Taboo Greatest Hits, vol 2

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Taboo Greatest Hits, vol 2 Page 15

by Zara, Cassandra

  I heard pants zip, and the sink go on. In a smooth motion, I silently moved away from the wall and tip toed down the hall to my bedroom.

  Slowly, I closed the door, put my back against it and slid down.

  Holy FUCK, Lily. That never happens again, got it? I chastised myself, like I always did. I tried to make myself feel bad for what I’d done. It worked, momentarily at least, like always. He is a good man. He raised you when your mom quit caring. He gave up his career, gave up his life for you. Don’t pull this selfish bit. Teasing him with tight shirts and ratty jeans is one thing. Don’t do this. Just don’t.

  Sliding my hand up to my lips, I sniffed my sex and licked. God I loved the way my pussy tasted. So warm, so silky and incredible.

  As my heart finally stopped pounding quite so wildly and I began to breathe in a pattern resembling normal, I filled my lungs with a long, slow breath.

  “Never again,” I repeated, this time in a whisper to make it more real. “Never again, Lily.”

  Yeah, we’ll see how that goes.


  Since before I was conscious about things like love and sex, I had feelings for Jake, though when I had my first fantasies about him, I didn’t even know what they were. I just knew that he made me feel safe and secure and happy.

  I never had much stability in my life, not until he came along, so that was probably it. I also never much trusted men, mostly because my real dad was a huge asshole who couldn’t be bothered to stay around for my mom and I, even though we were pretty well screwed when he left. My mom worked herself ragged. During the day, she substitute taught at the local high school, and then at night she took online classes. Things were hard for a long time, but eventually she landed a ridiculously high-paying gig as a pharmaceutical salesperson, which meant that instead of working all the time and barely making any money to eat on, she traveled all the time and made tons, but the end result – me never seeing her – was the same.

  I was eleven at the time, and she never...okay, rarely...stayed gone over night, but most of the time I was pretty much on my own. She felt bad about it, I know, but what can you do? I was old enough to have a rotten attitude about going to after school care, and we had no family around, so that was all the choice we had. But it worked out fine. The apartment we lived in at the time was really safe, and all the doormen watched out for me, so I wasn’t really alone, even if that’s the story I always tell because it’s more interesting.

  But then, one day when she came home from a two-day trip to Dallas, she was just glowing. Wouldn’t tell me why, though. Next time she came home, she brought Jake. Suddenly, I understood the sudden happiness.

  Even to my eleven year old mind, there was something special about him. He rubbed my mom’s feet all the time, always asked me about school when he’d come over for dinner, and on the rare occasions that I was awake when they came home from a date, he seemed to make her really happy, judging from the giggling and carrying on she did.

  Those times, when I heard them, I knew what they were doing, and I felt ashamed as all hell for it even then, but those were the first times I thought about what it would be like to have Jake do the things to me that I learned about in the videos at school.

  I got my period early, and everything started growing, as it does. Through the whole thing, it was Jake that helped me learn about what was happening to me, why everything hurt, why I was angry all the time. My mom got more and more distant, and to my mind, it must have been my fault.

  He spent hours making sure I knew it wasn’t. That my mom was just really busy with work and that she loved me more than anything in the world.

  That’s how things went for a couple of years. When she was out of town, he’d call and check in on me, then whenever she was around, I always hoped she’d bring him home. A couple of years later, right around my birthday, they came to me and asked what I wanted more than anything else in the world.

  I remember this exactly – I said “I want Jake to be my daddy” and he got so happy that he cried. I’d never seen a man cry before, never thought it was okay, but right then I realized that he already was my daddy, even if I called him Jake.

  Anyway, my mom turned to me and said “well, you’re going to get it, because we’re getting married in three weeks!” and that was that.

  Ever since, he was always around and I had never been happier in my whole life. He coached me through everything – shitty boyfriends, getting pimples, good boyfriends who dumped me and everything else imaginable. And never once did he lose his patience, or yell or scream or anything else. He was my rock. Absolutely my rock.

  No matter what, I depended on him.

  And then when I started to get a little older and a little more aware of the world, I started wearing things that were less than proper around the house. Shirts that were too tight and barely hid my burgeoning tits, shorts that were way too short to be reasonable, I tried it all. I think I was testing him, to see if he really was the guy I thought he was. Or maybe I was trying to get him hard, trying to get him to do to me what I imagined him doing. I was such a confused teenager there wasn’t any telling.

  Of course, I’m sure most teenagers are confused teenagers, so my story probably isn’t all that weird.

  But anyway, he never reacted. Never so much as a glance. He’d always just smile, brush his black hair back and ask me if there was anything I needed. “Anything you need, Lily?” he’d ask.

  I always said no.

  Mostly because if I said what I really wanted, I had no idea what he’d do.


  “I’m pretty torn up about you leaving, you know,” Jake said as he took a bite of his pizza. “I keep hoping you’ll change your mind. No, wait, that’s not fair. I know you need to go. Time to spread your wings and see the world. I’ll sure miss you though. We’ve been in each other’s hair for...what, nine years now?”

  It had been six hours since the bathroom incident, and he hadn’t said a word. Neither had I.

  “You’ve never been in my hair. You’re the best dad I could imagine.” I leaned over and gave him a little kiss on the cheek, fully aware that my cleavage was not, in any way, modest. I’d done it again. I wore a shirt from junior high that I had before I had tits. I just couldn’t help the tormenting. Although that time, I thought I caught him glancing down my shirt. No way, not a chance. You’re never gonna get him to do anything remotely wrong, Lily, just stop tormenting the poor guy.

  “Well,” he said standing up. “I guess it’s about time to get back to this, uh, truck packing thing.”

  That should prove it. He was packing all my stuff in a U-Haul. Every single one of my ‘friends’ bailed on me at the last second, of course, but he was as reliable as ever, just working and working. He had been at it since like six that morning when he went and got the truck, hitched his car to it so I wouldn’t have to wake up and follow him, and then started loading furniture. Daddy insisted that I only help him when he absolutely had to have help. He kept saying that tomorrow was going to be a long drive and that I needed to be all rested up. Like I said, pretty much the perfect guy, right?

  Too bad he’s my dad.

  I puffed out my lips and sighed. Right then, I got it in my head that I wasn’t going to let this slide. After all, how long would it be before Jake and I were alone again? I mean, coming back for holidays and whatever, the house won’t exactly be empty.

  “When’s the last time you had sex?” I couldn’t help but blush as I asked him.

  Without batting an eye, daddy shot back: “with your mother?” He started laughing. “Just kidding. A while. I don’t know how long really. She’s gotten so busy with work, she’s traveling all the time. When she’s actually here she’s exhausted. So yeah, time’s been tight, you know?”

  When he said tight I swear to God I saw his eyes scan down the front of me. Yeah I’m tight, you know I am – hard to not be when I’ve never had anything more than my fingers in my pussy, huh? That’s all it was though, if it
even happened at all. A fleeting glance. And he was probably just looking at me like people do. Nothing sexual, nothing like that. I would be so lucky.

  I snorted and he looked at me again. There was something in the air that reminded me of tension – or maybe it was all in my imagination. It probably was. But still, I felt it, between us there was something strange and electric and delicious, something forbidden hanging just out of reach. A fruit on a tree that’s bursting ripe but so damn high up in the branches you can’t reach it. The kind that you just know is going to fall right when you stop looking, but just sitting there watching a damn thing dangle off a branch isn’t the best way to spend your time.

  Gotta climb up there and get it. I stuck my hand out, for him to take and pull me up off the floor where we’d just been sitting to eat. Jake pulled me up and put his hands on my shoulders.

  This is it, he’s gonna kiss me, he really is. I haven’t been making this feeling up. He’s got it too, he’s—

  My daddy pulled me close, one hand on the back of my head, one on the small of my back. “If there’s ever anything I can do for you,” he said. “Just call me. I don’t care that you’re about to go a thousand miles away for college. If you need anything, just call and your daddy will be there as soon as he possibly can. Understand?”

  I nodded. My head was nestled on his shoulder, against his neck. If I stretched just a little I’d be able to kiss the side right underneath his ear. What the hell are you doing, Lily? What are these thoughts? What kind of mess are you about to get yourself into?

  For a moment, I just stood there in his arms, my lips an inch from my daddy’s neck. I knew I felt it then. No denying it. There was a spark jumping from his skin to mine, a palpable heat that made me want to claw my clothes off, push him onto the couch and ram his huge, rock-hard cock so deep in my virgin pussy that I screamed and writhed and cried and he got all rigid and squeezed my tits and fucked me until...

  Calm down Lily. Calm the hell down. You’re breathing hard, your heart is pounding in your chest and you’re about the most obvious and horny thing on the planet. Don’t do this to him, just...don’t.

  Slowly, we began to sway back and forth.

  “I can’t believe how much I’m going to miss you, baby girl,” he said softly, as though he was whispering straight into my ear and trying to keep the rest of the world from hearing our secret. “I’ve been trying to get a grip on myself for a few days now, but it’s hard. Ever since your mom and I got together, you’ve been the one constant in my life. It’s hard for me to see you go. I expected this, sort of, but...”

  “Oh, daddy,” I said as I put my hands to his face and stared in his eyes. “Me too. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m so scared.” Under his shirt, the tight muscles of Jake’s back flexed and contracted as we moved. “I’ll be so far away. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you around to fix all the stupid things I do.”

  Jake smiled. “I think you stopped doing stupid things when you turned twelve. I’ve never known a more responsible young lady that you turned out to be, Lily. I’m lucky to have you for a daughter.”

  Oh he’s just trying to make me melt, isn’t he? Watching me with those beautiful blue eyes, holding me like this...I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to keep myself from- and then I felt it. Under his jeans, there was the beginning of a bulge.

  Jake shifted his weight, obviously trying to hide it from me, but I felt it. I felt it, he noticed me. He really does. I can’t believe he noticed me.

  I was almost shaking with excitement. But then, something else struck me. Something way, way less attractive than the fantasy of being ravished by the strongest, most wonderful man I’d ever known.


  It hit me right in the middle of the forehead.

  “Something wrong, Lily? You seem distracted.” He turned as he pushed a fallen lock of hair out of my face, and I felt it again. That bulge, right against the soft, sweet skin of my belly. Daddy’s about a foot and a half taller than I am, so when he started to get hard, the way his cock was stuffed in his pants meant that his length was going downward.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Nothing at all.” My voice was a little breathier than I meant for it to be.

  “Good,” he replied, smiling. “I don’t want anything to be wrong with my sweet little Lily.”

  I felt his heart, pounding against his chest. Even though we didn’t share the blood moving through his veins, we shared everything else. If anyone asked me who raised me, who was the most important person in my life, my answer would be one word. Jake. My daddy Jake.

  My lips started to shake. I wanted so badly to suck a kiss on his neck and inhale the lingering scent of his spicy cologne.

  The more time we spent against one another, the harder he got. I felt him all the way down to my little button. I don’t know if he just stopped caring, or if he thought I didn’t notice his growing excitement, but I was fine with it either way.

  Take a chance, Lily. He’s not moving, he’s right against you. He’s not moving...

  I put my hand on the side of his face. Take it slow, make it so that at any second, either one of us could back out. Either one of us could say no whenever we...

  Daddy’s hands slid up my back, interrupting my thoughts. He stroked my hair on either side of my face, pulled it back into a pony tail, forcing my head backwards. This is happening. This is really happening. My lips trembled, my fingers shook. I flattened my palms against Jake’s lower back both to steady myself and to feel his heat.

  “This is really happening, isn’t it?” I whispered.

  “Only if you want it to, baby girl,” he said.

  “I’ve...” I let out a sigh and rubbed his stubbly cheek.

  Daddy grabbed my wrist in his rough, but somehow gentle, fingers. “You don’t need to say anything. You’ve been trying to get my attention for years, Lily, I know that. I’m a man, little girl, I see you just the way everyone else sees you. I know how beautiful you are, I know how incredible your body is, I’ve just...kept myself from acting like I noticed.”

  My heart was in my throat, pounding away so hard it echoed in my ears. “All those things I did, you...”

  “Felt too horrible about lusting after my own daughter to ever do anything about it. But before you start to think I’m some kind of a pervert, it was only last year when I realized that what you were doing with the towels tucked right up under your tits, the shorts that hugged you in all the right places. I guess I just never thought about it before, but that first time you were wearing – well, this exact shirt – and you came home from jogging, you were all sweaty, the shirt stuck to your chest and...”

  “Oh my God, daddy, it’s so big,” I said. In turning my hips just a little so I could look straight up in his beautiful eyes, I had somehow stroked him just a little and got him to stiffen up the rest of the way. He was so long that his big hard-on ran from above my navel all the way to my button. “I feel so awful, daddy. I never meant to hurt you. I was just playing games. Dumb teenaged girl games. I’m so sorry.”

  Something behind Jake’s eyes changed right in front of me. Instead of the vaguely embarrassed look he had only a few moments ago. How did this happen? Five minutes ago we were eating pizza and talking about packing up some clothes, now...this. Funny world sometimes.

  No matter what was running through my head though, I couldn’t deny how good this felt and how much I’d wanted it for years and years. And, judging by what he was doing with his hands, so had daddy.

  “Don’t be sorry,” he said, moving my hand down to the big bulge in his jeans. “As hot as you feel against me, I don’t think it was all just games. Was it?” As he spoke, Jake slid two of his fingers between our crushed-together bodies and along my slit. God I’m so hot. I doubt he’d have to even work to get that big thing inside me right now.

  I sucked a breath. “No, but...” I whispered. I felt absolutely awful saying it out loud, but at the same time, with him right th
ere and my nose full of his scent, I couldn’t help but bend my knees a little, to grind myself against his denim-covered cock. He let out a long, rumbling groan.

  “Look what you’re doing, you dirty little girl. You’re so wet you’re soaking through your shorts. You must really want your daddy if just me holding you against my leg is enough to do...that. Keep rubbing my dick. Up and down. Feel how big it is?”

  I nodded and bit my lip, looking up at him with a down-turned face and pouting. “Daddy, I’m scared.”

  “Scared of what, sweetie? Daddy’s not gonna let anything hurt you.”

  “I know, it’s just...I’ve never done this before.”

  He smiled warmly. “Then we’ll take it a little slower. You’re sure you want to do this? You’re sure, baby girl?”

  “I don’t really know how to say this, but I think I’ve wanted this since I knew what this was. You know?”

  Daddy grunted a soft “mhm” and lifted my head back to look at my face. “Do you like the way that feels?”

  When he talked I remembered I’d been stroking his dick for quite a while. I blushed deeply and pursed my lips to stifle a giggle. “Yes sir,” I said. “It feels good. I’ve never even touched one of these before.”

  “Sir?” He chuckled. “You’ve never called me that. Would you like to feel mine? Without the cloth, I mean?”

  He just said that. He did, right? This isn’t a dream? I pinched myself. Daddy chuckled.

  “Unbutton my pants.”

  My fingers trembled. “I’ve never even seen...”

  “It’s okay, baby girl,” he reassured me. “Everything’s fine. It’s the most natural thing in the world. Good.” The button made a gentle popping sound as it slipped through the hole and his cock was so big that the zipper started to slide down on its own.

  “Rub it again, that feels good, Lily. Yeah, just like that. Rub your daddy’s cock a little.” He chuckled softly. “If you keep doing that, I think it’s going to unzip my fly without you having to do anything.”

  Once again cupping my hand around his shaft, I moved my hand up and down for a moment before remarking absent-mindedly about how big he was again. His response was just to smile and stroke my face.


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