Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3)

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Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3) Page 9

by Sterling, Ginny

  Each man had a call sign they were dubbed when they came on at the station. His happened to be Romeo simply because his first shift he was dropped off by some woman, whose name he had forgotten over time. Tony’s call sign was due to his Italian heritage, his large moustache, and his love of dogs. He was dubbed “Tony” after the chef at the restaurant in “Lady and the Tramp”. Stinky was because he stunk up the bathroom each time he was on shift, etc. Each man “earned” his name and the crew became closer for it.

  Richard swatted at them playfully and looked at Teri. She looked amazing in a blue sweater, jeans and her new sparkly shoes. “Those are perfect,” he said with a smile. He pulled her forward and kissed her in front of the guys, claiming possession. “I’m serious, boys, stay away from my woman,” he tossed over his shoulder and kissed her again to their delight. They hollered and teased him mercilessly and it was all worth it to Richard.

  Teri was pleased at how possessive Richard was towards her and how enthusiastic the men at the station seemed to be when she walked in with the Crock-Pot accompanied by a large package of rolls. There was no way she would have eaten the entire roast she cooked. She had intended to break it up into containers and freeze part of it, but seeing how excited they were made her feel wonderful. She hoped it was as good as it smelled. Teri watched as Richard leaned down and kissed her again with enthusiasm.

  Richard was so happy to see her and the idea she brought dinner made him feel extremely special. He would be sure to tease the boys that their wives and girlfriends did not bring them dinner here. Of course they did, but it sure didn’t smell like whatever was in the Crock-Pot nor was it packaged as pretty as Teri was. “Join us for dinner, Sunshine?” he invited and whispered in her ear, “Unless you are dessert and then I’m not sharing at all! I prefer my dessert first if I can,” he teased and kissed her neck.

  Teri blushed fiercely and followed the men to the dining area. Thankfully, they did not say anything about how red her cheeks must be as she thought of being dessert for Richard. She heard several groans of delight as the men dished up the roast and started eating. One man, whose name she found out later was Lumpy because of his muscles, told her she was welcome to bring anything to the firehouse- including other single girls who could cook. Teri laughed good-naturedly and said she would make sure to tell her friends.

  Teri had a small serving, leaving plenty for the guys that surrounded her at the table. They decimated the roast, potatoes, carrots and rolls till the Crock-Pot was clean. Literally. Stinky was sweeping a roll around the bottom of the Crock-Pot capturing all the juices when the bell rang. Teri jumped at the loud ringing and gave a shout of surprise.

  The seven men around the table flew into action. They raced from the room and moved to their positions. Teri scooted back against the wall to move out of the way of the quick moving barrage of testosterone that was tearing through the chamber. Once emptied, she dodged around the table to see them in action and stood back aways in an effort not to get stepped on. She watched as they all threw themselves into their gear that stood perched atop of their boots by the massive fire engine.

  The lights flipped on and the uniformed men climbed aboard. Richard looked back over at Teri wistfully. He hated to leave her so suddenly like this but it could not be helped. It was his duty. Richard waited last to get on the truck, yelling over his shoulder as he carried his helmet. He turned to her. “Thank you for dinner, Sunshine. Text me or call me tomorrow,” he said trying to keep the need out of his voice. He then heard the others ribbing him from inside of the truck.

  “Call me, baby cakes!”

  “Love you, snookie-wookie!”

  “Dinner was nummy nummy, my pookie bear!”


  “Gotta go!” he said as he climbed on board. “Shut up guys and thank the lady!” he barked as the door slammed behind him.

  Teri heard a chorus of “thank yous” spill from the truck as they began to pull out of the station and the wail of the siren began. She waved. Teri whispered “be safe” to no one as she was left alone in the silence.

  It all happened so very fast. It was almost brutal how silent the station was once it was cleared out. Teri walked back to the dining area and cleaned up, starting their dishwasher and left out a note telling them all that it was “very nice to meet their team” and she would be bringing more goodies later on. She wiped down the table and shut off the light. Teri got in her truck out front and texted Richard, knowing it might be some time before she heard from him.

  Let me know when you are safe

  Teri began the short drive home, looking around for smoke or any signs of the truck. Not seeing them, she pulled up to her house. Teri fixed herself a drink, put on the pink slip and turned the ringer on a high setting on her phone awaiting a text from Richard.

  Teri woke to a chime with a start. She had fallen asleep on the couch waiting. Teri groggily grabbed her phone noting the time. It was barely past midnight. She had gotten home from the station about eight. She opened her text message with a sigh of relief.

  I’m back safe. Thank you again for dinner, you are an amazing woman. I am going to try to get some sleep before the next alarm rings. I will dream of you in that pink slip

  Teri smiled and mischievously took a “selfie” in the pink slip and sent it to him. It was a very modest photo and you could tell she had the slip on. That was about as good as she was willing to send right now, considering she had never, ever sent a photo of herself in her undergarments before in her life.

  Richard grinned at the photo Teri sent of herself. He could see she was lying down on the couch in her living room and could see a pink strap. That was it. Was she suddenly shy? He texted her as he lay in his bunk. He knew he should be sleeping but the thought of Teri sending him a photo was too exciting.

  Take another pic, please?

  Teri knew what he was wanting, a dirty photo of herself. She just could not do it though… could she? Teri snapped several shots of herself and groaned, each was worse than the prior photos. Finally, she snapped one of her legs. They looked like they went on for days with the angle she used on her phone and at the very top of her thighs was the pink of the slip. That was about as dirty as he was going to get! Teri sent the photo.

  Richard looked at the picture she sent and muffled a groan. She had the most amazing legs and the glimpse of pink was exactly where he wished he was right now.

  Baby, that is the hottest thing I have seen in a while. I was lucky enough to touch that soft skin. I will dream good tonight thinking that is where I should be. Goodnight sweetheart.

  He knew it was mushy but thinking about how those legs felt, how her body felt and how sweet she was to come see him at the station, he felt mushy, dammit. She had definitely worked her way into his life and under his skin. He would do anything to make that petite woman smile at him.

  Teri smiled softly at the text. She wished she could see his face right now, to see if he was smiling at her. She adored the way one side of his smile would lift when he looked at her, like he had a sexy secret. Sweet dreams she replied and went to bed.


  Teri was pretty impressed at the attention that Richard had been paying her over the last week. She was flattered that he texted her several times throughout the day just to say “hello” and would make an effort to go out of his way to show her she was special. She had come home several times over the last several days, finding a small trinket or gift box on her porch.

  One afternoon, he had left a small ornament that looked like a hammer and another time, a box full of “kisses” – the Hershey kind. Each day the item was accompanied with a small note from him. Sometimes it was silly, like with the kisses, the note read “here’s a ton of kisses…can I have one?” and other times it was tender.

  Teri was excited to pull up to her house this afternoon, curious to see what Richard had left on the front steps. She had really enjoyed coming home each afternoon antici
pating the texts or phone call from him. She had spent the last few nights putting together the small jars to give out at the nursing home and would be running the hot cocoa bar this evening.

  She was exhausted but it was definitely energizing to know that even though they had lost loved ones, they could be happy and celebrate all together. That is what had originally drawn her to spending some time there- the sense of comradery.

  She loved listening to the tales from the older men and women as the reminisced about their loved ones and how things were in their day. Teri would go listen, talk, mingle and then visit Daniel’s grave.

  This year would be no different, except this year she did not plan on crying all night to herself. She would share how happy her last few weeks had been and how she had not been so lonely. Teri had needed a friend and companion, and even if things did not work out, Richard had been a wonderful distraction in her life. She had smiled more the last week or two than she had in the last several years.

  Today, she pulled up to see Richard’s SUV parked out front and a grinning Richard dressed in a red sweater and black jeans. He held a small bag in his hand and looked supremely proud of himself. Teri eyed him as she put her truck into park and moved towards the front door of her house. “What exactly are you up to?” she laughed. “You have the most mischievous smile on your face,” she said as she approached him.

  Teri watched as he held out the bag towards her. She took it, eying him warily as she watched his smile get bigger and bigger. “What?” she grinned and accepted the bag, peeking inside.

  Richard watched Teri open the bag and was thrilled with his find today and all the one-liners he had cooked up on the way over to her house. He planned on keeping her laughing all evening. Jacob had texted Richard to inform him that today was Teri’s “ritual” and she would spend her night upset after seeing Daniel’s grave.

  According to Millie, Teri would spend the afternoon at the nursing home and then go “talk” to Daniel and hole up for the holidays. This had repeated itself several times over the last few years. He intended to keep her laughing and make her smile. If she needed alone time, he wanted to be the friend she turned to. She had wound her way into his life over the last few weeks and he wanted the feeling to be mutual.

  “I thought I would accompany you tonight over to the nursing home. They are expecting Santa and his elf. Wanna ride my sleigh tonight or do I need to go elf myself?” he said with a small chuckle, testing out his puns on her.

  Teri opened the bag and matched his laugh. Inside, amongst the tissue paper, were a pair of red and white striped tights and a green sweater complete with an elf cap. “Ho ho ho care to see my North pole? Or is that a bad Santa pun?” she heard him tease her again as she cracked up laughing at the costume and his silliness.

  “Where on earth did you find these?” Teri laughed, wiping tears from her eyes. She thought the tears might be from laughter, but sadly it could be relief, too. She loved and hated today. Today would have been Daniel’s birthday and the day before Christmas Eve.

  Richard smiled tenderly and cupped Teri’s face with his hands. He could see the turmoil in her expression: relief, sadness, happiness, fear, and a tenderness hidden in her eyes. He hoped that was for him.

  “Glad tidings I bring… to you and your friends. If you like, I can slip down your chimney tonight, too, if you are a good girl,” he teased softly, kissing her gently on the tip of her nose. “C’mon Teri, let’s get you changed. Let’s have some fun tonight and make someone’s holiday special. The cocoa bar is not going to fix itself up, millions of old people are waiting for us,” he said with an exaggerated sigh.

  Teri didn’t know if she should laugh or break down crying. “It’s not millions, it’s more like twenty to thirty people,” she said distracted. Her heart was racing. How could he be this good to her?

  Richard was here, ready with a “costume” for her and cracking all sorts of lewd jokes to make her happy on what had been one of her most trying days for the past several years. Who else would do that for her? Even her best friends had not thought to do that-sure they would check on her and drag her out for a drink or bring over ice-cream and Kleenex, but none had tried to make her happy. They commiserated with her, and she might have needed that at one time – but tonight she definitely enjoyed the shared laughter.

  Teri shook her head again with a grin as he donned his red Santa hat and swatted her on the bottom. She headed into the house and heard him tease her about being on the naughty list still.

  Richard watched Teri head into the house, trying to keep a cheerful tone in his voice. He knew she was tender emotionally right now and could see it. He had been afraid she would break down sobbing and that would crush him. He knew she had been head over heels in love with a young man, but she had given up on having her own life at the same time. He also knew it was scary to change and open yourself up to others. He knew it because he was in the same predicament: he wanted to be the man Teri needed and wanted.

  “Get a move on elf or you will have to sit on Santa’s lap and jingle his bells!” he crowed. “Thank you! Thank you! I will be here all night,” he said loudly to ensure Teri could hear him from the back of the house. Sure enough, he heard her giggling from far away at his raunchy comments.

  Richard watched Teri enter the room in the green sweater and jeans. Her striped feet peeked out the bottom. He watched as she slapped the elf hat on with a wink. “Atta girl! Moving up to the nice list now,” he praised as they headed out the door.

  Richard and Teri arrived at the nursing home amidst a rush of people. Thankfully, the attendants had already set up several tables with large percolators to hold the hot water. Cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, marshmallows, chocolate chips and whipped cream were just a few of the items Teri unpacked as they readied the cups and the candy cane swizzle sticks.

  She watched as Richard got into the spirit of the night with a blustery “Ho! Ho! Ho!” as he walked in the door. He shook several men’s hands and flattered several of the ladies waiting on the bar to be set up. Teri smiled happily at him as he fixed several cups and served the occupants that could not easily access the tables with their wheelchairs.

  Richard mingled with several people in the foyer and finally made his way back to the table to help Teri so she could mingle and chat with the tenants of the retirement center. He slid in behind her at the table, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. Richard felt her melt against him and several people clapped at the expression of affection. He couldn’t help it, though. She had such a big heart and was so wonderful to everyone. He knew why Tony and Jacob had been so protective!

  Richard whispered against Teri’s ear, “If I were a snowman, I’d melt. You are hot stuff, darling,” and kissed her cheek softly. “Go talk, baby. I will keep the table going,” and got progressively louder with a flourish, “You go mingle around, Elf. Santa has got this handled!”

  Teri laughed heartily and moved away from the table to watch him. He was outrageous claiming to “make sure it was Santa’s secret blend” and “be sure to tell the elf she did a good job so she comes back”. He went as far as to claim the water in the coffee pots was “melted snow from the North Pole” and it was “magical” and “made people happy and fall in love”.

  Teri’s eyes met Richard’s at that proclamation, especially when one of the ladies asked her if “Santa had been drinking the magic cocoa since it was obvious he was in love with her” and “she needed to have a cup or two”. Teri stared at Richard for some time, listening distractedly to the people around her talk. No, she didn’t need any “magical cocoa” to make her fall in love. She was certain she was there already.

  Teri and Richard began the cleanup and said their goodbyes for the night. Both promised they would be there again next year with “bells on” for the holiday. Richard followed Teri out of the front door with a loud exclamation “…and to all a goodnight! Ho! Ho! Ho!”

  Teri laughed loudly and swatted him gently on the stomach. “You’re
pretty good at this, just missing a bowl full of jelly on there, Saint Nick!” she said mischievously. She felt pretty upbeat and was glad she wasn’t alone. “I have one more place I need to stop; do you mind terribly?” she asked quietly.

  Richard knew they were headed to the cemetery and determined to keep her upbeat. Still in character, he pulled her close “Ho ho ho… you lead the way, Elf. This sleigh will follow you anywhere.” He held her for a moment, kissed her gently and opened the SUV’s door.


  They drove silently to the graveyard. Richard held her hand the entire ride over in support. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking or feeling, but wanted to be supportive. “Want me to wait in my rig for you so you can talk to him alone?” he asked as they pulled up to the dimly lit pathway.

  He didn’t like the idea of her being alone there and could not believe she had no qualms about being here in the dark, but he also wanted to give her privacy…and truth be told, it made him distinctly uncomfortable to see her longing for someone else.

  Teri smiled and shook her head. “No, I don’t want to be alone. Do you mind coming with me?” she asked faintly. She felt content, happy, nervous and scared all at the same time. Relief swept through her when she saw his acknowledgement and he opened the door for her. She held his hand tightly as she walked back through the lines of stones towards Daniel’s marker.

  They both stopped, not knowing what to say or do. Richard felt out of place, like he was invading their privacy-but at the same time felt silly for thinking so. Daniel was gone and he was there for Teri. He wanted to be there for her if she needed him.


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