Dark Corners

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Dark Corners Page 30

by A. m Madden

  Angela reminded me how lucky I was to have a solid support system. I’d never argue that. Between her and Nick, my parents, my beautiful girlfriend, and even Maygen’s family, I never felt such support as I had these past few months. Family was very important to Maygen, as it was to me. I couldn’t wait for my parents to meet her.

  I had a few opportunities to introduce them after Maygen and I officially began dating. The first time Angela had invited us all over for dinner. Dad caught the flu that weekend. The next date was to celebrate Easter at my parents’ place. That would subject Maygen to meeting my entire family all at once, all thirty of them. I couldn’t do that to her. So instead we spent Easter with her father, brother, and Phoebe.

  The last attempt, I decided to just drive out to Jersey to surprise them. Who could have predicted that weekend that they were at a restaurant convention in Atlantic City? All wasn’t lost, though. Maygen and I had the house to ourselves, and I now had hot-as-fuck new memories from what transpired with the two of us in my childhood room.

  So after three failed attempts, today was the day she’d finally meet them…if we ever got there. Some would think the universe was trying to tell me something. Maygen said the universe was probably in shock that I had a girlfriend that I’d even want my parents to meet…my girlfriend the comedienne.

  I turned toward the short hall leading to her bedroom and the sound of my footsteps had her calling, “I’m coming!” The second she stepped out of the room my breath hitched. “What? Is it not a good choice?” She looked down at herself and a frown formed on her gorgeous face. “Ugh, I need to change. It’s all wrong. I look like I’m trying too hard.”

  Before she could step back into the room, I reached out and grabbed her arm. “Don’t you dare change that dress. You look stunning.”

  The pale pink fabric brought out the natural blush in her cheeks. It was simple and plain on top, but full and flirty at the bottom, resting right above her knees. It was neither revealing nor provocative, but sexy as all hell regardless. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders; the sides pulled back accentuated the smooth curve of her neck.

  “Are you sure it’s not too…” She searched my eyes before adding, “Obvious?”

  I gathered her in my arms. “Definitely not obvious. You look beautiful, baby.” A stunning smile spread over her pink-tinted lips.

  Running her hands down my tie, she said, “You look so handsome. I love you in blue.”

  “It reminds me of your eyes,” I said before bending to kiss her. “I love you, and my parents will, too.”

  She kissed me back, confirming the same without saying the words. Maygen felt repeating it wasn’t as effective as randomly acknowledging she loved me. During the most unexpected times she’d say those three little words that could send my heart racing into a frantic tattoo as well as cause my cock to stiffen instantly.

  As always, our kiss progressed from zero to “fuck me” quicker than I could say the words. “We gotta go,” I demanded more than requested.

  “Okay. Let’s go meet the folks,” she said a bit too cheerfully.

  “Stop it. So what if you’re fucking their son and can suck his dick better than a Dyson? It’s your personality they’ll love.”

  That earned me a hard smack to the chest. I grabbed our overnight bag, chuckling as she locked the door with a panicked expression on her face.

  After the party she and I were driving down the shore for an overnight stay in a bed-and-breakfast right on the beach. After we returned from the Hamptons I purchased a used Jeep. Two reasons: She looked fucking hot in it, and I loved having the freedom of just going.

  Our weekdays were crazy busy. With her working for that tyrant fashion designer and me working as a counselor at the VA hospital, evenings were usually spent relaxing at her place or mine. The weekends were a different story.

  On Friday nights she knew to pack a bag and prepare to go the moment we both got home from work…no warning, no definite plans, and landing wherever we wanted. I had never had that liberty, and having it now with Maygen was a dream come true. There were so many places just a car ride away from the city, and so far Maygen and I had discovered quite a few romantic gems.

  Taking her hand, I tugged her behind me toward the elevator, excited to show her off and get to our destination after the party so I could enjoy her six ways to Sunday…literally.


  The restaurant was jammed with friends of Nick’s from the FBI, his parents, his movie star sister, and all of our relatives. A huge banner hung across the ceiling reading, HAPPY 32ND BIRTHDAY, NICK. Each table was adorned with a number 3 and a number 2 helium balloon. The DJ provided the background music, instrumental jazz.

  Maygen looked terrified, her eyes scanning the room while waiting for me to lead her toward the inevitable.

  “Ready?” I asked, as she held my hand in a viselike grip.

  She took a deep breath, released it, and nodded. “Yep. I’m ready.”

  Unable to resist, I held her head with my free hand and kissed her long and hard on her lips. Her eyes were still closed when I pulled away. When she slid them open, the look of lust on her face quickly morphed into one of embarrassment.

  “David,” she hissed between clenched teeth.

  “Relax and breathe, or I’ll do it again.”

  I dragged her toward where my parents stood chatting with Eve and Jase as she mumbled, “You’re so mean.”

  “Hey, guys.” Four sets of eyes turned just as we approached. The joy on my mother’s face made her look like a caricature of herself. “Maygen, this woman who looks like a cartoon is my mother, Rose, and that’s my dad, Guy.”

  My mom narrowed her eyes at me before pulling Maygen into a hug. “It is such a pleasure to finally meet you, Maygen!”

  “It’s so nice to…” In a ninja move, she was handed—actually, she was pushed—over to my father before Maygen was able to finish her sentence, “…finally meet you both.”

  “David, she’s stunning,” my mom said to me, but her eyes remained on Maygen, forcing a blush to redden her cheeks adorably. “We have been so looking forward to this. I must first tell you my son hasn’t been happier. So, thank you, sweetheart.”

  Maygen and I locked eyes. “He makes me very happy, too,” she said with a radiant smile.

  “They’re nauseating to be around,” Eve quipped.

  “Shut it,” I said. “You should talk.”

  Jase wrapped an arm around his wife and laughed. “He’s right, babe. Most of our friends hate us.”

  Maygen giggled and stepped closer to give them each a hug. “Congratulations. I heard the wonderful news. When are you due?”

  Eve smiled while rubbing her nonexistent baby bump. “November. Actually, my due date is Angela’s birthday. I hope to God I deliver that day because then she’ll forever be stuck with me planning an event on her birthday, which would be torture for her.”

  Eve smiled deviously, causing Jase to say, “You’re evil.”

  “Speaking of birthdays, when does the birthday boy arrive?”

  “Angela just texted they are about five minutes away.” My mother’s elated grin turned into a scowl before my very eyes. “You just made it, by the way.”

  “All Maygen’s fault.” Looking down at her, I winked at the murderous look she gave me.

  “What are you doing with this loser?” The deep baritone voice of my cousin drifted over.

  “Shut up.” I grinned at him. Luca grabbed me in a brotherly hug, patting my back as he held me for a few seconds. “It’s been too long, man. How’ve ya been?”

  “Busy.” His eyes moved to Maygen, who stood nervously beside me. He extended a hand to her and said, “I’m Luca. The smarter, better-looking one in the family.”

  Maygen smiled shyly and accepted his hand. “Maygen.”

  My parents excused themselves to greet more guests, leaving us with my cousins.

  “You look like such an accountant,” I said, busting him over the
three-piece suit he had on.

  “I am an accountant. Does Maygen know you cheat?”

  “I don’t cheat.” Maygen’s eyes bulged, and I wanted to fucking punch him. “Asshole.”

  “He so does cheat. Right, sis?”

  “Yep, it’s true,” Eve confirmed.

  “Never, ever allow him to be the banker in Monopoly.”

  Maygen placed a hand over her chest, with a relieved sigh. “You scared me.”

  “They’re idiots,” I said, rolling my eyes. “And sore losers.”

  “Whatever. You cheat.” Luca looked down at Maygen and added, “He was so brazen about it. Didn’t even try hiding the stack of five-hundred-dollar bills he snatched during the game.”

  “Liars,” I grumbled.

  “Ask Angela. She’ll tell you.”

  “I hate Monopoly, so no worries there,” Maygen said.

  Both Luca and Eve gasped in horror. “Those are grounds for a breakup,” Luca said, shaking his head in mock disgust. He extended his hand again and said, “It was really nice meeting you. I wish you well in life,” before turning to walk away. I gripped his shoulder and pretended to gut-punch him, causing the bastard to laugh at my expense.

  Maygen looked so much more relaxed than she had when arriving. I loved that my cousins helped her forget her nerves. The two had been like siblings to Angela and me. We’d do anything for them, and vice versa.

  “Let’s introduce you to a few more of my idiot relatives,” I said, taking her hand and leaving Luca and Eve cursing me as we walked away. I maneuvered her through the room, making introductions as needed. She met Nick’s parents, Luca and Eve’s mom, Dora, and a ton of other relatives. The whole time, her hand never left mine. Even when I tried to let it go in an attempt to tease her, her grip only tightened.

  At the sight of her uncle George she relaxed. “Hey, sweetheart,” he said as he hugged her with our hands still linked.

  “Where’s Aunt Theresa?”

  “She’s home babysitting the grandkids. It’s Nate and Carol’s anniversary weekend.”

  “Oh, right. I forgot.”

  It was minutes later when my mother announced they were on their way in. Maygen and I hung back in the corner, allowing all the craziness to occur once they walked through the door.

  The room erupted with cheers, stunning Nick in the process. We watched as Angela and he exchanged a few words and a few heated kisses. A clapping Nicholas was passed to my mom while Nick was hugged and kissed by dozens of guests.

  “Better him than me,” I said out loud.

  “You’re not into being the center of attention?” She looked up with an amused look on her face.

  “Nope. Promise me you’ll never throw me a surprise party.” I gathered her in my arms. “When I turn thirty I’d much rather go away to a deserted island with you and run around naked.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  I attached my lips to hers, and all too soon she pulled away, pointing a finger at me. “No. My heart just stopped pounding from being nervous. Do not rile me up again.”

  “You’re no fun. I’ll just have to take you upstairs later to my dad’s office, where you won’t have to worry about people watching us.” I added, “Are you wearing underwear? It’d be easier if you weren’t.”

  At the moment her mouth gaped open in shock, my sister, Nick, and Nicholas stepped over to where we were standing, immediately stopping our conversation.

  “You look beautiful, Maygen,” Angela said before pulling her into a hug.

  “So do you. I love that dress.” She winked.

  “The perks of working for Eve.” My sister smiled and nodded. “Tell Dax I’m in love with his clothes.”

  “He’ll love hearing that.” She turned toward Nick. “Happy birthday.”

  “Thank you. I can’t believe my wife pulled this off. She couldn’t keep a secret if her life depended on it.” He wrapped an arm around Angela and beamed. The sap was so in love it was embarrassing to watch. With my arm around Maygen’s shoulders, it occurred to me, Fuck, who was I to talk?

  “Hi, Nicholas,” Maygen said with a warm smile. She adored my nephew, and the feeling was mutual.

  “Say hi, buddy,” Nick instructed. Nicholas looked at my girlfriend, immediately reaching for her with a wide grin spread over his face.

  “Kiss,” he announced, leaning forward while puckering his lips.

  Maygen laughed, and stepped forward so the little flirt could kiss her cheek. He wrapped his tiny arms around her neck, forcing her to take him from Nick into her arms.

  “Hey, dude. Get your own girlfriend,” I pretended to scold.

  My brother-in-law laughed at his little mini me and shrugged. “Sorry. He’s a sucker for a pretty girl.”


  “You want to play?” Maygen asked as the thief twirled a lock of her hair.

  “Ya.” He pointed to his mother and announced, “Mama trucks.”

  “You can play trucks with Maygen later. First you have to eat your supper. Do you want Grandpa to get you pasta?” He pouted but it vanished at the mention of pasta.

  “Ya,” he agreed, nodding his head vigorously. He placed his chubby little hands on Maygen’s face and asked wide-eyed, “May eat?”

  “Yep, I’m going to eat too, Nicholas.”

  Wrapping his arms around her neck he smiled and kissed her again.

  The DJ announced for everyone to take their seats. Angela had us sitting with her and Nick with Nicholas sandwiched between them, my cousins Luca and Eve, Jase, and Nick’s sister, Michelle. I had met her once before, but never mentioned to Maygen who she was.

  “Hi, everyone.” Taking her seat with a smile, she waved and focused on me. “Hi, David, how are you?”

  I suspected she liked me, and it must have been obvious when Maygen stiffened beside me. “I’m great, Michelle. You?”

  “I’m good.” She gave a quick smile to Nick and nodded. “My brother deserves this. Thank you, Ang.” She reached for Angela’s hand and squeezed it.

  Maygen sat beside me wide-eyed. I couldn’t tell if she was jealous or starstruck. “Michelle, this is my girlfriend, Maygen Whitney. Baby, this is Michelle Farley.”

  “Hi, Maygen.” The flirtatious look in Michelle’s eyes instantly disappeared. “I didn’t know you were seeing someone. That’s awesome.” Her words weren’t laced with resentment, and sounded genuine.

  Maygen raised a hand in what looked like a wave while rendered completely speechless. Nick and I laughed at my girlfriend’s reaction. Upon hearing it, Maygen blushed. “I’m sorry, Michelle. I never put two and two together.” Her embarrassed smile turned into a scowl before she looked toward me. “Maybe because I was never told.”

  “It’s more fun this way,” Nick quipped. He loved teasing Maygen almost as much as I did.

  “You’re both mean.”

  Michelle laughed. “You and I will just have to get them back somehow.”

  “Deal.” Maygen cleared her throat and sat up straighter. “All kidding aside, I think you’re an amazing actress.”

  “Thank you so much,” Michelle responded shyly. “Wait, Whitney? Any relation to Garrett Whitney?”

  Maygen smiled shyly. “He’s my dad.”

  “Small world. I know Garrett well. He represents quite a few of my friends. Very nice man.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell him that.”

  Nick’s sister was stunning, in a very natural way. The siblings looked a lot alike. Michelle’s dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes were identical to Nick’s. She wasn’t a Hollywood diva by any means. The first time I met her was at the reception Eve threw on Thanksgiving for Angela and Nick. I expected an agent, or a publicist, or even a bodyguard to be escorting her. Maybe even a minion holding an umbrella to shade her from the sun. Hell, she was Academy Award–winning Michelle Farley. My scenario seemed reasonable.

  Surprising me completely, she was down-to-earth and extremely humble. She and Angela got along beautifully
. It took all of five minutes to forget she was the Michelle Farley, and instead think of her as just Nick Farley’s older sister.

  “Your reaction was pretty timid, Maygen. Unlike when Jase met my sister.”

  “Oh my God. Please don’t bring that up,” Eve said with an eye-roll.

  “What? She’s freakin’ Michelle Farley!” Jase shrugged before adding, “I bet many fans ask you to tweet their Twitter names to your one million followers.”

  “Um…not really,” Michelle said condescendingly.

  “Well they’re idiots then,” Jase grumbled.

  Luca leaned closer as dinner was being served. “I need to talk to you,” he said quietly while the conversation around us continued.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He glanced around the table and lowered his voice. “I may be moving here.” I couldn’t hide the surprise on my face. “It’s time. Mom finally decided she no longer wants to be in Chicago now that Eve is pregnant. I pretended that I’ve been considering it as well. The fact is, if my family is here I need to be here.”

  “And the practice?”

  “I’ll move it.”

  “I’m shocked. You love Chicago. This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain assistant DA named Erin, would it?”


  Erin was Luca’s friend who helped my sister when she was pregnant with Nicholas. Angela stayed at Erin’s place in Ohio while hiding from her ex, Ronnie. Luca and Erin met in college, and had an off-again, on-again thing going for years. Geography was never on their side. Erin settled near where they attended college, and Luca returned to Chicago to help run his dad’s accounting firm, which was hard on their relationship.

  “Now that she’s here in New York, and you all are here in New York, I think it’s time Mom and I joined everybody.” He lifted his beer and took a swig before shrugging. “I’m not getting any younger. All this hotness won’t last forever.”

  “Yeah, you got at least six months before that head of hair starts thinning.”

  “Bite your fucking tongue.”

  The DJ began playing a song that Maygen loved. She felt it was written for us and had downloaded it on my phone. Predictably, at hearing “My Immortal,” her eyes flew to mine. “I’m sorry to interrupt. David, dance with me?”


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