Harlequin Heartwarming June 2021 Box Set

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Harlequin Heartwarming June 2021 Box Set Page 68

by Patricia Johns

  “Don’t you apologize,” Elroy uttered. “It’s our right to know who’s hanging around our grandchild.”

  Leon opened his mouth to speak, but Misty gave a quick shake of her head. It wasn’t worth the drama. “Clara, the answer is yes as Leon already told you. The two of us are dating.”

  Elroy muttered something under his breath, then abruptly left the room.

  Misty sighed, clasped her hands together, and stared at Clara.

  “He’s not been feeling well lately,” Clara offered as an excuse. “That’s why I asked you to bring Talei for a visit. I thought seeing her would cheer him up.”

  Elroy returned, cold fury in his eyes. “How can you do this to John? He was your friend.”

  “Do what?” Leon asked, keeping his voice low.

  “Is that why you moved to that island? Elroy accused Misty. “To be with him? I told my son you were no good.”

  Clara pulled Talei close to her. “Don’t do this in front of this child.”

  “She’s right,” Leon stated, rising to his full height. “You and I can have this conversation outside.” He’d had enough of Elroy’s rudeness.

  “Leon, it’s okay,” Misty said. Her anxiety level increased with each passing moment.

  “Sweetheart, it’s not okay and it stops today.”


  WHEN THEY WERE OUTSIDE, Leon said, “Tell me something. Elroy, how can you treat the mother of your grandchild like that? What did she do to you?”

  He looked indignant. “You may have been John’s friend, but you have no right to talk to me like this.”

  “I’m making it my right. Look around you. Look at what your anger has cost you. Your daughter left and never looked back. She won’t even bring her family around you. John wanted to leave but he didn’t want to break your heart.”

  Elroy frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “John never wanted to leave school, but he felt like you’d given him no choice—you threatened to cut him off financially.” Leon paused a moment before saying, “You know he hated being a truck driver.”

  “He was weak.”

  “John was loyal to you,” Leon countered. “But you never appreciated him. All he ever wanted was your approval.”

  “If that’s true, then he should’ve listened to me when I told him to stay away from that girl. Because of Misty, my son is dead.”

  “What is your problem with her?”

  “She just wasn’t right for John. Now she’s running after you. I guess you turned out to be the best man after all.”

  Leon clenched his lips together and struggled to maintain his calm.

  “You know I always thought you were smart—”

  “I’m not going to let you finish that thought,” Leon interjected. “One thing you need to remember right now—I’m not John. What I do is my business and you have nothing to say about it. Elroy, I’ve done my best to remain neutral in this situation and I’ve tried to see both sides... You’re blowing your chance to have a relationship with your granddaughter. Instead of bashing her mother to me, you should be inside that house enjoying time with Talei.”

  After a moment, Elroy said, “I’m not going to be disrespected on my property.”

  “And I’m not going to stay here and allow you to disrespect Misty. We’re leaving.” Leon headed back inside the house.

  He entered and looked at Clara. “I’m afraid we need to head back to the island.”

  Tears sprang into Clara’s eyes. “Noo... Please don’t leave.”

  “Let ’em go,” Elroy yelled from the outside.

  “I’m sorry, Clara. This is for the best.” Misty sighed, picked up Talei and followed Leon to the front door.

  Leon wrapped an arm around her.

  Standing a few feet away, Elroy suddenly collapsed to the ground.

  Leon sprang into action. “Call the paramedics.” He glanced over his shoulder at Misty, who was buckling Talei in her seat.

  Clara came running out of the house. “What’s wrong with him?”

  Elroy looked as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t get the words out.

  Leon glanced over at Clara. “I think he’s had a stroke. The paramedics are on the way.”

  Elroy was transported to the hospital with Clara by his side.

  “He may have had a stroke,” Leon said, following behind the ambulance.

  When Misty didn’t respond, he glanced over at her. “Did you hear me?”

  “Yeah, I heard you. I’m just trying to remove the image of Elroy on the ground like that. I had to shield Talei from seeing him.”

  “He was getting so worked up over nothing.”

  “It was a mistake coming here,” Misty said. “I should’ve known better.”

  “This isn’t your fault. You know that, right?”

  Misty didn’t respond.

  “Where Paw Paw?” Talei asked when they arrived at the hospital.

  “He’s with the doctor,” Clara said.

  “He sick?”

  “He’s just getting a checkup, sweetie,” Misty interjected. “Your Paw Paw is fine.”

  “Why would you tell her that?” Clara asked in a loud whisper. “We have no idea what’s wrong and if he’ll come out of it okay.”

  “I don’t want to traumatize my daughter. The last time she was in a hospital, John died.”

  Clara walked over to a nearby window and stared out.

  Leon took Talei and sat down in the waiting area.

  Misty stood beside Clara. “I’m sorry about all this. I don’t think it was a good idea for us to come.”

  “I invited you. I thought seeing Talei would make Elroy feel better. Since John’s death, the business has suffered. We keep losing drivers and contracts... He’s been under a tremendous amount of stress,” Clara wiped away a tear. “I tried to get him to let me help. I grew up around trucks. I did all my daddy’s paperwork for him until I married Elroy.” She glanced over her shoulder at Leon, then said, “I don’t think he should’ve come with you. This was the last thing my husband needed.”

  “Leon and I have nothing to hide, Clara.”

  After a moment, she responded, “You’re right. Of course, Misty. Leon is a good man and after what my son put you through... Well, you deserve to be happy. It’s just that Leon was John’s friend.”

  “You’re entitled to feel how you feel, but it has nothing to do with me,” Misty stated.

  Clara glared at her. “John always said you were selfish. He said that you only think of yourself and what you want. I’ve tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I’m beginning to see just how right he was about you.”

  Misty wasn’t about to make a scene, so she walked away with uttering a response.

  “Leon, I think we should just head home.”

  He stood up. “Is everything okay between you two?”

  “I just need to get out of here.”

  Misty was quiet most of the ride back to Polk Island.

  “Are you okay?” Leon asked.

  “I’m... I’ve just been thinking.”

  “About?” he prompted.

  “I can’t do this—any of it,” Misty said. “All I want is to live a peaceful life, Leon. That’s it. I’m not going to have it as long as I have to deal with Elroy and Clara. As long as we’re together, they are not going to let me live in peace. I need to be completely free of my past and the hell that came with it. Unfortunately, this means that you and I can’t see each other either.”

  “Because of my relationship with your ex-husband, we can’t be together—that’s what you’re saying. Right?”

  Misty ached with an inner pain. “I think it’s b-best.” Her voice broke miserably. Clara’s words had wounded her deeply. Maybe she was being selfish. She hadn’t cont
emplated how being with Leon would disturb them. Misty hadn’t considered how taking Talei and moving away would affect John.

  She wiped away her tears. “I’m sorry but I just can’t do this, Leon.”

  “I’m at a loss here.”

  “I have to get Talei in the house,” Misty said. “I’m sorry.”

  * * *


  Inside her room, she removed her clothes and padded barefoot into the bathroom to take a shower.

  Warm tears streamed down her face, merging with the water from the showerhead.




  Why was that always her first instinct?

  Misty shook off the questions. I did the right thing. I can’t live with that type of turmoil in my life. Clara was right about my being selfish. I have to consider everyone in this situation. As much as I care for Leon, he’s an innocent partner in my turbulent relationship with the Hayeses. I just hope one day we can get past this—maybe even be friends.

  One thing was abundantly clear. Shadows still clung to her heart. The ones Misty thought she’d banished with counseling, determination and the new life she’d built.

  She picked up her phone and saw that she had a text from Clara informing her that Leon was right. Elroy had a stroke but fortunately it left little effect to his body.

  Misty sent a response saying she was relieved to hear that he would recover. She couldn’t think of anything else to say so she left it at that.

  Sleep did not come easy for her. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the hurt and disappointment registered on Leon’s face. The last thing she ever wanted was to break his heart. Her selfishness taunted her.

  * * *

  “THANK YOU FOR letting me know, Clara.” Leon’s throat ached with defeat.

  Leon laid his phone on the wireless charger, then got up to remove his clothes.

  He had chosen to love again. To hope again.

  Then the waves of heartbreak came crashing all around him. He’d allowed Misty into his life and now she was gone.

  Frustrated, Leon tossed a pillow across the room.

  He had no idea what Clara had said to Misty at the house, but it clearly upset her, and he couldn’t get her to tell him anything. Before today, they could talk about any and everything. This time she just shut down completely.

  Her rejection hurt, wounding him to the core of his soul. Misty wanted out of their relationship and there was nothing he could do about it.

  He told himself that it was best that it happened now rather than later.

  Leon’s heart ached as it yearned for the woman he thought he’d one day marry. He’d allowed himself to believe that he could have a second chance at love.

  He thought about Talei and felt another throbbing ache. Leon wasn’t going to abandon his goddaughter—he just had to find a way to erect a wall around his heart where Misty was concerned.

  He vowed to never give her a chance to hurt him again.

  * * *

  MISTY HIRED TWO part-time employees to help out in the shop. She had three weddings on the schedule, an anniversary celebration and several other events requiring cakes and other baked goods. She planned to expand their catering menu to include sandwiches and other specialties.

  At two o’clock, Misty left the shop to pick up Talei. They were going to visit with Eleanor. Although she was the new owner of the Polk Island Bakery & Café, Misty continued to seek guidance from her.

  Eleanor embraced Talei, then Misty. “I’m so glad to see y’all. I made some lunch for us.”

  Lunch turned out to be parmesan chicken, wild rice and mixed greens. She’d even made a cheesecake for dessert.

  Misty said, “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble but thank you.”

  “It wasn’t no trouble. I try to keep busy, but I can’t stand being in this house all day long.”

  They sat down at the table to eat.

  “Miss Eleanor, you’re supposed to be a lady of leisure.”

  She chuckled. “That just sounds boring to me.” Eleanor paused a moment, then asked, “Have you seen Rusty? I thought he was in the yard working. I want him to eat while the food’s hot.”

  “I think he’s at work, Miss Eleanor. I saw his car there when we were driving here.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I can be so forgetful at times.”

  Misty smiled. “I have days like that, too.”

  “Rusty has me working on puzzles. He says it helps improve your memory.”

  “I’m going to have to give it a try.”

  “How’s the shop?”

  “It’s going well,” Misty said. “I just hired two part-time employees, but to be honest, we all miss you not being there.”

  “Maybe I could come in a couple days a week to help out. Just to get me out of the house. I hate being here alone all the time.”

  Misty smiled. “That would be great.”

  The doorbell sounded.

  “Would you like me to get it?” Misty asked.

  Eleanor nodded. “I’m not expecting anyone.”

  Misty opened the front door to find Leon standing there.

  He seemed just as surprised to see her.

  “Hello, Leon.”

  When he looked at her, she could see the pain reflected in his gaze. “I didn’t expect to see you. I came to see my aunt.”

  “Talei and I stopped by for a visit.” Misty stepped back so he could enter.

  “I’ll just come back later.” He spoke calmly, with no light in his eyes, no smile of tenderness.

  “Leon, you don’t have to leave. It doesn’t have to be this distance between us. We’re still friends, I hope.”

  “I can’t have this conversation right now.”

  “Can we talk later?”

  Leon eyed her. “You made a decision about us without talking it through with me, Misty. This was your decision. We both have to live with it.” He glanced down at his watch. “Tell my aunt I’ll be back in an hour.”

  Her throat closed as she watched him walk away, shoulders squared, back straight—a picture of strength.

  Added to her disappointment was a feeling of guilt.

  When Misty returned to the table, Eleanor said, “I take it things are a little bumpy between you two.”

  “It’s worse than that,” she said. “We’re not seeing each other anymore. I ended it because I thought it was the best thing to do.”

  Eleanor eyed her. “You’re not looking like you really believe that. You love him, and I know he loves you, Misty. Don’t make the same mistake I did for years. Work it out.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “It’s too late for that.”

  Smiling, Eleanor said, “It’s never too late for love.”


  “A FEW OF us are going out tonight,” Charles announced when their shift ended. “Care to join us?”

  “Not tonight,” Leon responded. “Next time, though. Right now, I’m not in the mood to be around people.” All pleasure left him the night Misty ended their relationship. He needed more time for his raw emotions to heal from the shock.

  “Trouble in paradise?”

  “I don’t know what to call it, truthfully.” He shrugged. “But it is what it is...” His attempts to figure out how he and Misty had come to be in this space left his thoughts painful and jagged.

  “Leon, I don’t know what happened between you and Misty, but don’t give up on the relationship. You two are good for each other. And that little girl... She adores you.”

  “That’s the hard part,” Leon confessed. “I miss Talei.”

  “What about her mom?” Charles asked. “Do you miss her, too?”

  “I miss them both.”

  “Maybe Misty got

  “She wanted out and it was after she had a conversation with John’s mother.”

  “I’m sure they’re not happy about her moving on with their son’s best friend,” Charles stated.

  “You’re right about that, but I can’t understand why Misty would suddenly start caring about what they think.”

  “Leon, I have a feeling she’s going to have a change of heart once she has a chance to think things through.”

  His life was once again a bitter battle and his sense of loss went beyond the hurt he felt. “I opened myself up once to her, Charles. I’m not going to make that mistake a second time.”

  “Are you really going to give up so easily on her?”

  “Look how easy it was for her to give up on me,” Leon replied in sinking tones.

  * * *

  THE NEXT DAY, Eleanor spent most of the morning observing Misty. She’d never seen her look so sad.

  She called Leon and invited him to have lunch with her. “I’m at the shop.”

  “What are you doing there?”

  “I’m not one for being home all the time,” Eleanor said. “I come here three days a week just to get out of the house.”

  “I’ll be there at noon.”

  “See you then, son.”

  When Leon arrived, Eleanor gestured for him to join her in a booth near the huge window in the front of the shop. “I know I have trouble with my memory, but one thing I’m pretty clear on right now is that something’s going on between you and Misty. You want to tell me what happened?”

  “I wish I could, Auntie. I don’t fully understand it myself.”

  “Is it fixable?”

  “Both people in a relationship have to want it to work.”

  “You love her?”

  “I do,” Leon said. “I never thought I’d ever feel this way again. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I wanted to love another woman like this. I took the leap and now it’s bitten me in the behind.”

  “Son, I can’t believe you’re giving up so easily. Misty loves you, too. Y’all have something worth fighting for. You’re letting your fears get in the way.”

  Eleanor rose to her feet. “I almost forgot. I need to make another lemon pound cake. We sold the last one earlier.”


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