The End of Terror

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The End of Terror Page 21

by Howitt, Bruce

  Finally, comprehending that he was a captive of the Israelis and knowing his whole nuclear enterprise was in ruins, Kim Jong-un became deathly afraid. After his six days of solitary confinement and harsh interrogation, he began to understand that beyond his own self-aggrandizement he was an unimportant and sorry excuse for a human being, let alone a world leader. This hated tiny country of apes and dogs had destroyed him. His opportunity for world dominance in conjunction with the ayatollahs was now a distant dream.

  As he was being led up the embarkation stairs to the aircraft, the dire situation he was in finally registered. By the time he was roughly bundled and shackled into his seat, essentially a metal chair bolted to the floor of the aircraft, he was shaking and trembling alternately from fear and suppressed anger.

  Many hours later, when the plane landed at Rosh Pinah airport after a refuelling stop in Mumbai, the prisoners were disembarked from the plane and transported in a heavily guarded prison bus to the military prison on the base where the 9 and Mossad leaders were waiting for them.


  Rosh Pinah, Israel

  Most of the North Korean Politburo and leadership had by now all been killed or arrested and the senior survivors including Kim, the Dear Leader, had been flown to Israel and then they would eventually be transferred to the ICC at The Hague, where they would be tried for human rights violations and murder.

  With the arrival of the North Koreans, most of the leaders of world terrorism were gathered in one place. The Israelis had prepared a compound specifically to house all of these men while they made arrangements for the trials. The Iranians would first be tried in Israel and then later also sent to The Hague.

  The day after Kim’s arrival, all were lined up in humiliating prison garb and photographed for the world to see that the heads of these state terror organizations were not supermen, but just a plain ordinary group of cowards. Front and centre in the group photo were the Ayatollah Khamenei, President Rouhani, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, General Soleimani, and Kim Jong-un.

  On October 29, Israel announced to the world that it indeed had captured the Iranian and North Korean leadership and destroyed the nuclear facilities of both nations. The Iranian and North Korean leadership were being held at an undisclosed location awaiting trial on charges of terrorism, murder, and corruption. The news was electrifying and reactions from world capitals were, to say the least, interesting.

  The Leftist anti-Israel countries in Europe, along with the EU in Brussels were apoplectic. They had been completely blindsided and their elitist anti-Israel plans destroyed. The covert cooperation between certain European countries and Iran was over for the time being.

  In North America there were some half-hearted efforts by the Radical Progressive Left, the BDS movement, and Students for Justice in Palestine to organize nationwide protests against Israel on campuses and in the streets. They failed miserably.

  Many Jewish students and non-Jewish sympathizers, realizing that these organizations were so corrupt, resorted to the tactics of their grandfathers during the 1930s, when they had to deal with Nazi sympathizers. The clinics and hospitals around many university campuses received a number of sorely hurt leaders after these protests. No one, not the press nor the politically correct watchdogs, batted an eyelid. They all finally realized that these movements were finished. No one wanted to be associated with them, much less be their champion as they had been in the past.

  The presidents of the United States, China, and Russia were completely astounded by the daring speed and success of the Israeli attacks on Iran and North Korea. There were no major civilian casualties or serious damage to civilian infrastructure. The Israelis had learned very hard lessons in their various wars and operations in Gaza, where the Hamas terrorists had hidden behind civilians and even produced photographs and videos of civilians being shot or killed, which were later identified as news clips from the civil war in Syria. This careful attention to potential harm to civilians neutered any of the usual media attacks on Israel for disproportionate military force.

  All three presidents, in a hastily convened joint conference in Moscow, Russia, agreed that the political dynamics of the Middle East and Southeast Asia had changed forever, and although the Americans were not particularly happy that they’d had no prior knowledge of the Israeli operations, they recognized that this result was better for overall peace in the world.


  Iran and North Korea, months later

  Under China’s direction, the country of North Korea became a Chinese protectorate and China was reassured that there would be no attempts at reunification on the Korean peninsula. The hope was that the Republic of South Korea would aid in developing a vibrant economic North Korean Protectorate of China. The Chinese Politburo had strongly reiterated to Japan, South Korea, and the United States that they would under no circumstances tolerate any military forces from these nations on their borders.

  Out of respect to the Chinese, the United States and ASEA nations agreed to these conditions. They collectively believed that going along to get along was far better than confrontation. The mitigating factor was that the Chinese recognized that entering into a military standoff with the United States and NATO was a lose-lose situation. They deemed it much more profitable to remain wary friends with the United States and NATO countries than to enter into a round of military and political conflict. They also agreed with the United States that a mutually protective, newly proposed SINO–US Trade Pact was a much greater benefit to the world economy. The Chinese leaders understood all too well that a well-oiled economic relationship was far superior to military confrontation. Trading and people exchange from all the world’s nations would be accepted and actually welcome in developing the new North Korean economy, much along the same lines as China’s had developed.

  Now, in adhering to the Begin doctrine, Israel also issued a stern and nonnegotiable ultimatum to the remnants of the Iranian government and people. They had forty-eight hours to begin shipping all of their uranium and plutonium to the United States and Canada. At the same time, all of their nuclear facilities, as well as those damaged by the Israeli raids, were to be completely destroyed. This would be overseen by demolition experts from the United States, Germany, India, and Australia. There would be no remnants of these facilities left. The centrifuges and isotopes would be destroyed and melted down. All control and computer centres would be irreparably destroyed.

  Besides eliminating these dangerous facilities, the world powers wanted to reinforce a strong message to any rogue nation that regardless of how much national treasure was spent, ultimately the free world would defeat them. The cost would be total bankruptcy and being loathed by their citizenry for arrogant and reckless leadership.

  The efforts of the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese for world domination before and during World War II had ended in the total destruction of their countries and elimination of their ruthless leaders. The West had bankrupted the Soviet Union and brought down the diabolical Soviet Communist regime. Besides these countries, there were other examples: Khaddaffi in Libya, Pol Pot in Cambodia, Assad in Syria, and Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Many were still attempting to recover from the heinous abuses of these despicable dictators.

  The Iranians would be coerced into once again entering the community of nations as secular democracy. Iran was no longer a looming nuclear-equipped hegemon threatening all of the Middle East. The terror organizations of Hezbollah and Hamas no longer had a patron to fund and direct them. In Lebanon, the might of the Israeli armed forces targeted and destroyed all Hezbollah infrastructure with little or no resistance, since without the support and guidance from the IRGC and Iran, they were rudderless. Each of the other Iranian terror proxy organizations was delivered a discreet message endorsed by the Russian and US presidents that they had to destroy all of their missiles and heavy weapons or face overwhelming US and Allied forces. The Chinese entered North Korea with massive amounts of humanitarian aid and began to
offer the ordinary citizens hope as they rebuilt the country into a vibrant and enlightened Chinese Communist-style country. The examples being China itself and Vietnam, China sought expertise from Israel and Canada on installing sophisticated agricultural programs to lift the country into the twenty-first century; the assistance was readily and eagerly supplied.

  Even more humiliating for Khamenei and Kim Jong-un were the thousands of their citizens dancing in the streets of their respective countries, celebrating the collapse of the two regimes. More devastating for Khamenei was the news that in what was once Iran’s colony of Lebanon, ordinary citizens were chasing the Hezbollah and Iranian guards out of the country — in some cases, even capturing them and administering swift street justice by hanging them from cranes and lampposts, Iranian-style. The pent-up loathing of the people who had been under Soleimani’s yoke in Lebanon and the IRGC in Iran was akin to a tsunami that began to cleanse both countries of corruption and subjugation enforced with terror.


  South America

  Recognizing an opportunity to cripple the drug cartels in Central and South America, the United States gained access to the Hezbollah leadership, which they were well aware had been the conduit for the cocaine trade with the cartels. What had also been suspected for years was that Hezbollah was the leading world trader in cocaine and other drugs, which they marketed through their tentacles in the United States and Western Europe.

  The head of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, was personally estimated to be a billionaire as a result of the percentage he was keeping from all Hezbollah transactions. The Hezbollah organization was finally outed as being not only a self-funded terror network, but the world’s largest drug and arms dealer.

  With the treasure trove of information acquired by the DEA, FBI, and CIA from the Hezbollah’s own files and electronic data, a fast and coordinated series of raids began rolling up the distribution channels of drugs coming into North America. What was unbelievable was the depth of Hezbollah’s reach. They had influenced and corrupted many politicians in Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, and the United States. The tragedy of all this was that during the six years that the US administration had been secretly negotiating the Iranian Nuclear Deal with Iran, extreme pressure had been placed on the United States by the Iranians to back off and desist from investigating and ultimately attempting to apprehend and disrupt the Hezbollah drug channels.


  One of the strangest happenings in both Iran and North Korea was the initially tentative efforts to remove all vestiges of the dictators and their enterprises. Their citizens were at first skeptical that all the sudden changes had occurred with little or no upheaval. As they began to understand what had occurred, both countries moved quickly to adapt to the changes. In Iran, the civil government, now removed from under the yoke of the clerics and their draconian rule, began to establish a new, republican-style government based on a similar model to that of the United States — a republic of states, each with local government overseen by a democratically elected central government. The government would be secular and have clear lines of separation between religion and state.

  The ayatollahs and mullahs, along with senior IRGC officers, especially General Soleimani, would be tried in Israel for war crimes and acts of terror. It was unbelievable news to the ordinary citizens of Iran that they no longer had to fear the long reach of Soleimani and the Quds Force. If found guilty, they would be sent to The Hague to face further charges and sentencing, which could include the death penalty. Many in Iran, Lebanon, and Syria fervently hoped this would come to pass.

  The ramifications of these surprise actions caused the UN and the rest of the world to sit up and take notice. Many UN bureaucrats who had previously been paid hundreds of millions of dollars to censure Israel now not only feared for their employment but also their lives. Mossad and 9 had them clearly identified and had a host of “thank-you receipts” to hand out. These were not handshakes or acknowledgements for good behaviour. Once the really bad actors were outed, they either had to resign from their positions at the UN, or in some cases flee back to their countries, where unbeknownst to them they were still on a 9 watch list.

  The EU and UN at first attempted to interject themselves into the discussions but were harshly rebuffed by the Arabs. Within the Arab society that had been established in Judea and Samaria and Gaza was a cadre of citizens who had recognized for years that the Iranian hold on Hamas and Hezbollah — aided by the UN and EU — had chilled any attempts to negotiate a peaceful solution to the Israeli–Palestinian crisis.

  These reasonable and wise leaders, who had been waiting quietly in the background, had long ago understood the reality on the ground. There would never be a “right of return” for five million “refugees,” as constantly promoted by the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA. The eight tribal leaders, who ever since 1967 had exceedingly close — albeit clandestine — ties with the Israeli authorities and government, believed in the emergence of Israel as a Middle East powerhouse, both militarily and economically. There was no doubt that they wanted to participate.

  In the disputed territory known as the West Bank, the civilian governance was placed in the hands of these eight Arab tribes that had lived there for centuries. The whole West Bank, Judea and Samaria, was now fully recognized as belonging to Israel, as was the original intent of the Balfour Declaration until the Jordanians overran and occupied the territory in 1948. It only became disputed after the Israeli victory in 1967. All of the approximately one million West Bank Arab citizens were offered Israeli citizenship and those who did not wish to be Israeli-Arabs were given the opportunity to close up their homes and businesses and leave the country with fair market value compensation paid by the Israeli government. This stands in marked contrast to what the Arab nations had done to the Jews in 1948, when they threw them out with just the clothes on their back. It was interesting that for seventy years, there was no UNRWA collecting hundreds of millions of dollars and promoting a right of return every year for Jewish refugees.

  In many ways, the Israeli operations in Iran and North Korea had finally ended the diabolical and corrupt narrative encouraged by the liberal Western media. Organizations and agencies within the UN that had fostered lies about Israeli occupation and apartheid to the media and even at the UN itself caused incitement to terrorists against Israel. To the Israelis, this was terror in another guise.

  In Gaza, the citizens, with Israeli assistance, turned on the Hamas gangsters and either executed them or deported them to Israel or Egypt for trial. Egypt and Israel had agreed to jointly provide governance and security to Gaza until free elections could be held in both Gaza and Lebanon without intimidation and threats. In the case of the Gazans, they would be given three ballot options.

  First: Would you wish Gaza to be part of the State of Israel?

  Second: Would you wish Gaza to be part of the State of Egypt?

  Third: Would you wish Gaza to be an international territory governed by Egypt and Israel?

  One of the most difficult and critical issues the UN and Israel had to overcome was the fifty years of PLO propaganda disseminated in the general Arab population. The message was that Israel was never a home for the Jewish people. For all these years they had played the world with statements of wishing for a two-state solution and a willingness to live alongside Israel in peace. Nothing was further from the truth. They were educating their people that Israel was one big settlement which had to be cleansed of Jews. They used the power of the radical Islamic clerics in the Muslim Brotherhood and other terror organizations around the world to deliver a ridiculous interpretation of the Quran, which declared that any Muslim-occupied land could not be surrendered or even negotiated away from Muslim ownership. Their strict interpretation was such that even Spain and Portugal, which had both been occupied by Muslims in the twelfth century, were eventually to be reconquered, since the Kuffirs had no rights there anymore as it was once Muslim territory.r />
  Modern-day Israel was occupied as recently as the end of World War I by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which was Muslim; and more recently, the disputed West Bank had been occupied by the Arab League Jordanians, also Muslim. The propaganda of the radical clerics brainwashed Palestinian Arabs into believing that the Jews should and would be driven out of the Land of Israel. For fourteen hundred years, the practitioners of Islam, Shi′ite and Sunni, had hung onto their beliefs that this dogma was sacrosanct. Unless the Jihad to reconquer the lands was carried out, there could be no settlement with Allah.

  Furthermore, the two sects each had a hard core of radical clerics who preached daily that the followers of Allah and Muhammad had a religious duty to kill the infidels and kill the Jews. Sadly, the Saudi Wahhabis and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt preached this radical form of Islam daily. In the contentious West Bank and Gaza, as well as Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, this was taught in all the schools. Then, in a most surprising move, a group of progressive, modern-thinking Islamic clerics from Egypt and Saudi Arabia formed a committee to begin the daunting task of eliminating hate curricula in Arab schools. They did this at great personal risk, but they had the total support of the Saudi and Egyptian governments, who jointly had defanged the radical Wahabis and Muslim Brotherhood, both of whom were responsible for preaching hateful radical Islamic dogma.

  The greatest task of the UN was to clean out all the corruption and dishonesty within its ranks. The United States, Canada, Australia, China, and Russia let it be known that the Muslim Bloc and their friends, countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Paraguay, Norway and The Republic of Ireland, would no longer be recognized when they attempted to block or vote against resolutions in support of Israel. The United States, Canada, Australia, China, and Russia also engaged Egypt, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia to begin a reeducation of their populaces; it was imperative to communicate that Middle Age thinking and philosophy did not reconcile with modern beliefs.


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