Daddy's Christmas Date: A Single Dad Romance

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Daddy's Christmas Date: A Single Dad Romance Page 11

by Piper Sullivan

  “Are you kidding? I was terrified. It wasn’t bravery Ty. I do love you, but I hadn’t meant to tell you that day.”

  “I’m glad you did. As set as I was on never falling in love again, hearing you say the words made me realize how much I missed it. Hearing them and saying them. Something inside you just lights up at hearing this person tell you they love you. That’s fucking big, Dani. What we have, it’s big.”

  I rolled my eyes and leaned into him. “You’re so obsessed with size, Fly Guy.”

  His deep laugh vibrated under my hand and I couldn’t deny the connection between us. It was more than lust. It was more than love for a sweet seven year old boy. It was love. It was a big, special, all-consuming love. “When you got a love this big, you have to brag baby.”

  “Is this for real, Ty?”

  “Damn right it is. I love you. Do you love me?”

  I let out a shaky breath. “I do.”

  His eyes lit up. “I like the sound of that.”

  Me too. “Be serious.”

  “Oh Dani-Kong, I’m so serious.” He leaned in and breathed in his slightly sweaty but oh so masculine scent. “I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

  “Shut up, Fly Guy, and kiss the girl already.” He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine for a kiss that made my body feel like a good time on a Saturday night and my heart feel like she finally got the happy ending she always wished for.

  The kiss went from sweet to hot to dirty in a matter of moments, but Ty pulled back much too soon. “I have one more thing for you, but it’s at my house.”

  I groaned. “I really want to take a shower. I’ve been on the road for hours, in these clothes.”

  His gaze heated as he took me in and I knew that predatory look. “I could spare a few minutes so the woman I love can shower.”

  “Minutes? I can do minutes on my own,” I turned and began to climb the steps to my bedroom.

  Ty snagged my arm. “Just remember that hours are made up of many, many minutes Dani.”

  “Where have you guys been? Bobby and I have been waiting for hours,” Blake complained the minute we walked inside.

  “There was a lot to do. A lot to say, and so much to do,” Ty offered up with a mile wide grin.

  “If you’d done it right, old man, you would have had to carry her in.”

  I choked out a laugh at Blake’s words. “I just love your relationship so much.”

  Blake stepped forward and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Well now you and I get to have one too, nerd girl.”

  “Oh no, you hurt my feelings,” I told him as I clenched my chest, a stark contrast against the sarcastic tone. “We’re still cool, Squirt.”

  Ty laughed. “Maybe you’re right. It is special,” he chuckled again. “Come on.” He wove our fingers together and pulled me down the hall as my mind tried to figure out what kind of surprise he’d have for me.

  “Is it food?”

  “No, but food can be arranged.” He pushed open the door to the media room and waited for something or someone to pop out and scare me. It was so dark I couldn’t see anything. “Okay Bobby, hit it.”

  Two little hands appeared between thick drapes that weren’t there before and one quick yank later I was looking at a new and much improved media room. It had a distinct monster theme, with vintage monster movie posters on the walls. Even the twelve oversized seats were done up to look like Frankenstein, King Kong, Dracula and even the Creature from the Blue Lagoon. “Wow, this is fantastic Ty! I can’t believe you guys did this, it’s incredible.”

  “This is your seat Dani.” Bobby took my hand and pulled me to the King Kong seat, complete with my name hand stitched into the fabric. “Have a seat, please.”

  I did as instructed and then I pulled him in close and hugged him. “You look like you’ve grown some, kid.”

  My words were met with a proud grin. “Really?”

  “Yep. We should check soon.”

  “I’m glad you’re back, Dani.”

  “Me too, Bobby.” With every moment that passed, I felt incredibly glad to be back among the Hawke men. They were manly and beautiful and loving. And so damn strong I felt lucky to have them all on my side.

  “Everyone grab a seat. Shut your phones off and no talking during the film.” Blake stood in the front of the room, motioning his hands like a flight attendant giving safety instructions. “Someone please help the old guy to his seat, he’s wandering aimlessly.”

  “Don’t make me hurt you.” Ty growled as he took the seat beside me, automatically grabbing my hands in his. “Sit down.”

  Bobby and Blake sat behind us and to the right, which I thought was strange, but I figured they were trying to give us some couple time. Or something. The lights dimmed again and behind us a projector started. I leaned over, “You found something so old it’s on a reel?”

  “Shh, watch the movie.” That was Ty’s response. I was shocked, staring at the side of his face as he stared aptly at the screen.

  “Rude,” I mumbled and sat back, waiting for the movie to begin though not as excited as I’d been moments before. Then the screen lit up, only it wasn’t the screen. Just words appearing every few seconds.





  I looked to Ty who’d finally let his ice façade melt as he turned to me wearing a proud smile. “Ty?”

  “I know we still have a long way to go, but please Dani, say you’ll marry me. Be my wife. My partner. We’ll have a yearlong engagement so you can plan whatever kind of wedding you want. Daniela Ryan Preston, will you do me the immense honor of becoming my wife?”

  What kind of dummy would turn down an offer like that? “Ty, I love you with every single beat of my heart. Nothing would make me happier than becoming your wife.”

  “And my mom!”

  I laughed. “And Bobby’s mom.”

  He slid the ring on my finger but I was too mesmerized by the love shining in his eyes to notice the color or carat, never mind the clarity or the cut. It was all irrelevant to me, just a symbol of the love I was living in real life. And this was just the start of that life together.

  To think, all this time I thought we were such a mismatched pair, but it turns out the dating site was right, we are a matched set.


  Ty ~ One Year Later

  Waiting with my Best Men, Bobby and Blake, for Dani to march down the aisle to me, was the longest wait of my damned life. In fact, this year has been the longest of my life. But I couldn’t hate any of it, not spending four full months living separate from Dani, not the work I missed when her pregnancy had reached the horny stage, and not even the nights I lost sleep because she wasn’t beside me. It had all led us to this point.

  Me, waiting for her with Pastor Hopkins, the head of the only non-denominational church in Green Valley. Heart in my throat, I was too anxious. I needed her to be mine, legally and forever, before I would feel right. And when those doors opened, I was not disappointed. My girl looked beautiful. She’d opted for a pale blue princess style dress that was sexy and funky, just like her. She still had some of her baby boobs, which I loved, and her pouty red mouth turned up into a smile, was just calling for me to kiss it off.

  Amelia walked beside her, not to give her away, but because she’d been such an instrumental part in the woman Dani had become. The woman I love. In a darker blue dress, she glowed the glow of newlywed bliss since she and Artie had married on Valentine’s Day this year. “Take good care of my girl, she’s special to me.”

  I kissed Amelia’s cheek but my eyes were glued to the woman who was about to become Mrs. Hawke. “She’s special, period.” That blush on her cheeks stole my heart all over again and I couldn’t help it, I pressed a kiss to her mouth. “You look magnificent, babe.”

  “So do you, Fly Guy.”

  I loved when she called me that. “Come on, so we can be married before the actual New Year.” I wanted to get marri
ed as soon as possible but she thought New Year’s Eve would be romantic so I waited. Until today.

  The ceremony went as fast as I needed it to—vows, rings and a few laughs—and then Dani was mine. My wife and the mother of my children, including two adorable twin girls with their mother’s big blue eyes and my wavy blond hair. “You may now kiss the bride.”

  “We have to do what the pastor says, Dani.”

  Her expression was serious. “I’m only doing this for your soul, babe.” She puckered up, grabbed my lapels and kissed me like we were already in our honeymoon suite. “What a great way to start our marriage.”

  I leaned in close and slid my hands over her curves. “Is it time to get you out of that dress yet?”

  She shivered at my words. “Unfortunately no, but someone has kissed off all my lipstick and we have pictures soon.” She gave her best fake pout and I felt my love for the sexy goofball, swell in my chest.

  “Then we must get you to a bathroom right away. These photos are forever,” I told her, repeating the words the wedding planner had said to us at least ten dozen times.

  She laughed and the sound washed over me. “There’s a settee in the bridal suite,” she whispered, grinning wickedly.

  I grabbed her hand and picked up the pace as we made our way back up the aisle, leaving best men and bridesmaids flirting in the aisle. “Lipstick emergency, be back soon!” I don’t know if anyone heard but I didn’t give a damn. All that mattered was a few minutes alone.

  With my wife.

  She sat on the settee and lifted up her skirts, showing off a royal blue concoction that was nothing but straps around her waist and hips and a big blue bow right where I wanted to be. “I just want you to know that my fiancé really rocked my world, so I hope you, dear sexy husband, are up to the challenge.”

  Fuck she was so damn sexy, sitting there like a naughty dream come to life. “Oh, I’m more than up for it,” I told her as I unzipped my pants.

  “I see. The question is, what will you do about it.”

  I sank to my knees and replaced that damn bow with my mouth until she screamed my name. And only when she begged me to stop, did I kiss my way up her body and show her exactly what my please was for her pleasure. “How was that?”

  She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder. “That was a really great start to forever.”


  Dear Reader, hope you enjoyed Dani & Ty’s story. If you’d like another sexy glimpse into their world, I’ve included an extra Bonus Scene which didn’t make it into the final cut at the end of this book. It's a steamy one, enjoy!

  Feel free to use the Table of Contents to help you find it.

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  A Family By Christmas

  Chapter 1

  “What am I going to do?” Lucy asked in a voice high with desperation. She paced the small living room of the apartment she shared with her four-year-old son Jacob.

  “Call him,” her brother Chris advised softly from the other end of the phone receiver held to her ear. “You’ve kept this from him long enough. Do you have any idea how hard it was keeping it from Mom and Dad?” he demanded.

  Lucy laughed hysterically. The mere thought of rich, famous Joe Landers finding out he has a secret son would make huge headlines and that was the main reason she’d kept it from him. She didn’t want her son exposed to that kind of life.

  “You never should have kept this from him,” Chris admonished and she rolled her eyes at the years’ old argument.

  “I never should have told you,” she snapped and instantly felt guilty. It wasn’t Chris’s fault that she’d fallen for her brother’s gorgeous best friend from college. She’d met Joe a little over five years ago, while she, herself, was only a college sophomore.

  Joe had come back to town to act as best man for Chris’s wedding and after one alcohol-hazed night, he’d left Erie, Pennsylvania and Lucy in his rearview mirror. The town wasn’t affected as much as Lucy – she’d been pregnant with Joe’s child. He’d gone on to sign with the St. Louis Cardinal’s professional baseball team and now had a reoccurring multi-million dollar contract. He loved his high-rolling celebrity lifestyle and the spotlight it gave him. He’d gone on record numerous times saying how he wasn’t the type to settle down with just one woman and he adamantly claimed not to want children.

  Lucy, a straight-A student, who loved nothing but studying and collecting books, couldn’t stand the thought of her son being used as fodder for some money-grubbing newspaper or tabloid trash. So, she’d kept Jacob’s existence a secret. It had worked fine for four years now.

  Chris inhaled deeply on the other end of the call. Having moved to San Francisco, California shortly after getting married, he kept in constant contact with his little sister. Ever since she’d gotten pregnant and refused to reveal the father, their parents had virtually disowned her. They’d died in a freak car accident a month before Jacob was born. Chris was the only family she had left.

  “You can’t do this alone, Luce,” her brother said. “You’re gonna need help.”

  “And you’re sure neither you nor Amber can come?” she asked again. He’d already told her they couldn’t get the time off of work, but it didn’t hurt to ask again.

  “I’m sorry, sweet pea, I wish we could, but Amber just got this big promotion and I need all the hours I can clock for the mortgage. I know it sounds like we’re brushing you off, but I promise you, I’m not. It’s killing me to know I’m letting you down, but I can’t take any time off until next month and then God Himself won’t stop me. You just need to make it until then…” He trailed off.

  “And it isn’t like I can get a babysitter,” Lucy admitted. “This is a 24/7 clinic and they won’t let Jacob stay with me.” No matter how badly she didn’t want to call on Joe, she slowly realized she had no other choice.

  “So, bite the bullet and call him. If he’s an ass, then you let me know and I’ll beat him senseless,” Chris threatened. “But honestly, I can’t see him turning his back on his own flesh and blood.”

  Lucy caved at her brother’s trust and faith in his longtime best friend. Maybe she had been wrong about Joe, maybe she did owe it to him. Mind made up, she decided she’d call him and ask him for help, but she refused to throw Jacob in the line of fire just yet. If Joe came and actually showed some interest in being with her son, then maybe she’d tell him. Only time would tell.

  Chapter 2

  Joe Landers ran his fingers through his spiky, black hair and laughed at the naughty girl sitting next to him. She leaned against him, her breasts pressed as tightly against his bicep as possible and whispered really interesting things in his ear. Or, at least what he managed to hear was naughty. The pounding bass pumping through the club’s speakers managed to drown out pretty much everything. Her makeup seemed exotic but he knew the flashing, fluorescent lights always camouflaged the smallest flaws. Even though she looked like Marilyn Monroe at the moment, she was probably more of a Molly Toothless in reality. But hell, he didn’t care. His bear goggles were on tight and he was ready for whatever ride she provided.

  “C’mon baby,” she cooed and scooted across to exit the leather booth seat, her hand grabbing his and urging him along behind her. “Let’s go someplace a little quieter.”

  Joe nodded and tossed a few bills on the table to cover their drinks and followed her lead. Once on his feet, he slung his arm around her shoulders and laughed when they both weaved and wobbled their way to the door. Shoving through the blacked-out door, he inhaled sharply when the cold Missouri air hit him square in the face. Shaking his head to dispel the ringing in his ears, he frowned when it didn’t work. The girl squinted down at his jacket pocket.

  “I think your pocket’s ringing,” she slurred and then giggled.

  Joe pulled away from her and dug in his pocket until he found the offensive little de
vice. Pulling it out, a familiar face from years ago flashed across his screen and he sobered in a hurry. But before he could hit the send button to answer, the connection dropped. His eyes flicked to the signal strength on his screen and he noted he had full service. Had she lost connection? The little screen went black as he stood there and let his thoughts run wild. He’d had it pretty bad for his best friend Chris’s little sister ever since he first laid eyes on her. Joe had rolled into town to act as best man for his bud’s wedding and this little slip of a college sophomore flat-out stole his breath. He remembered that day as clear as if it were yesterday. He’d pulled his rental car up in front of the Conlay’s modest brick home. A petite girl with a long, bouncy ponytail knelt in the front yard gathering the contents of a spilled bag. He’d rushed from his car to help her scoop the books and papers before the wind carried them away. Contents safely returned to her backpack, they rose and the moment their eyes met, Joe’s heart lurched in excitement. He faced five-feet-seven-inches of the most adorable bookworm he’d ever met; her big, brown, doe-eyes nearly cut him off at the knees. He still remembered what she’d been wearing that day as well: a yellow sundress with a pair of those little white tennis shoes. Shaking his head to clear the lustful fog settling over him, he swiped the screen to the right and held his hand up to his drunken date, motioning for her to be quiet. He then waited for Lucy to answer the call. She picked up on the fourth ring.

  “Joe?” she whispered. “I’m sorry it’s so late, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “Nah Luce,” he scoffed. “It’s good to hear from you. What’s it been – six years?” he asked and batted his hand when the drunken woman grabbed at his arm, her face scrunched in a jealous sneer.

  “More like five years, give or take a few months,” she answered drolly.


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