Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth

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Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth Page 24

by Michael Savage

  14. “Savage: Media ‘Hiding’ Illegal-Alien Disease Threat,” World Net Daily, July 3, 2014 (

  15. Starnes, Todd, “Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest,”, July 2, 2013 (

  16. Lee, Tony, “Jan Brewer: MS-13 Gang Members Could Be Crossing Border with Children,” Breitbart, June 13, 2014 (

  17. Zoroya, Gregg, “100,000 Veterans Face Long Waits to See VA Doctors,” USA Today, June 10, 2014 (

  18. Dinan, Stephen, “Tip of the Iceberg: Senator Coburn Says VA Scandal Goes Deeper Than Wait Lists,” Washington Times, June 14, 2014 (

  19. Quoted in Jasper, William F., “Last Man Standing: Nevada Ranch Family in Fedgov Face-off,” New American, April 11, 2014 (

  Chapter 2: The Long March

  1. “The Majority of Home Purchases Are Now Being Done by Cash Buyers,” Dr. Housing Bubble (

  2. Katusa, Marin, “The ‘Colder War’ and the End of the Petrodollar,” Forbes, May 29, 2014 (

  3. Adask, Alfred, “A US BRICS Currency War,” International Forecaster, April 5, 2014 (

  4. Melloy, John, “Inflation Actually Near 10% Using Older Measure,” CNBC, April 12, 2011 (

  5. “How the NSA Is Tracking People Right Now,” Washington Post,

  6. “Most online accounts investigated by NSA belong to ordinary Internet users, report claims,”, July 6, 2014 (

  7. Hicks, Josh, “Issa Report: IRS Applied ‘Systematic Scrutiny’ Only to Conservative Groups,” Washington Post, April 7, 2014 (,

  8. Dickson, Sam, “Shattering the Icon of Abraham Lincoln,” Institute for Historical Review (

  Chapter 3: The War on Our Borders, Language, and Culture

  1. Churchwell, Logan, “Illegal Immigrants Released into Texas to Ease Over-Crowding of Detention Centers,” Breitbart, March 26, 2014 (

  2. O’Keefe, Makenzie, “Man Rescued During September Floods Looks to Sue Rescuers,” CBS Denver, March 4, 2014 (

  3. “Illegal Alien May Sue Firefighters Who Rescued Him from Flood Waters,” Local 12 WKRC Cincinnati,

  4. Spagat, Elliot, “Migrants Seek to Enter US in San Diego Protest,” Yahoo! News, March 10, 2014 (

  5. Dinan, Stephen, “Deportations Come Mostly from Border, DHS Chief Says,” Washington Times, March 12, 2014 (

  6. “ICE Texas Field Offices Remove More Than 800 Sex Offenders So Far This Year: More Than 2,000 Removed Every Year in Past 3 Years,”, press release, March 13, 2014 (

  7. Ibanez, Camila, “Full Families Challenge U.S.-Mexico Border with Mass Reentry,” Waging Nonviolence, March 10, 2014 (

  8. “The Dream Act by Executive Order Draws in New Wave of Illegal Immigrants,” Investor’s Business Daily, December 26, 2013 (

  9. “U.S. Frees 36,007 Illegal Aliens with Serious Criminal Convictions,” Judicial Watch, May 13, 2014 (

  10. Adams, Becket, “Obama Promises Hispanics: Your Obamacare Signup Info Will Not Be Used to Track Down Family Members Who Are Here Illegally,” Blaze, March 18, 2014 (

  11. Starr, Penny, “DHS Secretary on Illegal Aliens: ‘They’re Here, and They’re Not Going Away,’ ”, February 7, 2014 (

  12. Starr, Penny, “Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ‘Earned Right to be Citizens,”, January 24, 2014 (

  13. May, Caroline, “Jeh Johnson: DHS Already Preparing to Implement Immigration Reform,” Daily Caller, February 7, 2014 (

  14. Lee, Tony, “Report: Obama Admin Slashing Fines for Businesses Caught Hiring Illegals,” Breitbart, February 26, 2014 (

  15. Carroll, Conn, “Democrats Choose Immigrant Fraudsters over Veterans and Unemployed,”, January 10, 2014 (

  16. “Freeing Workers from the Insurance Trap,” New York Times, February 4, 2014 (

  17. Cefaratti, Todd, “Ex-CBO Chief: Obamacare Subsidies Create a Disincentive for Working Just Like Welfare,” TPNN, February 20, 2014 (

  18. Buchanan, Patrick J., “End of the Line for the Welfare State?”, February 11, 2014 (

  19. Taylor, Kristinn, “Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom—Lowest Level Ever Recorded,” Gateway Pundit, January 13, 2014 (

  20. Martel, Frances, “Charter School Parents, Opponents Sue NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio,” Breitbart, March 10, 2014 (

  21. Watson, Paul Joseph, “The War on Men: 10 Ways Masculinity is Under Attack,”, February 19, 2014 (

  22. MacIntosh, Jeane, “Obama Wants Marines to Wear ‘Girly’ Hats,” New York Post, October 23, 2013 (

  23. Maloof, F. Michael, “Top Generals: Obama Is ‘Purging the Military,’ ” WND, October 31, 2013 (

  24. Quoted in Starnes, Todd, “Pentagon Training Manual: White Males Have Unfair Advantages,” Fox News, October 31, 2013 (

  25. Starr, Penny, “DOD Reviewing Its ‘Equal Opportunity’ Training—After Anti-Christian Materials Exposed,”, January 7, 2014 (

  26. Starr, Penny, “DOD to Continue Using Liberal Southern Poverty Law Center as Training Resource,”, February 24, 2014 (

  27. Bedard, Paul, “ ‘Shocked’ Anti-Defamation League Slaps FBI ‘Diss’ on Hate Crimes,” Washington Examiner, March 26, 2014 (

  28. Klukowski, Ken, “Air Force: Christians’ Religious Speech Not Legally Protected Right,” Breitbart, March 16, 2014 (

  29. Lowry, Rich, “The Strange Hate for ‘Lone Survivor,’ ” New York Post, January 21, 2014 (

  30. Reilly, Ryan J., “DOJ Plans to Recognize More Rights for Same-Sex Couples,” Huffington Post, February 8, 2014 (

  31. Hollingsworth, Barbara, “Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens,”, February 26, 2014 (

  32. Jilani, Zaid, “How Working in Washington Taught Me We’re All a Little Like RT America,” Expanded Thoughts (blog), March 6, 2014 (

  33. Drake, Meghan, “Survey: U.S. Press Freedom Plunges Under Obama to 46th in World, After Romania,” Washington Times, February 11, 2014 (

  34. Assenheim, Marilyn, “FCC’s Mignon Clyburn Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Votes to Implement Unconstitutionality,” Girls Just Wanna Have Guns, February 22, 2014 (

  35. Halpin, John, et al., “The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio,” Center for American Progress, June 20, 2007 (; quoted in Carroll, Conn, “FCC ‘Survey’ Straight from Podesta’s Fairness Doctrine Playbook,”, February 24, 2014 (

  36. “Report: Islamists’ Slaughter of Syrian Christians Ignored by Obama, Major Media,”, November 26, 2013 (

  37. Lynch, Sarah, “Egypt’s Christians Under Attack Since Morsi’s Ouster,” USA Today, August 15, 2013 (

  38. Marlin, George J., “Cuomo to Catholics: You’re Not Welcome in NY,” Catholic Thing, January 19, 2014 (

  39. Bigelow, William, “Pope Francis Attacks Capitalism, Calls for State Control,” Breitbart, November 27, 2013 (

  40. Diaz, Mario, “Diaz: What Obamacare Means to Little Sisters of the Poor,” Washington Times, October 10, 2013 (

  41. Hollingsworth, Barbara, “Gallup: Only 5% of Religious Americans Are Non-Christians,”, December 30, 2013 (

  42. Gray, Lisa, “Principal Who Told Kids Not to Speak Spanish Will Lose Job,” Houston Chronicle, March 18, 2014 (

  Chapter 4: The War on the U.S. Military

  1. Flatten, Mark, “House GOP Leaders Want Probe of Veterans Affairs’ Purging of Medical Test Orders,” Washington Examiner, March 4, 2014 (

  2. Malkin, Michelle, “How America Treats Illegal Aliens vs. Veterans,”, May 23, 2014 (

  3. Longman, Phillip, “The Best Care Anywhere,” Washington Monthly, January–February 2005 (

  4. Kouri, Jim, “Obama General Destroys Career of Army Officer to Appease Muslims,” Conservative Action Alerts, October 9, 2012 (

  5. Gordon, J. D., “Gordon: Purging America’s Military,” Washington Times, November 12, 2013 (

  6. Ricks, Thomas E., “The Obama administration’s inexplicable mishandling of Marine Gen. James Mattis,” Best Defense (blog), Foreign Policy, January 18, 2013 (

  7. “The Best From ‘Mad Dog Mattis,’ ” Washington Free Beacon, March 18, 2013 (

  8. Halper, Daniel, “Obama Fires Top General Without Even a Phone Call,” Weekly Standard, January 25, 2013 (

  9. Fisher, Max, “Amazing Details from the Drunken Moscow Bender That Got an Air Force General Fired,” WorldViews (blog), Washington Post, December 19, 2013 (

  10. “US Nuclear Commander Tim Giardina Fired amid Gambling Investigation,” Guardian, October 9, 2013 (

  11. Ibid.

  12. Kredo, Adam, “Obama to Kill Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs,” Washington Free Beacon, March 24, 2014 (

  13. Greenfield, Daniel, “Obama’s War on American Generals,” FrontPage Magazine, February 19, 2013 (

  14. Ibid.

  15. “Obama Relieves McChrystal over Critical Remarks, Names Petraeus as Replacement,” Fox News, June 23, 2010 (

  16. Hastings, Michael, “The Runaway General,” Rolling Stone, June 22, 2010 (

  17. Brooks, Rosa, “Obama vs. the Generals,” Politico Magazine, November 2013 (

  18. “Report: First Western Eyewitness in Benghazi to Go Public Gives Account of Attack, Warning Signs,” Fox News, October 28, 2013 (

  19. Gaffney, Frank J., Jr., “Gaffney: The Real Reason Behind Benghazigate,” Washington Times, October 22, 2012 (

  20. Tapper, Jake, “Exclusive: Dozens of CIA Operatives on the Ground During Benghazi Attack,” The Lead with Jake Tapper (blog), CNN, August 7, 2013 (

  21. “Valerie Jarrett Gave Benghazi Stand-Down Order,” Investor’s Business Daily, August 7, 2013 (

  22. Drover, Frank, “ ‘Rogue’ U.S. General Arrested for Activating Special Forces Teams; Ignoring Libya Stand-Down Order,” Daily Sheeple, October 28, 2012 (; Robbins, James S., “TRR: Is a General Losing His Job over Benghazi?” The Robbins Report (blog), Washington Times, October 28, 2012 (

  23. Williams, J. B., “Benghazi: Where Are Gen. Ham and Adm. Gaouette?” NewsWithViews, May 16, 2013 (

  24. “Happening Now: General Ham Testifying in a Closed Hearing to the House Armed Services Committee,” RedFlag News, June 26, 2013 (

  25. Chivers, C. J., and Thom Shanker, “Admiral at Center of Inquiry Is Censured by Navy,” New York Times, March 26, 2013 (

  26. Herridge, Catherine, “Exclusive: Benghazi Hero Fought Alongside Fallen SEALs, Still Recovering at Walter Reed,” Fox News, July 25, 2013 (


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