by Mark Zuehlke
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North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment War Diary, June 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.
O’Keefe, David. “Notes on Kenneth Gault Blackader,” Black Watch Regimental Museum and Archives. In possession of author.
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The Recollections of the Regina Rifles: N.W. Europe World War 2, June 6, 1944–May 8, 1945. Looseleaf folder in possession of author.
Roy, Reginald (Lieutenant). “1 Canadian Parachute Battalion in Normandy: Historical Sketch.” 25 September 1952. 145 4.013(D4), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.
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“Royal Military College Club of Canada Report–D.G. Cunningham.” In possession of author.
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3rd Canadian Infantry Division GSWar Diary, June 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.
13th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery War Diary, June 1944. RG24, Library and Archives Canada.
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Wightman, Major C.M. (Lieutenant Colonel). “Battle Narrative: Putot En Bessin Counter Attack–June 8, 1944 and the Move to Rots.” 145.2C(D4), Directorate of History, Department of National Defence.
———“Personal Diary.” Reginald Roy Collection, University of Victoria Special Collections.
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Bateman, Merritt Hayes. Interview by Tom Torrie. Sidney, BC. 28 May 1987. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Bettridge, Bill. Interview by John G. Thompson. Brampton, ON. 14 October 2003.
Boyle, Art. Interview by John G. Thompson. London, ON. 30 September 2003.
Butters, Thomas William Lowell. Interview by Tom Torrie. Victoria, BC. 19 August 1987. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Byrne, Jack. Interview by John G. Thompson. St. Joseph, ON. 10 October 2003. Cheney, Don. Canadian War Museum Archives.
Chevalier, Roger. Interview by author. Courseulles-sur-Mer. 23 May 2003.
Corry, Geoffrey D. Interview by Tom Torrie. Victoria, BC. 12 August 1987. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Côté, Ernest. Interview by Michael Boire. Ottawa. 14 November 2003.
Daubs, Jack. Interview by John G. Thompson. London, ON. 9 October 2003.
Dunlap, Clarence. Interview by Chris Bell. Victoria, BC. 1, 10, 17 March and 21 April 1983. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Eckenfelder, George V. Interview by Tom Torrie. Victoria, BC. 7 August 1987. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Fulton, Lochie. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Victoria, BC. 9 February 1988.
Gonder, Harold Bertram. Interview by Mark C. Hill. Victoria, BC. 23 July and 7, 8, 9 August 1985. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Hall, A.C. Vassar. Interview by Chris D. Main. Victoria, BC. 7, 11, 15 May 1979. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Jackson, Rolph. Interview by John G. Thompson. Toronto. 2 September 2003.
Kingston, Dave. Interview by John G. Thompson. Mississauga, ON. 10 September 2003.
Learment, Don. Interview by John G. Thompson. Guelph, ON. 21 November 2003.
McCormick, Bill. Interview by John G. Thompson. Galt, ON. 3 October 2003.
McCormick, Bill. Telephone interview by John G. Thompson. Galt, ON. 14 February 2004.
McCullough, Jim. Interview by John G. Thompson. Loretto, ON. 9 September 2003.
Madden, John R. 1987. Recorded recollections. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Martin, Jack. Interview by John G. Thompson. Scarborough, ON. 1 October 2003.
Maxwell, Gordon. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Vancouver, BC. September 1997.
Mingay, Donald. Interview by Michael Boire. Collingwood, ON. November 2003.
Moore, Ken. Interview by author. Esquimalt, BC. 15 May 2004.
Parks, Jim. Interview by Ken MacLeod. Vancouver, BC. November 1997.
Plows, Arthur Howard. Interview by Chris D. Main. Victoria, BC. 18, 31 August 1978. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Ryan, Joe. Interview by John G. Thompson. Cobourg, ON. 6 November 2003.
Seaborn, Robert Lowder. Interview by Cameron Falconer. Victoria, BC. 23 February 1983. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Simpson, Jim. Interview by John G. Thompson. Windsor, ON. 13 September 2003.
Wightman, Cyrill Merrott. Interview by Cameron Falconer. Victoria, BC. 8 February 1983. University of Victoria Special Collections.
Ranks given for individuals are highest attained as of June 12, 1944
Abbaye d’Ardenne, 44–45, 92, 93, 94, 116, 124–25, 194, 230, 363
Adair, Sgt. Maj. R., 126
Allen, Pte. C.A., 354
Allen, Tpr. Larry, 334, 336–37, 344
Allied Expeditionary Air Force, 290
Alperrine, Louis, 124
Anderson, Maj. J. Ernest, 83–84
Andrews, Lt. Joseph James, 183
Angel, Pte. Harold, 176
Anguerny, 17, 24, 85, 250, 251, 258, 293, 294, 297
Anisy, 17, 24, 28, 127, 147
Arethusa, HMS, 131
Argentan, 146
Arksey, Rfn. Dave, 316, 322–23, 345–46
Armstrong, Frederick T., 215
Arnold, Maj. E.W.L., 256
Arsenault, Rfn. Rene, 323
Ashanti, HMS, 218–24
Ashman, Lt., 162
Askin, Bdr. Cyril D., 199
Assiniboine, HMCS, 216
Augusta, USS, 145
Authie, 87, 90–93, 100, 101, 105, 110, 113, 116–24, 149, 173, 194, 195, 256, 258, 281, 284, 362, 363
battle for, 106–09
B-24 Liberator, described, 51
Baillie, Sgt. Don, 28–29
Ballantyne, Tpr. L., 303–04
Barbière, 299–300
Barker, Lt. Reg, 175, 211
Barter, Sgt. N.H., 34
Bartlett, Sgt. Viril, 29
Baskerville, Rfn. Ernest, 176
Basly, 24, 127, 251, 255, 297
Bastien, Cpl. O.M., 269
Bateman, Capt. Merritt Hayes, 102–03
Battershill, Lt. Frank, 152, 167–68
Bavent, 128–29, 133–34
Fighting patrols to, 134–42
Bayerlein, Genlt. Fritz, 194
Bayeux, 127, 146, 148, 149, 229
Bay of Biscay, 49, 52
Bean, Lt. George, 330–31
Beck, Hstuf. Wilhelm, 291
Beiber, Lt. Andrew, 169, 171
Belke, Helmut, 196, 198
Belliveau, Capt. J.L., 80–81
Belton, CSM Charles, 169–71
Benham, Lt. Jack, 165
Bény-sur-Mer, 24, 119, 122, 252, 364, 365
Bernières-sur-Mer, 13, 16, 33, 45, 64
Berry, CSM W., 182
Bettridge, Rfn. Bill, 16, 349
Bitot, 100
Blackader, Brig. Kenneth Gault, 67–68, 81, 84–85, 258, 310
Blanchard, Lt. Gerry, 157, 163–64
Blanshard, Maj. Harry, 299–301, 303–06, 309
Bleakley, Tpr. Cy, 331
Blumentritt, Gen. Inf. Günther, 37, 41
Blyshawica, ORP, 220
Bois de Bavent, 130, 133
Bolt, Tpr. James, 126
Bond, Pte. A.W., 163
Bordeaux, 216
r, Pte., 81
Boulogne, 48
Bowen, Lt., 239
Boyle, Cpl. Art, 329
Boyle, Sgt., 233
Bradbrooke, Lt. Col. George Frederick Preston, 129–32, 134, 142, 269, 353
Bradford, Lt. Cmdr., 60
Bradley, Lt. Gen. Omar N., 22, 27, 145–46
Brady, Pte. W.J., 129
Brain, Capt. Ted, 122
Brandt, Pte. Ewalt, 365
Bray, 77, 154, 156, 181, 239, 257, 258, 297, 298, 306, 350
Bray, Maj. William Roy, 80, 82–83
Bremer, Maj. Gerhard, 127, 173–75
Brest, 49, 219, 223, 225
Bretteville-en-Bessin, 256
Bretteville-l’Orgueilleuse, 25, 64, 74–76, 151, 156, 158, 159, 193, 194, 231, 256–57, 264, 277, 278, 280, 282, 288–89, 297, 312, 319, 329, 340–41
Panzer attack on, 196–200, 202–04, 207
Bretteville-sur-Odon, 126
Bréville, 130, 283, 284, 287, 352, 358
Bricqueville, 129, 133, 134
Bridges, Rfn. Llewellyn Louis “Lew,” 316–17, 323
British Commonwealth Air Training Program, 51
Brooks, Maj. Dudley, 75
Brouay, 152, 167–68, 181
Brown, Lt. Basil, 172
Brown, Capt. Gordon, 158–60, 200–10, 358–59, 364
Brown, Pte. Lorne, 118
Brown, Capt. Walter, 124–25
Brownell, Franklin, 57
Bruyère, Hector J., 16
Bryden, Capt. Jack, 185–86, 189, 191
Buchart, Eugese, 174
Budge, Lt. B.C., 225
Buell, Lt. Col. Donald, 80–85
Bullock, Rfn. P., 349
Burk, Lt. C.A., 214
Buron, 87, 89–93, 100, 101, 105, 110, 112, 113, 115–24, 149, 173, 195, 256, 258, 259, 281, 284, 294–96, 362, 363
Burton, L/Cpl. Bill, 203
Bushfield, A/S W., 61–62
Butters, Lt. Thomas Lowell, 183, 186, 189–90
Byrne, Pte. Jack, 112–13, 121
Cabeldu, Lt. Col. Fred, 69–70, 72, 156–57, 180–81, 183–84, 235, 239–41, 243, 285–86
Caen, 26, 27, 42–44, 46, 63, 130, 146–48, 212, 228–29, 231, 248, 265
Caen-Bayeux highway, 13, 24, 44, 63, 69, 74, 94, 100–02, 148, 151, 155, 170, 183, 185, 196–97, 200, 256–57, 277, 282, 284, 294, 300, 312, 363