Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth

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Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth Page 1

by Michael Savage

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  Graduating to Treason?

  I cannot comprehend the madness of the times.… Treason is in the air around us everywhere. It goes by the name of patriotism.

  —Thomas Corwin to Abraham Lincoln, 1861

  People can justify a government’s controversial policies and actions for only so long until they see a pattern of abuse of power. Then, even the most devout supporters of any regime must decide if they support these extreme policies and actions or oppose them.

  With the current government, this point of no return was reached for some when they slowly realized the extent of the vast National Security Agency spying scandal.

  For others it was the release of known Islamist terrorists from the Guantanamo Bay prison without congressional knowledge.

  For most Americans, the flood of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America purposely created by the administration to overwhelm our southern borders was the final straw.

  Still other supporters kept justifying one extremist act after another, justifying the president’s policies and actions with rationalizations that included saying that those who opposed them were “right-wing conspirators,” “racists,” “Obama haters,” and the like.

  Yet for those of us who study governments that have taken nations from freedom to fascism, the handwriting has been on the wall for many years.

  My question is this: Will the Obama inner circle of extremist left-wing radicals trigger an event that will provoke an American insurrection, even a civil war?

  Is this concern to be dismissed as a “right-wing conspiracy”?

  Let me explain to you what is happening.

  The desperate Democrats are all pursuing policies of race and class warfare. As their failures and many deceits become clearer to the people, as the war they’re fighting against the freedoms promised in the U.S. Constitution materializes, they are counting on minority voters to turn out for them at the ballot box. Look at these excerpts from some of their speeches to high school and college graduates.

  Here’s Michelle Obama, the First Lady. Is she trying to agitate these children? Stir them up to do what?

  The fact is that your experience here in Topeka would have been unimaginable back in 1954, when Brown v. Board of Education first went to the Supreme Court. This would not be possible.… Back then, Topeka, like so many cities, was segregated, so black folks and white folks had separate restaurants, separate hotels, separate movie theaters, swimming pools, and, of course, the elementary schools were segregated, too.

  How do you feel about the First Lady stirring up such racial enmity in this speech? How would you feel if I told you that I believe it’s not an isolated incident?

  Here’s what Attorney General Eric Holder said in his graduation speech:

  Codified segregation of public schools has been barred since Brown [v. Board of Education]. But in too many of our school districts, significant divisions persist and segregation has reoccurred—including zero-tolerance school discipline practices that, while well-intentioned and aimed at promoting school safety, affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers.1

  Do you hear what Eric Holder said? He told his audience that black males are targeted, not because they cause more disruption and violence in the classroom, but because they are black. It’s Animal Farm. It’s upside down. It’s doublespeak. It’s everything we were warned about since the dawn of social engineering in this country.

  Tim Geithner, a spoiled, rich white boy from Queens who had everything handed to him as he grew up, has the nerve to “get down” with the other administration doublespeakers to push a biased and untruthful racial message:

  We have tremendously high numbers of people living in poverty. We’ve had a long period where the median income has not grown, [and a] big rise in inequality. And, to an extent, this should not be acceptable to Americans. How well you do in life today, how good your education is, how good your health care is, depends too much on the color of your skin or how rich your parent is.

  Finally, here is none other than Nancy Pelosi, a very wealthy woman, acting as if she’s a member of the Occupy Wall Street movement. When you read this, you’ll understand that these four graduation speakers are trying to exacerbate class and racial division in this country:

  Our founders were successful disruptors of the then status quo. Being called a disruptor, in my view, is a very high compliment. You here in Berkeley are already disruptors in many ways. In 1964, Mario Savio and company were disruptors of the status quo, too. When he and his fellow activists occupied Sproul [Hall], their exercise of free speech could only travel as fast as television, radio, and newspapers. Think of your possibilities. Now it’s all about you.

  Do you understand what Pelosi is doing?

  She’s inciting the graduating seniors from the University of California, Berkeley, an institution that once was a hotbed of free speech but where students and faculty now fear speaking their minds to express an opinion that doesn’t agree with the opinion of those in power. In my view, Pelosi is inciting them to become “disruptors.”

  Why would these four people put forth what I see as a message of class and racial division to graduating college seniors on the same weekend, with Pelosi further telling her audience to go out and become disruptors?

  Why would they spread the message of racial inequality?

  Not to be outdone by the race-baiting, Democrat Jay Rockefeller espoused his view that “skin color” was behind the rejection of our Euro-African president’s failed policies.2

  How do you feel about this government’s stoking racial divisions?

  Why do they do it?

  I’m telling you, they’re setting the stage for more confrontations between citizens of the United States and their government.

  From the arguably traitorous foreign policy decisions to the bloated, biased, incompetent bureaucracy, the current administration is aiding and abetting our terrorist enemies while refusing to provide medical support to the soldiers who have fought against the very enemies this administration seems to be supporting.

  Three events in the early summer of 2014 make very clear what this government’s positions are:

  • The release of five radical Islamist leaders from Guantanamo Bay prison in exchange for the return of an American soldier who deserted his post and may have aided and abetted the enemy in Afghanistan

  • Inviting hundreds of thousands of Central American children and young adults—some of them known gang members with distinguishing gang tattoos—to enter the United States illegally and then providing food and shelter for them before sending them off to “friends and relatives” in other U.S. cities

  • What I see as the intentional refusal to provide critical medical treatment for injured and ill American servicemen through the Veterans Affairs medical system

  Let me take you through the Gitmo detainees exchange first.

  According to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, the president of the United States approved the transfer of five of the most dangerous long-term Gitmo inmates to the coun
try of Qatar in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, an American soldier who is described by some of his fellow soldiers—as many as six of them were killed attempting to find and rescue Bergdahl after he left his post—as a “deserter.”3

  The White House, of course, quickly denied that the president had made the call on the prisoner exchange and fingered Hagel as the one who had made the decision.4

  The result of the prisoner deal was not that five terrorists were freed while one American soldier was released. In fact, I argue that the reason the Obama administration released Bergdahl might well have been that he was an Islamist sympathizer as well. The ultimate result may prove to be that six terrorist sympathizers were released in this swap.

  All five of the Gitmo detainees were involved with the Taliban in Afghanistan when we invaded that country after the 9/11 attacks. One was a commander of the main force fighting against Americans, another was a Taliban governmental interior minister. Yet another was a Taliban provincial governor who also served as a coordinator of Taliban fighting forces. Two others were Taliban intelligence and communications officers.

  These released detainees are not going to grab a rifle and head to the battlefield. They are hard-core terrorist leaders—commanders, intelligence and communications officers, Taliban government officials—who are most likely to return to positions of leadership. All of them had been held at Gitmo for more than a decade.

  When the American people and Congress finally got the word that the exchange had been made, they were outraged. As Hillary Clinton was referring to them as “these five guys” and claiming that they “are not a threat to the United States,”5 even Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, couldn’t contain her disapproval of the swap.

  The Washington Post explained that the president likely broke the law that required him to provide notification to Congress at least thirty days before executing such an exchange, and the leftist rag went so far as to acknowledge that other American soldiers would now be much more likely to be kidnapped and held for further prisoner exchanges because of Obama’s action.6

  In the wake of this action, we really have to ask the question: What kind of an administration would make a swap of this type unless they were utterly incompetent or they wanted to put these five terrorists back on the battlefield?

  Obama’s foreign policy mistakes continue to threaten our national security.

  Because the president refused to conclude a status of forces agreement with Iraq and subsequently withdrew all American troops from that country, our former ally has become so politically divided and its central government so weakened that the most vicious of all terrorist groups, known as the Islamic State of Iran and Syria (ISIS), has used captured American weapons and vehicles along with military force to take over significant swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria. The group went so far as to declare the formation of a new Islamic caliphate in the territory it has captured.7

  Do you want to know how distorted and perverse America’s foreign policy has become under this president?

  The U.S. troops our president has sent to Iraq to “advise” Iraqis and coordinate a defense against ISIS are fighting alongside Iranian troops sent to Iraq for the same purpose!8

  Making Iran an ally seems to be coordinated by the Oval Office.

  Is it possible that our president will need to be removed from office by his own Democratic Party in the same way Neville Chamberlain was removed by his own Labor Party in England for giving in to Hitler’s demands as World War II was beginning?

  Are you starting to see why I titled this chapter “Graduating to Treason?”

  Do you understand how this administration’s policies are dividing the American people and threatening our freedom?

  Because of the administration’s immigration policies and its refusal to uphold existing immigration law, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America were housed on U.S. Army bases. Many were saying that the administration not only allowed these immigrant children to cross into our country, but that they actually encouraged the illegal immigrants.

  The evidence of this surfaced just before this book went into production.

  In mid-June, several websites posted notices that the federal government had publicly advertised on the government website Federal Business Opportunities ( for a vendor to escort tens of thousands of illegal alien children to locations around the United States. Here’s the text of that ad:

  The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air. Escort services include, but are not limited to, assisting with: transferring physical custody of UAC from DHS to Health and Human Services (HHS) care via ground or air methods of transportation (charter or commercial carrier), property inventory, providing juveniles with meals, drafting reports, generating transport documents, maintaining/stocking daily supplies, providing and issuing clothing as needed, coordinating with DHS and HHS staff, travel coordination, limited stationary guard services to accommodate for trip disruptions due to inclement weather, faulty equipment, or other exigent circumstances.9

  To me, that ad, on a federal government website, is evidence that this administration may well have initiated and encouraged bringing tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children into the United States and that they’ve once again misled us, this time at the expense of minor children from Central American countries, in order to exacerbate the crisis that has been unfolding on our southern border for years.

  The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers put out a statement with these almost unprecedented words: “Certainly we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States government.”10

  What you haven’t heard from most of the national news media is that among the “children” who have entered our country in this unprecedented wave are many hardened criminals, gang members who are using our unwillingness to stop this flood of illegal immigrants to enter America with no threat of deportation. The vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 said, “Until we start mandatory detentions, mandatory removals, I don’t think anything is going to change. As a matter of fact, I think it’s going to get worse.”11

  Beyond that, many of the children are teenagers, and the improvised shelters where they are crowded together have become a place where diseases are becoming rampant and where they are free to engage in sex,12 even as military personnel are forced through necessity to change diapers and warm up baby formula to feed the infants who are also among this group of illegal aliens.13

  But perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the surge of illegals across our southern border is the specter of disease epidemics.

  I earned my doctorate in the field of epidemiology and human nutrition at the University of California at Berkeley. I know more about the subject than anyone else in broadcasting, and I have been trying to warn Americans about the dangers of illegal immigration into the United States and the risk of epidemics since the early 1980s. Only now are Americans finally waking up to the fact that the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants flooding our borders are bringing with them very dangerous infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, H1N1 swine flu, chicken pox, and Chagas disease, a potentially life-threatening condition caused by a parasite found in the feces of another parasite. It’s most common in Central American countries, and it had been eradicated in Southern Californ

  These diseases are being brought back in to this country by the horde of illegals now being “processed” as they cross the border and are transferred by buses and planes to cities around the United States. Members of the medical staffs that are trying to take care of the illegals in San Antonio were threatened with arrest if they revealed information about the diseases being brought into the country, but they spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity because they felt that Americans needed to know about the risks to their health posed by this surge of illegal aliens.15

  Arizona governor Jan Brewer summed up what must be done:

  The administration’s refusal to properly verify that violent criminals are not among those entering the United States shows an alarming lack of concern for our homeland’s security. As a nation, we cannot sit back and allow this policy to continue.16

  The one good thing that may have come about because of this event is that Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, was defeated in the Virginia Republican primary by one Dave Brat, an unknown who beat the highly favored Cantor in an upset for the ages.

  The attempted cover-up of what’s happening at Veterans Affairs hospitals as the VA tries to hide its refusal to treat our soldiers is another of the disturbing scandals that has emerged during this administration.

  An audit of the Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics has found that more than a hundred thousand military veterans face very long waits just to get in to see a doctor. For more than half of them, the wait has been longer than three months. For more than sixty thousand veterans, the wait is still going on: For the past ten years, that’s how many veterans have been unable to get an appointment at all.

  But the problem doesn’t end there. The inspector general for the VA, Richard Griffin, reported that it is common practice for administrators to create two sets of books, one for the public and a second that reflected the fact that appointments were delayed, often indefinitely, and was never intended to see the light of day. Estimates are that hundreds of thousands of veterans wait longer than two weeks, the wait time within which the VA is committed to seeing patients.


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