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thevirginchronicles Page 8

by Willows, Jennifer

  "Mmmm... love hot tubs." Jennifer mumbled sleepily, and fell back asleep. Riordan let the water do its job, the warm bubbles rinsed their bodies clean of excess sexual secretions and sweat. Long moments later Riordan had to wake her for the walk back to bed. His legs would barely support him as is and he didn't want to ruin a wonderful night with a face plant.

  When they made it back to bed, he stripped the virgin soiled blanket from the tossed bed and blew out the candles. Riordan wondered vaguely if he could keep the blanket, and if Jennifer would think him a barbarian for wanting it. They both fell out no sooner than he pulled his woman in his arms.

  The next morning came bright and early, more so than Riordan wanted. But when the alarm went off at eight, he got up. He had plans for the start of the day. First he made them each scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. He warmed the massage oil and checked the temperature. Carrying everything back to the bed, he took the warmed oil and began rubbing every square inch of skin.

  He started with her back, from neck to hip. From there her arms were rubbed to a relaxed sheen. Jennifer didn't fully wake until he reached her feet.

  Jennifer: So Gone

  "Mmm... That feels so good." Jennifer whispered, she felt reduced to jelly. She could feel where his hands had soothed every spot, worked out any sore or kinked muscles. In the next moment her nose twitched. She smelled coffee, was that?

  But Riordan was able to read her mind, and before she could ask answered her. "Yeah it's Blue Mountain. Want some?"

  She nodded, and when she moved to sit up the twinge downstairs reminded of their lovemaking last night. Then she remembered how she told him she loved him. Did she? If she didn't yet, at this rate it wouldn't be long before she did. Jen watched him pour half a large soup bowl mug full with the brew. The silver mug even had her name on it in black lettering. The coffee was perfect, rich, and sweet with a touch of hazelnut. Jennifer felt so languid, she didn't care what happened, or what her hair looked like. When she thought about her hair, she touched it experimentally, wondering how much work it would take to fix it after the sweat out last night.

  Riordan pulled the hand down and kissed the palm. "Stop it. You look amazing."

  "You flatterer. Being all nice because I gave you some pussy." Jennifer watched Riordan's eyes flash hot and simmer down before he responded.

  "Nah, I gave you some cock."

  She laughed. "Yeah you might be right."

  "I know I'm right."

  They ate breakfast, and lounged around half the day. Riordan wanted to wait a little longer to make love again, as he knew she was sore. By three they were still naked, only freshly showered. The two cavorted all day, played chess and ate chicken salad sandwiches on croissants. Currently, Jen sat on Riordan’s lap, and she hoped to entice him into more sex. She faced him, cock pressed between their bodies. She heard her phone ring dimly, and Riordan leaned to one side before he picked it up and handed it to her. Of course it was Tresha.

  "Answer it. You don't want her to think I kidnapped and then had my wicked way with you."

  She pressed the green button as she retorted. “You did."

  "Huh?" Tresha sounded confused, but Jennifer had no plans to make her statement clear.

  "Nothing girl, hey." Riordan had slipped his hand between her thighs and probed her with two fingers. She was wet already for him and she gritted her teeth to keep silent. Of all times to play with her, now?

  "How was it?" Riordan smirk spoke to the fact her heard Tresha's query through the phone. He began to wreak havoc on her, tugged and rubbed a nipple into a rock hard peak with his fingers.

  "Oh... it was the worst I've ever had." She smirked back at Riordan, and he shook his head slightly. He leaned over and whispered in her free ear.

  "I'll show you the worst." His fingers buried inside her and tugged down on her G-spot. Jennifer sat at attention immediately, and bit her lip. Her breath hissed through clenched teeth, and the sound alerted her friend.

  "You a damn lie! You ain’t ever had any till now." Tresha had to know there was no way, Jen sounded like a cat in the cream even to herself, and she was seconds from purring for Riordan again. She better stop holding out or Tresha was going to go off.

  "Want to come?" Riordan whispered in her ear, Tresha's words lost in the maelstrom buffeting at her. Jennifer shook her head, incapable of merely speech regarding her desires. He let the spongy spot go, just long enough to let her lower below boiling over.

  "Yes I am a liar..." Riordan put his hand over her mouth when she nearly screamed, the makeshift hand-gag aborted her groans and mewls of pleasure. Jennifer was going to come, couldn't stop herself, she didn't know how.

  "You may want to tell Tresha good bye, unless you want her to hear you come for me." Riordan’s voice susurrated against her nape and generated yet another shudder. “Although, I find that I don't care either way.”

  Jennifer was close to not caring herself, but the smallest shred of her normal personality forced her to rally. The pressure from his fingers along her walls was crucifying her. She closed her eyes and shook her head, which cued Riordan to move the hand that gagged her mouth. Although, without support her lips gaped open in a pitiful attempt at speech. Riordan saw she wasn't capable of coherency and peeled the phone from her clenched fingers.

  "...She'll call you later." He handed her the phone back, Tresha still yammered on as Riordan fitted his cock to her wet pussy. Jennifer's head dropped and her teeth bit his shoulder as she squirmed atop the pillar of rock hard flesh he stuffed her with inch by inch. Riordan grunted and continued pressing forward into the virgin territory he'd discovered just the night before.

  "What the hell--" At this point Tresha had to know something was rotten in Denmark. With that thought Jennifer hung up the phone and let it fall to the rug with a muted thump.

  Riordan tugged her tangled hair until she looked him in the eye.

  He smiled. "Love you."

  "Love you back."

  With those words it was game over, Riordan was unable to give her any more of the gentleness or patience of the last weeks. One thrust seated him completely and sent Jennifer into a tail spin.


  "Not Jesus baby, Riordan." His words were through gritted teeth and rasped over each syllable. The rest of the night was magic, wrapped up in exquisite love making and finger foods.

  The pair never made it any further than the hot tub that night. In fact, they didn't make it to bed either, and christened every surface from walls to floor in the day left them. By Sunday, Jennifer had none of her god given sense left and she was sorely sleep deprived. The flight attendants looked at her as if she were on too many Percocet or something. Although, she could only imagine what she looked like. Big shades, goofy grin, crazy bow legged walk and mismatched clothes as if she dressed in a dark closet. They probably thought she was from the loony bin. Then that night, Riordan turned her out in the space of his own bed and they only ended up with an hour nap.

  They had a habit of making love long and hard only to grow drowsy from exertion. When out of nowhere Riordan's cock would grow full inside her sloppy sex once more. That would cause to her squirm slightly, he would move, she would squirm again. Then they were back at it as if they never stopped in the first place.

  Riordan pulled a fast one that Monday morning before dawn, as he decided to hold her hostage with her prison sentence served in his bed. He stole all of her clothes and made her earn them back piece by piece with decadent sex acts. Hell, she didn't really get back to work on Tuesday either as she only worked half the day. She went home and to work that morning just fine and dandy, a normal day until lunch when she went home to eat. Riordan was there, hard and naked with her lunch, the plate on his lap. He made her strip naked before she ate, as he claimed she would need her strength. He was right as the sex begun as a nooner that ended up being an all-nighter, and she had to call her director to take the rest of the day off.

  Her nose was Grand Canyon

  Riordan: Call Your Beautician

  If Jennifer thought her nose was open, Riordan knew he was sprung. It was to the point where he was left craving Jen on the nights he slept alone. If he could call it sleeping. He spent most nights tossing and turning, cock hard. He didn't feel complete without her. He knew she was the woman for him, he didn't even think about another woman. Riordan didn't want to pressure her, but she was going to be his, for good. All he needed was a plan.

  After the last month of no holds barred lovemaking, Riordan decided to up the ante. He knew he had Jennifer addicted to him, which was the first step. But easing her into marriage was going to take more than sex. Jennifer was too cerebral to let great orgasms determine her life, and the same qualities that endeared her to him held him back just arm's length from his goal.

  That night Riordan decided he would introduce Jennifer to the concept of being fucked. He had made love with her every night, but never straight fucked her brains out without any mercy. Strangely enough he found himself craving to hear her screaming and begging for him to have pity on her and he already felt tight inside his chest thinking of the sounds she would make. It had been too many days and nights without her tight pussy.

  Last week, he was in a conference in California and he was unable to spend his weekend with Jennifer. That was when he knew he was addicted. He had a major chip on his shoulder the last few days and nothing was to his liking. But the real problem was that he wasn't inside his woman. He felt phantom itching, looked confused, and seemed to spend most of the time talking to himself. Riordan asked Jennifer to fly to him, even at the exorbitant rates he found for her ticket at the last minute. The cost was so much, that when the representative quoted the pricing he could imagine Jen expecting him to curse the poor woman six ways to Sunday. He didn't bat an eyelash, but Jennifer did.

  "Riordan, I refuse to let you spend that much money on a plane ticket!"

  "It's my money, I'll spend it as I please. Promise I won't go bankrupt, there's still enough to spend."

  "If you buy that ticket, Riordan I won't give you any sex for a whole week!"

  "I don't think you can hold out that long."

  "Wanna find out?" She sounded dead serious.

  No, he didn't want to ever find that out. It was now the Thursday after, and he hadn't made love with her in days. Jennifer had barred him from coming over mid-week long ago. But tonight, whether she knew it or not, Jennifer was going to take him in her home and body.

  According to her, every time he dropped in on a weekday, neither of them was going back to work that day or the next. So now she parceled out sex on the weekends only. That wasn't going to work tonight, he was too hungry for her. As if he had been starved for ages and ready to gorge himself to death, which he would do happily if she would let them. She wasn't going to work tomorrow either. He pulled to the front of her house, parked his rent-a-car from ILM airport on the street. She was going to get a surprise tonight. Him.

  Riordan used his key and walked inside the back door. He needed to be quiet and toed his shoes off to the side in her kitchen. Locking the door behind him, he tiptoed through the house quietly and listened. He got half way in the living room when he heard her. Soft moans lilted towards him, drew him to her, along with a faint but audible buzz.

  Riordan grinned, perfect. He reached the bedroom and the faint sounds of solo sex drew him to her door, cracked open. Perfect for a peeping tom. Riordan stripped right there and watched her. He could tell she'd been working hard trying to attain her orgasm.

  Her skin was pebbled with rivulets of sweat, the liquid ran over her like water. As if she bathed, walked out sans toweling, and let herself air dry. They only sweat like that together after the first hour of lovemaking, and he knew she was in bad shape. He saw her bite her juicy lower lip, sucking it whole in her mouth. Hips cocked in the air, she seemed to be in dire need. Jennifer grunted, and he rubbed himself once. He was too close to coming to do anything more and he wasn't wasting one drop of come outside her body. Not when she lay there, hot and in need of him just like he needed her. She confirmed her desire when he pushed open the door revealed his nudity, along with the rock hard cock he sported for her, and his enjoyment of the view of her toying with herself.

  "Riordan!" Jennifer's eyes widened and he watched her come for him. The vibrator fell from her hands still buzzing away, bullet scooted erratically across the satin sheets.

  He walked to her before the shudders could still, and climbed between her spread legs before he thrust home. Jennifer still quickened from her first orgasm of the night and he milked the dying shudders back to life with the first two thrusts. By the third, she came again.

  "Mmm... good girl." Riordan sat up and pulled her into his lap. Jennifer latched onto his lips and sucked the bottom one in hers. Her eyes were still wide open and bored into his as she rocked harder against him. Jennifer gloved him, suckled him too closely and Riordan couldn't hold on any more.

  "Sorry, I can't-"

  Jennifer smiled, and kissed him so sweetly and tenderly, Riordan exploded. His hands dug in her hips punishing her, and thrust just twice more before he dropped his head on her shoulder. He panted, breaths heavy and trembling. Jennifer's breathing calmed slightly and she rubbed his back, soothed him.

  "I missed you too baby." Jennifer's smile could be felt through her words and Riordan matched it with one of his own.

  "Get on the bed face down."

  Jennifer rose on shaky legs and complied, now face down in the middle of the bed. She turned her head to the side to look at him. Riordan grinned and walked to the side of her room, pulled her mirror over toward the bed to face her head on. Jennifer looked in the oval mirror and chuckled, covered her face with her hands.

  "I look a hot mess."

  "Not by a long shot, but you will later. How did that song go by Dream? Call your beautician, cause your hair gone need fixin?" Jennifer laughed so hard she nearly drooled on herself. Riordan chucked along, but he meant every word.

  Climbing behind her on the bed, Riordan watched Jennifer eye his approach in the oval standing mirror. He was nearly at full mast and didn't plan to wait for another taste of her. He spread her legs and prompted her upright on hands and knees. She watched with lowered lids as he covered her back with his chest. At the pressure of his entry Jennifer popped her hips back on his, sought him. He gave it and with the aid of his last orgasm and hers, slid home to the mouth of her womb in one sure motion. She was still incredibly tight as always, but butter smooth. Riordan couldn't help but taunt her and bent his mouth to her ear.

  Jennifer: Butter Pecan Ice Cream

  "I'm going to fuck you tonight."

  Jennifer hissed and bucked against him. "Yesss...Please."

  He pulled her back in to him and began. The ripostes he gave her hips pummeled at her, arched her back high, cat-like. Jennifer's head lowered as she felt each muscle group in him grow taut, turned her mild mannered lover into a rock solid mountain of plunging force. His hands held her immobile, left her unable to do more than accept him. She felt him raise his torso from her body, and pull her arms from beneath her to her sides. From there he kept pulling, raising the upper half of her body from the satin. She was unable to do anything more than lean back with him, unable to get closer due to the position of her arms.

  "Look at us together Jen. We look amazing." She dragged her head up, and witnessed her own ravishing. Her hair was plastered to her skin, the limp locks lay listless over her chest and back and his hair nearly the rich brown color of tree bark from sweat.

  He was still darting in and out of her, movements so quick, she could barely catch her breath. Her back bowed towards him, Jennifer gave in to need, letting Riordan have at her. The only sounds she made were gasps of shock at his pummeling at the in-stroke. Or screams of pure pleasure from the retreating path his cock made through her. Every way he drove inside her sent her spiraling out of control. He let his imprisoning grasp on her arms go, wrapped one in
front of her to lower her to the bed. He took one hand and smoothed the hair from her face and neck. When he was done he pulled it in his fist, clenched the mass mid-way from the end.

  Using the grip on her hair, Riordan tugged her lowered face up, and looked her in the eye from the mirror. Jennifer’s eyes flashed heated and her scalding sex spasms around his thick cock. The pummel of their bodies turned her already tight walls into a vise.

  "Ahh!" Jennifer watched her reflection undulate, even as his arms wrapped around her. The colors were mesmerizing, his skin wrapped over hers their tones different but amazingly sexy in some indescribable way. Almost too erotic, it seemed wrong somehow. As if she dabbled in the forbidden. Until this moment, it never really hit her that they weren't just two people. She just accepted him the same as he accepted her, wholly and without hesitation.


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