Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth

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Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth Page 26

by Michael Savage

  18. McCarthy, Andrew C., “Obamacare’s Unconstitutional Origins,” National Review Online, October 5, 2013 (

  19. Savage, Michael, Trickle Up Poverty (New York: William Morrow, 2010), pp. 52–55.

  20. “Obamacare Architect: Genetic ‘Lottery Winners’ Have Been Paying an ‘Artificially Low Price,’ ” Real Clear Politics, November 13, 2013 (

  21. Brewster, Tom, “How the NSA, GCHQ, and Crooks Can Hack Mobile Apps,”, January 30, 2014 (

  22. Robbins, James S., “Move Over NSA, Here Comes the Obamacare Big Brother Database,” Rare, July 20, 2013 (

  23. Melchior, Jillian Kay, “Convicted Terrorist Worked as Obamacare Navigator in Illinois,” National Review Online, February 26, 2014 (

  24. Fund, John, “The Truth About Navigators,” National Review Online, November 11, 2013 (

  25. Lehman, Chris, “Oregon Lawmakers Grill Director of Health Insurance Exchange,” NW News Network, January 15, 2014 (

  26. Jones, Susan, “Obama Changes Affordable Care Act Requirements by Himself,”, November 14, 2013 (

  27. Hunter, Melanie, “Hidden Code on Obamacare Website: ‘No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy,’ ”, October 24, 2013 (

  28. Gehrke, Joel, “Obamacare Launch Spawns 700+ Cyber-Squatters Capitalizing on, State Exchanges,” Washington Examiner, October 23, 2013 (

  29. “ Doesn’t Protect Personal Information of Obamacare Applicants,” RT, October 30, 2013 (

  30. Astrue, Michael, “Why the President Will Euthanize in 2014,” Weekly Standard, November 12, 2013 (

  31. Scheiner, Eric, “Security Expert Claims to Gain Info on 70-K ObamaCare Records in 4 Minutes,”, January 21, 2014 (

  32. Finkle, Jim, and Joseph Menn, “Exclusive: FBI Warns of U.S. Government Breaches by Anonymous Hackers,” Reuters, November 15, 2013 (

  33. Gertz, Bill, “The Belarusian Connection,” Washington Free Beacon, February 3, 2014 (

  34. Morgan, David, “Up to 40 Percent of Obamacare Website Hasn’t Been Built Yet: Official,” Huffington Post, November 20, 2013 (

  35. Cardenas, Al, “Obamacare Unravels,” U.S. News and World Report, February 18, 2014 (

  36. Bedard, Paul, “Duke University: 44% of U.S. Firms Consider Cutting Health Care to Current Workers,” Washington Examiner, February 5, 2014 (

  37. McCaughey, Betsy, “Obama Affordable Care Act Hurts Twice As Many As It Helps,” Investor’s Business Daily, January 7, 2014 (

  38. “C.G.I. Conseillers En Gestion Et Informatique,” Industry Canada, June 19, 2013 (

  39. Pollock, Richard, “Feds Reviewed Only One Bid for Obamacare Website Design,” Washington Examiner, October 13, 2013 (

  40. Pollock, Richard, “Canadian Officials Fired IT Firm Behind Troubled Obamacare Website,” Washington Examiner, October 10, 2013 (

  41. “Michelle Obama and CGI Federal,”, December 10, 2013 (

  42. “How to Bid on Government Contracts,” WikiHow (

  43. Melchior, Jillian Kay, “Colorado Health-Exchange Director Indicted for Fraud, Theft,” The Corner, National Review Online, February 13, 2014 (

  44. Associated Press, “Plea Deal Made in Low-Income Housing Embezzlement,” Washington Times, June 17, 2014 (

  45. Terhune, Chad, “Obamacare Enrollees Hit Snags at Doctors’ Offices,” Los Angeles Times, February 4, 2014 (,0,5417742.story#axzz2sRcUPkFx).

  46. Schweizer, Peter, “At Least One Group of Americans Loves ObamaCare,” Fox News, November 12, 2013 (

  47. Miller, S. A., “Obama Donor’s Firm Hired to Fix Web Mess It Created,” New York Post, November 1, 2013 (

  48. Schweizer, “At Least One Group of Americans Loves ObamaCare.”

  49. “Full Transcript: President Obama’s Nov. 14 News Conference on the Affordable Care Act,” Washington Post, November 14, 2013 (

  50. Viebeck, Elise, “O-Care Premiums to Skyrocket,” Hill, March 19, 2014 (

  51. Angle, Jim, “ObamaCare Patients with Serious Pre-Existing Diseases Could Face Expensive Drug Costs,” Fox News, February 16, 2014 (

  52. Berry, Susan, “Cost of Generic Drugs Soaring Due to Increased Demand from Obamacare,” Breitbart, February 1, 2014 (

  53. Levey, Noam N., “Critics Call Obama Funding Plan for Health Insurer Losses a ‘Bailout,’ ” Los Angeles Times, May 21, 2014 (

  Chapter 7: The War on Civil Rights

  1. Caldwell, Patrick, “The GOP’s Filibuster Freak-Out: 13 Dramatic Reactions from Senate Republicans,” Mother Jones, November 21, 2013 (

  2. Levin, Carl, “Senate Floor Statement on Proposed ‘Nuclear Option,’ ” U.S. Senate, November 21, 2013 (

  3. Brekke, Dan, and David Marks, “In Wake of Arrest, Sen. Leland Yee Quits Secret
ary of State’s Race,” News Fix (blog), KQED News, March 27, 2014 (

  4. Hrabe, John, “FBI Says Anti-Gun Lawmaker Arranged Weapons Deal with Muslim Rebels,”, March 27, 2014 (

  5. The Infinite, “Dispelling the Myth—One Billion Hollow Point Bullets for Target Practice?” Planet Infowars, April 8, 2013 (

  6. Hoft, Jim, “Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go with Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile,” Gateway Pundit, March 3, 2013 (

  7. Watson, Steve, “Big Sis Refuses to Answer Congress on Bullet Purchases,”, March 21, 2013 (

  8. Watson, Paul Joseph, “Homeland Security to Purchase 141,000 Rounds of Sniper Ammo,”, February 11, 2014 (

  9. Hathaway, Jesse, “Ohio National Guard Training Envisions Right-Wing Terrorism,” Media Trackers, February 10, 2014 (

  10. Watson, Paul Joseph, “U.S. Army Builds ‘Fake City’ in Virginia to Practice Military Occupation,”, February 14, 2014 (

  11. “Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens,” Judicial Watch, April 25, 2013 (

  12. Yoo, John, “Obamacare Debacle Much Worse for Constitution, Presidency Than Katrina Was for Bush,” American Enterprise Institute, November 21, 2013 (

  13. Shapiro, Ilya, “President Obama’s Top 10 Constitutional Violations of 2013,” Forbes, December 23, 2013 (

  14. Ibid.

  15. Pavlich, Katie, “Former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and Wife Maureen Indicted on Federal Corruption Charges,”, January 21, 2014 (

  16. Gehrke, Joel, “Attorney General Eric Holder Can’t Explain Constitutional Basis for Obama’s Executive Orders,” Washington Examiner, January 29, 2014 (

  17. Hunter, Melanie, “ ‘I Don’t Know Anything…’ Holder Denies Knowing IRS Investigator Was Obama Contributor,”, January 30, 2014 (

  18. Ibid.

  19. “Lawmakers: IRS Knew for Months of ‘Lost’ Lerner Emails, More Documents Missing,” Fox News, June 17, 2014 (

  20. Lee, Tony, “True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht on IRS: ‘I Was Targeted Because of My Political Beliefs,’ ” Breitbart, February 6, 2014 (

  21. Dreilinger, Danielle, “Recovery School District will be country’s first all-charter district in September 2014,” New Orleans Times-Picayune, December 19, 2013 (

  22. Associated Press, “DOJ Tries to Stop School-Choice for Poor Children in Failing Louisiana Public Schools,”, August 24, 2013 (

  23. Hinderaker, John, “Eric Holder Sues to Block Louisiana School Choice,” Powerline, August 25, 2013 (

  24. Williams, Timothy, “Execution Case Dropped Against Abu-Jamal,” New York Times, December 7, 2011 (

  25. Pavlich, Katie, “Democrats Block Widow of Murdered Police Officer from Testifying Against Obama DOJ Nominee Debo Adegbile,”, February 6, 2014 (

  26. Lowery, Wesley, “How Mumia Abu-Jamal Doomed Debo Adegbile in the Senate,” The Fix (blog), Washington Post, March 5, 2014 (

  27. Ibid.

  28. “CBS 2 Exclusive: De Blasio’s Caravan Caught Speeding, Violating Traffic Laws,” CBS New York, February 20, 2014 (

  29. Wilde, Robert, “NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Imposes Charter School ‘Moratorium,’ ” Breitbart, February 7, 2014 (

  30. Schram, Jamie, Yoav Gonen, and Jeane MacIntosh, “DeBlasio’s Buddy Sprung from Jail After Mayor Calls NYPD,” New York Post, February 11, 2014 (

  31. Mindich, David T. Z., “Lincoln’s Surveillance State,” New York Times, July 5, 2013 (

  32. Nelson, Steven, “Mikulski Says Cellphone ‘Kill Switch’ Fears Baseless, ‘Conspiratorial,’ ” U.S. News and World Report, February 21, 2014 (

  33. “Obama Uses Government to Harass, Intimidate Foes,” Investor’s Business Daily, January 24, 2014 (

  34. “Obama’s IRS ‘Confusion,’ ” Wall Street Journal, February 7, 2014 (

  35. Klein, Edward, “Who is Valerie Jarrett?” Daily Caller, May 22, 2012 (

  36. Newby, Joe, “Report says Valerie Jarrett gave the order to stand down in Benghazi,”, August 8, 2013 (

  37. Russell, George, “John Podesta, Key Player in Administration’s Regulation Drive, Also Helped UN Develop Radical New Global Agenda,” Fox News, February 13, 2014 (

  38. “Obama on Executive Actions: ‘I’ve Got a Pen and I’ve Got a Phone,’ ” CBS DC, January 14, 2014 (

  39. “Rep. Weber: Obama Is a Socialistic Dictator,”, January 28, 2014 (

  40. Cruz, Ted, “Ted Cruz: The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama,” Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2014 (

  41. “Congressman: We Can Defeat Amnesty, Executive Orders,” WND, January 31, 2014 (

  42. Berger, Judson, “Administration Eases Restrictions on Asylum Seekers with Loose Terror Ties,” Fox News, February 6, 2014 (

  43. Greenfield, Daniel, “ ‘Activist’ for Anti-Israel Group with Ties to Obama Exposed as Terrorist,” FrontPage Magazine, October 25, 2013 (

  44. “Turley: Obama’s ‘Become the Very Danger the Constitution Was Designed to Avoid,’ ” RealClearPolitics, December 4, 2013 (

  45. Feldmann, Linda, “Is Barack Obama an Imperial President?” Christian Science Monitor, January 26, 2014 (

  46. Strong, Jonathan, “The I-Word,” National Review Online, December 5, 2013 (

  Chapter 8: The War on Science

  1. Durden, Tyler, “Ship Sent to Rescue Global Warming Researchers in Antarctic, Gets Trapped in Antarctic,” Zero Hedge, January 3, 2014 (

  2. “Kerry Urges US Envoys to Make Climate Change a Priority,” Yahoo! News, March 8, 2014 (this article is no longer available online).

  3. Jones, Susan, “Podesta: Obama’s ‘Warmed Up’ to Executive Action; Will Use It for ‘Climate Change and Energy Transformation Agenda,’ ”, January 28, 2014 (


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