Royal Affliction (The Anti-Princess Saga)

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Royal Affliction (The Anti-Princess Saga) Page 10

by Jennifer Marsh

  “Will she be ok?’


  “Can you help her?”

  “I am trying.”

  “Can I do anything?”


  “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong with her?”

  “The longer she wears the ring of Eccus, the more susceptible she is to sickness when magic is used on her. It will pass, though the length of the bout is unknown.”

  “She took the portal to Kortis just fine.”

  “Yes, but more time has passed since then, I am sure it was the use of the spell in her ring so soon after using the portal that has made her this sick.”

  “Stop questioning Violet if you want her to help Quartessa.”


  I heard voices all around me as I rose to semiconscious. The pain was dulled, but it wasn’t gone. I was laying on something soft. My head lay in someone’s lap. I wasn’t strong enough to move or open my eyes, but by the smell I knew that it was Violet, she always smelled like lilacs and summer breeze. I noticed that we were moving before I drifted off again.


  “Could you show me how to make one?” I asked, eyeing the doll with excitement.

  “Of course,” Violet answered. “But we will need to get some more fabric and dry out some seaweed. The low branches on our tree would make a great spot for that, and we have plenty of time before the celebration.”

  It was a warm day. The tangerine sky seemed brighter than the sun as if each were competing to outshine the other. We passed a girl picking flowers on our way to the beach and she curtsied and giggled before running off.

  Why does everyone do that?” I asked.

  “Do what? Show respect to a member of the royal family?”

  “Yes. My father may be the King, but who am I to deserve such respect?”

  She contemplated for a moment. “A spoiled child of royal descent who likes to think she is not better than everyone?”

  I nudged her with my shoulder. “I am not better than anyone. I am just like any other girl, the only difference between me and another is my bloodline. I would gladly switch places with you if it meant I would never be bowed at again.”

  “I do not bow to you.” I gave her a look and she added “often.”

  When we reached the beach we found a plethora of seaweed had washed up on shore which made collecting it a very easy task. The walk up the steep, sandy path to our tree with our waterlogged bundles was not as easy a feat. When we had finished hanging the seaweed we each took a swing hung from the larger branches far above our heads.

  “When you get older, what do you want of your life?” I asked Violet.

  “Well…honestly, I would love to join the ranks of my mother and be a witch catering exclusively to your father. I just hope I can be as good as her someday.”

  “You will be.”

  “But I’d also like to find a nice man to marry and I want lots of children. Does that not just sound lovely?” She dazed off for a moment, probably living out her fantasy in her head. “What about you, Quartessa? What do you wish of your future?”

  “I am ten whole years old today, I should have some say in what my life will be like, but my father still treats me like a child and reminds me almost daily what my future holds. I do not get the choices you have. I am sure I will marry a member of the guard by my father’s choosing who has earned the right to be semi-royalty and keep my lips sealed on my thoughts and feelings. That is no life for me.”

  “Perhaps you could be one to change things?”

  “Do you remember that place my mother told us about? The one with the strange creatures?”

  Violet nodded.

  “If I could choose my future, I would choose to be a human.”


  I awoke a several hours later alone and feeling more rested. Though my body was still very sore, I could move easier than before. I eased myself off the bed into a standing position. The sky outside was dark. How much time had I slept away?

  I took a few steps. My muscles protested, but I ignored them. Step by step I made my way into the bathroom to stare at my reflection in the mirror. I splashed some cold water on my face and it made me feel a little better. I felt a presence behind me, and turned to find Kafkus standing in the doorway.

  “How are you feeling, Princess?”

  “Exactly how I look.”

  “I figured as much.”

  My stomach churned and I dove for the toilet. Coolness spread across my neck from the wet towel he placed on it as I heaved. When I had nothing left in my stomach, Kafkus changed the tank top I’d accidently soiled and cleaned my face with the towel. He picked me up and carried me back to the bed, setting me down with a light hand.

  “Rest, my beautiful Princess.”

  “I don’t think I can sleep anymore.”

  He lay down beside me, facing me, and brushed the hair out of my face with his gentle touch. “You need to rest. You will feel better tomorrow. Just please sleep for now.”

  I stared at him. “Why are you doing this, Kafkus?”

  “Doing what?”

  “Why are you being so nice to me when I have been nothing but rude to you?” I felt a little guilty about snapping at him like I did.

  He stared into my eyes and placed a warm hand on my cheek. “Because you are my Princess, and you are in need comfort.” He started to get up but I reached an arm out to stop him. “Did you need something else, Quartessa?”

  “Will you stay with me, just until I fall asleep?” This was a side of Kafkus that I had never seen before. He was being so sweet, so caring. I really needed that right now. I did need to be cared for, and it was oddly comforting to have this man doing it. When you feel like crap anyone trying to be comforting is welcome.

  “Of course.”

  I rolled over and closed my eyes. Kafkus curled up behind me and placed his arm around my waist.


  “Yes, Princess?”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For taking care of me.”

  He tightened his grip on my waist. “I am happy to do it, Quartessa.”

  I felt a gentle kiss on my back.


  “You two are improving every day,” I commented, catching sight of my brother and Kafkus dueling with wooden swords in a clearing on my way to the castle.

  “Thank you,” said Gader.

  “I will be joining the royal guard just as soon as I am old enough,” stated Kafkus.

  “Why would you want to do that?”

  He shrugged. “I have something for you, Princess. Wait here.”

  He left before I could say anything and returned with a small package wrapped in pink paisley fabric and tied together with twine.

  “Happy birthday, Quartessa.”

  A big smile crept across my lips as I took the box from him. “You could have waited until the celebration.”

  “Yes, I could have. Open it.”

  Gader wacked Kafkus in the back with his sword and ran off before he could get what was coming to him, laughing all the way.

  “Go on.”

  I tugged the string. The knot came undone easily and the fabric separated and fell to the sides, revealing the object inside. A wooden ornate box was sitting in my hands. Intricate carvings weaved together around the lid, encasing a dolphin in the center.

  “I made it myself.”

  I opened the box to reveal various compartments for jewelry and a lovely tune started playing. A single golden ring rested in one hole. My name was handsomely engraved along its inner part. I tried it on but it gaped on my finger and spun easily.

  “I figured you would grow into it. A ring your size would not last long and I wanted to give you something that would last the years of your life.”

  “Thank you, Kafkus.” I gave him a bow because he had done something to actually earn one and he returned the gesture whi
ch I dismissed.


  I was spinning the ring on my finger (though I couldn’t remember why) when conscious filled my brain just before my eyes opened. I was still sore, but it was nothing compared to the night before. I rolled over and buried my face in the pillow. It smelled like Kafkus. He had been so different from the man I knew, and I liked this new side of him. It was weird, I had spent countless years hating the man, and now I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I silently wondered to myself when he’d left, because I hadn’t heard him when he did.

  I climbed out of bed and made my way into the living room. My men were still sleeping. Clifton was sprawled out on the sofa, while Kafkus was lying on the floor in an awkward position. Quino was passed out on the lone recliner in the corner. I didn’t see Violet.

  I wanted to get out of the house after being trapped in bed for so long, but I was much too weak to go for a run like I wanted to. Maybe I would go for a nice walk. The fresh air would do me good.

  I opened the front door and found Violet sitting on the steps just outside. She was staring out into the darkness.

  “What are you doing up?” I asked her.

  “I was just thinking of spells that might help us. You should be getting some rest.”

  “I think that I’ve had enough rest to last me for a few days,” I said and she let out a low, humorous laugh.

  I sat down next to her. “Is everything ok?”

  “I am fine.”

  “Come on, Violet, it’s obvious that something’s wrong.”

  She sighed. “I am just thinking about Kortis. I miss my family. My first night away has not been an easy one.”

  “You are homesick already?”

  “I guess I am.”

  “Well, look on the bright side, you’ve got me.”

  She laughed. “Well that is something, but not much.”

  “Ouch! That hurts.” I covered my face with my hands. “And all this time I thought that you loved me,” I pretend sobbed.

  “You know I love you.” Violet laughed and nudged me hard with her shoulder. “Alright, my eccentric friend, I think I should get some rest. I will be of no use to anyone without at least some sleep, even if it is only a few hours.” She stood up and headed to the front door.

  “The living room is full. Go ahead and take my bed, I’m not going to be using it anytime soon.”


  I sat there for a while, letting the crisp air waft over my face. It felt good to be outside. But I didn’t feel much like sitting. I stood up and looked back at my apartment. I knew that they would not be happy with me leaving by myself, but I didn’t really care. What’s the worst that could happen?

  I walked along the windy path that went through the complex and I didn’t see a single person the entire time. No doubt they were all still snuggled in their nice, warm sheets and dreaming about pleasant things. My mind was clouded by my new outlook on Kafkus, clouded by the fate that awaited me, and clouded by my father’s sudden change of heart. Was there something out here that was that bad, something that my father did not want me to know about?

  Every little noise started causing me unease, every rustle of leaves sounded menacing, and every strong gust of wind felt threatening. I had a really bad feeling that I was being watched. I glanced around the area. There was no one. I turned around quickly, and, trying to remain calm, started walking back towards my apartment. I had walked pretty far from home at this point so there was no way that I would be able to make it back if something tried to attack me.

  Then I heard, what sounded like, deep raspy breaths. I froze, trying to hear the sound again. I did but it seemed to have no point of origin. It was as if it was coming at me from all sides, surrounding me. I started walking again, faster this time, desperate to reach my apartment. The raspy breathing grew louder the faster that I walked but I wasn’t getting away from it. It followed me. I broke into a sprint, running as fast as my sore legs could carry me. I saw my building and I prayed that I could make it there in time, but I feared that I wouldn’t.

  Though I rushed to it, the building didn’t seem to be getting any closer. It was as if the ground had become a treadmill. And, no matter how fast I ran, it seemed that I would never reach my destination. I smelt something burning before a voice called out to me from the darkness. “Quartessa.” I panicked and screamed as loud as I could.


  “Are you ok?”

  I was lying on the pavement in front of my apartment. I looked up and saw a face that I didn’t recognize standing over me.

  He was a young looking guy but he somehow appeared older the longer that I stared at him. His eyes were a cross between brown and gold, a most interesting color. His hair was a bright golden blonde and was feathered in a very attractive way.

  “I, I think so.”

  “You’ve got a pretty nasty bump on your head. Do you live in the complex?”

  I reached up and touched my forehead. “Yes,” I said and pointed to my apartment. “I live there.”

  “Let me help you up. My name is Daryl.”

  “Thanks, Daryl. I’m Tessa, Tessa Turner.”

  “No problem. I’ve seen you running around here in the mornings. What happened? You forget to eat?”

  I tried to smile but it hurt my head so I stopped. “Yeah, low blood sugar, I’ve got to remember to eat before I go on my morning runs.”

  “Would you like some help getting to your apartment?”

  “No, I think I can manage. Thanks though.”

  “Well, I’ll see you around, Tessa. You should probably put some ice on that bump.”

  “Yeah, thanks again, Daryl.”

  Everyone was still sleeping when I entered. They didn’t notice that I’d left, and I didn’t think that they would be too thrilled at the idea. I decided that I would keep it to myself, certain that I’d just collapsed and dreamt the whole thing.

  I wandered into the kitchen and opened the freezer. There was, of course, no ice. I grabbed a bag of frozen peas and put it against my forehead. I decided a shower would raise my spirits.

  When I left the bathroom, my bed was empty. My head felt better, but I could still feel a noticeable bump. It was noon by the time I checked the clock. I felt like I’d wasted too much time and accomplished nothing.

  Kafkus and Clifton were sitting on the sofa, talking in hushed tones when I entered the living room. They both silenced and stood up as soon as they saw me.

  Clifton spoke first. “Tessa, you need your rest.”

  “I can’t sleep anymore.”

  Kafkus eyed my lump with interest. “What happened there?”

  “Nothing, I just fell down.”

  He eyed me for a moment before his face filled with anger. “You left? You went out on your own, without anyone to protect you?”

  “It was no big deal. I just wanted to get some fresh air, so I went for a walk.”

  “What are we here for if not to protect you?” He sounded more discouraged than anything. It humbled me.

  “I’m sorry. I know that you are here to protect me and I will not go anywhere without at least one of you from now on.”

  Kafkus nodded.

  I felt a little better, but nothing could push from my mind that chilling voice that had called out my name. “So what were you guys just talking about?” I asked, trying to replace the unsettling memory with something else.

  They both glanced at each other, but neither of them spoke.

  “Please tell me what you were talking about behind my back.” It came out ruder than I had meant it to but I was tired of everyone treating me like a child. I was an adult after all, and deserved to be clued in on what was going on, especially if it involved me.

  Clifton sighed, but said nothing.

  Kafkus stepped forward, grabbed my hand and led me over to sit on the sofa next to Clifton.

  “Where are Violet and Quino?” I asked with an apologetic note in my voice. I didn’
t mean to be rude. I was just scared. The fact that they didn’t want to tell me what they were talking about meant that it was bad news, and I didn’t know if I could handle any more bad news.

  “They went out. Violet is trying some spells to locate the Boru hideout,” Kafkus said as he knelt in front of me.

  “You don’t have to be formal with me. I know that I am a princess, and you wish to treat me as such, but no more bowing. Got it?”

  Kafkus made the slightest bow. “Yes, Princess.”

  I rolled my eyes. I never did much care for the unnecessary formalities of royalty. I did it when I had to, but there was no need for it here. As far as this world was concerned I was Tessa Turner: ordinary human.

  Clifton said nothing. I suspected that my father had given him the basics on royal manners. I think that he wanted to fit in so badly with my father that he would do anything that my father asked, and that worried me a bit. I liked Clifton for who he was and I didn’t want him to try to mold himself into what my father thought he should be.

  “Clifton, what were you and my father talking about?”

  He looked guilty, like a child caught in the act of doing something wrong. “I can only tell you part of it. The rest I have been forbidden to speak of.”

  My eyes narrowed and he wouldn’t hold my gaze. Instead, his eyes seemed to be focused on the lump on my forehead.

  I wasn’t in the mood for this. My patience was running thin. “Just tell me what you can.”

  It was Kafkus who answered. “We have only ten days’ time from when the ring is put on you to find and kill the Boru who did it or you are dead.”

  His words both shocked and scared me. He was so blunt; I guess that’s what he thought I wanted. I did. But I still didn’t expect it. Three, maybe four days had already passed. “What day is it?”

  “We have lost four days so far,” Kafkus answered. “Today is the fifth day since the ring was put on you.”

  I jumped to my feet. “I have missed work.”

  Kafkus looked puzzled.

  Clifton pulled me back down. “I called Logan’s for you while you slept. I told them that you had a family emergency and that you needed to take an extended leave of absence.”

  I was surprised that he had even thought about calling in for me, let alone that he took it upon himself to do so without even being asked. I appreciated the gesture and I thanked him with a light peck on his cheek.


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