Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3)

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Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3) Page 6

by Sterling, Ginny

  “Hold it!” they heard the photographer yell, interrupting the moment and snapping several times. “That’s good. Keep looking at her like that,” he coaxed from beside the couple.

  Richard smiled even wider. “Nothing could keep me from it,” he said directly to her as he gazed into her eyes. He had never seen her look more beautiful than in this very moment. Her soul shone in her eyes and what he saw was stunning.

  Teri could feel her heart pounding at his words. She felt like they were alone when he looked at her like that. She could hear clicking around her and hear other people talking, but none of it made sense. She could see only him. She ran her eyes over his visage, memorizing each feature tenderly. She watched as Richard leaned down to kiss her and he was interrupted again by the photographer.

  “None of that you two! You will smear her makeup. Wait for a bit and let me get one more shot of you both,” he said and then moved on to the other pairs before the music started. Richard stepped back from Teri as they got into formation for the entrance to the church. He could not take his eyes off of her. She appeared to be so graceful but he knew the truth. She was scared she would trip in front of everyone.

  Teri had a grip on his arm and every time she felt slightly wobbly, she would clench down to steady herself. Richard patted her hand encouragingly and did his best to hold her when she needed.

  Richard guided her to the door of the church and gazed down at her. Teri looked at him with wonder in her eyes. Richard tenderly smiled at her. “Come on, Sunshine. It’s our turn.” He leaned forward to kiss her cheek gently before stepping over the threshold of the door. He held her hand with his, brushing his thumb across her knuckles and guided her down the aisle.

  They were supposed to part at the altar to make way for Millie to move into position. Jacob already stood there by the pastor, a proud expression on his face, awaiting his bride. Richard lingered for a moment with Teri and then walked her to her spot. Jacob’s expression fell. He stopped Richard and gestured that he was supposed to be on the other side.

  Richard let go of Teri’s hand at her smile. She knew why he was breaking the rules. He knew she still felt unstable in the heels. “Thank you,” she mouthed to him as he stepped back from the altar and moved to the side with the groomsmen.

  Jacob was not going to let anything ruin Millie’s well-laid plans, including his friend’s obvious attachment to a bridesmaid. He was fully prepared to escort Richard over to the other groomsmen himself prior to Millie walking in the church, rather than let her see someone stray from his post.

  The entire church stood as Millie entered the sanctuary. There was an officer at the end of each pew, all in dress uniform. It was truly a stunning sight to behold. The crisp, black uniforms and silver badges sparkled in the light. As she stepped forward to come down the aisle, the music began to play.

  Several women began to tear up, Teri included. She was so happy for her friend and the emotions were overwhelming. She did everything in her power to keep from crying, afraid someone would misunderstand again. She did not feel sad. She felt overwhelming joy as she watched the couple speak their vows to each other. When the bride and groom kissed, several shouts and catcalls rose from the crowd as Jacob dipped her gently.

  Teri could not restrain herself. She clapped and laughed in delight at the enthusiasm that Jacob kissed Millie with. She met Richard’s eyes and watched his reaction. He had a hungry look on his face that was barely restrained. He cracked a smile but that did nothing to stifle the desire in his eyes that was directed towards Teri.

  Richard struggled for a moment, wanting nothing more than to cross the room and sweep Teri into his arms. He waited for his turn, for the bride and groom to head out of the church first. Then he crossed the altar, bowed at Teri in front of everyone and escorted her down the steps and out of the church. Richard wrapped his arm possessively around her waist, breaking another rule of Millie’s. He hoped Teri didn’t mind, but he had to touch her.

  Teri and Richard exited the church and joined the others for more photographs as the rest of the guests exited to the reception area. She could hear loud music playing and wanted to dance. Teri enjoyed the way she felt cherished with his arm around her waist. They took several photos and left the bride and groom to finish up. Richard and Teri entered the large reception hall and went to their seats at the table set aside for the wedding party.

  Richard guided Teri to her seat and cursed the fact that they had to sit separately. She sat among the bridesmaids and his seat was farther down the table with the groomsmen. He would be patient and wait his turn, as he hoped to spend several hours with her talking and dancing. He hoped she liked to dance because he certainly wanted to hold her in his arms for several slow songs.

  Teri kicked off her shoes under the decorated table and relaxed. She was so happy everything was going off without any glitches. Millie and Jacob seemed so very happy together. She watched as Jacob whirled her onto the makeshift dance floor and introduced her as Mrs. Millicent Hunter. The lights lowered as Jacob pulled Millie into his arms for the first dance.

  Teri let out a huge sigh of longing. She loved Etta James and “At Last” seemed so appropriate for the moment. She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up to find Richard standing over her.

  Richard was not going to pass up any opportunity to be with Teri. He saw other couples move to the floor now that the bride and groom were dancing. He moved behind Teri and asked formally, “May I have this dance?” while holding out his hand.

  Richard noticed that Teri had removed her shoes. He wanted her to be comfortable and in her element with him. He shook his head at her, grinning when she reached for the heels under the table. “You won’t need those. I will be careful of your feet. I promise,” he vowed.

  He spun her onto the dance floor with a flourish and grinned as Teri laughed. He pulled her tightly to him and held her close. They danced together for quite some time until Jacob tried to cut in. Richard was tempted to say no to his friend and decided against it.

  Jacob held Teri loosely as Millie stepped into Richard’s arms. “Take it easy with my wife, buddy” Jacob said mildly and winked at Millie. Jacob turned back to Teri and asked lightly, “So? You and Richard, eh?” He didn’t see any reason to sugarcoat it and, frankly, after the display of affection between the two of them, he was downright curious.

  For as long as Jacob had known him, Richard had never shown this much interest in one woman for any length of time. Richard had been asking about Teri over the last two weeks, ever since the bachelorette party. Jacob was surprised that the interest had lasted this long for him. Teri was not Richard’s typical woman he pursued. She, in fact, broke every stereotype that had come before her.

  At Teri’s silence and downcast gaze, Jacob was about to ask Teri again if they were an item and changed his mind. Instead, he offered a piece of advice. “You know Teri, when Richard settles on something, he goes after it. It’s not a bad idea to go after things that make you happy and, frankly, I haven’t seen you this happy or laugh so much in some time. Maybe this is good for you.”

  Jacob did not let Teri answer but instead swirled her around the floor. He watched his wife over Teri’s shoulder and then offered to return her to her table or Richard, giving her a choice.

  Teri smiled tentatively at Jacob. “You’ve known him for a long time. Is he a good man despite the rumors?” she asked. Danielle’s words had stuck with her and she was very afraid of opening up to someone again. The idea of losing someone or being hurt again scared her to the point she felt like she was missing out on things in her life.

  Jacob grinned. Teri and Richard? He was glad and couldn’t think of two more different people that deserved to have happiness or settle down. “Richard is a great man with a heart of gold,” he stressed with an exaggerated sigh. “DEEP down inside. I’m serious. He has changed quite a bit over the years and really matured. You would have hated him five years ago. He was such an arrogant shit.” He laughed at Teri’s

  “But seeing people die, watching friends and coworkers get hurt on the job, and maturing, do a lot to change a person. He is a helluva guy. Just take things slow and make sure things are right for you, Teri. We don’t want to see you get hurt,” he insisted. Jacob felt a tap on his shoulder and saw Richard waiting with his beautiful bride. Jacob took Millie in his arms and whirled her away, eliciting a loud laugh from his bride as they danced off together.

  Richard held out his hand to Teri on the dance floor. He watched as the lights shimmered and sparkled against her skin in the dim room. She looked as if she had stars caressing her skin and he wanted to touch every glint of light, tracing each curve. “May I?” he said softly.

  Teri placed her hand in his, feeling the warmth of his hand and the roughness of his callused fingers. “He’s got a heart of gold… we don’t want to see you hurt” echoed in her ears. She didn’t want to be hurt, either. She wanted to live every moment and enjoy them all. She laughed gaily as Richard spun her around and pulled her back against him, his arms wrapped around her as if preparing to spin her again.

  Richard held her for a moment, breathing against her neck. She was entrancing and fit perfectly against his body. Watching the chiffon of her dress float around her was giving him all sorts of explicit thoughts and all involved getting her alone.

  “Let’s go outside. Want some air?” he invited softly in her ear. He wasn’t sure she had heard him due to the loud music. He saw her turn and give him a warm smile. He knew she had. He led her off the dance floor outside onto the veranda.


  The refreshing, cool air hit Teri instantly and she gave a small shiver. Her dress was awfully thin but it was so nice to be out away from the crowds. The darkness was broken up by the multiple mason-jar lights hanging from the trees. It gave such a warm glow to the stone patio and surrounding area.

  Richard took off his jacket and put it over Teri’s shoulders to help keep her warm. The temperature had dropped some and it was giving them privacy. Most of the crowd stayed inside due to the cool night air. “Want to go for a walk?” he asked.

  Teri shook her head. “No, I am still barefoot. I honestly am going to need to go back inside. My legs are going to cramp up from the cold stones,” she said, pulling the jacket a bit closer to her.

  Richard gave her a devilish grin. “Can I change your mind?” he queried mischievously. He had an idea to keep her with him. He watched as her eyes lit up and the corners of her mouth upturned. He saw a dimple appear on her cheek and knew there was no way he was letting her get away from him.

  Teri grinned at him, intrigued. “What exactly do you have in mind?” she asked looking at him. Richard had loosened his collar and the bowtie hung loosely around his neck. His five o’clock shadow in the candlelight gave a sexy edge to his face that made her womanhood clench.

  Richard didn’t explain, he just moved. He grabbed a giggling Teri and swung her onto his shoulder effortlessly. He heard her give a shout and then laughed as she held on to his belt. “Hang on baby! This is called a ‘fireman carry’ and we are getting out of here for a bit,” he explained, and swatted her bottom under the layers of chiffon.

  Teri laughed hysterically when he swung her up on his shoulder and was glad she had his jacket on; her breasts threaten to pop out of her bodice when upside down on his back. She held on tightly and watched the stone pathway turn to grass as it got a bit darker as they stepped away from the church. “Where are we going?” she asked.

  Richard slowed his pace as he neared his SUV. He reached into his pocket, grabbed the keys and unlocked the doors. He did not set her down, however, but opened the door and grabbed a couple of blankets from the back seat and a flask of bourbon he had thought to pack at the last second earlier this morning.

  He hoped that he would have a chance to woo her and get to know her. He didn’t know how the night would go, nor did he know if he might want to slip something in his own drink if he needed it. Weddings typically were not his “thing” and a good stiff drink could help. Usually the ceremony had him feeling cornered but tonight was an exception. He was happier now than he had been in quite some time and it was due to the sweet piece of fluff tossed over his shoulder. “How are you doing up there,” he asked grinning and patted her bottom again.

  Teri kicked her bare feet and yelped in response. “What are we doing? Are we leaving? My shoes and purse are inside,” she reminded him. She felt so carefree and honestly felt like a princess all dressed up and in the process of being swept away by the villain. Was he a villain, though, or was he Prince Charming?

  Richard locked his rig and carried her back towards the chapel. Instead of going inside, he headed for the trees where the lanterns hung suspended. He attempted to shake out a blanket under a tree while holding Teri and sighed.

  “Teri, I need both arms. I’m no good at spreading a blanket one handed. Hang on for a second, okay? I don’t want to have to set you down in the cold grass, baby,” he explained. He felt her grab his body tightly in response and he let go of her, quickly placing the blanket under a tree farthest away from the church in a spot that was illuminated. He then pulled Teri over his head and set her barefoot on the blanket. “There you are, Sunshine. I have another one for you to cover your feet if you get cold,” he said thoughtfully.

  Teri beamed at him. He was so very considerate and this was terribly romantic. The music was playing faintly in the background, the lanterns were overhead and the blanket was placed on the far side of the tree so if someone looked outside they would not be immediately visible, but within earshot. “Are you trying to seduce me or steal me away?” she asked shyly and a bit embarrassed.

  Richard took his seat on the blanket by her feet and hooked a finger under her skirt, lifting it the barest hint. “Both,” he acknowledged lightly with a smirk as she stepped away diligently from his hand. “Is it working? If not, then I thought maybe we could just get to know each other,” he said patting the blanket next to him.

  Teri was not sure what to think. He was brutally honest with her and giving her options so she could decide. He was trying awfully hard, though! Sweeping her off her feet, literally into a candlelit forest, under a moonlit sky, was certainly a nice touch.

  Teri gracefully sat down cross-legged beside him, her skirt pillowing around her with all of the pleats and chiffon. She still wore his tuxedo jacket over her bodice. Thankfully her breasts stayed tucked in the bodice of her gown while she was upside down.

  Teri patted down the ballooned skirt with a laugh. She noticed that he watched her every move with the most seductive smile. “So Richard, what shall we talk about? What did you think of the wedding? I did pretty good today in those cursed heels,” she quipped.

  Richard’s eyes glided over her candlelit face as they sat together on the small blanket. She had the loveliest smile when she looked at him and it made him want to touch her. He had restrained himself all afternoon for the sake of the gathering there at the church, but they were alone now and he did not see a reason to fight his urge much longer. He wanted to touch her and, judging her body language, she wanted the same from him.

  He leaned forward towards her, placing a hand on the blanket beside her gathered dress. Richard watched as her eyes dropped to his mouth, awaiting him unknowingly. “You did great tonight, Sunshine,” he whispered softly catching her lips in a gentle, coaxing kiss.

  He heard her breath hitch at the contact and felt desire stir in him. He wondered if the rest of her succulent body tasted as good as her sweet lips. He broke the kiss gently and looked at her expressive visage. Her lashes rested against her soft cheeks and she had the most mystified expression, those soft lips uplifted on one corner in a silent approval. “Can you hear the music?” he invited, his breath mingling with hers as they remained still. Neither wanting the moment to end.

  Teri could not imagine a more perfect setting for romance, nor could she imagine a more perfect partner. Richard was everything she had stopped l
ooking for long ago. It was intimidating and exhilarating at the same time. He was strong, chivalrous, tender and sensual all rolled into the most decadent form. If he was a slice of cheesecake she would be licking the fork until the silver came off!

  There was something about him that spoke right to the center of her desire. His lips did crazy things to her mind and she could not help her racing thoughts as she pictured them elsewhere. It was insane how fast she was falling into his web, like he was a spider.

  Teri opened her eyes, expecting to find something to make her run away. Isn’t that what she should do if he was as horrible and such a playboy as she had been warned? Instead, her gaze found the warmest and most inviting expression on his face- complete with a tender smile. She found herself watching him, returned it. “Yes, I can hear it,” she replied absently.

  Richard stood, holding out his hand towards her. “Dance with me, away from it all. Just you and me, no heels and no interruptions,” he requested. He watched as she placed her hand in his and stood beside him.

  It wasn’t enough for her to just stand. He wanted to feel her beside him, against him. He pulled her gently against him, marveling at the pull she held him in. She was enchanting and he could not put his finger on what was so very mysterious about her that drew him so very strongly. She was magical.

  Teri gazed up at him as she felt his arm slip around her waist under the coat she wore. She felt him pull her against him, his body warmth felt so inviting. She could not think of a more romantic setting than the two of them under the canopy, in the candle light, dancing alone in the darkness together on the blanket.

  Richard held her gently and began to move slowly to the music. He felt her wind her arms around his neck as she looked at him silently. “You are breathtaking tonight,” he marveled, lowering his head to hers and capturing her lips again in a kiss. It still amazed him how perfectly their bodies seemed to fit against each other as they danced. It was like she was made only for him.


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