Cliffhanger (The Belinda & Bennett Mysteries, Book One)

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Cliffhanger (The Belinda & Bennett Mysteries, Book One) Page 18

by Amy Saunders

  "No, no." Belinda wanted to rope her heart and pin it to the ground to keep calm. "I just remembered I needed something from the store. I wanna take care of it before I get comfortable." She forced a smile.

  Kyle looked her over, still damp, and definitely excited or nervous about something. He watched her suspiciously while he offered her some chocolate candies, which she turned down, and pushed past him down the stairs. The door slammed and Kyle chewed on his candy thoughtfully and went to check out her yearbook.

  As Belinda zipped out of her driveway toward the warehouse, an unseen spy left to meet her there.

  ~ * ~

  The warehouse was located on the water outside of Portside. For all intents and purposes it looked abandoned to Belinda, but she knew that Stellan's family had earned their wealth the hard way and that this metal box was once the flourishing headquarters of his family's business. Something fish-related, Belinda thought. How they earned their money had changed over the years, but they apparently still held a soft spot for how it all started. Why else would they keep such an eyesore?

  Belinda parked on the edge of the property, scoping out the uneven parking lot before heading toward the warehouse. Whatever life existed outside of the property was hidden by trees and brush. It seemed the sentimentality for the place stopped with just holding onto the property. Belinda wondered if they'd used it for anything in recent history, or at least since Stellan's father died.

  She marched toward the main warehouse, which looked like the most promising place to keep a boat. Belinda took a deep breath and slowly twisted the knob of the door on the side of the corrugated metal. She switched on a flashlight, waving it around before stepping all the way inside. Belinda crept along, keeping her eyes and ears alert for any signs of wild creatures taking refuge in the rafters, especially ones with wings.

  Once inside, Belinda could see a couple of tables set up with boxes stacked on and around them. Curious, she slowly pulled back one of the box flaps that was loose, prepared for something furry with teeth to jump out at her. But she only found inanimate papers. Official looking. She flipped through a stack, and lifted up one of several little booklets. Visas? Passports? Belinda pursed her lips. Bald Guy was an immigration lawyer. A bird flew around the roof, scaring her to death and she dropped them, pushing the box away.

  She picked up speed in a diagonal line from the door, spotting something with her flashlight in the opposite corner toward the back. Sure enough, it was a boat. She ran the flashlight back and forth to find the stern, noticing there was another door on that end. Belinda flung it open to let light and air inside and stood behind the stern to read the name. Sea Stud.

  Sometimes she felt that the boat became the center of attention in the whole story instead of the people involved. It was the setting for a horrible tragedy, and it stood there now in decay as a sign of how deeply that event had affected certain people. Kyle was just letting it rot, along with his passion for sailing.

  Belinda reached her hand out to the stern, touching the peeling letters that spelled Portside under the boat name. She wanted to get onto it, but it was too high up on the pilings to reach the sides and there was no swim platform to grab hold of. She flicked the flashlight back on and reentered the dark warehouse, spotting what looked like a crate. After trying to pull it across the rock-infested pavement while still holding the flashlight, Belinda set the light on top of the box, and made it across to the boat in much better time. She set the light down on the deck, and with her uninjured palm and one leg, pulled her body up and under the railing. She stood up to find her clothes had wiped off all of the dirt build-up on the boat and dusted herself off as good as possible.

  She opened the hatch to the cabin, more spacious than you would give a sailboat that size credit for. After scoping out the situation with her flashlight, she took a deep breath and climbed down, a tiny bit scared of what she would find down there besides dirt. The interior had apparently been stripped of anything not native to the boat. Not that you could keep a lot of knickknacks around on a moving craft, but she knew Mark had had some personal touches on board that were now missing.

  Belinda leaned against one of the dining table benches. Goodness, she had a lot of memories wrapped up in this piece of fiberglass. So many summer days sailing in the bay and striking out beyond into the straight Atlantic. Anchoring in various alcoves to swim. Curled up in sweatshirts and watching the sun set over the water. Mark kissing her that one time...

  And then Belinda's lights went out.

  Chapter 22

  Jonas flew into Belinda's and Kyle's driveway on his bike, his hair streaked back by the wind. He jumped off, laying his bike on the grass and ran up to the door, trying to catch his breath as he waited. Kyle looked a little surprised to see him, but no matter. He wasn't there for that.

  "I need to see Belinda," Jonas huffed. "We know who hired Byrne and what Trebor probably found at Lily's, and she needs protection, right now."

  Kyle's eyes, neutral up to that point, flew open and he ran up the stairs, slamming the door in Jonas' face in the process. Jonas rolled his eyes and muttered something about manners. Seconds later, he reappeared, plowing past Jonas into the yard.

  "She's gone!" Kyle threw his arms in the air, heading straight for his Jeep.

  "To go shopping?"

  Kyle looked at him hard. "To go to Stellan's warehouse. She thinks Sea Stud is there."

  Jonas ran to get in Kyle's Jeep before he took off. Kyle backed up in an L over the grass to turn. Jonas' heart sank as the Jeep bounced up and down, metal crunching under the tires. He glanced sadly behind him as they raced to the end of the driveway.

  "Sorry," Kyle murmured and stepped on the gas.

  Jonas tried Belinda on her cell every few seconds while they drove. Nothing. Straight to voicemail, which meant it wasn't even on. "This is bad. Bad, bad, bad."

  Kyle looked to him in panic. "If you're saying this is bad—"

  "Dude, watch the road!"

  Kyle swerved, nearly running into a sand dune to avoid a runner.

  "How did you get your license exactly?"

  "Just tell me we'll find my sister."

  "We'll find your sister. Now please keep your eyes on the road." Jonas rubbed his forehead. He was getting a migraine. "Why is Belinda so obsessed with the stupid boat?"

  Kyle didn't answer, his expression hard.

  "Kyle, please. I'm trying to help you. What is the importance of finding Sea Stud for her? Besides the sailing...whatever we want to call it now."

  "It's not Sea Stud. It's Mark."

  Jonas licked his lips. "Was she involved with him?"

  Kyle hesitated, his eyes glued to the road now. "She doesn't think I know they spent so much time together that summer, but Mark finally confessed and told me his plans to break it off with Lily and start dating my sister. Openly."

  Jonas wrapped his mind around that. "So she's doing all of this for emotion...sentiment?"

  "I don't know, man. I don't pretend to understand her, all right? But I promise you that's why she's going there. It's all about Mark. All of it." He banged his palm against the steering wheel.

  "Were you gone the day he died because you were mad at each other? Because of the failed sponsorship?"

  "What? No!" Kyle laughed incredulously. "Is that what Bels told you?" He shook his head. "One sponsor blowing us off because of Lily's father was not that upsetting. I mean, in the long-run it just didn't matter. The Devores always liked to make plays like that against other families to show off I guess, but we knew we'd get another sponsor, probably a better one, within a month or two."

  "But you guys fought."

  Kyle scratched his head, a smirk in the corner of his mouth. "I'm sure we did, but I think it had more to do with the rumor. Mark was angry that Bels got dragged into it. In any case, I finally told him about the spy following them around." Kyle's eyes grew serious. "I think he knew it too, though he didn't say as much to me."

  "Do you think he
suspected Lily was behind it?"

  Kyle searched the road ahead for answers. "I wouldn't doubt it. She had gotten more jealous and possessive that year. I think she could sense her time was running out."

  Jonas called Bennett. They needed all the help they could get.

  ~ * ~

  While still on the phone with Jonas, Bennett hurried into the garage to get in his truck when he saw something that shouldn't have been there. Muddy footprints. Just like at Belinda's. Bennett spun around to find Jarrett.

  Bennett grabbed him by the arm before the kid could move and whipped him around in a circle, pinning him to the worktable. Jarrett struggled, breathing heavy and trying to see his assailant.

  "What have you done?" Bennett yelled in his face.

  Jarrett's deep blue eyes swirled in confusion. "I don't know what you mean."

  Bennett tightened his grip.

  "I don't know!" Jarrett's voice cracked. "I came to tell you...I'm scared. I...I thought you could help."

  He sounded sincere so Bennett loosened his grip a little. "Have you figured out Lily was using you?"

  Jarrett nodded. "I'm sorry for what I did. I wasn't thinking straight."

  "I'll say. How you thought hurting Belinda—or worse—would endear her to you is beyond me."

  "You don't understand. She wasn't supposed to get hurt. Not really. She was supposed to be in trouble and then I...I..."

  "You would show up and rescue her?"

  Jarrett nodded pathetically. "But you kept getting in my way. First, at the accident you showed up, and then you were there when I wanted to visit her afterward. Then with the fire, that cop showed up before I could get there!"

  "Did it never occur to you that what you were doing could have gotten her killed whether you planned to show up to save her or not? Or that perhaps the person suggesting it wanted her to end up dead?"

  "I know it was a stupid idea now, but I just wanted her attention. I thought she'd change her mind...see me as an adult if I could help her."

  Bennett loosened his grip some more, feeling a little sorry for the kid. He was clearly an idiot, but still.

  "Lily suggested it," Jarrett said. "I saw her at the market after you left with Belinda and I thought you were dating and was mad. Lily asked what was I told her. And then she said to meet her later because she had some advice for me." Jarrett looked ashamed. "I had no idea she hated Belinda. Or that she wanted to hurt her."

  "What tipped you off?" Bennett said sarcastically.

  "Look at me, man." Bennett studied the bruises on his face and his bulging lip. "After the fire, I saw Belinda on the stretcher with an oxygen mask and it hit me that what I was doing was crazy, so I told Lily thanks and all, but I was done. Then some bald thug helping her out beat me up, threatening to do worse if I told anyone."

  "Did you drive the car that hit Belinda and Victoria?"

  "No." Jarrett swallowed. "I just went and paid for it and all. I was nearby when it happened, but it didn't matter. You still got to her first. But I...I did drive past you at the museum. I was just angry and stupid."

  Why did people always state the obvious? "I'm well aware that you're stupid. You put the rental under Kyle's name."

  "That was Lily's idea, not mine," he said bitterly.

  "You didn't refuse."

  Jarrett looked down again. "I know."

  "You know, you could have killed Victoria's baby. A trauma like that might have caused her to miscarry."

  Jarrett tried to nod, blinking furiously. Bennett helped him up, straightening out the kid's jacket. In a strange way, Bennett understood his desperation.

  "I just wanted to know why Belinda likes you and not me." Jarrett kept his eyes on the cement floor.

  "For one, I'm not trying to get her injured or killed for my personal benefit. And two, she won't be put in jail for dating me."

  "I'm eighteen," Jarrett said indignantly.

  Bennett shrugged. "Do you want to help save her for real or not? Belinda is missing and more than likely it's because of Lily."

  "I'm not sure I can help."

  "I wouldn't say that." Bennett slapped the back of his shoulder. "You have childish innocence on your side."

  Jarrett glowered.

  "You can start thinking of how to make up for your stupidity while I drive," Bennett said. "Get in the truck."

  Bennett and Jarrett were already at the warehouse when Kyle drove up. They ran toward them, Bennett waving his hands in the air. Kyle zipped around him, near Belinda's car, slamming on the brakes.

  "The boat's gone," Bennett said breathlessly. "But it was definitely here; the pilings are still inside and there are tracks in the dirt."

  Kyle swore, slamming his hand on the steering wheel and set off the horn.

  Jonas stared calmly at the warehouse, planning their next move. This was his case, and that wonderful woman wasn't disappearing permanently on his watch. Jonas turned to Kyle.

  "Is the boat water worthy?" Jonas said.

  Kyle looked scared and furious simultaneously. "Last time I saw it. Why?"

  "I'm just wondering..." Jonas gazed out past Bennett to the harbor.

  Bennett's jaw tightened. "The two other people connected to this case died in the water. And the truck tracks in the warehouse..." Bennett glanced behind him, his eyes drawing a line between the warehouse and the boat ramp.

  Jarrett swallowed. "I heard Lily's thug say something about it costing more to put it in the water."

  Kyle snapped to attention. "What do you mean? What are you thinking?"

  "Get us to the harbor," Jonas said while Bennett climbed over him into the backseat. "You—" Jonas pointed at Jarrett. "Call your parents and tell them what you've done. You'll need a good lawyer, but you get some points with me for helping out here."

  The harbormaster waited for them as Kyle screeched to a stop right at the water's edge. Jonas wasn't a squeamish person, but when Kyle finally stopped, he actually let out a huge sigh of relief that they made it there alive—and didn't dive hood first into the harbor.

  Jonas and the harbormaster yelled back and forth over the dual outboard engines. They had no way to find Sea Stud's position. As they flew out of the harbor, all three men hanging over the sides to keep lookout, Jonas quelled a sudden shot of panic. So much water out there. And they didn't even know for sure that this is what was happening. It was just a hunch.

  Jonas took in a huge gulp of salt air. His superior officer told him the day of his promotion that his gut got him the new job. At that moment, he felt the weight of the world riding on that statement. If anything happened to Belinda, this would be his first and last case.

  Chapter 23

  Belinda could feel the world rocking around her. Movement like a car, but it wasn't a car. It was like being sloshed water. On a boat. She opened her eyes, panicked and relieved at the same moment. Panicked because she was on a boat—Sea Stud if she was right—on the water. And relieved because she did wake up, which meant she was alive.

  But her relief quickly passed as she came to and felt something sticky and tight on her mouth. Her hands were behind her back, wrapped together. And when she tried to move her legs, her feet were bound. Her impulsive behavior was coming back to bite her. Without meaning to, she heard a whimper escape her taped mouth and tears formed in fear.

  A pendant in the shape of a knot encrusted with tiny diamonds descended in front of her face like a spider, swaying from side to side. Lily stepped over Belinda, lying on her side on the floor of the cabin, and kneeled down, tilting her head to the side to look her in the face. Belinda couldn't hide her fear, her eyes wide with it. Lily sneered.

  "Not so uppity without a roomful of people to come to your rescue, huh?"

  Belinda breathed hard, barely controlling herself from bursting into tears.

  "I bet this is the first time in your whole life you can't say a word. So let me set something straight for you." Lily leaned closer, her dark eyes wrathful. "Nobody takes wh
at I want from me. Especially not some spoiled trust fund baby whose pathetic life I can stamp out. Mark learned that the hard way. And so will you."

  A tear slipped across Belinda's cheek. Lily wiped it away gently, Belinda recoiling at her touch.

  "If you'd only kept your hands to yourself," Lily said, "you wouldn't be here." She stood and Belinda listened to her footsteps trail up to the deck.

  Belinda closed her eyes tight, breathing in and out deeply to steady herself. As badly as she wanted to lose it, this was no time to fall apart. If her life ever depended on her sanity, it was right then. What had she been thinking about before she blacked out? Mark. And that first and last time they kissed. What was that day like? It was hard to remember under the circumstances, but Belinda forced herself to recreate it in her mind.

  It was August, the end of their fun time as all three of them had to get ready to start college. But nobody was in a rush for that summer to end. The weather had been perfect and Belinda was glad they'd used every spare minute to be on the water. Especially looking back. Kyle was always with them, but that day he'd had something going on, but Mark asked Belinda to go out with him anyway. It was a perfect day to swim so she didn't argue. They stayed out all afternoon and watched the sunset on the Atlantic.

  That's when Mark told her...he told her he'd broken up with Lily. That he was going to study engineering, but he and Kyle were going right on ahead with their plans to sail the world. And Mark couldn't wait for the holiday break so they could see each other again. The way he'd said it kind of sounded like he wanted to see them both. But then he'd looked straight at her, his deep blue eyes saying something completely different. His brown hair curled up around his forehead and he'd smiled. Mark didn't have a compartment of smiles like Kyle. He just had that one, but it made her heart gush.

  Then he gave her the knot pendant and they'd both laughed because it was a silly thing, but it still meant so much to the both of them. Before she had time to process any of it, Mark kissed her. Soft and hard at once, and Belinda wrapped her arms around him as he brought her closer, inhaling the mixture of sunscreen and salt always emanating from him. They stayed out until twilight, finally forced to separate to get back into the harbor before dark. The last time she saw him was on the dock when he promised he'd call the next night and they'd go out again that coming weekend.


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