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Wildfire Page 17

by Lynn James

  Devon smiled up at Elaine and then back at her sister. “Elaine is a captain with the US Forest Service,” Devon paused to wink at Elaine, “and my babysitter while I was up there.”

  Raine smiled at Elaine. “And you thought she might need some more babysitting when she returned home?”

  Elaine threw her head back in amusement. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Devon rolled her eyes. “Yes, Raine, Elaine is my lover. Are you happy now?”

  Raine beamed. “If it wasn’t so much work to get out of this chair I would come over there and give you a hug. It’s about damn time Dev met someone.” Raine paused and tapped the fingertips of each hand together. “Now if we could just get the elusive Ms. Stacey Bailey to settle down.”

  “As a matter of fact it would seem our very own Stacey has met a woman who she actually wants to see again, but this mysterious woman wants nothing to do with her.”

  Raine almost squealed in delight. “I know that you are going to pay for giving me this information, Dev and for that I’m sorry, but thank you, thank you, thank you. This I can use.” Raine’s eyes took on a mischievous gleam. “And yes, I know Stacey has only been mothering me because she loves me. But she has been worse than I think Mom would be and if tormenting her with this is all the satisfaction I get then bless you!”

  Devon laughed and the two sisters continued to talk, including Elaine in the conversation the entire time. Devon took all three of their empty glasses to the kitchen where she rinsed them and set them in the dishwasher. She helped her sister to her feet for a hug.

  “Elaine and I are going to slip out for dinner.” Devon winked at her sister. “Besides I’m not going to be around when Stacey gets here with your dinner and finds out that you met Elaine first.”

  Raine laughed and walked them to the door. “Elaine, it was nice to meet you.” This time Raine did hug Elaine, to the extent her stomach would allow. “I’ll see you two soon.”

  Devon smiled. “Yes, you will.”

  Chapter 18

  “I’ve never been the way I am with you. It’s like I can’t get enough of you. I have this urgent need for you all the time,” Elaine whispered the following morning.

  Devon kissed her forehead gently and ran her finger across Elaine’s lips. “Baby, I feel the same way.”

  Baby. God, she loved the sound of that rolling off Devon’s lips.

  She rested her chin on the arm that draped over Devon. “You drive me crazy; you know that, don’t you?”

  Devon lazily rubbed her back, a smile tugged at her lips. “I hope you mean that in a good way.”

  Her smile was slow and lazy. “I mean that in the very best way.”

  Devon leaned up and kissed her. “It’s only right that I should drive you crazy after the way you ravaged me last night.”

  “I absolutely did not ravage you!” she stated with mock indignation.

  Devon continued to laugh. “If you say so.”

  “I got a little…aggressive. I can’t help it if I lose control with you. How is that my fault?”

  “Elaine, you are an amazing and responsive lover. I absolutely love the way you show me what you want and when you want it.”

  Sudden banging on the front door had them both stumbling out of bed.

  “Get out of bed,” someone yelled.

  Her heart was pounding in alarm, but Devon’s mirth was palpable as she struggled into her robe. She’d scarcely opened the door when she was promptly swept into the visitor’s arms. “Welcome back, love.”

  For the briefest of moments she felt a pang of jealousy like none she had ever felt before and then she recognized Stacey from her picture. She hoped the jeans and Tee she’d pulled on were tidy enough.

  “I couldn’t wait another day to see you. I get a phone call two days ago and then nothing.”

  Devon laughed and hugged her again. “I’ve been a little busy.”

  Stacey met Elaine’s gaze over Devon’s shoulder. One eyebrow lifted.

  Devon stepped away from Stacey and Elaine felt a strange sense of relief when she saw Devon’s expression. The look that told her that Devon was right where she wanted to be when she stepped into the circle of Elaine’s arms. Once Elaine had recognized Stacey all feelings of jealousy were gone. Devon had said that they were best friends, almost like sisters and Elaine trusted that.

  “Stacey, this is Elaine. Elaine, I would like you to meet Stacey.”

  Again the soft accent flowed as Stacey took her hand in a firm grip. “It’s very nice to meet you, Elaine.”

  Stacey looked at Devon. Apparently, Devon read something in her eyes that Elaine wasn’t able to decode. It was as if the two were telepathic and words weren’t needed to convey

  their thoughts.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, too.”

  Devon arched a questioning eyebrow at Stacey but said nothing. Apparently this was a silent exchange that held some sort of significance.

  Stacey opted for a chair across from the sofa where Devon settled into Elaine’s embrace. Even when they were alone and just sitting together this had quickly become their most comfortable position and Elaine loved it.

  Stacey arched a brow, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “I take it you had a good trip then?”

  “Yes, I was able to complete my work despite some snow.”

  “I was worried about you. It was damn cold here. I can’t imagine how bad it was up there.” Stacey looked directly at Elaine and smiled. “Good thing she found someone to keep her warm, eh?”

  Elaine couldn’t help but grin at Stacey’s innuendo. “Something like that.”

  “How long have you been a ranger?”

  “About fourteen years.”

  “You must really enjoy your job.”

  “Yes, I do. I knew early on what I wanted to do. So when I went to college, my decision was already made. So I just jumped right in.” She found herself saying more than she planned, but this was Devon’s best friend—if the conversation was a test, life would be so much easier if she passed.

  Stacey nodded in understanding. “Devon was exactly the same way. There aren’t too many teenagers who long to become botanists, but as soon as Devon learned that there were people who studied plants for a living, that was all she wanted to do. There was no stopping her.”

  Elaine enjoyed hearing about Devon from someone else’s perspective and wasn’t overly happy when she glanced at the clock and realized that she needed to get ready for work.

  Devon must have noticed the same thing because she turned to Elaine, “You’re going to be late for work if you don’t get showered and on your way.”

  “I know. I have to drop stuff at the house first. Duty calls. If you’ll excuse me. Stacey, it was really nice to meet you.”


  As Elaine made her way down the hall to take a shower, she heard Stacey leave.

  Elaine heard the shower door and sensed Devon behind her. “We can’t have that kind of shower.”

  “I know. I love being with you, though.”

  Hair barely dry, Devon walked Elaine to her truck. “Do you want to have dinner out tonight? Or perhaps go visit Raine? I haven’t been very good at keeping you out of bed.”

  Their kiss was gentle and sweet and left Elaine wanting more. “You haven’t heard me complaining have you?”

  Devon smiled. “What time will you be home?”

  Devon’s question created a wave in Elaine’s stomach. Home.

  “It might be later than usual. I need to stop by my house and get a change of clothes and unload some stuff. But I’ll call you when I’m on my way. We can do whatever you like tonight. As long as I’m with you, that’s all that matters.” Elaine rested her forehead against Devon’s.

  “You could leave some changes of clothes here so that you don’t have to do this every day, unless, of course, you want to.”

  The truth was that there was nothing but “stuff” at her house. She needed to water her plants we
ekly, but that was about it. Reminders of Grace would be everywhere. The thought of going to what used to be their home just made her tired.

  But the thought of bringing more of her clothes to Devon’s house was unnerving. Everything about it felt right. But that was how it had started with Grace as well. Elaine mentally scolded herself. The two were nothing alike.

  “I’ll do that,” was all she said, but it felt momentous.

  Devon laughed again and pulled Elaine’s head down for a deep kiss.

  “You better get going. Be careful, babe. See you tonight.”

  Elaine drove quickly to the house she had shared with Grace. She ignored the lingering signs, the few items that Grace hadn’t taken with her, tossed her gear and bags into the bedroom and headed for the station.

  On the drive, Elaine couldn’t help but think about what was awaiting her. She had loved her time off with Devon, not to mention their time in the mountains, but now it was time to return to her regular duties and people at the station. Oddly enough, she was filled with both excitement and dread. She had missed her crew and outside of Donovan, hadn’t seen any of them in over a month. On the other hand, there was Grace. There was little doubt she would run into her at some point and she wasn’t looking forward to it. But things had changed—she might dread it, but she wasn’t afraid of it or cowed by the past. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t mind if it was some time before their paths crossed.

  Chapter 19

  Devon was first to rise and gently slipped from under Elaine’s arm toward the shower. As she lathered her body, she thought about Elaine. It was hard to believe it had already been two weeks since they returned from the mountains, every night of which Elaine had stayed at her house. The past week had been hard. Elaine had worked several late nights and by the time she went by her house and then made it to Devon’s, it was even later, allowing them not nearly enough time together.

  She heard the bathroom door open and hoped she hadn’t made too much noise and disturbed Elaine’s sleep. She had looked so peaceful and Devon wanted to let her get as much rest as possible.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Devon heard just over the water spray.

  “Good morning. Did I wake you?”

  “No. I had to get up. I need to get to the station early today. Leave the water on.”

  After Devon exited the shower she planted a soft kiss on her lover’s lips before retreating to the bedroom while Elaine took her position in the shower. Just minutes later as she watched Elaine retrieve her uniform from her bag and shake it vigorously in an attempt to get some of the wrinkles out, she decided that enough was enough.

  She motioned toward the bag. “Okay, this is just ridiculous.”

  “What is?”

  Devon arched an eyebrow. “You bringing a bag over every night.”

  Elaine felt her stomach drop. “But…”

  Before Elaine could say more, the phone rang, startling them both. It was unusually early to be getting a phone call and Devon ran to the phone.

  She was surprised to hear the frantic tone in Stacey’s voice. “Raine’s water just broke and we’re on our way to the hospital.”

  Immediately, Devon gathered her coat and keys. “I’ll meet you there.” She hung up the phone. Turning she found Elaine standing directly behind her, concern etched on her face.

  “Raine is in labor. Her water just broke and she and Stacey are on their way to the hospital.”

  “Okay. Just breathe. Do you want me to drop you off?”

  “No. I know you have important things to take care of at work.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Devon slipped into Elaine’s arms. “Yes, I’m sure. Go handle your business so you can join us as soon as you’re finished.”

  “All right, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “We’ll be at Mercy Hospital on Fourth and Oxford. I’ll let you know the room number as soon as I find out.” With a quick peck on the lips, Devon was out the door.

  “Be careful,” Elaine called to her as she ran out the door.

  She latched her seat belt and wondered if she’d imagined that Elaine looked a bit...hurt. Silly thought. On her cell phone, she called Evan to let him know that Raine was in labor and she probably wouldn’t be back for several days. Evan had been waiting for this news and told her to call and let him know that Raine was okay.

  Devon was once again grateful for the relationships she had built with her co-workers. Everyone respected her and her work and no one begrudged her the time she spent out of the office. Raine and Stacey had been in several times and everyone treated them as though they too were family. They had even started a betting pool on when Raine would have her baby. Most of them had come to Raine’s baby shower or sent gifts. Devon couldn’t have chosen a better group of people to work with.

  Devon knew that Raine was in good hands with Stacey, but she had promised Raine that she would be there with her and she meant to keep that promise. She ran into the hospital and after demanding the information was immediately directed to Raine’s room. She walked in to find Raine calmly reading a magazine while Stacey was pacing.

  “Hey, how are you doing?”

  “Dev, I’m glad you are here.”

  Before anyone could speak, Raine’s doctor sauntered into the birthing room. Like Raine, he looked unhurried and unalarmed. After a quick check he announced, “It’s going to be a while yet. Your contractions are still relatively far apart. It might be awhile before he’s ready to greet us. I’ll be back in a little bit to see where we are. Until then, the nurses will be checking you and if you need anything just push the call button.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Archer.” Raine spoke calmly as she turned her attention to Stacey, “See, nothing to worry about. I told you that you didn’t have to drive like a crazy person to get me here. Now will you have a seat, please? Your pacing is making me dizzy.” The relief that washed over Stacey was almost comical.

  Devon pulled out her cell phone and sent Elaine a brief text message updating her on Raine’s condition and giving her the room number.

  “Elaine had to check in at work before coming to the hospital. I expect her to call or show up soon.” She checked her watch as Raine flipped the page of her magazine.

  A few moments later, a nurse entered the room. “Time to walk.”

  All three of them looked at her inquisitively. “Walk where?” Stacey asked, looking a bit pale.

  “We are going to try to speed this up. Just walk up and down the halls a few times and then rest. Do your best to walk the same course every thirty minutes.”

  “Okay, Raine, you heard the woman. Let’s go for a little walk.” Devon did her best to sound calm, even though inside she felt as nervous as Stacey looked.

  Raine had one hand on Devon’s arm as they paced the corridors. Devon was surprised when Raine asked, “So is Elaine the one?”

  “The one?”

  Raine quietly laughed. “Dev, you’ve been glowing since you came back from your trip. When I saw you with Elaine you were, I don’t know…different.”

  “How so?”

  Raine was quiet for a moment. “I don’t know. I mean…you seem so comfortable with Elaine…so happy.”

  “ I know I am in love with her. I hope she wants to be the one.”

  Raine stopped walking and appraised her sister. “Dev, you’re a little slow if you don’t know the answer to that question by now. All anyone has to do is look at the two of you together to see that the woman is absolutely smitten with you.”

  Devon gave her sister a hug. “I hope you’re right. I was about to ask her to move in when Stacey called.”

  “About to, huh? So when are you going to ask her?”

  “Well, in case you haven’t noticed, I have my hands full with a pregnant woman…literally.”

  “Excuses, excuses,” Raine mocked playfully. She lowered her voice. “Since we are out of the room and away from Stacey can you please explain to her I’m about to be a mother and don’t
need to be coddled any longer?”

  Devon smiled again and tears welled in her eyes. “Yes. And you are going to be a mother, aren’t you?”

  She’d had nine months to adjust to a pregnant Raine, but now that the time had finally arrived, the reality began to sink in.

  “Yes. I am.”

  Devon looked proudly at her sister. “When did you get all grown up?”

  Raine rolled her eyes. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe when I got married. Started having sex. Got pregnant. Decided to have a husband who the government called up at the most inconvenient time to play soldier boy… And oh yeah! My sister left me with a mad woman!”

  Devon couldn’t help but laugh, especially when Stacey stuck her head out of the doorway and frowned at them both.

  Raine simply pointed. “See what I mean.”

  Devon nodded in agreement. “Just imagine how protective of this little guy she’ll be?”

  “She better be ten times worse with him.” Raine’s voice caught as a contraction washed over her.

  Stacey gripped the hospital safety rail looking as though she might faint. Devon could have sworn she heard Stacey mutter something about “what was she thinking letting Raine get pregnant” but she was too focused on her sister to catch much of what Stacey was saying.

  “If you pass out you’re on your own. I’m busy here.” Devon flicked a brief glance in Stacey’s direction.

  Once Raine was resettled, a no-nonsense labor nurse carrying ice chips and a cool wet cloth entered. She took Raine’s vitals and chased Stacey and Devon out of the room while she checked Raine’s progress.

  Amused that the always unflappable Stacey was anything but poised, Devon took pity on her. “Why don’t you focus on getting the video for Phillip set up?”

  Stacey visibly steadied. “I’ll go get my camera and gear from the car.”

  Ten hours later, Raine was screaming for drugs as her contractions increased in both frequency and duration.

  “The nurse said the doctor will be here in a few minutes,” Devon announced anxiously.

  “Thank God.” Stacey mumbled, looking both exhausted and excited.


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