by Mark Zuehlke
Orford, Pte. Douglas, 124
Omaha Beach, 22–23, 145
Fortitude, 265
Neptune, 215
Overlord, 15, 25–26, 145–46
Orne River, 21, 23–24, 35, 41, 44, 101, 130, 142, 146–47, 228, 248, 266, 272, 284, 287–88, 352, 358
Ostend, 48
Ottawa, HMCS, 216
Ouistreham, 48
Oulton, Lt. Blake, 81
Outremont, HMCS, 216
Paix de Coeur Château, 260
Parks, Rfn. Jim, 178–80
Parsons, Sgt. A.J., 103
Parsons, Tpr. Rolly, 331
Pas de Calais, 36, 131, 265
Paterson, Sgt. W.A., 238
Patrick, Capt. “Pat,” 45
Paulson, L/Cpl. L.L., 304
Payne, Sgt. E.S., 346
Peck, Lt. A.C., 183, 186–90, 236
Pegasus Bridge, 272, 283
Pemsel, Gen. Lt. Max, 43
Percival, Pte. G.A., 236, 238
Perkins, Pte. Lawrence Burton, 365
Petch, Lt. Col. Charles, 28, 33–34, 86–87, 90–93, 113–14, 120–21
Peters, Maj. F.L., 158
Pfeiffer, Hstuf. Hans, 301, 308, 310
Philip, Tpr. Harold, 126
Pierce, Tommy, 16
Pike, Cpl. R.C., 334, 337
Plows, Maj. Arthur, 188–90, 235, 237, 239–40
Port Colborne, HMCS, 216
Port-en-Bessin, 22
Porter, L/Cpl. J.E., 30–31
Pratten, Maj. F.R., 312
Pressure mines, described, 48–49
Prest, F/L William Arnold, 47
Preston, Tpr. Lee, 346
Prinz, Stubaf. Karl-Heinz, 333
Putot-en-Bessin, 64, 72, 74, 127, 150–53, 159, 162–63, 178, 231, 235–36, 248, 256, 264, 285, 363
12th SS Attack, 165–73
csr counterattack, 180–93
Qu’Appelle, HMCS, 216–18
Radley-Walter, Capt. Sydney Valpy, 120–21
Ramsay, Adm. Sir Bertram, 49, 230
Ramsay, Capt. P.F., 73, 77, 239
Ranville, 24, 266, 283
Rayner, Cmdr. H.S., 219, 223–25
R-boats, described, 61
Rea, Lt. Peter C., 16
Reid, Sgt. T.C., 104
Rennie, Maj. Gen. T.G., 147
Restigouche, HMCS, 216–18
Reviers, 70, 158, 246, 251
Rhodenizer, Maj. L.M. (Leon), 88–89, 110–12, 124
Rhodes, Tpr. “Dusty,” 102
Richardson, Lt. Charles, 83–85
Rideout, Pte. R.H., 184–85
Rivaz, Capt. Charles, 314, 317, 334, 341
Robehomme, 128–29, 132–34
Roberts, Lt. Dick, 159, 201–02, 208, 210, 359
Robertson, Capt. D.B., 71
Rocks, Hugh “Rocky,” 16
Rogers, Capt. Bob, 342
Röhm, Ernst, 43
Rommel, Gen. Feld. Mar. Erwin, 37–41, 43, 148–49, 194, 229–30, 265–66, 288, 291–92
Rosel, 299, 301–03
Ross, Lt. S.R., 286
Rots, 75, 151, 154–55, 194, 196, 207, 256, 296, 300–02
battle for, 302–11, 351
Rouatt, Capt. Earl, 204
Rowley, Maj. Roger, 118
Roy, Pte. L.V., 32–33
Rumney, Pte. Joe, 236
Rushforth, Lt. N.S., 300–01
Russell, Lt. Cmdr. P.F.X., 218
Ryan, Pte. Joe, 82
Ryes, 246
St. Aubin-sur-Mer, 13
St. Contest, 23, 89, 90–91, 93, 101, 121, 259, 362
St. Croix Grand Tonne, 74
St. Croix-sur-Mer, 289
St. John, HMCS, 216
St. Laurient, HMCS, 216
St. Mauvieu, 76, 194, 297
St. Nazaire, 49, 52, 216
Sallenelles, 130
Saskatchewan, HMCS, 216–18
Saumur railway tunnel, 226–27
Schmolke, Ostuf. Heinz, 162
Schnabel, Ustuf. Dietrich, 176–77
Schnorkel boats, described, 49
Schroeder, Pte. E., 133
Scrutton, Sgt. Samuel, 330–31, 341–42
Seaborn, Padre Robert, 241–43
Seaman, Tpr. “Sass,” 233
Secqueville-en-Bessin, 76, 151, 156, 171, 178, 180, 182, 244, 252, 256–57
Sévigny, Maj. George, 350
Seulles River, 252
Shand, Lt. John, 61
Sharp, Lt., 80–81
Shawluk, Pte. W.W., 270
Shepherd, Rfn. Bert, 16, 349
Shinnan, Capt. Robert Gibson, 365
Siebken, Stubaf. Bernhard, 161–62, 165, 173, 175–76, 346
Sieder, Ob. Lt. Heinz, 216
Siegel, Ostuf. Hans, 328–29, 347
Silversberg, Tpr. Frank, 338
Simmons, Cpl. Jackie, 331, 336, 339
Simmons, Sgt. William “Foo,” 331, 336–37, 344, 346
Simonds, Lt. Gen. Guy, 348
Simpson, Sgt. Jack, 16
Simpson, Tpr. Jim, 318, 321–22, 335–36, 342
Sinclaire, Pte., 186
Skeena, HMCS, 216–18
Slywchuk, Rfn. Steve, 174
Smellie, Rfn. Robert G., 153–54, 166, 168–69
Smith, Tpr., 318
Smith, Rfn. Frederick, 174
Smith, Lt. Percy, 110–11
Smith, Lt. Ray, 197
Smith, Lt. W.A.P., 156
Smuck, Capt. John, 328, 338, 346
Soroke, Tpr. Leslie, 346–47
Speer, Albert, 38
Speidel, Gen. Lt. Hans, 38, 41
Spragge, Lt. Col. J.G. “Jock,” 298–99, 311, 313, 316, 320, 334–35
Stacey, Lt. Col. C.P., 32, 363
Stahl, SS Ostuf. Georg-Walter, 117
Stanley, Sgt., 163
Steeves, Lt. K.L., 103–04
Stephenson, Tpr., 304
Stevens, Lt. T.C., 34
Stewart, Lt. D.C., 263
Stift, Dr., 196, 198
Stock, Rfn. Herman, 16
Stokotelny, Tpr. F., 304
Stoner, Capt. Gerry, 334
Stormont, HMCS, 216
Strawn, Sgt. H.S., 301, 303–07
Sullivan, Cpl. Gordie, 341
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, 25, 230, 290
Sutherland, Lt. Lou, 106–10
Sutton, Tpr. Lawrence, 346–47
Swansea, HMCS, 216
Swityk, Pte. John, 76
Swim, Pte. H.B. “Sinkor,” 137–41
Sword Beach, 23–24, 27, 42, 44, 60, 64, 79, 84, 130–31, 147, 214, 231, 266, 293
Syme, Maj. Eric, 158
T-24, 220, 222–24
Tailleville, 24, 64, 79–80
Talbot, Cpl. Bill, 318
Tallboy bomb, described, 225
Allied doctrine for, 279–80
Sherman compared to German models, 98–99
Tartar, HMS, 218–24
Taschereau, Maj. G.O. “Gus,” 253
Taylor, Tpr. W.G., 305–06
Teme, HMCS, 216
Thaon, 75, 299
Thom, Capt. Charlie, 260
Thomas, Rfn. William, 174
Thompson, Lt. C.F., 120–21
Thompson, John, 153
Thury-Harcourt, 146–47
Tilly-sur-Seulles, 149, 194, 282–83
Tobin, Pte. Douglas, 126
Toseland, Lt. Norm, 129, 269–71, 273
Tours, 226
Trainor, Capt. Joe, 111–12
Tribal Destroyer, described, 218–19
Troarn, 130
Tubb, Maj. C.S.T. “Stu,” 76, 151, 154–55, 158, 197, 201–02, 233, 257
Tutte, Pte. R.H., 184, 186, 191–92, 235–38
Tweedale, Capt. Cyril, 298, 335
Type 36-A Destroyer, described, 220
Type 39 Fleet Torpedo Boat, described, 220
U-373, 56
U-441, 55
U-629, 55
; U-984, 216
U-Flak I, 55
Ultra, 219–20, 290
Ushant, 216
Utah Beach, 21, 22, 145
Utman, Lt. G.D., 260
Vallée, Capt. Pierre, 32
Varley, Fred, 57
Veness, Lt. Jack Mersereau, 88, 92, 106–08, 110–12, 125–26
Verrières Ridge, 363
Vieux Cairon, 75, 180–82, 256, 261–63, 282, 284, 294, 296, 299–302, 351
Villers-Bocage, 228, 282–83, 293, 312
Villons-les-Buissons, 24, 28, 33, 86–88, 108, 119, 258–59, 264
Vire River, 266
Vokes, Maj. Gen. Chris, 279, 364
von Büttner, Hstuf. Horst, 196, 198
von Dawans, Gen. Maj. Edler, 291
von Luck, Maj. Hans, 41, 266–67
von Ribbentrop, Ostuf. Rudolf, 232
von Rundstedt, Gen. Feld. Mar. Gerd, 37, 39, 265
von Schweppenburg, Gen. Pan. Trp. Leo
Freiherr Geyr, 39–40, 230–31, 265–66, 288, 291–92
Walker, Lt. H.M. “Chuck,” 272
Walsh, Maj. V.O., 256–57
Wardell, Rfn. John Lloyd, 330
Waskesiu, HMCS, 216
Watkins, Sgt., 241
Werbiski, WAG Mike, 53
Wheaton, L/Cpl., 34
White, Maj. Frank, 180
Wightman, Maj. Cyril, 182
Wildgoose, Capt. Richard, 330
Willett, Rfn. G.L., 349
Williams, Pte. Mervyn K.R., 262–63
Wilson, Capt. A.J., 93, 113, 118
Wilson, F/O Frederick A.W.J., 289
Windsor, Lt. Thomas, 125–26
Witt, Brig. Fhr. Fritz, 44, 97, 194–95, 197, 288, 292, 364
Wood, Lt. S.W., 31
Wright, Tpr. C.W.D., 307
Wright, A/S J., 61
Wünsche, Ostubaf. Max, 96–97, 100–01, 196, 198, 207, 232, 234
Wyman, Brig. Bob, 278–84, 296–99, 309, 311–13, 319, 333–34
Z-24, 220, 222–23
Z-32, 220, 222–23
ZH-1, 220, 221–23
Air Force
139 Wing, 289
144 Wing, 290
331 Wing, 290
No. 401, 46, 289
No. 441, 289
No. 443, 47
RCA=Royal Canadian Artillery
RCA=Royal Canadian Engineers
First Canadian Army, 14, 122, 278–79, 348
I Canadian Corps, 15, 66
II Canadian Corps, 348
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, 247
Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, 45
Royal Canadian Provost Corps, 341
Royal Canadian Signal Corps, 252, 311
1st Canadian Infantry Division, 67
3rd Canadian Infantry Division, 12, 15, 21, 23–24, 27, 42, 44, 63, 76, 113, 127, 146, 152, 193–94, 228, 231, 244, 246–48, 251, 255–56, 288, 293–94, 296, 310, 348, 352, 358
compared to 12th SS, 98–100
4th Canadian Infantry Division, 65
1st Canadian Armoured Brigade, 278
2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade, 13–15, 21, 34, 63, 98, 277–79, 296–99, 309, 311–13, 348, 360
7th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 13, 24–25, 66, 68, 75–77, 123, 148, 150, 156, 161, 171, 178, 180, 193, 211, 231, 244, 252, 256–58, 284–85, 315, 348, 364
8th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 13, 64, 67, 77, 127 147, 244, 251, 258, 296, 310
9th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 14, 24, 45, 63, 75, 78, 83–84, 86, 100, 114, 126, 147–49, 151, 156, 195, 244, 256, 258, 260, 264, 285, 288, 294, 296, 299, 362
1st Hussars, 14, 17, 75, 150, 156, 180, 182, 233–35, 277–78, 281–82, 285, 287, 297–99, 343, 347–49, 362
le Mesnil-Patry attack, 311–42
Fort Garry Horse, 14, 80, 83, 261–62, 277–78, 281–82, 297–99, 311–12, 350
‘A’ Squadron in Mue Valley, 299–310
Sherbrooke Fusiliers, 14, 29, 31, 33–35, 63, 72–73, 100, 113, 119–21, 124–26, 256–57, 281, 286, 314, 362
advance Buron to Franqueville, 86–93
June 7 tank battle, 101–05
3rd Anti-Tank Regiment, 14, 86, 150, 198, 211
4th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA, 14
12th Field Regiment, RCA, 14, 77, 180, 239, 257, 314, 334
13th Field Regiment, RCA, 14, 77, 154, 156, 160, 166, 180, 201, 210, 257–58
14th Field Regiment, RCA, 14, 114, 119
19th Army Field Regiment, RCA, 14, 83
No. 18 Field Company, 294
1st Battalion, Canadian Scottish Regiment, 13, 68–70, 72–73, 76–77, 151, 156, 164, 178–80, 235–43, 257, 264, 285–87, 365
counterattack on Putot-en-Bessin, 181–93
1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, 23, 267–73, 283
operations June 7–8, 128–42
‘C’ Company at Bréville, 353–56
Highland Light Infantry, 14, 24, 63, 67, 119, 258–59, 284, 294–96, 362
North Nova Scotia Highlanders, 14, 24, 27–29, 31, 33–34, 63, 100, 103–04, 119–22, 124–26, 148, 173, 195, 258, 284–85, 296, 362
advance Buron–Authie, 86–93
fight at Authie, 106–09
murders at Buron, 115–18
overrun at Buron, 110–15
North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment, 13, 24, 64, 79, 94, 147, 255, 258
assault Douvres-la-Délivrande, 79–86
Queen’s Own Rifles, 13–17, 24, 28, 64, 242, 258, 281–82, 287, 297, 299, 307
le Mesnil-Patry attack, 311–43, 347–48
Régiment de la Chaudière, 13, 24, 31–33, 64, 250–55, 258, 310, 350–52
Regina Rifle Regiment, 13, 68–69, 70, 72, 75–76, 150–52, 154–56, 158–61, 193–94, 231, 244, 282, 288–89, 292, 299, 302, 312, 319, 340, 358–59, 361, 364–65
‘D’ Company defends ferme le Cardonville, 200–02, 204–11
defend Bretteville, 197–231
Royal Winnipeg Rifles, 13, 68–69, 70, 72–75, 150–54, 156, 159–62, 178, 180, 183–84, 192, 244, 355, 364
defend Putot-en-Bessin, 165–73
murders of, 173–77
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders, 14, 24, 63, 118, 121–22, 258, 260, 284, 294, 365
2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade Workshop, 280–81
No. 14 Field Ambulance, 244, 247
No. 22 Field Ambulance, 244
No. 23 Field Ambulance, 244
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (MG
Battalion), 45–46, 66, 76, 80–81, 86, 93, 113, 118, 150, 157, 162, 180, 204, 208, 211, 285–86
at Authie, 106–10
Royal Canadian Navy, 215–16, 224. See also General Index, ships by names
Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve, 58
29th MTB Flotilla, 57–60, 213–15
65th MTB Flotilla, 58
Escort Group 6, 216
Escort Group 9, 216
Escort Group 11, 216
Escort Group 12, 216–18
Air Force
2nd Tactical Air Force, 290
Coastal Command, 49–50, 55, 216
No. 83, 226
No. 224, RAF Coastal Command, 50, 52
No. 617, 225–27
I Corps, 284, 293
21st Army Group, 76, 146, 294
Second Army, 23, 27, 33, 35, 76, 84, 130, 146–47, 228, 248, 255, 265, 283, 293, 311–12
Eighth Army, 278, 316
1st Airborne, 229
3rd In
fantry, 21, 23–24, 42, 64, 84, 89, 131, 146–49, 228, 231, 248, 259–60, 267, 288, 293–94
6th Airborne, 22–24, 41, 128, 130, 132, 147, 149, 228, 248, 266, 284, 352, 358
7th Armoured, 229–30, 282–83, 296, 348
50th Infantry, 23, 71, 127, 146–47, 149–50, 152, 162, 173, 181, 256, 282–83, 296, 312, 316, 333, 343
51st (Highland), 84, 228–29, 283–84, 352
1st Special Service, 130
3rd Parachute Brigade, 23, 130–31
4th Armoured, 229
7th Infantry, 90
8th Infantry, 147
9th Infantry Brigade, 23–24, 84, 93, 147, 259–60
62nd Anti-Tank, 150, 152, 157, 168, 181
7th Green Howards, 71, 152
8th Parachute, 130
9th Parachute, 130, 283–84, 352
Black Watch, 5th Battalion, 84, 284, 352–53
King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 259
Loyal North Lancashire, 316
Royal Ulster, 259
5th Assault Regiment, Royal Engineers, 14
224 Field Ambulance, 131, 136
302nd Field Battery, 131, 139
No. 102 British Beach Sub-Area, 251
Royal Navy and Marines
Royal Navy. See General Index, ships by name
10th Destroyer Flotilla, 218–19
engagement June 8–9, 220–25
19th Destroyer Division, 218–19
20th Destroyer Division, 219–21, 222
2nd Royal Marine Armoured Support Regiment, 14, 77
No. 41 Commando, 23, 255
No. 46 Commando, 258, 281, 297
in Mue Valley, 299–310
No. 48 Commando, 86
First Army, 27, 145
1st Infantry, 22, 145
4th Infantry, 21–22, 145
29th Infantry, 22