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Wildfire Page 6

by Lynn James

  “Unfortunately, all I have are packaged meals and protein bars.”

  “A protein bar sounds great. I’m starving. I nearly got worked to death today.”

  “Yeah, right. For a tough ranger you sure can whine.” Devon flashed her a playful grin.

  As Devon stirred about the campsite, Elaine watched in amazement at how gracefully she moved. She had thought once or twice that out of the corner of her eye she had seen Devon looking her way. Was Devon interested? Elaine quickly disregarded the thought as her own wishful thinking.

  She was afraid she had been caught staring again as Devon suddenly turned and approached her with two bottles of water and a couple of protein bars. If she’d noticed, she didn’t give Elaine any indication. Along with her other qualities, Devon always seemed to be the consummate professional. Elaine had been berating herself for her own lack ever since she laid eyes on Devon. She was usually very professional, but around Devon, she was more like a clumsy teenager.

  After graciously accepting the snack from Devon, she devoured it and then chugged the bottle of water.

  “Before I head out, I wanted to say that I had a good time today.”

  “A good time? Crouched on the ground, freezing your ass off, that’s a good time?” Devon smiled, trying to make light of the compliment.

  Elaine smiled sheepishly, almost embarrassed at how asinine the comment sounded. “What I meant to say is it was nice spending time with you today.”

  “Likewise. And I truly do appreciate your help.”

  “My pleasure. After all, it was those geographically challenged hikers who held up your work yesterday. And they were my problem, not yours.”

  They stood motionless in silence for a moment.

  Elaine knew she should simply say goodbye and return to the cabin, but her feet wouldn’t move.

  Their eyes locked for the briefest of moments before Devon turned away, afraid not only of what she saw in Elaine’s eyes, but also afraid of what her own eyes might reflect. When she met Elaine’s eyes again she was helpless to break free. She hadn’t been close enough before to truly appreciate just how dark and beautiful Elaine’s eyes were. She could feel the heat from Elaine’s body and her knees became inexplicably weak.

  Devon had no idea who was actually moving, only that the space between them was narrowing. She only knew that those lips that she’d been studying all day were coming closer. Her own lips parted slightly and Devon couldn’t quite stifle her gasp. She realized that Elaine looked confused and scared—just the way Devon felt.

  The first touch of Elaine’s lips was tentative. As Elaine’s lips returned more firmly, Devon couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her as she opened her mouth inviting Elaine’s tongue in.

  Elaine’s hunger grew as she took possession of Devon’s mouth. All shyness fled as they tasted each other. Her hand found its way under Devon’s sweatshirt to caress the soft flesh of her back as their kiss deepened.

  Devon felt Elaine’s strong arms embrace her as she reached up and ran her fingers through Elaine’s hair, surprised at how soft it felt between her fingers. Devon had been kissed before, but never like this.

  They finally parted and each tried to catch their breath. Elaine continued to stroke the softness under her hand. She couldn’t seem to release Devon. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  Devon was shocked at how low and sultry her voice was. Her eyes felt heavy lidded. “Are you sorry?”

  Elaine groaned and pulled Devon tighter against her as she fiercely reclaimed her soft, sweet mouth. Her hands stroked Devon’s ribs and then slipped easily upward, seeking out the silk covering her breast. The pleasure and arousal was overwhelming as she pulled away to look into Devon’s eyes once more.

  Devon hungrily pulled Elaine back to her again for another kiss. Surprised at her own aggression, she stroked her tongue against Elaine’s, first firmly and then playfully suggesting just how talented and agile it would be on other parts of her body. Had she ever been this aroused, this wet, from a kiss?

  Elaine finally managed to release Devon. She stepped back, trying to look like she had some semblance of control. What the hell just happened? “I guess I should be going. I have ranger duties to attend to. Be careful and have a safe night. If you need me, you know where to find me.”

  Devon’s lips were swollen and the ache between her thighs begged for release. She could still feel the heat from Elaine’s hands on her body. She knew that if the kiss had continued she would not have been able to stop herself from giving into the passion she felt. The word “no” would not have been anywhere in her vocabulary. Now Elaine was strolling off as if nothing of import had happened. She stepped out of Devon’s arms as quickly as she stepped into them and with ease it seemed.

  Elaine disappeared into the forest without a backward glance. One thing is for sure, that woman can kiss! Devon stood there for a while longer trying to steady her weak legs, ultimately deciding that if she threw herself back into her work she might be able to forget about what had just happened. Yeah right!

  Chapter 7

  By the time Elaine reached her cabin it was clear the predicted snowstorm was going to be a reality. Late season snow could be some of the most hazardous—quick, wet and far colder than people were prepared for. She got the latest report from Brad, who had been getting regular updates from the National Weather Service. Rapidly falling temperatures overnight, flurries by midday and heavier snowfall by early evening that could last from thirty-six to forty-eight hours. After sharing a few administrative details, she thanked Brad for the report and went out on the deck. It was cold and she pulled her jacket closed around her.

  The sky was clear and the stars were out. She shivered slightly. She didn’t really believe that it was just the night air giving her the chills. She wanted to see Devon again. She wasn’t sure what had caused her to lose her inhibitions and kiss her, but now she was unsure as to what to say or do when she saw Devon next. It hadn’t all been one-sided. Devon had definitely kissed her back.

  She sighed, watching her breath form clouds in the air. Yes, she wanted to see Devon again, but she wasn’t sure it would be a good idea. She needed to warn Devon that the approaching snow would probably be worse than she anticipated. She had made it clear that she was expecting the storm and was prepared for it, but Elaine couldn’t in good conscience ignore her duties because of personal reasons—reasons she created. On the heels of that thought was the realization that Devon might pack it in and head home after considering how the likely snow levels would hamper her work for the next week. She didn’t want to consider why that thought was so unsettling.

  The following afternoon, Elaine leaned against a tree, silently watching as Devon worked. She knew that she probably should have alerted Devon to her presence immediately, but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Devon was bent over foliage, taking photographs. Her jeans clung to her body perfectly. When she stood up, Elaine’s mouth went dry at the sight of the fleece molding to Devon’s breasts. She was thankful for the tree’s support.

  Devon had felt the change in temperature, but ignored it as she photographed the brush growing on the river bank. She had a few more minutes of good light before shade once again spread over the foliage and she needed to take as many shots as possible.

  She had just packed her belongings and turned to head back to her camp when she saw Elaine standing there, a slow smile spreading across her face.

  Good God, the ranger moved quietly.

  “Good afternoon,” was all Elaine could think to say.

  The look in her eyes set Devon’s body ablaze instantly.

  “I wanted to let you know that the snowstorm is expected to come in this evening. It will be bitter cold tonight and the snowfall will begin tomorrow. The report suggests moderate to heavy accumulation; probably twelve inches or more. You don’t have much time if you want to pack out of here.”

  Devon looked at her in surprise, shock almost. “No. I have work
to do. I won’t be leaving.” Devon attempted to mask her irritation at Elaine’s assumption that a little snow would drive her from camp by giving her a slight smile. Just what kind of a wimp does she think I am? She wasn’t some delicate flower that would wither and die when faced with some inclement weather.

  She couldn’t prevent the mischievous smile that spread across her face as she said a little more sarcastically than she had intended, “You’re welcome to leave, Captain. You don’t have to stay up here on my account.”

  Elaine smiled. “I’m not worried about me. I’m the one with the warm cabin remember?”

  Devon couldn’t help but laugh. “True enough.” Devon enjoyed Elaine’s sense of humor but she wasn’t going to be one-upped. “I guess I’ll have to dig out my snow boots. Besides, I’m always prepared. As I told you before, I brought my cold weather gear. I thought I might encounter snow at some point so I brought plenty of warm clothes and my sleeping bag is rated to forty below. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be perfectly fine.”

  Elaine felt like someone else was controlling her as she heard herself say, “Well, if you are planning to stay, perhaps you should come up to the cabin with me. I can offer you a warm, safe place to stay until the snow passes.”

  Devon briefly wondered how spending time alone snowbound with Elaine could possibly be safe. Her body trembled as she considered all the ways Elaine could keep her warm.

  “Well?” Elaine asked.

  “That won’t be necessary. I should be fine. But thank you for the offer.”

  Elaine knew that she had done her job by updating Devon about the storm. She had even offered her a warm place to stay. Elaine knew she should turn around and walk away, but her feet felt like lead weights. For some reason, even though she had no reason to assume Devon was anything but capable, she couldn’t bear the thought of her braving the storm and the cold alone in the woods.

  “I’m sorry, Dr. McKinney, but my job is to keep these woods and everyone in them safe.”

  Devon knew that it wasn’t really necessary for her to leave her camp and she wanted to be irritated with Elaine’s tone, but those eyes hypnotized her, making her forget all the reasons why she shouldn’t go. “All right, just let me grab a few things.”

  When Devon turned away Elaine silently shook her head. What was she thinking? Jesus, how was she going to spend the night in such close quarters with the woman that she was so incredibly attracted to?

  Elaine couldn’t help but notice how Devon moved with such poise and how at ease she was in this environment. She watched as Devon gathered some clothes, her toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion and her laptop, complete with a spare battery. She shoved everything in a small pack. Before leaving, Devon gathered up things around her camp, including a lantern and a strange looking grate that she pulled off the fire pit and placed them in her tent. When she had finished, she zipped the fly door closed and stood in front of Elaine ready to leave.

  Elaine glanced at the tent and decided that it should be fine. It was made to endure the weather and wind. When Devon had said that she would be fine, she wasn’t kidding. Still Elaine would feel better knowing that Devon wasn’t out in the freezing temperature. She also admitted to herself that it wasn’t the only reason she wanted Devon with her in the cabin. Jesus.

  Elaine was quiet as she led Devon up the hill.

  Devon never had any trouble keeping up. She took the rocks and fallen trees with ease and was careful not to step on any plants.

  They followed the deer trail almost to the access road and then broke off to finish the hike to the cabin. Elaine showed Devon in and busied herself lighting a fire in the fireplace.

  “I’ll be right back. I need to go start the generator and get some more wood.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Elaine smiled. “No, I’ll just be a minute. Make yourself comfortable. Feel free to use the shower—all the facilities. I know you’ve probably missed them.”

  “Oh, a shower would be great. Thanks.” Devon picked up her pack and promptly disappeared into the bathroom with an eager grin.

  They had made it back just as the clouds began moving in and the temperature plummeted. She carried in a full armload of wood, then busied herself with oil lamps and the beginning preparations of chili. The light frost on the windows obscured her view of the valley and once again she was thankful they had made it back when they had. She ignored the sounds from the shower, but try as she might she couldn’t help but imagine Devon, the way she’d looked skinny-dipping, now only few feet away, on the other side of a door…

  It was going to be a long night.

  The water on her skin felt good and it was the first time Devon had truly felt warm since arriving in the Cascades. Her solar shower usually did an adequate job, but having a genuine hot shower was blissful. She finally felt clean.

  It was nice to stand in a warm body and slather lotion over her dry skin. The cabin had been heating up nicely when she entered the bathroom so she had chosen a pair of loose fitting boxer shorts and a T-shirt to sleep in. The thought of wearing clothes to bed wasn’t appealing, but the luxuries that the small cabin afforded were worth it.

  She finally emerged from the bathroom with brush in hand. She was still brushing her hair out when her stomach grumbled. The smell of food filling the room made her realize for the first time that she hadn’t eaten anything except a breakfast bar at mid-morning.

  Elaine looked up just as Devon emerged from the bathroom and her breath caught. How on earth was she supposed to get through dinner much less the night with Devon dressed like that? The shirt was old and worn and molded perfectly to Devon’s firm breasts. And those legs! Jesus, they had haunted Elaine’s dreams. She had so many visions of them wrapped around her body and now they would be within just a few feet of her. She was torn between wanting to beg Devon to put on more clothes and wanting to rip off what little she was wearing.

  She finally found her voice. “I didn’t know if you like chili, if you do, dinner is ready. If not, I’d be happy to make you something else.”

  Devon smiled. “Chili sounds great, much more appetizing than my typical dinners when I’m working. I don’t know how they have the audacity to call those freeze dried meals food. Thank you for saving me from another one of those.”

  Elaine finally tore her gaze away. “It’s no problem. What can I get you to drink?”

  “Whatever you’re having will be fine?”


  Devon grinned. “That sounds great.”

  Devon filled the two bowls that Elaine had set out with steaming chili while Elaine grabbed spoons, napkins and two beers from the refrigerator and brought them to the table. Devon blew on a spoonful making sure it wouldn’t burn her mouth. For chili that had been quickly thrown together it was good, with a nice spicy kick that Devon enjoyed.

  “This is really good, Captain.”

  Elaine’s eyes reflected her appreciation of the compliment. “I’m glad you like it.” She couldn’t even begin to understand why the word “Captain” rolling off of Devon’s tongue made her whole body quiver. As much as she enjoyed the sound of it, she decided it was much too official.

  “Dr. McKinney, you don’t have to be quite so formal. You are welcome to call me Elaine, you know?”

  “Okay, Elaine, but only if you call me Devon. And please do. I never quite get used to being called Dr. McKinney.”

  Elaine knew she should address the kiss at some point. She sat quietly pondering how to approach the subject. Finally, she muttered, “Um, about yesterday. I’m sorry for kissing you. I don’t know what got into me. I hope you will forgive my impulsiveness.”

  Devon, even more confused than before, didn’t know what to say. “Okay. Well, let’s just chalk it up to a lapse in judgment. On both our parts. Fair enough?”

  Elaine nodded, glad that neither wanted to make a federal case out of it. She knew deep down that it wouldn’t be that easy to put it behind them, but at least
they had acknowledged it. She decided work was the safest topic. “How are the samples looking?”

  Devon was well aware that botany bored most people, even forest rangers. But as they ate, Elaine continued to ask questions that showed she was not only listening, but was actually interested. Devon found herself telling Elaine everything about the tests she had taken right after the spill and the results of what she was currently working on.

  They shared stories of their personal experiences during the spill, both agreeing that they had obviously not met during that time.

  Their conversation began to gravitate from work to their personal lives. They exchanged stories about how they had gotten into their respective professions and neither noticed when the snow began to fall.

  “How long have you been a ranger?”

  Elaine mentally counted. “It has been fourteen years now, I guess.”

  “How long have you been captain?”

  Elaine smiled as she reflected on her career, “About three years. I would probably be further along if I could bring myself to play politics.”

  Devon returned her smile. “Why, Captain Thomas, I would not have pictured you as a rebel.”

  “This coming from a rogue botanist!”

  Devon’s smile widened and she shrugged. “I can’t say I particularly like the politics myself.”

  Elaine arched an eyebrow. “I’m sure you are far better with it than I am.”

  “Probably, but you chose a profession where you are out in the field. You are out there every day.” Devon gestured toward the mountains beyond the windows. “You spend your days in the forests. I’ve had to earn that right. I’ve always been good at research, tucked away in the lab and I’ve always loved plants. So it made sense for me to become a botanist, but it has been difficult for me to prove that I need to be where I can do the most good. And sometimes, well, a lot of times, that’s in the field.”

  Elaine nodded in understanding. She went to the fridge to get them each another beer. She opened a bottle and set it in front of Devon, who hadn’t been shy about getting a second helping of dinner. Elaine wasn’t sure if Devon just enjoyed the chili because it wasn’t freeze dried or if she actually liked it. Either way, Elaine was glad to see Devon indulging in another bowl.


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