Nine Lives - Book 1

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Nine Lives - Book 1 Page 10

by Kim Knight

  Kat lifted her moist lips from her Mistress’ pussy. She had been working hard to pleasure her Mistress but Madeline was as distracted as ever and could barely muster a moan.

  ‘Mistress, may I speak?’

  Madeline sighed and rolled over, reaching for her glass of wine and sipping the ruby liquid. ‘If you must.’

  ‘Will you take me to the club again soon?’

  Madeline eyed her with a suspicious stare, ‘Has your doctor not called you recently? Are you so eager for the taste and feel of a cock?’

  Kat hung her head, ‘No, Mistress, I swear ... that is not why I ask.’

  ‘Then fucking well explain yourself.’

  ‘Mistress, I am worried about you ... you are not yourself and I wonder if I could do more to please you.’ She lifted onto her knees, ‘Perhaps, if not the club, then Anna may come to entertain you.’

  ‘I haven’t seen Anna in weeks.’ Madeline announced sadly, her tone suggesting that there was far more happening than she was letting on.

  ‘Mistress, please, I know I am unworthy and I feel that I am failing you ... but please, will you tell me what is wrong?’

  Madeline stared at her, her eyes hooded. Strange emotions started to flicker across her eyes and Kat was surprised to see fear amongst them. ‘Everything that I hold dear is in danger and I do not know how to save it.’

  Kat was surprised by the admission, ‘Mistress, please, let me help ... whatever it is.’

  Madeline finished her wine before continuing, ‘You have heard mention of the Master’s Club?’

  Kat nodded slowly, ‘You have mentioned it, Mistress – not to me, but I have heard you say the name to others. And the Doctor said that he would take me there.’

  ‘He said that?’ Madeline gasped and then swore, ‘The fucking bastard.’

  Kat stayed silent, waiting for her to continue.

  ‘The Master’s Club is, as the name suggests, for Masters only. They do not believe that women can be dominants. The only women who enter the club go in as slaves. As the years have gone on, I have been happy to ignore them and them me. But in the past year, before I met you, there have been changes. They have started to gain more power and influence. I am being pushed out of business dealings and many Mistresses are noticing the same.

  Kat stared at her, ‘Business dealings?’

  ‘I shall tell you only what you need to know. Let’s just say that I invest wisely in certain ... merchandise ... money from these investments has enabled me to continue to pick and choose my clients. As well as allowing me to enjoy ...’ her eyes ran up and down Kat’s body, ‘... non-paying clients of my choice.’

  A blush of warmth spread across Kat’s breast that swelled with pride and honour.

  ‘I also invest in clubs. I was also a part owner of Nightingale, a club I was intending to take you to in a few months, but I have been pushed out by members of the Master’s Club. Nightingale now only accepts male clientele and I cannot enter.’ Madeline sighed sadly, ‘I have lost friends in the past few months. Mistresses that I have known for years, have moved abroad to more ... friendly climes.’ She shook her head, ‘I fear that I must soon follow.’

  Kat felt a cold chill slide through her, ‘But, Mistress, you cannot go ... please ...’

  Madeline stared at her, ‘Life is becoming intolerable ... I have no doubt that your doctor friends seized you as an opportunity for a quick fuck but then saw the potential to get more from you.’

  She frowned, ‘I don’t understand, Mistress.’

  Madeline waved her hand dismissively, ‘Forget it ... now, get back to what you were doing and let me forget my worries ... for a short time, at least.’

  The Master’s Club

  He slid the phone across the table, ‘I think this might convince you gentleman to reconsider my application.’

  The older of the two men leant forward and lifted the phone, studying the image with a raised eyebrow. Slowly, he turned the screen to his companion who studied it with a bored expression before turning back to the man opposite. ‘Moore, isn’t it?’

  Peter Moore nodded, ‘That’s right. I applied last year to join the Master’s Club and then again, two weeks ago – this is the first opportunity that we have had to discuss it.’

  ‘Do you think that this impresses us?’ the older man asked, studying the screen again. The harsh lights that surrounded the hanging woman made her skin shine. The welts and bruises that lined her breasts and thighs were a stark contrast against her skin. ‘You hang your girlfriend up in what ... a boiler room? And that is supposed to appeal to us?’

  ‘She’s not my girlfriend ... she’s a slave that I have been slowly bringing round to me. She will come with me if you accept my application.’

  ‘Have you spoken to her about us?’

  He nodded, ‘Yes.’

  The younger man leant back, spinning the ring on his finger ‘What was her reaction?’

  Moore shuffled in his chair, preparing his lie, ‘She was very interested and asked me a lot of questions. She wants in.’

  ‘We’ll consider your application,’ the older man announced dismissively.

  Moore nodded and stood, ‘Uh ... my phone?’

  The older man stared back at him but made no attempt to hand the phone back.

  ‘Oh right, you want to keep the pictures ... no worries.’ He laughed nervously, ‘I guess you’ll contact me then?’

  Neither man answered as Moore turned and left.

  ‘This is a shame – we will have to deal with her quicker than we anticipated,’ the younger of the two announced, reaching over to take the phone and study the image.

  ‘I don’t agree,’ came the thoughtful response. ‘She is a danger and dangers are eliminated.’

  ‘He is the danger,’ the older man announced, waving at the door that Moore had just left through.

  ‘I will not place a whore slave above a master – even one of his low calibre.’

  ‘But look at that picture ... look at what he did to her, she enjoyed it. Would you waste such a slave?’

  He studied the picture again in silence, drinking in the sight of the wounds on her body and the look of delight on her features. Her thighs glistened with more than just sweat. Even from just that one photo, it was clear to see that DS Kaitlin Anderson was as strong in her sex-life as she was in other areas. ‘You have a plan?’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Then we’re agreed.’

  Chapter Ten:

  Kaitlin flicked the television on and wandered into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Her body was a pleasurable ache and she smiled to herself as she boiled the kettle. Talking about what was happening and the concerns that she was experiencing, seemed to relax Madeline. After she had climaxed the night before, she had used new techniques on Kat that had soon had her gasping and writhing, begging for release. She sighed softly and shivered at the memories. She was thankful that she had the day off work – she would need that to recover from her Mistress’ attentions.

  She was halfway through pouring the water from the kettle when a voice on the TV made her freeze. Gasping, she quickly put the kettle back and ran into the living room. Grabbing the remote, she rewound the news program to the start of the current article. A female reporter was standing in front of some police tape, the view behind her was unmistakable – St Clare’s.

  ‘The staff are said to be shocked this morning to learn that one of their doctors, reported missing two days ago, has been found in the abandoned wing. The wing was closed three years ago and was due to be demolished to make way for industrial units – as part of the NHS plans to raise funds. The body of Doctor Peter Moore was discovered by a team of surveyors who were checking the structure of the building. The body of Doctor Moore was found in the abandoned boiler room. No further details about his death have been released but the police are treating it as suspicious. In a statement given earlier, the chief A&E consultant referred to Doctor Moore as a kind, committed doctor who will be missed.
Police are appealing for witnesses and are particularly keen to trace Doctor Moore’s mobile phone. Anyone with any information should call this number ...’

  The screen went black and Kaitlin dropped the remote from her quivering fingers. She stared at the blank screen for several minutes, her mind a whir. Her home phone rang but she just stared at it, leaving the machine to pick it up.

  ‘Kaitlin, you there?’

  She stared at the answer phone and Parker’s voice that echoed from it. He sounded strange.

  ‘Kaitlin? Look, I know you’re there, you said you were going to stay in ... alright, look, I need to see you ... that Doctor’s murder fell onto my desk this morning ... we found his phone ... can you ... look, just come to the station, alright? See you soon.’

  ‘Oh, fuck,’ she whispered and ran to the bedroom to get dressed. A few minutes later her bike screamed away from the kerb.

  She knew that she should have gone to the station to talk with Parker but she had to see Madeline first. Her Mistress would know what to do. She climbed quickly off the bike and ran to the house. The front door was open and she ran through. If the door was open then her Mistress was expecting a client, which meant that there was only one place where she would be. Kaitlin ran through the house and into the dungeon.

  ‘She’s not here.’

  Kaitlin stared at Parker. He was standing in the centre of the room, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression unreadable.

  ‘How did you know to find me here?’

  ‘I’m a policeman.’

  They stared at each other in silence.

  Eventually Parker nodded at the leather bench on his left, ‘She’s not here but there’s a letter for you.’ Kaitlin moved towards it but he moved across and blocked her, ‘Don’t touch that, it’s evidence.’

  ‘For what?’

  ‘This is a murder investigation, Kaitlin ... and you’re involved.’

  ‘Yeah, how involved am I?’

  ‘You tell me.’

  She stared at him, ‘Parker ...’

  ‘You’re the prime suspect, Kaitlin.’


  ‘Your pictures are on his phone, witnesses can place you at the scene of the crime ... other witness have come forward to say that you have been visiting Moore at the hospital for weeks. Is that right?’

  Kaitlin stared back without answering.

  ‘What’s going on here? Tell me.’

  ‘I can’t,’ she whispered and then louder, ‘Parker, come on, you know I didn’t do it. You know me.’

  He looked at the frames and the racks of whips but thankfully didn’t say what he was clearly thinking.

  ‘Parker, look at me. Okay, so I have this whole part of my life that you didn’t know about, so? That doesn’t make me a killer.’

  ‘He was blackmailing you, wasn’t he?’

  ‘Yes,’ she sighed.

  ‘That’s motive for murder.’

  She shook her head, ‘Not for me.’

  ‘Are we going to find your DNA at the scene?’

  Again she didn’t answer but said instead, ‘I’m being set up.’


  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘I’ve got back up coming,’ he announced, ‘You can tell me all the details at the station.’

  ‘Please, I can’t handle this that way, surely you know that.’

  ‘If you’re innocent, we’ll prove it.’

  Kaitlin raised her eyebrows and thought about what Madeline had said about the Master’s Club, ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘Jesus, Kaitlin, what the fuck have you got yourself messed up in?’ He shook his head and studied her. ‘Six fucking years we’ve been working together.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Fuck it,’ he snarled, ‘You have to find out who set you up.’

  ‘I will.’

  ‘Have you got a way in?’

  ‘I’ll find one.’

  He studied her again and then sighed, ‘Just make it look real.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Parker.’

  ‘Yeah, me –’

  Her fist connected with his jaw, snapping his head back and dropping him like a stone. She leapt over his crumpled body and grabbed the letter from the bench, shoving it into her pocket and running for the door. She had just climbed onto the bike when blue lights appeared at the end of the road. Gunning the engine into life, she spun it round and headed in the other direction.



  It is an unusual thing for a Mistress to apologise to her slave, but apologise I must. I have few friends left in London now and I am sorry but I must leave, for my own safety.

  I was warned about Moore’s death last night and your apparent involvement in it – an involvement that has been orchestrated by someone within the Master’s Club, someone you must know, someone that you must find. I have known about him for some time, not his name but the fact that he is a high ranking policeman who uses his power and influence to keep some of the more seedy sides of the Master’s Club away from prying eyes. I believe that your involvement with Moore was seen as a threat to them and this was their way of removing you both – by framing you for his murder, I believe that I will also be linked to his death through certain associations of mine.

  You have but one chance to save yourself, find Moore’s killer who must surely be hiding somewhere in the Master’s Club. If not the killer himself, then the man who gave the command. They have killed to protect themselves before and they will do so again if they are not stopped.

  Go to the Midnight Club on Brooke Street, the owner is a friend and she is expecting you. She will find you somewhere safe to stay and help you to find a way into the Master’s Club, I think we both know what that will entail but I know that you can do it. Listen carefully to what G has to tell you, she will teach you what you need to know.

  Take care, my slave

  I hope we will meet again soon.


  Kaitlin slowly folded the letter and tucked it away in her jacket pocket. Sighing, she stood up from the park bench and headed back to her bike that was parked in a secluded alleyway. She had almost reached it when her phone chirped in her pocket. She looked at it, frowning when she didn’t recognise the number. She called up the text message and read it slowly, ‘They are asking me about you. I don’t know anything. Be careful. P.’ She snapped her phone shut and thought of Parker. He was damn good copper and one of her few friends – she guessed she had none now. The images from Moore’s phone would be made public along with her disappearance. Everything that she had tried so hard to avoid, everything that she had tried to protect, it was all gone. With his death, Moore had exposed her ... or rather, someone deep inside the Master’s Club had. Someone who Madeline believed was a high ranking official on the force. At the thought of her Mistress she felt the letter in her pocket and realised that she still had something to fight for. The devotion that she had developed for the enigmatic woman wasn’t just part a bondage game that they were playing. She knew that now. The pain, the pleasure, it was all as real to her as any other part of her life. And right now, it was all she had left.

  ‘I will not surrender, Mistress,’ she whispered as she slipped her helmet on and climbed onto the bike. The safe word that her Mistress had given her rang in her ears. She had the certain knowledge that where she was going, there were no safe words. All at once she was filled with fear and a terrible anticipation of what awaited her.


  To be continued in Nine Lives – Book 2: The Master’s Club



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