Home > Romance > WHO KILLED EMMALINE? > Page 9

by Dani Matthews

  “Thank you.” I accept it and slip it on. It smells of him, and it’s nice and cozy as it falls around my upper body. I adjust it around my waist, then pick up my soda as I pull open the tab. “I wonder how Riley got his hands on my locker combo.”

  “Isabella, I’m sure.” Cord pulls out homework. “She’s an office assistant during first period.”

  I sigh and set down my soda. “Great. I wonder what other surprises I’m going to find in the coming weeks.”

  “Just don’t leave anything important in there, and you’ll be fine.”

  As I unwrap my sandwich, I study Cord as he begins working on his homework. For a tall, muscular guy, he rarely eats during lunch, and when he does, it’s usually a banana or an apple. I’ve offered him some of my own lunch before, but he always turns it down.

  “What are you going to do with it?” I ask, referring to the penis.

  Cord turns the page in his textbook, not bothering to look up. “I’m going to take a detour to the parking lot after lunch and replace Riley’s gas cap with it. Hopefully he won’t notice it until after he’s driven through town.”

  I grin to myself as I begin to eat. Sometimes, I like how Cord’s mind works.

  * * *

  I’m working at Cordane’s that evening when I accidentally catch my finger on the rough edge of a drawer behind the makeshift checkout counter.

  “Damn!” I hiss when I see that blood is steadily dripping from the cut on my left index finger. Not wanting to bleed on any merchandise, I stick my bloody finger in my mouth and grimace as the taste of copper hits my tongue. The store is busy tonight, but no one is waiting in line at the register.

  I quickly stride past a couple looking at jewelry and enter the back of the store. Lightning flashes above, and the reaper comes at me with glowing eyes, making me let out a little squeak as I dart past him. There are dozens of tables hidden in amongst the trees with Halloween products, and racks along the back wall boast colorful arrays of costumes. It’s amazing how much merchandise the guys were able to get out onto the floor without it looking too crowded. We also have a book for customers to go through, because we have more merchandise in the back that we’re willing to bring out upon request. I duck through the fake, spindly trees that have cobwebs stuck in their claw-like branches, then approach the hidden employee doorway.

  The second I’m clear of the store, I rush down the hall to the bathroom. “Dane!” I holler as I enter the tiny restroom and turn on the water. I stick my finger under the faucet, thankful to have it out of my mouth. The blood is immediately washed away, and I pull my finger from the water to inspect the cut. Shoot. Am I going to need stitches? I put it back under again and watch the white porcelain at the bottom of the sink splatter with pink and red.

  “What’s wrong?” Dane asks from the doorway.

  “I cut my finger, so someone needs to watch the store until I can stop the bleeding and get a bandage on it,” I explain apologetically.

  Dane enters the bathroom. “Let me see.” His hand reaches out, and he pulls my finger away from the water as he steps closer, his body brushing close to mine. “How did this happen?”

  “I caught it on the drawer behind the counter.”

  “What’s going on?”

  We both look up to see Owen standing outside the open doorway, his gray eyes peering at us curiously.

  “She cut her finger. Do us a favor, go watch the front end,” Dane suggests. He turns his attention back to my finger as he studies the cut.

  “I’ll be fine. I can manage on my own,” I insist, not wanting them to fuss over me.

  Dane shakes his head, his green eyes lifting to mine. “You’re never going to get that bandaged on your own.”

  “I can help her if you want,” Owen offers.

  “I’ve got her.”

  I watch as Owen nods, his eyes shifting between me and Dane before he walks away to go watch the store. Then I’m distracted as Dane releases my hand to move around me, pulling paper towel from the dispenser on the wall. Once he has a few, he moves back to me and wraps my finger tightly to stop the blood flow.

  “Hold it tight,” he orders. “I’ll go grab our medical kit.”

  I take over, holding my injured finger as he turns and hurries out of the bathroom and disappears down the hall. I stand there for a full minute until I can’t resist pulling back the paper towel to inspect the cut. The blood is slowing down, and I’m relieved. I probably won’t need stitches.

  Dane enters the bathroom and spies me studying my finger. “You don’t listen well, do you?” he admonishes.

  “It’s slowing down,” I tell him as he opens the kit.

  “Good. Then a couple of bandages should do the trick.” He sanitizes my cut, causing me to wince. Instead of concentrating on the pain, I study Dane. He’s standing real close to me, and I can’t help but admire how good-looking he is. Those are some mighty fine Bodine genes both brothers have.

  Dane happens to look up, and his eyes connect with mine. Something flares in his gaze, and his lips quirk in a way that I’ve seen Cord’s do. “If I were a few years younger…” he murmurs.

  I blink with surprise. I hadn’t been expecting him to admit that he finds me attractive.

  Dane smiles easily and backs away from me as he releases my now bandaged finger. “Good as new,” he announces.

  “Uh, thanks. I better go back out front.”

  Dane starts cleaning up. “If that bleeds through, come back, and we’ll change the bandage again.”


  I hurry back into the store, and after Owen is finished ringing up a purchase, I step in to take over. My mind stays focused on work as a line develops at the register. I try to be friendly but efficient so that no one gets impatient waiting. One guy tries to flirt with me and wants to know why I’m not wearing a costume. I smile politely and change the topic as I explain our return policies while I bag up the bloody body parts he’s purchasing. I’m actually relieved that Dane isn’t making me wear the store’s costumes. Some of them are very…revealing. There’s obviously some respectable costumes as well, but I prefer the store’s clothing over a sexy Elvira costume or a bulky Raggedy Ann one. Cordane’s is carrying everything under the sun for costumes, including children’s.

  There’s a lull later, and I’m in the front part of the store organizing clothing when Riley and Gavin enter Cordane’s. My heart sinks. I knew this was coming sooner or later but was hoping for much later.

  Riley’s eyes roam around the store with obvious intent until his gaze rests on me. He saunters over with Gavin trailing behind, and his eyes deliberately look me over from head to toe. I’m wearing a black, sleeveless top that has buttons going halfway down, and a skull design decorates the back of the shirt. It does great things for my breasts, and I’d worn black, skinny jeans that show off my figure. On my feet are the combat boots I’d broken down and bought. They have actually become my favorite pair of shoes. They are comfy, yet feminine with decorative buckles on them. Cordane’s clothing is starting to really appeal to me.

  “Cute outfit,” Riley remarks with a smirk.

  I pick up another shirt to fold as I level him with a look. “Go away, Riley.”

  Gavin looks me over, licking his lips. “Do you help out in the fitting rooms? I always have issues with the zipper on my pants.”

  I flash him a disgusted look. “In your dreams.”

  “You never survive in my dreams,” he says simply.

  “You’re psychotic.”

  “Not as psychotic as Bodine,” Riley intervenes. “I bet he’s got a special mask picked out just for you. Or has he gotten his freak on with you already?” His lip curls. “Did you like it? Did you scream for more?”

  I stare him down steadily, refusing to be bated where Cord is concerned. “I can’t help it that your dad couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Stop blaming me and my mom.”

  Anger flashes in Riley’s eyes as he steps into my personal space. “How w
as my dad supposed to resist a trashy, classless whore like your mom?” he hisses.

  My fists clench at my sides, and I refuse to back away from him. I also have to keep in mind that I am in public and at my place of employment. I need to maintain my composure. My fists slowly unclench as I force myself to relax. “Either buy something or leave, Riley.”

  “I’ll leave when I’m good and ready.”

  “Is there a problem?” Dane walks up, his black lined eyes shifting between me and Riley. I watch as he takes in Riley’s aggressive stance towards me, and he promptly walks over to stand beside me, giving Riley no choice but to back up a step. Owen has also come up front, and he stands to the side, arms crossed as he watches the scene unfold.

  I’m mortified this is playing out in front of my boss and manager. At least Cord isn’t working tonight. If he were, things would be much worse than they already are.

  “Can I help you boys find anything?” Dane asks Riley and Gavin, his expression turning cold now that he’s assessed the situation.

  Before Riley can say anything, I speak up. “We don’t have what they’re looking for. They were just on their way out.”

  Riley smirks at me, his expression telling me that we are nowhere near finished with our conversation. Then he deliberately ignores Dane as both he and Gavin leave the store.

  The second they are gone, Dane turns to frown at me. “What was that all about?”

  I owe him some sort of explanation for the scene that Riley had been trying to cause. “He’s my stepbrother.”

  His frown immediately deepens. “That boy is bad news.” The phone behind the counter starts to ring, and Dane looks at Owen. “Will you grab that, please?”

  “Sure.” Owen walks away towards the counter.

  Dane turns back to me, concern reflecting in his gaze. “Does he live with you?”

  “No, he lives with his mom.”

  Dane nods. “Is he always that way towards you?”

  Evidently Cord hasn’t mentioned my problems at school, and I’d like to keep it that way. “Sometimes. I can handle it.”

  “Be careful around him,” he warns quietly.

  I look at him with surprise. “Why do you say that?”

  Dane holds my gaze. “He and Emmaline dated on and off for years until she started secretly seeing Cord.”

  “You think he might have had something to do with her death?” I ask as I process this new information.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I would just watch your back where he’s concerned. He’s always been a spoiled brat, and if the rumors are true, he was more than just a little enamored with Emmaline.”


  The following day, I’m sitting outside with Cord during lunch. I’d expected him to pull out his sketch pad or homework, but instead, he turns his attention on me. “Dane mentioned that Riley was in the store harassing you last night.”

  Oh great. I can just imagine how that conversation had gone. I had been hoping that Dane wouldn’t say anything. With Cord’s temper the way it is, the last thing he needs is to learn that his nemesis is causing trouble at the store he owns with his brother.

  “Yeah, your brother intervened. Nothing happened,” I say lightly.

  “He really has it out for you, doesn’t he?”

  I shrug, not wanting to make a big deal out of last night. “His dad cheated on his mom with mine, so yeah, he definitely doesn’t like me. To be fair, I don’t really blame him. If it were the other way around, I’m betting I’d feel the same. I just wouldn’t be so mean about it.”

  Cord’s expression darkens. “He’s being a pussy for taking it out on you. If he’s that pissed, he should take it up with his father and your mother. You just happen to be the easier mark, and he’s taking the coward’s way out by going after you. Have you told your mom what’s been going on at school?”

  I shake my head and dip my spoon into my yogurt. “I did that first day when he played that conversation over the intercom. After that, it just wasn’t worth stirring up more drama.”

  Cord’s expression lightens. “About that conversation, you really thought you could take on the football team?”

  I shoot him look. “No. He completely twisted that conversation to benefit himself.”

  His eyes gleam. “So you never said he has a good body? Or that he’s hot?”

  “Shut up.” I grab a grape and throw it at him, and it bounces off his chest. I’d wanted the mood to lighten but not at my expense.

  Cord smirks. “So you did.” He shakes his head. “I’m disappointed.”

  I throw another grape, and it hits him in the shoulder. He quickly grabs it before it can fall and pops it in his mouth. “Dane mentioned Riley and Emmaline dated on and off?” I ask, switching the topic.

  Cord looks at me sharply. “How did you guys get on the topic of Emmaline?”

  “Dane was concerned that Riley was harassing me, and he warned me to be careful around him. You don’t think he had anything to do with what happened to her, do you?”

  Cord is silent a moment as he thinks over my question. “He doesn’t strike me as the type to plan a murder, but then again, most killers don’t wear a sign on their forehead announcing their intentions, either. The possibility is there.”

  I search his expression, but I don’t see anything in it that tells me he blames Riley for Emmaline’s death. “But you don’t think it was him, do you?”

  Cord shrugs, his expression shutting down. “I have no idea.”

  I fall silent, picking up my yogurt again.

  Cord, deciding our conversation is finished, turns to his backpack to pull out his sketch pad.

  * * *

  It’s Thursday night, and the store closed five minutes earlier. Music is still playing overhead since Dane is working in the back. He won’t shut off the stereo until just before he leaves. Cord is also here tonight, helping Dane with Halloween prep work.

  On the nights I help close, I spend about an hour tidying up the store before heading out. My mom hates that I come home so late on school nights, but I’ve assured her that once October is over, my hours will go back to normal. Dane tries to be respectful of the fact that I am still in high school, but I’ve insisted that a few late nights here or there won’t hurt anything. I have a study hall every day, so I have plenty of time to do my homework then. If I still don’t have it done by the next day, I work on it before school.

  As I approach the hall leading to the fitting rooms, I pause and turn off the fog machine. The fog swirls around my ankles as I enter the red lit hallway, and I slip into the first fitting room on the right. The light flickers on overhead, and I start grabbing discarded clothing. This is probably my least favorite part of my job on closing nights. It’s just eerie back here, and it doesn’t help that at the end of the hall where a large mirror is located, Dane has a monster standing guard.

  It takes a while to clean out the rooms, and when I enter the last one on the left, the light flickers on, and I see a couple of corsets hanging on a hook. Unable to resist the temptation, I set down my handful of clothing and pick up the first corset. It’s my size. It’s black with buckles and spikes, and it’s wickedly sexy.

  My head tilts to the side as I envision it on myself. I step closer to the mirror as the fitting room door closes behind me. I glance at the door, then hesitate. It’s not very often anyone interrupts my nightly duties.

  Throwing caution to the wind, I quickly strip off my shirt, and then hesitate with my bra. Oh hell, why not? I undo the clasp, allowing the bra to fall to the floor as I pick up the corset, slipping my arms through it. It takes a bit of time to fasten the front, then I have to do a little twisting and arching to pull the strings in the back so that the corset tightens around my waist. When I feel it’s cinched enough, I tie it, and then peer at myself in the mirror.


  I wish I had my phone. Sidney would flip if she could see me now. The corset has pushed my breasts up much higher than they should be. M
y now smaller waist causes my hips to look curvier in the short, black skirt I’d bought—the one with the safety pins going down the sides. I’d paired the skirt with my combat boots, and my makeup is much darker here at the store.

  I definitely do not look anything like my old self.

  Movement in the mirror draws my attention, and I spin around to see that Cord had slipped into the room when I’d been distracted. With the music on, I hadn’t heard the click of the door being opened or shut. His green eyes roam over me from head to toe in a way that has my lower belly quivering.

  I feel suddenly embarrassed over the corset I’d chosen to try on. I never do this kind of thing when I close up. Wait—no, sometimes I do when I’m thinking of purchasing something new, but I’ve never gravitated to the corsets.

  “Uh, it’s not really…” I’m not sure what to say.

  Cord’s eyes simmer with heat. “Buy it,” he says, his voice just loud enough to be heard over the music.

  The desire in his eyes is causing my heart to thunder in my ears. Looks like Cord isn’t as unaffected by me as I had once assumed. I try to control my hormones. “What are you doing in here?”

  “I had a question, and when I couldn’t find you, I checked in here.” His eyes sweep over me again. “Perfect timing on my part. I had no idea I’d find you wearing something like that.”

  I touch the waist of the corset self-consciously. “I didn’t mean to try it on…”

  He arches an eyebrow, and his eyes drop to my discarded shirt and bra. “But somehow, off came your shirt and bra, and on came the corset,” he murmurs. His eyes lift and zero in on my breasts. “You should buy it.”

  “It’s not really my style.”

  His eyes burn into mine. “I don’t think you really know what your style is yet. I’ve seen the way you look at the clothing with interest. You like being different when you’re here at the store.” His eyes drop to the corset. “You like being sexy.”

  I lick my lips, trying to figure out how to navigate this conversation. “This would be a waste of money since I’d have nowhere to wear it. Dane insists there’s rules to the employee dress code.”


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