Blood Magic

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Blood Magic Page 9

by T. G. Ayer

  "No. Of course not." Nathaniel's jaw hardened and he drew both his hands into tight fists. Someone was sensitive. "I was only advising you to get in and out as fast as possible. People who would use dark magic to cast a spell like you described will not take it lightly when they sense their ward is broken."

  "How will they sense it?" I asked, frowning.

  Nathaniel smiled. "Are you not able to sense any attempt at penetrating a ward set for you? Perhaps one set for your vehicle or your home?" His tone was so suggestive I did a double take. Did he somehow know my home was warded? He chuckled, picking up a decanter half filled with an orange liquid. He swirled the liquid around and studied it as it spun. "What did you think, Ms. Morgan? That I wouldn't know that the chances are very high that someone in your profession would ensure she is protected while she sleeps?"

  I scanned his face, my gut saying he knew more than he was saying. He knew about my ability to jump so it stood to reason he'd have me checked out. Or maybe he'd tried to enter my home and found out the hard way it was warded. Natasha's protection wards packed a punch. I hid a smile and decided from his tone it was most likely the latter. "Anything else?" I asked, eager to get going.

  He shook his head. "You have everything you need. And don't take too long or I may get bored and decide to play break the statue and stick it back together." From the gleam in his eye I suspected that was exactly what he would do. When he waved at the door, I moved to leave, then twisted to look at Drake still hovering a good five feet off the ground. How do you say goodbye to a man turned to stone? I stared at him, trying to tell him 'I'm sorry' with my eyes. Trying to assure him I would be back for him as soon as physically possible.

  Then I turned back and hurried to the door without giving Nathanial a backward glance.


  Chapter 17

  I tugged open the car door and dropped into the driver’s seat, turning my purple stone around in my hand. I'd seen it sitting on the bottom stair where Drake had left it. Slipping the chain over my neck I centered the stone on my chest and patted it, blinking away the tears that burned behind my eyes.

  All my emotions were rising to the surface, bubbling over now that I was out of Nathaniel's house. I shuddered and slammed my fists into the steering wheel. I didn't care that it hurt, didn't care that it wouldn't help any. I just hit it as hard as I could as hot tears filled my eyes and overflowed. I'd gotten Drake into this situation and now I'd left him there at the mercy of the necromancer he'd warned me not to visit. Would he ever forgive me? I sniffed, wiping the tears away with the back of my hand. I guess I would have to save his ass to find out. I was happy to face the music then.

  Right now, I had to get moving and bring Samantha home.

  I started the car and drove off down Nathaniel's drive, spitting gravel as I went. The sound of it spurred my anger at the sorcerer for holding Drake ransom. I'd walked right into a trap, only Nathaniel hadn't even known I was coming.

  I sped home, not caring a hoot for speed limits, my mind focused on Drake and on dark magic.


  After taking a long shower that failed to remove the traces of Nathaniel's vileness, I set about packing my bag for my trip to the demon plane. I planned to get some rest and then be on my way. Now that I had the spell I didn't have any reason to waste any more time. And with Drake waiting, I had all the more reason to hurry. Bag packed, I switched off all the lights and was about to head upstairs when a loud explosion rocked the wards around the house. I probed the magical protection, just the way Natasha had taught me, and found a spot that must have been weakened by the explosion. With the darkness for cover, I went to the windows and peered through a crack in the drapes. The windows let out onto a small grassy lawn that was currently overtaken by a variety of weeds. And was also currently occupied by a body.

  I gasped as I recognized the familiar curve of a cheekbone and the shock of inky black hair.


  I glanced up and down the street and found it surprisingly clear of Fulbright's usual stakeout vehicle. Saleem remained unmoving on the grass and I made the decision on the fly. No way I was going to leave him lying there. What if he was dead? I shuddered as I unlocked the door and raced down the steps. I scrambled across the grass and fell to my knees at his side. He was completely still and didn't appear to be breathing.

  I touched the side of his face and cupped his cheek. His stubble prickled against my skin and shivers of heat ran through me. I let go and sat back. What the hell was going on with me? The man could be dead and I was all hot for him? Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I scanned Saleem's body again. I lifted his chin and bent close to his mouth, hoping to feel the warmth of air on my cheek or to hear the sough sound of breath to confirm he still lived. Nothing.

  For a moment I wondered if mouth-to-mouth would work on an unconscious djinn, then dismissed the idea. I needed to get him inside. The street remained dark and no neighbors’ curtains twitched. I decided to take the chance.

  I grabbed hold of him and jumped straight into my sitting room. Leaving him on the floor, I went to close the front door, quickly rechecking the ward. It was thin where it had been damaged but still strong enough to prevent penetration. When I returned to the room, I came to a shocked standstill. Saleem was sitting upright where I'd left him, a dazed look in his eyes. He studied the room as if he was wondering how he got there. When I entered, he stared at me, shocked.

  "You jumped me?" he asked, his eyes wide with disbelief.

  I nodded, then smiled. "Well, depends on what you mean."

  He gave a rueful grin and rubbed his head. "As much as I would have like you to jump my bones, I think we both know that's not happening. At least not tonight."

  I folded my arms and raised an eyebrow at him. "Yes, I jumped. I had to. Your life was in danger. Or rather, it appeared your life was in danger." He seemed to be feeling much better, for someone who appeared dead only moments ago. "What the hell happened to you?"

  He shrugged, giving me a grin that looked a little too sheepish for my liking. "I had a bit of an accident."

  "Accident?" I frowned, then remembered the explosion and the damage to my wards. "Did you try to penetrate my wards?"

  "Unfortunately, yes. Guilty as charged." He heaved himself up onto his feet and dusted himself off. What? Did he think my house was dirty or something? I gritted my teeth but could not force myself to be angry with him.

  "So what the hell is it that you want? And why is Fulbright trying to enter my home without my permission?"

  "Fulbright is not involved."

  "Oh, so it's you who wanted to enter my property without a warrant?"

  "I don't need a warrant."


  He held out his hands and grinned. "No, what I meant was I'm not here on official police business. I came to ask you for your help."

  "And I'm supposed to swallow that story?" I glared at him, furious with him, but my breath hitched as I studied his sexy grin and his long locks. Man, was he too good looking for my health.

  He shrugged. "I'm being honest with you. I need your help. That's the beginning and the end of it."

  "What does Fulbright think of this?"

  Saleem shook his head. His jaw tightened and his eyes hardened to black coals. "Fulbright knows nothing of my decision to speak to you."

  So, the djinn was not a fan of my favorite detective. "So what are you doing with Fulbright anyway?"

  "Omega - for reasons nobody can fathom - decided they wanted Fulbright watched. They thought he was too much of a loose cannon, and someone up there probably got tired of him haranguing you. So I am here to keep an eye on him."

  I snorted. "So Omega thinks that just your presence will keep Fulbright on his best behavior?"

  "Sort of. But I think they really want to keep an eye on how he treats you and why, and how he handles his cases. He's probably ventured into the paranormal area far too often for Omega's liking and for Fulbright's safety."

bsp; "So Omega is covering its ass?"

  He nodded. "That's part of it. And I think there is something going on with all these disappearances. And the fact that you are able to find them. They were clear that they understood you were a Paranormal, and the disappearances seemed paranormally related, so it's not as if you are on their radar. My gut tells me it's Fulbright causing a stir; that's what's got Omega in a shit storm."

  I considered what Saleem had just said. So Omega had their eye on Fulbright. I made a mental note to get Steph to dig up a little bit more information on Omega's interest in the kidnappings. For now, my gaze narrowed on the djinn's face. "So what do you want with me?" I asked, and then flushed when his eyebrows raised and his lips curved into a sexy grin. Looks like I had to watch what I said in front of Saleem. All my words seem to have alternative connotations. And as much as I liked what I saw, the last thing I wanted to do was encourage him. I folded my arms and waited, keeping my expression cool as I stared at him.

  He scratched the back of his head. "I'm here because I'm looking for someone. And I need your help to find her."

  Her? My first thought was who was this woman? And who was she to Saleem? Annoyed, I tried to tamp down the twinge of jealousy that rose within me. I had no right to be jealous. He wasn't even anyone I knew. One conversation does not a relationship make. Add that to the fact he was Fulbright's sidekick and it meant I should stay far, far away from him.

  I hesitated. Clearly, he needed my help to find someone. I wasn't in the habit of saying no to people who needed my help. "Okay, I would need some details. Who is the missing person? Where was she last seen? How long has she been gone?" Saleem's features relaxed and he looked relieved. "I have to warn you, I'm on a case right now. So, although I am happy to help, you'll have to wait until after I am done with this job."

  He nodded. "Of course, I understand that. She's been gone so long. I suppose one more day, or even one more week, wouldn't make much of a difference." His face darkened and took on an expression of such sadness that I felt tears burn at the back of my eyes. I wanted to comfort him, but I didn't move.

  I just waited for him to speak, giving him all the time he needed. He took a deep breath and continued, "My mother disappeared two years ago. It's not something that makes any sense. She had a lot of responsibilities. So it's not as if she would have just up and left. Omega looked into it for me, but came up with nothing. In all the time that I've been working for Omega, they have been searching for my mother. And still they haven't found her."

  I raised my eyebrows. “Are they sending out the right people to look for her?”

  "I'm not sure what they've been doing. Every time I ask them, they assure me they are doing the best they can to find her."

  "It's not as if Omega doesn't have the best resources for finding a missing person," I said, still unsure how to make him feel better. "Maybe they're just not looking in the right places. Or maybe whoever has her has outsmarted them so far."

  "That's what I was thinking," said Saleem. "And that was the reason I decided to come to you. The timing seemed to have been perfect. So when this job came up I put my hand up for it."

  I frowned. "How did you know that I would be able to help you"?

  He chuckled. "You have a certain reputation, Ms. Morgan. Most people at Omega know exactly who you are and what your success rate is for finding missing people."

  "Really?" I asked, slightly impressed that I seemed to have made a name for myself. There was no denying that I was proud of my successes. Could this have been the reason for Omega's investigations into missing persons? Were they investigating me?

  "Yeah, and you're not only known for your successes. Everybody knows that nobody messes with Tracker Morgan."

  I was even more impressed. "Now tell me a little bit more about your mother. What were her habits? Was there anyone she could have pissed off? Was she involved with anyone the least bit shady?" Saleem frowned. "Please don't be offended. I just have to ask all possible questions and look at it from all possible angles." I waved a hand at my sofa and Saleem sat, although he didn't look too comfortable.

  He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and linking his fingers. Long, elegant fingers that made me think naughty thoughts. I really had to get a grip. I forced myself to listen to what he was saying. "I completely understand, and I guess for you to do your job properly you need to know everything. I have to confess I don't really want to tell you the whole truth about my mother, but I feel I can trust you. And if it can help you find her then it would be worth it."

  I sat on the sofa opposite him and digested his words. He seemed so serious, his eyes dark, his lips a thin line. "It is possible there is one good reason why someone would want to abduct my mother. You see, my mother is Aisha, Queen of the Djinn."

  I swallowed a gasp. I blinked and tried to process the reality of whom I actually had in my home. Saleem was a prince. Something inside me reminded me that not only was he a prince, but he was a demon prince, which put him securely on the don't-even-think-about-it list.


  Chapter 18

  Saleem chuckled. "Lost for words, are you?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

  I nodded. "Definitely lost for words. It's not often that my home is graced with the presence of a prince."

  He shrugged. "Well, in the last two years, the last thing I have felt was princely." He shook his head. "Believe me. Sometimes I think it would be much better to not have the burden of my name weighing me down."

  "So who is looking after your kingdom now that your mother hasn’t been around?"

  "That would be my brother," he said, his face a little sad. "He is too young to have the burden of the kingdom. But we had no choice. I was the best choice to go looking for Mother. I do go home often enough to help him out. He's getting the hang of it."

  "Does he not like the job?"

  "Not really. He's more of a free spirit. Responsibilities weigh him down. Stifle him. I just hope we can find our mother. At least get some resolution soon as possible. I'm just not sure how long he would put up with the responsibilities of her kingdom."

  "So tell me why is it you were the one to join Omega? I'm assuming you joined as a way to take advantage of Omega's resources?"

  Saleem nodded and rubbed his forehead. "All elder djinn sons are trained for war. Riz was not destined for the throne. A bit of a slacker, really." He grinned. "And he'll tell you himself I am right. He just wasn't leader material and Mother knew it. Harsh as it may sound, Mother wrote him off as a potential for the crown."

  "So you are the rightful king?" I swallowed, feeling a little shellshocked.

  "Yeah, for what it's worth. All I'm doing now is treading water waiting to hear something about my mother's whereabouts. I've wasted two years with Omega and I figure it wouldn't hurt to get some help."

  I sat forward. "I'll help you. I have somewhere else to be tomorrow. But as soon as I get back, I promise I will give it my utmost attention."

  Saleem rubbed his hands up and down his thighs. I dragged my eyes away from them and took a deep breath. "About your fee?" Saleem spoke, bringing my attention back to him. "How much do you charge?"

  I stared at him, for a moment unsure what to say. Do you offer to work for royalty for free? But most royals were loaded so they would be able to afford to pay for my services. And yet the thought of taking money from Saleem made me slightly ill. "Look, let's leave the money talk for after I find your mother."

  Saleem gave me an odd look but just nodded. Then he rose so suddenly I was immediately wary. "Okay. Thanks for taking my case." He stood there looking so uncomfortable and out of place. Gone was cocky, sexy Saleem. The man before me revealed a vulnerability in his eyes that made me want to walk over and give him a hug. People lost people all the time. But people didn't just disappear – they leave, they break your heart, they betray you. Disappearing is endless. No closure until someone leads you to a grave or a dumpsite in a hillside a hundred miles away. />
  I stood up and walked around the coffee table. I wasn't sure what to do with my hands. Suddenly I was self-conscious and unsure. Usually I was hard and unemotional so the families don't use me as a crutch. So I can walk away if I failed. But with Saleem, I wanted to rush off right this minute to find his mother for him. I knew his pain. Knew it so well I breathed that agony day and night.

  "I know it sounds trite but don't worry. I'll find her if she's—" I clamped my mouth shut. Put a foot in it, why don't you!

  But he didn't take offense. Just rubbed his face and gave me an awkward grin. "If she is alive. I know. You don't need to soften the reality of it for me."

  I placed my hand on his and tried to ignore the sizzle of heat that ran through my fingers. "I do think there is more value in her alive. So I'm pretty confident she is alive." I was so tempted to ask him for something of hers, so motivated to do a projection right now. His eyes were my undoing – filled with gratitude and yet still containing a playful spark. I sighed and I made up my mind in that moment. "Do you have something of your mother’s?"

  "Yeah. Some clothes. A set of jewelry."

  "Anything biological?" He frowned. "Hair. Blood. Something living that contains her DNA. It's the most accurate way of tracking her. The DNA will lead me right to her."

  Saleem remained silent for a few moments. "Yeah. I do have something. A silver brush and comb set. Omega asked specifically for her hair so they could sample her DNA in case it could help them find her."

  I snorted. "What were they expecting to do with it?"

  "They said a DNA profile on file would be advantageous. DNA from certain investigations could then be compared to hers. They did say it was a long shot."

  "How soon can you get me the hair sample?" I asked. Saleem held up a finger and before I could tell him to drop it off with Steph the next day, he disappeared in a flash of fiery red and orange embers.

  I stared around the room, my mouth still hanging open. Just as I clamped it shut, Saleem reappeared, giving off a blast of fiery sparks. He held out a small felt covered box, the center of its lid inscribed with a golden crest. "No time like the present." He seemed pretty proud of himself, eager to give me what I needed. I didn't have the heart to tell him to wait so I leaned forward and took the box, careful to ensure our skin did not touch. I needed a clear head and he seemed to understand. He stepped away and walked to the sofa. I moved to the coffee table and sat opposite him again. Placing the box on the table, I opened the lid and laid it aside carefully. The crest looked beautiful and fragile.


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