Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3)

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Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3) Page 1

by Sterling, Ginny

  Redeemed Hearts

  Ginny Sterling

  Redeemed Hearts

  Thoroughbred Men Series, Book 3

  Teri Jones has found herself running away from living her life after losing her fiancé in a deadly accident. Independent and alone, she has thrown herself into her work and into the community in order to cope with the tragedy. She has been able to exist like this, retreated in her shell, for years… until she met him.

  Richard has recently grown weary of his playboy lifestyle and the hassle that has come along with it. Serving at the fire station over time has shown him loss, comraderies and the value of life. When Richard sees there is more to Teri than meets the eye, he is enchanted by how different she is from other women.

  Can Teri and Richard handle the warmth of a redeemed heart?

  Thoroughbred Men series

  Sweet Heat Rising

  Stolen Hearts

  Redeemed Hearts


  Darling, thank you for loving me…


  November 1st, 2014

  Pleasureville, Kentucky

  “Light her up!” Teri yelled, laughing loudly. She was referring to the veil that they had just adorned on Millicent Clark’s perfectly coiffed head. They stood in the parking lot, surrounded by several ladies at Tito’s Mexican Restaurant. Her friend was dressed way too conservatively for the bachelorette party that Danielle had thrown Millicent … and Teri was more than excited to help with the planning.

  They had spent a rambunctious afternoon at the state line, shopping at the first (and sleaziest) sex shop they had come across driving down the highway on the way to Cincinnati. Teri had made sure she paid in cash and was not in her polo from work. There was no way this visit was being traced back to her company! Danielle may have no problem parking her Saab in the gravel parking lot, but Teri refused to take her truck. It was wrapped heavily in slogans and boldly stated “Jones Safety Home Inspections”. No, thank you! Danielle could drive for the day.

  Seeing the veil turned on, and the flashing penis glow around Millicent’s laughing face, was worth the catcalls they got from the truckers that were in the seedy parking lot off the highway earlier in the day. Teri pulled out several other items from the bag to drape onto Millie, however, the bride had now completely lost her sense of humor at the set of glasses and phallic nose that Teri dangled boldly from her finger.

  “I will never, ever, ever wear that in a million years, Teresa Jones! You might as well get a refund,” Millie said determinedly. “It is a distinct ‘NO’ on wearing those glasses, especially with that THING waving on the end of it,” she said pointing and cracking a smile.

  Millie could be a good sport about a few things but Teri figured that she was maxed out for the night’s events with the flashing penis veil on her head. She sincerely hoped this was the most they had planned for Millie and glad she had laid a few ground rules with the girls earlier. She had no idea that she would ever have to eliminate flashing penile gifts and décor from the party planning list. Her friends never ceased to surprise her!

  • • •

  Danielle was inside, setting up the table for the girls, while Teri was outside with Millicent, who was now adorned with a pink sash that boldly proclaimed her status for the night. Danielle had spread a large pink tablecloth across several tables, tossed glitter on the cloth and put a “pecker straw” in each goblet. Teri had said no on the straws, however, Danielle just did not agree. It was a bachelorette party! You had to have penis paraphernalia in abundance, did you not? Danielle believed it was a “requirement”, along with trashy gifts and games that mortified the attendees.

  Danielle had made sure the cake from BatterUp!, Sarah’s bakery, was delivered earlier that afternoon. Sarah had said she would personally deliver the cake and help set up because there was no way she was missing the party once she saw the bags of plastic genitalia everywhere in the back seat of the Saab. Teri was not sure she had ever heard Sarah cackle like that before and they had been “besties” since high school.

  Sarah claimed to have made the cake Danielle had requested, but changed her mind at the last minute. She also had limits to what she wanted associated with her business, just like Teri. Sarah refused to have a cake in the shape of a man’s penis in a box labeled with BatterUp!.

  She made a flat, sheet cake for Millicent and had a picture of Chris Evans from the Captain America movie printed on a sheet of edible frosting. She had to admit that the Captain’s pectorals looked amazing on screen and in the fondant icing. She would not mind having a piece of that… and that was the idea for all the ladies tonight! Sarah had carefully closed the box and taped it shut so she did not have to listen to Danielle complain about how she did not make the cake that Danielle had wanted.

  Danielle had also ensured that Jacob and his band of cronies would not be coming by the restaurant while the ladies were having fun. If they were not having a stripper (a ground rule set by Millie) they were darn sure getting foxed and planned on it being an obnoxious evening for their friend. Jacob had said one of the groomsmen would pick the girls up late tonight and drive them home, so they would not have to worry about driving drunk. Sweet, thoughtful and a police officer. No breaking the rules with that man.

  Sarah had also pitched in to make sure the girls were undisturbed. They wanted no pictures from the restaurant leaked out on to the internet or Facebook. In order to do this, she offered to make the groom’s cake at no charge for Jacob. She even threw in cupcakes for the Bachelor party that was being held elsewhere. Especially since he had been her rescuer some months ago and practically guaranteed her very own happy ending with the love of her life, Matt Geary. She took every chance she got to thank him for her happiness, even if it embarrassed him. She loved being married to Matt and it would not have been possible if it hadn’t been for Jacob, or so she felt.

  Millie and Teri walked arm in arm into the restaurant to enjoy the evening’s celebration. They were greeted by a few more ladies gathered around the table that was decorated tackily. Large, frosted goblets were placed in front of each lady and Mama Maria herself poured each woman a pink margarita, filling the glasses to the brim. “My very own concoction ladies! To Millicent and Jacob, may they always be happy together!” she said toasting and turning up her own glass as she patted Millie on the back.

  Millie beamed as there was a rousing, high-pitched cheer from the group. “To Millie and Jacob!” Every woman exclaimed over how sweet and delicious the strawberry margaritas Mama had made. The sweet of the drink and the saltiness of the chips were fantastic opposites and made Teri’s cheeks twinge from the tartness of both. The women drank and laughed for quite some time.

  Teri felt quite tipsy after a few drinks and was glad that they had someone shuttling them all home this evening. She was also relieved she had scheduled herself a few days off in a row because she would have a helluva hangover and be worthless for climbing on roofs or checking out electrical on an inspection.

  After a dinner of fajitas and more margaritas, they cut the cake. Danielle had groaned, frustrated there was not a massive frosted penis in the box, however, she was more than pleased to see what was inside. There was almost a drunken brawl over which lady got what slice.

  Teri thought it was humorous to see Millie claim her stake by drunkenly licking a fork and stabbing it in the middle of the cake slice Danielle grabbed quickly. “I will still eat it! Don’t think I won’t!” she slurred. Millie almost knocked it out of Danielle’s hands with an aggressive move, but Danielle’s reflexes were quick. “I am not letting his frosted pants out of my hands!” she crowed loudly, to wh
ich the group laughed hysterically.

  The girls started handing Millie bags and boxes for her to open, under the condition that she had to hold each item up for them all to see. There was no hiding amongst friends. Danielle tried to coax Millie to put on the glasses with the prosthetic, again Millie declined heartily. She stood and opened several small bags with skimpy items inside, stretching each across her bosom as needed.

  Laughter peeled across the room as Millie opened the package from Teri. Inside were an officer’s hat, cuffs, and the skimpiest lace negligee that she could find online. Millie slapped the hat on her head, over the twinkling veil, and clamped a handcuff on her wrist, the other cuff dangling freely. She was delighted with the gift that distinctly had Jacob in mind when purchased.

  Richard Danvers stood back and watched the ensemble with amusement. They were a sight to see, all drunkenly leaning on each other. The volume of their talking got louder and louder as they tried to outdo one another with their stories. The laughter brought on tears, more drinking and they struggled to stay up in the chairs.

  He had never seen Jacob’s girlfriend other than very calm and stoic. To see her laughing and smiling made him certainly understand the appeal she had to him. When he saw her smooth the lace negligee over her bodice, it confirmed Jacob’s good taste in women. She was quite the buxom lady and they both definitely liked a healthy female shape. Too bad she was taken, he thought with a wry smile. He liked the looks, but preferred a bit more vivaciousness and spunk – and not just when drunk, he thought.

  He had volunteered to be the designated driver tonight. Especially since they were grilling and playing cards at Jacob’s house. He would rather have celebrated at a club or bar, but that was shot down by a few of the married guys in the group. He had stepped out to monitor the girls and make sure no one got it in her mind to take the party elsewhere. Poker wasn’t his thing and he had heard another guy say that a stripper was on the way. It was time for him to leave at that point.

  The last party he was at, the stripper turned out to be an ex-girlfriend who recognized him and proceeded to disturb, rather than entertain, the party. He was “gun-shy” when it came to running in to ex-girlfriends. He wasn’t the relationship type, he was more of a “love them and leave them” guy and, in most cases, that worked pretty well for him. No teary goodbyes, no “meet my mom” setups, and no commitments. He enjoyed a challenge, not an attempt to manipulate or pin down a husband. He liked his freedom.

  Richard sat back opposite of the restaurant and listened to the laughter and bawdy conversation between the women. He studied each one as he watched them interact with each other. His eyes were drawn to the pixie brunette seated next to Danielle.

  She had the brightest blue eyes. He could see from across the room, dark brown hair and a gorgeous, upturned grin that was infectious. Her smile made him want to smile and he liked that. He would definitely get to know her name and see what she was all about on the return drive to the women’s homes. For now, he chose to study his prey.

  For Richard, the night’s entertainment from the women continued with a game of “I have never, ever” and it started with Millicent. He had enjoyed watching them laugh and share stories, but now things were really going to get interesting. He was heartily glad he had left the guys to see this.

  He watched as Millicent stood up, cleared her throat and blushed heartily. “I have never, ever had a one-night stand,” she said and plopped down into her chair, as if she was impressed to have shared her deepest, darkest secret. She even had put her face into her hands like she was ashamed.

  Richard almost laughed aloud. She had never had a one-night stand? Big whoop. That was the best she could come up with? Maybe Jacob’s woman was a bit prudish?

  He knew Jacob from the adult softball team through the community center. A lot of the other firefighters had joined and, surprisingly, so had a lot of officers. It almost became a joke in the town; that you couldn’t have an emergency on Saturday afternoon because no one was available to help. They all were playing softball. It was not true, just seemed that way.

  Danielle stood for her turn at this point and looked around the table. She looked deep in thought for a few moments, as if she debated on which personal item to share. She decided to keep it clean since they all had an audience and some in the audience were parents.

  Last thing she wanted to do was present to the world the image of her being a floozy. She’d fought that image for years until people finally forgot her history. “This is gonna be tough,” she said with a grin. “I have done a lot, but I have never, ever been proposed to. Millie has got me beat on that one!” she exclaimed and sat down as another drunken woman stood quickly.

  They eventually circled the table, each telling stories. Some were very risqué and Richard watched the women carefully, surprised at who was blushing and who was not. A few “never, ever” stories were giving him mental pictures and he shuddered as the older woman at the table laughed and told racy jokes about what she had said.

  He watched the woman with the pixie haircut as she took her turn eventually. She stood, hesitated and cleared her throat. She was very calm, hiding her alcohol well as she stood somewhat still. “I have spent several years creating my business, as you well know, from the ground up just like Millie, Danielle and Sarah. I have weird hours. I work as much or as little as I want and really don’t have any extraordinary tales to share like a few of you do, but I do have something personal…”

  Richard watched her carefully. He was intrigued with the way her bangs swept down on her forehead and the way she held her head at an angle. He watched as a delicate rose color crept up her throat and thought, “Oh, this should be good.” He felt an instant attraction and could picture her in a sleek, sexy gown begging to be touched. She had a lovely, husky voice that sounded like it was only for him.

  Teri felt like the room had gotten quiet and could feel her cheeks getting hot in embarrassment. She didn’t have any real stories to share with the girls. She had dated in the past but hadn’t been impressed with the selection of boys she had grown up with. She had kissed a few guys before, but not worth repeating the experience. She hadn’t been caught doing anything bad, etc., and she hadn’t been in any compromising positions. The only regret she had, the only thing she could think of to share at this very moment, was a very precious, but simple “never, ever” event to tell her closest friends.

  “I have never, ever slept with anyone. It is not much, but it is my ‘never, ever’ story,” she explained quickly as she felt stupid and rushed to sit down quickly. Her cheeks felt so hot from embarrassment. As she sat down, she was certain the whole restaurant must have been paying attention. Teri felt like she was on a stage, lights dimmed and the spotlight on her. She had just stripped bare in front of everyone by the silence that held the room.

  She had certainly caught one man’s attention and he was just staring at her like she was the only woman present. Teri thought that he was gorgeous and oozed sexuality. How had she not seen him before? He was seated back across the restaurant and had been watching her closely as she stood. She had made contact with his eyes that watched her carefully. She tried to ignore him, tried not to look at him, but could not help but meet his magnetic gaze.

  She thought he had the deepest tanned skin that was rippled with muscle under his t-shirt. His dark hair was extremely short on the sides of his head and a thick bunch of curls on the top of his head that just begged to be touched. His eyes looked like melted chocolate from across the room and his smile revealed a dimple in one cheek that made her feel weak. She could not help but look at him and was surprised by the attraction she felt suddenly.

  Richard was floored and tried not to let his face register the surprise he felt, now that he had caught her looking at him. That was it? That was her tale to share? He thought for sure she was joking around. Maybe he did not catch her sense of humor?

  The other women were sharing racy tales or telling lewd stories. Heck, he was
surprised Danielle’s story was as tame as it was! She seemed like quite the adventurous girl! But his little pixie? She was a virgin?

  He wondered if there was more she had never experienced and if she was willing to try him on for size! Maybe there was a lot more to her than he realized. She had definitely piqued his interest.


  Teri kept stealing glances back towards the man in the corner, watching and smiling at her throughout the night. She wasn’t sure if she should be freaked out or if she should look at it as an open invitation to maybe talk and get to know each other.

  She was very curious, though, since he seemed to be sitting an awfully long time at the restaurant and watching their activities. She brushed a big lock of hair out of her face, annoyed, and waved a limber arm towards Mama at the bar. She watched Mama walk over to the table with another pitcher of the “pink stuff”, as they had named their margaritas earlier.

  Mama Maria walked over to the table of drunken ladies, amused. “What do you need, mija? Would you like some more margaritas?” she asked, wondering if she should cut off the alcohol even though they had a ride waiting patiently for them to finish their evening. Mama felt confident that one of them would be asleep or pass out soon, and hoped it was not the bride, Millicent. She was not sure how well Jacob would take the news that Millie passed out under her watch.

  Teri blinked her eyelids slowly and felt woozy. “Nope, no more of that pink stuff for me, Mama,” she slurred heavily and pulled on Mama’s arm to get her to lean down. She was happy to see a smiling Mama accommodate her and lean over her. Teri pulled her close and whispered, “Who is that man over there? The hot guy that keeps looking at us?” and pointed haphazardly across the room.


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