirk lengthen, before she missed one.

  Great. There was my opening.

  “Let's see how you shoot with those shots working their mojo.”

  I grinned. “Baby, I'm like a fish. I can outdrink a sailor. I'll see the bottom of that bottle before I even stagger.”

  “Such an ego,” she laughed.

  I leaned over, measuring my shot. “You know it. I have a big one, but I assure you, it's well-earned.”

  I made all my shots and finished with the eight ball. Izzy's eyes were glazed and her smiles were free flowing. It relieved me that she was a happy drunk. After I'd made my first two, we decided to halve the shots since she was a lightweight. She was still wasted, but a good sport.

  I drove her home. She snoozed here and there in the car, and I found myself just staring at her during red lights. Sleep made her look more angelic. I wanted to run my hands down the side of her face and along the column of her neck. Her skin looked like it would be softer than silk.

  When we arrived, we stood in front of her side door. The distance made it so that we still heard the music from the car. She’d picked the radio station on the ride home.

  I was a great deal taller than her. She was probably just over five feet, so I had nearly a foot and a half on her. Izzy's eyes were intently locked on mine, and watchful. What I saw in them made my cock stir.

  “Want to come up? Coffee?”

  I took a step forward and my head came within an inch of hers.

  “I thought you only invited people you liked upstairs.”

  The smile she flashed me had me clenching my hands. There was nothing more that I wanted right now, than to take her upstairs and get her legs over my shoulders.

  “I can make an exception.”

  She reached out and touched her index finger to my cheek.

  “I love this song. How appropriate. Lady Antebellum. Just a Kiss.”

  “Are you asking for one, Izzy?”

  Her smile was slow and lazy. I leaned in and hesitated only a moment before my lips captured hers. I wanted this woman more than I'd ever wanted anything in my life.

  Our first kiss was incredible.

  The kiss was carnal. It was like a match lit and fire sparked between us. Izzy moaned in my mouth and moved towards me until our bodies touched from chest to legs. She parted her lips and her tongue touched mine, and I growled.

  I wanted to possess this woman. I wanted to hear her moan and scream my name as I made her come.

  My hands rubbed on the undersides of her breast and then moved to cup her ass and bring her closer to me. I was devouring her mouth and I felt her teeth biting my lips, and I was fucking losing control. I pulled back.


  She was panting, and I saw her eyes dilated in the dim streetlight as she looked at me.

  “Let's finish this upstairs.”

  There wasn't anything I wanted more. Knowing how we met and that it would be an ongoing conflict, I wanted her to have a clear head when she agreed to let me fuck her brains out.

  “I want your head to be clear.”

  Her laugh reflected her intoxication.

  “Why? To make sure I don't forget our activities this night together?”

  Her eyes flew to my lips as they stretched wide.

  “Bella, I have no doubts that when I take you, when I make you mine, when I make you scream my name, when I make you forget about every man who came before me, that you will remember our night.” Our stare was intense. “I'm unforgettable.”

  She looked into my eyes, all glimmer of humor gone from them. They were serious, almost as if my words sobered her.

  “Then why?”

  “Because the night you agree to be mine, I want your permission without alcohol’s influence. I want you to be fully aware of your decision and it not be swayed by anything but your desire for me.”

  She exhaled, studying me. Her smile was small.

  “And here I thought you'd take advantage of what I was offering you.”

  I moved my head closer to hers, and our noses touched.

  “You have no idea how difficult it is for me to walk away now. No idea. But it wouldn't be right. You hated me like five minutes ago.”

  She laughed. “Hate is a strong word. It's more of an intense dislike. And that was like, over twenty-four hours ago.”

  I laughed and gently moved a lock of her golden hair behind her ear.

  “Just don't call me Bella.”

  I ran my nose down her cheek and kissed her ear before I whispered, “Promise.”

  I pulled back. “I'll only call you what you are- bella. Not beh-la, a nickname, but bay-ya. It's Spanish.”

  “I know. I speak Spanish,” she said adorably disgruntled.

  “Then you know what it means.”

  She sighed. “Beautiful.”

  My thumb caressed her cheek. “And that you are,” I whispered.

  She stared at me for long moments.

  “Go upstairs and sleep it off.”

  Her eyebrows furled.

  “It was completely inappropriate for me to get drunk. I'm sorry.” Though her cognition was intact, there was a slight slur to her words.

  I laughed. “It was completely appropriate, especially since it was due to a drinking game that I proposed and ended up winning.”

  I winked at her.

  “I'll have your car driven here. Give me your key.”

  She sighed and shook her head.

  “I can't. I owe you too much already. At this rate, I'll have to extend our payment plan. You paid for dinner, too.”

  I moved her right up against the wall, and kissed her hard.

  “I don't want a fucking penny from you. Can't you just accept that something nice was done for you?”

  Her eyes were haunted, and it threw me off. What ghosts were tormenting her?


  I kissed her again.

  “Tough shit, Izzy. I got your car fixed and I paid for it. We went out to dinner, and I paid for it. You're just going to have to fucking accept it.”

  I kissed her swollen lips and let my hands roam down her waist again. Her curves were driving me mad. My dick was hard and I knew she felt it when her eyes widened.

  “Go upstairs while my goo
d intentions control me.”

  She watched me and nodded her head. She took her car key and handed it to me.

  “Thank you for everything. Thank you for fixing my car and for giving me a great night. I needed it.”

  My grin made her eyes flare.

  “If you thought tonight was great, can you imagine when I take your clothes off and worship that body of yours.” I bent my head and kissed her. “It'll be the best night of your life.”

  She slapped my shoulder and pushed me away. I didn't move an inch.

  “God, you're so full of yourself!”

  I stepped back and grinned. “And if I have my way, you'll be full of me, too.”

  She groaned but laughed, and turned to open her door.

  “Goodnight, Roman.”

  I looked at the only woman to make me smile in years.

  “Buenas noches, bella.”

  Chapter 9


  I woke up the next morning with a hangover. It wasn't as bad as my college days, but my head was still pounding. The light coming in through the window was harsh to my sensitive eyes. I needed to be careful with that or it would trigger migraines. I'd suffered from those since I was a teenager.

  I recalled the night before with great lucidity. I wasn't one of those whose alcoholic intake inhibited memory.

  Roman was fascinating. I'd definitely taken him for someone else when I met him. I labeled him like a grocery store did its stock inventory, and he'd shattered almost all of them.

  His ego label- that definitely remained.

  Truth be told, though, he was right when he'd said it was earned.

  Roman Zambrano was one intelligent, funny, sexy, hulking beast of a man. He had made me laugh. He'd made me feel lighthearted. He challenged me. Most notably, he'd made me want him last night, which was a new feeling especially since Elias had cheated on me years ago with my best friend.

  I'd lost two important people in my life the night I'd caught them, in a life that already had few friends and no family. I now had only one close friend, Cari. She was like a sister to me, just like Hannah had been before she decided Elias would make a better lover than I made a friend.

  I blew a frustrated breath out, trying to clear my head of the thoughts I believed purged from my brain long ago. I remembered some of what was told to me by acquaintances afterwards. Empty phrases said to me in an attempt to make me feel better, such as “you're better off without them” and “you deserve better and it was good that you found out now before you married him,” did little to fill the void their betrayal had left behind. For months afterwards, I'd woken up from nightmares. Since I had few friends and no family, Elias and Hannah had been a large part of my village. Their betrayal had burned it, and my world, to the ground, and left me an insecure person who was unable to trust her gut and feelings any longer.

  After all, I had confided in her several times that I feared something was wrong with Elias. I remembered crying on her proverbial shoulder, wondering if he was seeing someone else. It never occurred to me that my lack of seeing him and my lack of seeing Hannah were directly proportional and related. In other words, my time with them had each diminished, but I didn't make the connection. I'd spoken on the phone more with her, though. We had all been new and busy doctors, and I'd chalked up so much to that.

  Stupid me.

  Now, I only had Cari. And thank God for her.

  I really needed to stop drinking. It had been three years since this happened and my thoughts made it seem as if it had only just.

  Could I trust my gut with Roman?

  I shook my head and immediately regretted it. I groaned, as the ache intensified.

  I stumbled out of bed and went to the bathroom, not bothering to turn on the light.

  I was going to just take things as they came for once in my life, instead of planning it the fuck away.

  I slowly got dressed, and looked at my dog who was looking back at me anxiously. He needed a walk. I typically woke with the sun but obviously, I granted myself an exception due to last night. Prepping coffee, I looked at my clock. It was 6:30AM. My early appointments began in an hour, but I made phone calls to those patients who were better to reach this early time of day. My small staff would be coming in soon. I was always the first one in the office and last one to leave. I loved what I did.

  Putting an extra spoon of sugar, and promising myself to begin getting used to drinking it black soon, I looked out of my window.

  My car still wasn't there.

  Shrugging, I wasn't worried. I didn't need to use it for work because I lived right above the office. I knew that Roman would make good on his promise since he's done that so far. He may be having the same tough morning I was having. Anyway, he'd probably get someone to drive it here. He was a busy man, after all. I had no expectation that I’d see him this morning.

  Which made me wonder, when would I see him again?

  I couldn't deny the disappointment of not knowing the answer to that question, or of my thought that perhaps it just may be a while before I saw him again. I was always busy anyway, so that made two of us. Still, I hadn't expected to enjoy his company so much, or want to be in his company so soon again.

  I thought of Gina, my patient who was the domestic violence victim. I couldn't do anything more than I already had. Sighing, I rubbed my temples. I'd had a lengthy conversation with her yesterday. I'd provided her with information for therapy, shelters, the state attorney's office, and free legal services for divorce. She didn't have a good support network. Maybe that was why she touched me so profoundly. She was in her early twenties, and didn't have many job prospects. She reminded me of myself at that age, so young without support, and clueless as to how to navigate through life without anyone to depend on. I couldn't blame her fear. Her much older husband was the breadwinner and she had a baby. I wasn't making excuses for her, but I acknowledged her dilemma and fear. She now had a baby, even if she delivered early because of the asshole she was married to. Still, he provided the roof over their heads.

  I walked my dog and then went to my office to review the names of the patients I needed to call before I began my appointments.

  I glanced at the schedule for the day.

  Drinking my coffee, I resigned myself to yet another long day.

  Chapter 10


  It was a gift that I could hold my liquor, but I still woke up with a slight headache. I hadn't been buzzed or inebriated last night- I wouldn't have jeopardized Izzy's life by driving so- but I hadn't drunk like that in a while. Still, despite the headache, I had the proverbial spring to my step.

  I was excited to see Izzy for the third day in a row.

  Three was it?

  And was I really fucking keeping track?

  I groaned and wiped a hand down my face. Like I said, it had been a long time since I went sniffing up a woman's skirt. For the last several years, I hadn't wanted anything but booty calls. I kept them all at arm's length. Shit, two arms' lengths. I hadn't wanted any ties to anyone. I didn't have time and my life wasn't easy. I straddled two very different worlds, dipping in the legal world, and that of the dangerous night world. I had racked up enemies like I'd racked up the balls last night for our pool game.

  I'd also not met any woman who'd lit even a spark of something in me other than lust.

  Until Izzy.

  She emblazed my blood, and that hadn’t ever happened before her.

  I wanted to possess her. I wanted her against a wall, riding me in a chair, and screaming in my bed. I wanted to see her face when she reached her peak, her pussy clenching around my dick in a vice grip.

  I wanted to own her.

  She fucking brought out some damn primeval beast I had no idea was inside of me. Seeing her made it roar a mating call, and I wanted nothing more than to pound my chest with my fists and claim her.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  This was all new to me.

  I exhaled.

  My fucking
cell interrupted my dirty thoughts. I answered it, conversed with Pop for all of five minutes and hung up.

  I loved my family, but Jesus, could I have an hour's span of time before getting a phone call?

  It was early, but I bet dollars to donuts she was up and ready to work. She was a workaholic. I was one, too. It took one to know one.

  I'd called Rick to fix her car up again- only this time he had more access since I had the key. Was it so wrong that I wanted her to have a reliable working car? I truly didn't want anything in return, although I wouldn't turn her away if she wanted to show me some appreciation. I grinned.

  When she first barged into my office, I saw fire in her eyes, but I also saw fatigue and stress. Then when her car stopped working, I saw it escalate even though she tried to brush it off. I recognized those emotions. My family hadn't always been wealthy. My father was a self-made man. We'd worked for everything we had. We hustled for our success. I saw that in Izzy, and I wanted to help her. Truth be told, there was an impulse to buy her a new ride, but I knew that if she had a problem with me paying for little repairs and dinner, she'd have a conniption if I bought her a new car.


  That's what she would call it.

  I would call it making sure a beautiful, hardworking, intelligent woman had a reliable car so that she wasn't forced to run in bad neighborhoods to get home when her car broke down.

  I was going to deliver it myself this morning. Actually, the tow truck would deliver it but I'd follow in my car to personally hand her the keys. I could've had the tow truck driver give her the keys instead, but I wanted to see her.

  She was slowly becoming an addiction. I needed my daily fix.

  I wonder if the feeling was mutual. Maybe not, since I seemed to push her buttons with the same ease Billy Joel played the keys on the piano. To be fair, though, we’d gotten along great last night.

  Really fucking great.

  I could still feel her body against mine and taste her lips. I wanted to fuck her, to make her scream my name- but I didn't want her to have any regrets later. I wanted her to have a clear head when we blew up each other's worlds during hot sex.


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